Can Trump con enough people to be elected.

Him changing his opinions on people and things over the last few days , things that he has stomped into the mud for his whole life and especially at the beginning of this election. Can he now sweet talk his way into the white house. Could people be that numb headed for that to happen.
He wants the black vote now ,and the Latino vote and he wants women to vote for him. Can this country be that stupid.
I don't think so. I think people realize trumps unpresidential.

But Republicans won't give up till November 9.

And we should be worried. Don't stay home. Get out the vote.

I remember trump was on 60 minutes months ago and me and my dad liked everything he said. Had he stayed that guy he would have become president. But I think undecideds have decided. Trumps not fit for the position. No way.

Unless he was running against Cruz rubio or kasich then yes way
So, did Hillary send and receive classified emails or not, and on an illegal server?
This is what she is guilty of that makes regressive hate her. You tell me what did the head of the FBI say as the final word. If she did and either she didn't know it or it wasn't listed at the time as classified then NO. You have to read the law buddy.
Yeah, anybody else would be in jail for that. But no, she's got pull. But that isn't all she did, when asked to hand over ALL communications used on that illegal server, she then engaged in evidence tampering and obstruction of justice by deleting over 33,000 emails, which would also expose the fact that she used her position as sec of state getting exorbitant speaking fees and other illicit behavior, including selling favors in exchange for donations to her charity. But again, she's got pull, so nothing happens. President Hussein's legacy is on the table here, so why would the Mafia lesder prosecute the heir to his own legacy?

But to me Clinton's biggest crime was to first stand next to the president and lie to the American people about Ben Ghazi being because of a "video" and then even worse, said the same lie to the parents of victims of Ben Ghazi as they were unloading their loved one's coffins from the plane.
A long list of lies that you can't even come close to supporting , all you regressives offer is lies and distortion and without them your party wouldn't exist. You a walking talking joke and it looks like everything that comes out of your mouth a grade A bullshit.
That's what you say. The parents of the Ben Ghazi victims all said that Hillary lied to their face, and both Obama and Hillary lied to the nation on the day of the Ben Ghazi attack. Americans know what they saw and heard.
Swift boat birther alert
Hey Roudy you bullshitting fraud, You have zero knowledge of what a Communist or socialist as , you bullshit is full of these charges , I asked you to back up your bullshit, Go to a encyclopedia look it up and come back with any of the main tenants of either communist or socialist and tell us how all the people that you point your finger at for being Communist and socialist are what you call them. Heres is your big chance hero, show us what you are made of.
You must have missed all the commies with their flags, anarchists, Muslims, "code pink" nut job types, Nation of Islam and other assorted racists, rioters, looters, and general supporters of left wing fascism in sander's and Hillary's rallies during the primary. They crawl out of the woodworks every election cycle.
So, did Hillary send and receive classified emails or not, and on an illegal server?
This is what she is guilty of that makes regressive hate her. You tell me what did the head of the FBI say as the final word. If she did and either she didn't know it or it wasn't listed at the time as classified then NO. You have to read the law buddy.
Yeah, anybody else would be in jail for that. But no, she's got pull. But that isn't all she did, when asked to hand over ALL communications used on that illegal server, she then engaged in evidence tampering and obstruction of justice by deleting over 33,000 emails, which would also expose the fact that she used her position as sec of state getting exorbitant speaking fees and other illicit behavior, including selling favors in exchange for donations to her charity. But again, she's got pull, so nothing happens. President Hussein's legacy is on the table here, so why would the Mafia lesder prosecute the heir to his own legacy?

But to me Clinton's biggest crime was to first stand next to the president and lie to the American people about Ben Ghazi being because of a "video" and then even worse, said the same lie to the parents of victims of Ben Ghazi as they were unloading their loved one's coffins from the plane.
A long list of lies that you can't even come close to supporting , all you regressives offer is lies and distortion and without them your party wouldn't exist. You a walking talking joke and it looks like everything that comes out of your mouth a grade A bullshit.
That's what you say. The parents of the Ben Ghazi victims all said that Hillary lied to their face, and both Obama and Hillary lied to the nation on the day of the Ben Ghazi attack. Americans know what they saw and heard.
Swift boat birther alert
Ha ha ha. The parent's of two of the victims have already said that Hillary the depraved scum lied to them right in front of their child's coffin.

Hillary and Obama didn't lie to the nation in the morning of Ben Ghazi? Of course they did, and many times thereafter, blaming the attack on the video. The media also promoted this narrative for them because there was an election, and "al Queda is on the run..." But hey, that's another lie.
Him changing his opinions on people and things over the last few days , things that he has stomped into the mud for his whole life and especially at the beginning of this election. Can he now sweet talk his way into the white house. Could people be that numb headed for that to happen.
He wants the black vote now ,and the Latino vote and he wants women to vote for him. Can this country be that stupid.
I don't think so. I think people realize trumps unpresidential.

