Can Trump con enough people to be elected.

Him changing his opinions on people and things over the last few days , things that he has stomped into the mud for his whole life and especially at the beginning of this election. Can he now sweet talk his way into the white house. Could people be that numb headed for that to happen.
He wants the black vote now ,and the Latino vote and he wants women to vote for him. Can this country be that stupid.
Trump’s supporters are that stupid but fortunately not the majority of voters.
That makes Hillary voters even more stupid. I doubt you'll understand that.
We know that you have a long list of lies that your party puts on every Democrat, How about proof on well maybe half your bullshit. Remember the word is proof. What do you have hot shot.
I'm a registered independent.
Him changing his opinions on people and things over the last few days , things that he has stomped into the mud for his whole life and especially at the beginning of this election. Can he now sweet talk his way into the white house. Could people be that numb headed for that to happen.
He wants the black vote now ,and the Latino vote and he wants women to vote for him. Can this country be that stupid.
When didn't he want everyone to vote for him? Hillary was very loud and shrill and she's a lifelong politician. They finally got her to tone it down but you think Trump has the problem?

Yes, you really are that stupid.
Him changing his opinions on people and things over the last few days , things that he has stomped into the mud for his whole life and especially at the beginning of this election. Can he now sweet talk his way into the white house. Could people be that numb headed for that to happen.
He wants the black vote now ,and the Latino vote and he wants women to vote for him. Can this country be that stupid.
Trump’s supporters are that stupid but fortunately not the majority of voters.
That makes Hillary voters even more stupid. I doubt you'll understand that.
We know that you have a long list of lies that your party puts on every Democrat, How about proof on well maybe half your bullshit. Remember the word is proof. What do you have hot shot.
I'm a registered independent.
People call themselves independent because they want people to think they are open minded and it's handy because you can never be backed into a corner on a issue , they just bail on it by saying I'm a independent and shift to the other side with your argument, kind of like what you just did.
These poor regressives are backed against the wall so they come out attacking with the longest list of bull shit that I've ever seen, no one can lie like these pro's, in fact with out lies and distortions their party couldn't/wouldn't exist. What really happened is people finally found out the hate and lies that make their party by one simple word, TRUMP! They deserve him, he is them and they are him.
Him changing his opinions on people and things over the last few days , things that he has stomped into the mud for his whole life and especially at the beginning of this election. Can he now sweet talk his way into the white house. Could people be that numb headed for that to happen.
He wants the black vote now ,and the Latino vote and he wants women to vote for him. Can this country be that stupid.

Well those voting for stupid, careless and incompetent HItlery are worse.
Him changing his opinions on people and things over the last few days , things that he has stomped into the mud for his whole life and especially at the beginning of this election. Can he now sweet talk his way into the white house. Could people be that numb headed for that to happen.
He wants the black vote now ,and the Latino vote and he wants women to vote for him. Can this country be that stupid.
Trump’s supporters are that stupid but fortunately not the majority of voters.
That makes Hillary voters even more stupid. I doubt you'll understand that.
We know that you have a long list of lies that your party puts on every Democrat, How about proof on well maybe half your bullshit. Remember the word is proof. What do you have hot shot.
I'm a registered independent.
People call themselves independent because they want people to think they are open minded and it's handy because you can never be backed into a corner on a issue , they just bail on it by saying I'm a independent and shift to the other side with your argument, kind of like what you just did.
Doesn't apply to me. I'm a registered independent who is staunchly anti-democrat because democrat is anti-American.
Him changing his opinions on people and things over the last few days , things that he has stomped into the mud for his whole life and especially at the beginning of this election. Can he now sweet talk his way into the white house. Could people be that numb headed for that to happen.
He wants the black vote now ,and the Latino vote and he wants women to vote for him. Can this country be that stupid.
I'm afraid maybe yes.
Dunno about blacks and Latinos, but women? I'm one of those white college educated Independent women voters they keep talking about him courting with all this nice-nice (he thinks) to minorities. I can't stand Hillary and I agree with some of the Republican ideas. If Trump had begun the way he is now trying to "pivot," I would consider him. Too much water under the bridge for me, but a lot of people have not been paying that much attention up to now.
Fake quote.
Doesn't mean she isn't a psychopathic anti-American who belongs in prison but the quote isn't true.
You got a link to a list of fake Hillary quotes or something? I googled and couldnt find anything and decided to just trust James Woods, that bastard. :)
I googled it. Snopes and other sites came up. Normally I'd trust James Woods.
Yeah, for some reason Google gave me a good site to reference, which had a quote from Hillary saying the exact opposite.

Woods got burned.

Conservatives need to do each other the favor of verifying each others posts. While I am not a conservative, I am on their side of this election, that is for certain. But I also will not use false information, and you wont ever see me reposting that quote again. Sahme onyou James! And thank you for pointing it out, Roshawn.

