Can Trump have one News Conference without Slamming and Insulting the Democrats?

Your ignorance is getting boring. People and companies are already fleeing California due to the astronomical costs, taxes, and fees. Ignorant about life expectancy and infant mortality as well.

Completely untrue. No one is fleeing California. In fact, CA leads the nation in job and business creation since 2012 (when they raised their taxes):


It is a right-wing myth that people are fleeing California, just like it's a right-wing myth that cutting taxes increases revenue, just like it's a right-wing myth that raising the minimum wage kills jobs, just like it's a right-wing myth that once debt reaches 90% of GDP the economy "falls off a cliff".

Conservatives love their myths, fantasies, and alternative facts, to be sure.

Maybe next time stop using outdated right-wing rhetoric. It wasn't even accurate back before 2012, and it's not accurate today.

This is 2017, not 2013.
Completely untrue. No one is fleeing California. In fact, CA leads the nation in job and business creation since 2012 (when they raised their taxes):

You're great, you make it so easy put the truth out there proving your intentional, foolish lies. Keep up the good work!

"The number of Californians leaving the state and moving to Texas is at its highest level in nearly a decade, according to datafrom the Internal Revenue Service.

According to IRS migration data, which uses individual income tax returns to record year-to-year address changes, over 250,000 California residents moved out of the state between 2013 and 2014, the latest period for which data was available. The tax returns reported more than $21 billion in adjusted gross income to the IRS.

Of the returns, 33,626 reported address changes from California to Texas, which has been the top destination for individuals leaving California since 2007. Californians who moved to Texas between 2013 and 2014 reported $2.19 billion in adjusted gross income.

The number of returns showing address changes from California to Texas hasn't been this high since the period 2006-07. During that period, 34,078 returns were filed showing address changes to Texas.

Fewer Texans moved to California during the 2013-14 period. The IRS reported 21,391 returns with address changes from Texas to California. The returns reported $1.56 billion in adjusted gross income.

"California's taxes and regulations are crushing businesses, and there are more opportunities in Texas for people to start new companies, get good jobs, and create better lives for their families," said Nathan Nascimento, the director of state initiatives at Freedom Partners. "When tax and regulatory climates are bad, people will move to better economic environments—this phenomenon isn't a mystery, it's how marketplaces work. Not only should other state governments take note of this, but so should the federal government."


As the article points out, we are watching productive people vote with their feet. They are moving here, and other places, because California has become uninhabitable for people who pay taxes or create jobs.

Last, but not least, doesn't the Democrat leadership understand that they are losing billions of dollars to other states? Are they that ideological or irresponsible about the financial stability of their state?"

Read more: Blog: Money's leaving California in a hurry

Californians Moving to Texas Hits Highest Level in Nine Years
Far more classy than the welfare-taking, tank top-wearing, fat, ugly, country music-loving, inbred fuckers in the South. And I know...I live in Atlanta and see them every day.
So that's the major reason MA are superior in my expert opinion having been working within Medicare for over 20 years!

I have Medicare Advantage and love the program. I can afford to. I'm old and will be dead before the unconscious Progressives figure out that the money has run out.

Please note the bottom line. Red means what it always means in financial terms.


U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
And you're completely ignoring my overall point which is that Medicare's administrative costs are 1% of its total outlays

Proven a gross lie but you keep telling the same thing. Are you slow or do you not expect people to notice?
Again, since Aetna lied about leaving the exchanges, why should we take anything other insurers say as truth?

You have lied repeatedly. Why should anyone believe anything you say?

You've proven yourself to be nothing more than a troll.

But they can't compete with CA. That's the thing. Texas cannot create jobs on its own, it has to poach them from other states. The reasons are myriad, but the primary reason is that the workforce in Texas is too uneducated, too barefoot, and too pregnant to employ. So Texas companies have to poach people from other states. So Texas isn't a job creator, it's a job thief.

Yes, I've seen on the news where Texans, riding horses are rounding up Los Angeles citizens like cattle, loading them into cattle cars taking them to Texas. Then they are forced to work in the magnificent cities and open spaces of Texas.

Texas has countless more advantages than states like Kentucky(my state), but it is nothing compared to California(which has advantages over entire countries and even continents).

And with those advantages, CA has the seventh (or sixth, I forget what number it is now) largest economy in the world.
Remember these points the next time someone tries to tell you that Medicare is “more efficient” than private insurance.

The private companies thing is literally the first thing your article talks about. It was the first thing your cut-and-paste shows. Furthermore, I'm done accepting right-wing editorials as gospel of anything.
Good to see you so grudgingly admit that California is driving out millions of their over taxed, over regulated citizens and companies.

Millions have not been driven out at all. CA has a higher rate of job creation than TX since 2012. That would indicate the opposite.

If California was so grand, why would people and companies go to the huge expense, time and trouble to bail out of that beautiful state

Because they're not. The migration out of CA is a myth. A bad, outdated myth.
I just proved to you the government does the same thing only far less efficiently.

No, you didn't prove that. You posted a lying, right-wing editorial in the hopes you could paper that over your incredibly weak argument. Here's the HHS budget for Medicare...notice how "Administrative Costs" amount to $9B of a $720B budget. That's 1% and "Includes CMS Program Management, non-CMS administration, HCFAC, and QIOs.". You posted info from Aetna that showed their administrative expenses were 17%. So what we have here is an instance of a Conservative refusing to accept reality, again, choosing to use a lying, right-wing editorial as the basis of their argument. How shameful and hilarious. Did you even bother to learn the very basics of Medicare's budget? Or do you just take whatever some right-winger tells you as gospel? Because the latter seems like what is happening here. So you posture and pretend, playing make-believe and using an editorial to support your argument, then completely ignore actual facts.

List for us the countries who have developed more life-extending and life-saving drugs, technology, and techniques than the United States.

Those life-saving techniques were not devised because of insurance companies, or how a provider is reimbursed by insurance companies. Because insurance companies have nothing to do with health care delivery. All they do is administer payments.
This is 2017, not 2013.

Exactly, so two things:

1) Why are you using outdated information and links from prior to 2013 if, as you say, it's 2017?
2) TX's economy is even weaker now than it was in 2013.
You're great, you make it so easy put the truth out there proving your intentional, foolish lies. Keep up the good work!

Pssst - "This is 2017, not 2013 or 2014":

According to IRS migration data, which uses individual income tax returns to record year-to-year address changes, over 250,000 California residents moved out of the state between 2013 and 2014, the latest period for which data was available.
Which is pathetic.
It should EASILY be 1st.

Huh!? CA's economy should be larger than the United States, the EU, or China? Do you even know what you're talking about?
Easily larger than the EU and China.

Do you even understand how pathetic the EU is?

China has very little resources compared to California.

The US' economy would naturally be 1st as a nation because of California.

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