But Republicans won't give up till November 9.

And we should be worried. Don't stay home. Get out the vote.

I remember trump was on 60 minutes months ago and me and my dad liked everything he said. Had he stayed that guy he would have become president. But I think undecideds have decided. Trumps not fit for the position. No way.

Unless he was running against Cruz rubio or kasich then yes way
Yes, Trump doesn't know how to bullshit people like a career corrupt criminal politician like Hillary.
This is what she is guilty of that makes regressive hate her. You tell me what did the head of the FBI say as the final word. If she did and either she didn't know it or it wasn't listed at the time as classified then NO. You have to read the law buddy.
Yeah, anybody else would be in jail for that. But no, she's got pull. But that isn't all she did, when asked to hand over ALL communications used on that illegal server, she then engaged in evidence tampering and obstruction of justice by deleting over 33,000 emails, which would also expose the fact that she used her position as sec of state getting exorbitant speaking fees and other illicit behavior, including selling favors in exchange for donations to her charity. But again, she's got pull, so nothing happens. President Hussein's legacy is on the table here, so why would the Mafia lesder prosecute the heir to his own legacy?

But to me Clinton's biggest crime was to first stand next to the president and lie to the American people about Ben Ghazi being because of a "video" and then even worse, said the same lie to the parents of victims of Ben Ghazi as they were unloading their loved one's coffins from the plane.
A long list of lies that you can't even come close to supporting , all you regressives offer is lies and distortion and without them your party wouldn't exist. You a walking talking joke and it looks like everything that comes out of your mouth a grade A bullshit.
That's what you say. The parents of the Ben Ghazi victims all said that Hillary lied to their face, and both Obama and Hillary lied to the nation on the day of the Ben Ghazi attack. Americans know what they saw and heard.
Swift boat birther alert
Ha ha ha. The parent's of two of the victims have already said that Hillary the depraved scum lied to them right in front of their child's coffin.

Hillary and Obama didn't lie to the nation in the morning of Ben Ghazi? Of course they did, and many times thereafter, blaming the attack on the video. The media also promoted this narrative for them because there was an election, and "al Queda is on the run..." But hey, that's another lie.
No one gives a fuck boy who cried wolf
Him changing his opinions on people and things over the last few days , things that he has stomped into the mud for his whole life and especially at the beginning of this election. Can he now sweet talk his way into the white house. Could people be that numb headed for that to happen.
He wants the black vote now ,and the Latino vote and he wants women to vote for him. Can this country be that stupid.
I don't think so. I think people realize trumps unpresidential.

But Republicans won't give up till November 9.

And we should be worried. Don't stay home. Get out the vote.

I remember trump was on 60 minutes months ago and me and my dad liked everything he said. Had he stayed that guy he would have become president. But I think undecideds have decided. Trumps not fit for the position. No way.

Unless he was running against Cruz rubio or kasich then yes way
Yes, Trump doesn't know how to bullshit people like a career corrupt criminal politician like Hillary.
No he does not. He can be exposed with a tweet
Yeah, anybody else would be in jail for that. But no, she's got pull. But that isn't all she did, when asked to hand over ALL communications used on that illegal server, she then engaged in evidence tampering and obstruction of justice by deleting over 33,000 emails, which would also expose the fact that she used her position as sec of state getting exorbitant speaking fees and other illicit behavior, including selling favors in exchange for donations to her charity. But again, she's got pull, so nothing happens. President Hussein's legacy is on the table here, so why would the Mafia lesder prosecute the heir to his own legacy?

But to me Clinton's biggest crime was to first stand next to the president and lie to the American people about Ben Ghazi being because of a "video" and then even worse, said the same lie to the parents of victims of Ben Ghazi as they were unloading their loved one's coffins from the plane.
A long list of lies that you can't even come close to supporting , all you regressives offer is lies and distortion and without them your party wouldn't exist. You a walking talking joke and it looks like everything that comes out of your mouth a grade A bullshit.
That's what you say. The parents of the Ben Ghazi victims all said that Hillary lied to their face, and both Obama and Hillary lied to the nation on the day of the Ben Ghazi attack. Americans know what they saw and heard.
Swift boat birther alert
Ha ha ha. The parent's of two of the victims have already said that Hillary the depraved scum lied to them right in front of their child's coffin.

Hillary and Obama didn't lie to the nation in the morning of Ben Ghazi? Of course they did, and many times thereafter, blaming the attack on the video. The media also promoted this narrative for them because there was an election, and "al Queda is on the run..." But hey, that's another lie.
No one gives a fuck boy who cried wolf

Seems like you're the ones crying about Trump.
Him changing his opinions on people and things over the last few days , things that he has stomped into the mud for his whole life and especially at the beginning of this election. Can he now sweet talk his way into the white house. Could people be that numb headed for that to happen.
He wants the black vote now ,and the Latino vote and he wants women to vote for him. Can this country be that stupid.
I don't think so. I think people realize trumps unpresidential.

