Can those on the left explain Bidens economic theory.

Sorry, but you traitors don't get to demand anything, or expect us to justify anything from Biden after trying for 4 years to break America and turn it into a dictatorship.

Trump had no economic policy, other than what would make him richer, and what Mitch/Ryan told him his donors wanted. His economic policy ran contrary to decades of Republican dogma, on trade and tariffs. And not one of you motherfuckers said Boo! about it, while still pretending to be conservatives.

So if you have any issues with Uncle Joe's economic policies, go fuck yourself.
Biden is ruining the economy for future generations and all Synthaholic cares about is playing Gotcha with the past
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Trump's not even in office, Dolt. I thought you had all the answers! Any other time you claim you do! Tell us again what a dictator he wanted to be! :auiqs.jpg:

Dumbass doesn't even read the thread to maybe learn something. Stays ignorant instead.

The fiscal year of the feds is still under Trump's name because policies do not shut off the first day of a new president.
I'm no economist, but I would like to know how massive deficit spending will curtail inflation.

I’m not a leftist, but I can explain it. His economic theory is give to rich and take from everyone else. Just like nearly all our recent presidents.
Suck it, bitches!

I'm no economist, but I would like to know how massive deficit spending will curtail inflation.

Generally the Article doesn't address that the spending is Capital Expenditure (CapEx) rather than Trump's Operational Expenditure (OpEx)...

Biden is like going to the bank to borrow money to buy a house (i.e. invest in items that pertain to future growth) , Trump gave Tax Cuts, which they said at the time would pay for themselves but admitted later was not going to close to that... Trump was borrowing money for day to day living...

The US economy needs an injection coming out of COVID and CapEx spending not only provides that it also invests in US future...
No I wasn't. I've called out Trump many times on this site for his spending and as far as the Republican party goes they are nothing more than the lite version of the Democrats.
Not all spending is bad... You have to say is it investment (and the return on that investment) or day to day living (which living beyonds your means)...
As soon as you explain Trump's.
Trump's spending was plain stupid and uncalled for, now can you now tell us Biden's economic theory and how government spending will slow inflation while we are printing trillions of dollars?
Generally the Article doesn't address that the spending is Capital Expenditure (CapEx) rather than Trump's Operational Expenditure (OpEx)...

Biden is like going to the bank to borrow money to buy a house (i.e. invest in items that pertain to future growth) , Trump gave Tax Cuts, which they said at the time would pay for themselves but admitted later was not going to close to that... Trump was borrowing money for day to day living...

The US economy needs an injection coming out of COVID and CapEx spending not only provides that it also invests in US future...
Tax revenue went up after the trump tax cuts

But so did spending

Borrow and spending is killing the American Dream for future American - i.e. our children and their children
You were ok with it when Trump and the GOP did it.

The worst thing Trump did was add to the deficit and debt. Biden is just as stupid as Trump in this regard, spending money we don't have on projects we can't afford and ballooning our debt to record heights.

They keep printing and spending, inflation is going to hurt the poor and working class the hardest but you seem to not mind, might white of you.
Generally the Article doesn't address that the spending is Capital Expenditure (CapEx) rather than Trump's Operational Expenditure (OpEx)...

Biden is like going to the bank to borrow money to buy a house (i.e. invest in items that pertain to future growth) , Trump gave Tax Cuts, which they said at the time would pay for themselves but admitted later was not going to close to that... Trump was borrowing money for day to day living...

The US economy needs an injection coming out of COVID and CapEx spending not only provides that it also invests in US future...
And we will never pay it back and there is no intention of paying it back, all it will do is further the debt crisis and when the world moves off the dollar and moves to Yuan, then the US will feel the pain of high debt, our credit rating will drop, interest rates will rise and the poor and working class will get hit the hardest.

Can't see an up side.

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