I will not vote for Traitors or criminals like the Clintons.
Him changing his opinions on people and things over the last few days , things that he has stomped into the mud for his whole life and especially at the beginning of this election. Can he now sweet talk his way into the white house. Could people be that numb headed for that to happen.
He wants the black vote now ,and the Latino vote and he wants women to vote for him. Can this country be that stupid.

Nope. Anybody who fell for that song and dance fell for the emotional charade. Anybody who didn't, already saw right through his bullshit so is certainly not going to swallow bullshit in reverse.
are you sure you're talking about trump, or are you talking about the political correctness in the news media?
Being civil and treating others with respect is now called "political correctness". How sad.
No! Treating others with respect is politeness. Banning long used words and phrases to control the conversation is political correctness. For example, people who were in American illegally were called illegal aliens for many years. Today they are call undocumented immigrants in an effort to justify not enforcing immigration law.
I thought it was Ancient Aliens.
Funny Trumps just a dandy fellow, it's the media, or is it the socialist, or is it the unions. Well anyway they are at fault, not Trump.
Yeah, the liars, the people that paid the thugs to attack Trump supporters, the Marxists that block interstate traffic, etc, are all leftwing shit4brains and responsible for what they do.

That is the DNC and Soros, not trump, dude.
Him changing his opinions on people and things over the last few days , things that he has stomped into the mud for his whole life and especially at the beginning of this election. Can he now sweet talk his way into the white house. Could people be that numb headed for that to happen.
He wants the black vote now ,and the Latino vote and he wants women to vote for him. Can this country be that stupid.

Nope. Anybody who fell for that song and dance fell for the emotional charade. Anybody who didn't, already saw right through his bullshit so is certainly not going to swallow bullshit in reverse.
are you sure you're talking about trump, or are you talking about the political correctness in the news media?
Being civil and treating others with respect is now called "political correctness". How sad.
No! Treating others with respect is politeness. Banning long used words and phrases to control the conversation is political correctness. For example, people who were in American illegally were called illegal aliens for many years. Today they are call undocumented immigrants in an effort to justify not enforcing immigration law.
I thought it was Ancient Aliens.
Not talking about who really built the pyramids.
Him changing his opinions on people and things over the last few days , things that he has stomped into the mud for his whole life and especially at the beginning of this election.
You lies are nothing more than that; easily disproven lies.

Him changing his opinions on people and things over the last few days , things that he has stomped into the mud for his whole life and especially at the beginning of this election. Can he now sweet talk his way into the white house. Could people be that numb headed for that to happen.
He wants the black vote now ,and the Latino vote and he wants women to vote for him. Can this country be that stupid.
Hillary is definitely the master conner who gets away lying and conning like no one in history.
Him changing his opinions on people and things over the last few days , things that he has stomped into the mud for his whole life and especially at the beginning of this election. Can he now sweet talk his way into the white house. Could people be that numb headed for that to happen.
He wants the black vote now ,and the Latino vote and he wants women to vote for him. Can this country be that stupid.
Hillary is definitely the master conner who gets away lying and conning like no one in history.
Here you go, this is your chance, you surely aren't stupid enough to say that she has never been caught, So give us something real that she was proved guilty of ,something that counts. don't waste our time with any other comment till you back up your crap.
Him changing his opinions on people and things over the last few days , things that he has stomped into the mud for his whole life and especially at the beginning of this election.
You lies are nothing more than that; easily disproven lies.

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Disprove these rattle mouth-----------------------------------------

The Justice Department sued his company ― twice ― for not renting to black people he paid and promise not to do it anymore.

Workers at Trump’s casinos in Atlantic City, New Jersey, have accused him of racism over the years. The New Jersey Casino Control Commission fined the Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino $200,000 in 1992 because managers would remove African-American card dealers at the request of a certain big-spending gambler. A state appeals court upheld the fine.

He refused to condemn the white supremacists who are campaigning for him

In 1993, when Trump wanted to open a casino in Bridgeport, Connecticut, that would compete with one owned by the Mashantucket Pequot Nation, a local Native American tribe, he told the House subcommittee on Native American Affairs that “they don’t look like Indians to me... They don’t look like Indians to Indians.”

Trump then elaborated on those remarks, which were unearthed last year in the Hartford Courant, by saying the mafia had infiltrated Indian casinos.

At a November campaign rally in Alabama, Trump supporters physically attacked an African-American protester after the man began chanting “Black lives matter.” Video of the incident shows the assailants kicking the man after he has already fallen to the ground.

The following day, Trump implied that the attackers were justified.

Trump’s racial incitement has already inspired hate crimes. Two brothers arrested in Boston last summer for beating up a homeless Latino man cited Trump’s anti-immigrant message when explaining why they did it.

“Donald Trump was right — all these illegals need to be deported,” one of the men reportedly told police officers.

Trump did not even bother to distance himself from them. Instead, he suggested that the men were well-intentioned and had simply gotten carried away.

“I will say that people who are following me are very passionate,” Trump said. “They love this country and they want this country to be great again. They are passionate.” BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT!!!!!!

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