But Republicans won't give up till November 9.

And we should be worried. Don't stay home. Get out the vote.

I remember trump was on 60 minutes months ago and me and my dad liked everything he said. Had he stayed that guy he would have become president. But I think undecideds have decided. Trumps not fit for the position. No way.

Unless he was running against Cruz rubio or kasich then yes way
Yes, Trump doesn't know how to bullshit people like a career corrupt criminal politician like Hillary.
No he does not. He can be exposed with a tweet
Glad we agree, Hillary is much more of a cold calculating liar. Except somehow, she always fucks up somewhere along the line. That's how it always is with politicians who have criminal tendencies. They can't help being who they are.
Thread title: "Can Trump Con Enough People to be Elected?"

Ha ha ha. The parent's of two of the victims have already said that Hillary the depraved scum lied to them right in front of their child's coffin.

Hillary and Obama didn't lie to the nation in the morning of Ben Ghazi?

Yes, Trump doesn't know how to bullshit people like a career corrupt criminal politician like Hillary.

Hillary is much more of a cold calculating liar.

Pogo's Law wins again. :rock:

--- Now watch the next post.
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Him changing his opinions on people and things over the last few days , things that he has stomped into the mud for his whole life and especially at the beginning of this election. Can he now sweet talk his way into the white house. Could people be that numb headed for that to happen.
He wants the black vote now ,and the Latino vote and he wants women to vote for him. Can this country be that stupid.
The option of course is to vote for a shrill possibly psychotic women who traded self respect a long time ago for political power. Hillary knows that she drops in the polls every time she tries to con voters so she hasn't given a press conference since we were shoveling snow back in December.
Enough people bought the con job that was Obama in 2008 and 2012 so no reason Trump can't pull it off in 2016. To be clear I'm not saying he will just that I wouldn't be surprised if he did.
Disprove these rattle mouth-----------------------------------------

The Justice Department sued his company ― twice ― for not renting to black people he paid and promise not to do it anymore.

Workers at Trump’s casinos in Atlantic City, New Jersey, have accused him of racism over the years. The New Jersey Casino Control Commission fined the Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino $200,000 in 1992 because managers would remove African-American card dealers at the request of a certain big-spending gambler. A state appeals court upheld the fine.

He refused to condemn the white supremacists who are campaigning for him

Trump has condemned racists that endorsed him, unlike Hillary Clinton who, along with her husband, have paid tribute to the old Confederacy, and I agree the Confederacy was a wonderful thing, but it needed to be defeated, and I am glad it did. But to slam on Trump who has a long record of hiring qualified people regardless of race and sex as a racist while Hillary has long been shitting on the black community is just hilarious.

In 1993, when Trump wanted to open a casino in Bridgeport, Connecticut, that would compete with one owned by the Mashantucket Pequot Nation, a local Native American tribe, he told the House subcommittee on Native American Affairs that “they don’t look like Indians to me... They don’t look like Indians to Indians.”

Trump then elaborated on those remarks, which were unearthed last year in the Hartford Courant, by saying the mafia had infiltrated Indian casinos.

So pointing out that organized crime has penetrated Amerindian casinos is racist? Lol, you are a fucking idiot. Welcome to my ignore list as I just dont have time for fools like you.

At a November campaign rally in Alabama, Trump supporters physically attacked an African-American protester after the man began chanting “Black lives matter.” Video of the incident shows the assailants kicking the man after he has already fallen to the ground.

The following day, Trump implied that the attackers were justified.

Trump’s racial incitement has already inspired hate crimes. Two brothers arrested in Boston last summer for beating up a homeless Latino man cited Trump’s anti-immigrant message when explaining why they did it.

“Donald Trump was right — all these illegals need to be deported,” one of the men reportedly told police officers.

Trump did not even bother to distance himself from them. Instead, he suggested that the men were well-intentioned and had simply gotten carried away.

“I will say that people who are following me are very passionate,” Trump said. “They love this country and they want this country to be great again. They are passionate.” BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT!!!!!!
Now you blame Trump for something some criminals did and tried to deflect off on Trump.

You really are a blooming idiot.
YOUR COMPLETE NONSENSE REMARK QUOTE Let's not forget that Hi-liar-y had non other than the IslamoNazi Taliban father of the Orlando ISIS terrorist shooter standing right behind her in the VIP section cheering. The media's reaction: "meh".
Ya dam right, lets not forget that she walked being that Nazi Islomo terrorist 3rd cousin , so that make Hillary a supporter and accomplice, How do you spell IDIOT
So let's get this straight, you guys attack Trump who has absolutely nothing to do with David Duke, but have nothing to say about Hillary's VIP invitation to the Orlando shooter's IslamoNazi father standing right behind her nodding and clapping at a rally?

Are you having a problem spelling IDIOT? Ha ha ha.
ROUDY'S COMPLETE NONSENSE REMARK QUOTE ---Let's not forget that Hi-liar-y had non other than the IslamoNazi Taliban father of the Orlando ISIS terrorist shooter standing right behind her in the VIP section cheering. The media's reaction: "meh".

MY COMMENT MAKING A COMPLETE FOOL OUT OF ROUDY--- Ya dam right, lets not forget that she walked being that Nazi Islomo terrorist 3rd cousin , so that make Hillary a supporter and accomplice, How do you spell IDIOT

ROUDY'S COMPLETE NONSENSE RESPONSE-- So let's get this straight, you guys attack Trump who has absolutely nothing to do with David Duke, but have nothing to say about Hillary's VIP invitation to the Orlando shooter's IslamoNazi father standing right behind her nodding and clapping at a rally?

Are you having a problem spelling IDIOT? Ha ha ha.

MY brilliant RESPONSE , Never said a word about DAVID DUKE, so thats stupid and you charging her with something because she met a terrorist 3rd Cousin or some relative gets you right back into stupid again, You have nothing, just stupid.
Hay ROUDY, YOU WEAK LINK, BACK UP YOUR BULLSHIT, THIS IS THE THIRD TIME I ASKED YOU---- HERE IS MY LAST COMMENT CORNERING YOU BY SHOWING YOU CAN"T BACK UP YOUR LIES< Hey Roudy you bullshitting fraud, You have zero knowledge of what a Communist or socialist as , you bullshit is full of these charges , I asked you to back up your bullshit, Go to a encyclopedia look it up and come back with any of the main tenants of either communist or socialist and tell us how all the people that you point your finger at for being Communist and socialist are what you call them. Heres is your big chance hero, show us what you are made of. THIS IS THE ONLY THING THAT EVERYONE HERE SHOULD BE CONCERNED ABOUT < CAN ROUDY BACK UP HIS BULLSHIT <SHOW US WHAT YOUR MADE OF.
Ha ha ha. You are a great example of why liberalism should be considered a mental disorder.

Here's a little history lesson: If you don't know the answer make your best guess

Answer all the questions before looking at the answers. Who said it?

1) "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

A. Karl Marx
B. Adolph Hitler
C. Joseph Stalin
D. None of the above

2) "It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few and to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity."

A. Lenin
B. Mussolini
C. Idi Amin
D. None of the Above

3) "(We) ... can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people."

A. Nikita Khrushev
B. Josef Goebbels
C. Boris Yeltsin
D. None of the above

4) "We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own ... in order to create this common ground."

A. Mao Tse Dung
B. Hugo Chavez
C. Kim Jong Il
D None of the above

5) "I certainly think the free-market has failed."

A. Karl Marx
B. Lenin
C. Molotov
D. None of the above

6) "I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being watched."

A. Pinochet
B. Milosevic
C. Saddam Hussein
D. None of the above


(1) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/29/2004
(2) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 5/29/2007
(3) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
(4) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
(5) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
(6) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 9/2/2005

Anybody (woman) that would vote for her just because they think it's time for a female president has got to be out of their lunatic mind!
Arizona -Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has canceled his visit to Phoenix next week, his campaign said Friday.
ROUDY'S COMPLETE NONSENSE REMARK QUOTE ---Let's not forget that Hi-liar-y had non other than the IslamoNazi Taliban father of the Orlando ISIS terrorist shooter standing right behind her in the VIP section cheering. The media's reaction: "meh".

MY COMMENT MAKING A COMPLETE FOOL OUT OF ROUDY--- Ya dam right, lets not forget that she walked being that Nazi Islomo terrorist 3rd cousin , so that make Hillary a supporter and accomplice, How do you spell IDIOT

ROUDY'S COMPLETE NONSENSE RESPONSE-- So let's get this straight, you guys attack Trump who has absolutely nothing to do with David Duke, but have nothing to say about Hillary's VIP invitation to the Orlando shooter's IslamoNazi father standing right behind her nodding and clapping at a rally?

Are you having a problem spelling IDIOT? Ha ha ha.

MY brilliant RESPONSE , Never said a word about DAVID DUKE, so thats stupid and you charging her with something because she met a terrorist 3rd Cousin or some relative gets you right back into stupid again, You have nothing, just stupid.
The only person you made a fool of is yourself! Do you think these parents of two of the Ben Ghazi victims would be suing that whore Clinton, if they did not believe that she had lied and betrayed their kids?


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