Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

  • No

  • Yes

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Oh no, he cannot save his campaign.

I will vote for him, but I will not stay up to watch the returns. It would be too depressing.

The Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., will become the (nominal) president and usher in the most authoritarian administration in our recent history.

The saddest thing, of course, it will have been made possible by very naive and foolish Euro Americans who voted for him.

Oh, well, people in a democracy have the right to vote for their own destruction.

Glad to see a Trump supporter admit that Trump cannot win. It looks like 70% of Trump supporters still believe he will definitely win. I wonder if that will come down some more in the next 3 months, or if that group will believe to the end that Trump will win.
Hah! Almost every Democrat I know and encounter is voting for Trump.
Liberals are voting against Trump.
Trump will win.

First, Trump did much better in 2018 than Obama/Biden or Clinton did in their first mid terms. Both went on to win easy reelections. I expect history to repeat itself this year.
Oh no, he cannot save his campaign.

I will vote for him, but I will not stay up to watch the returns. It would be too depressing.

The Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., will become the (nominal) president and usher in the most authoritarian administration in our recent history.

The saddest thing, of course, it will have been made possible by very naive and foolish Euro Americans who voted for him.

Oh, well, people in a democracy have the right to vote for their own destruction.

Glad to see a Trump supporter admit that Trump cannot win. It looks like 70% of Trump supporters still believe he will definitely win. I wonder if that will come down some more in the next 3 months, or if that group will believe to the end that Trump will win.
1st of all Trump is going to win again !and why should we accept a biden [communist] win when yall didnt accept an American win in 16 ! with the bullshit lies and treasonous illegal attempt to stage a communist coup in the war on America yall have declared ...and yes the left is at war with patriotic Americans we should give you a taste of your own medicine !
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
you are going to be very very angry after the election.
Won't Edgy be angry when he finds out too late that no one's going to pick Uncle Joe hiding in his garage wearing a mask who can't even come out to debate! All the Trump people are telling polls they are voting for Biden just to make them as secure as possible. Look! Joe has done nothing and has as 35 point lead! Shazaam!

Election night is going to be so much fun on this forum. It will be interesting to see which Trumper's show up and which don't. What will the Trumpers that do show up say after he loses? Most will peddle some conspiracy theory as their excuse.

I don't expect to get the results on election night.

Mostly because of mail in voting. It's predicted that a large part of our population will be voting that way this year. They all have to be counted. It will take time.

My state will be able to give results quick. We have been 100% mail in ballot since 2005 so we already have the process and infrastructure for all those paper ballots to be counted.

Well, they should start counting before election day. I mean once a person mails in their ballot, they can't change anything so they can go ahead and count it, even if its weeks before election day.
Wrong. Votes should not be counted until election day. That is the day of VOTING. Counting them before and announcing the results so far could influence the election. In a normal election, you have no way of knowing the votes of others until the polls close.
I have no problem in counting votes that have been officially cast
As long as they are not announced until the polls close
hopefully they will never let a lying communist piece of shit like you count votes.people like you have no honor and are not to be trusted .
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
you are going to be very very angry after the election.
Won't Edgy be angry when he finds out too late that no one's going to pick Uncle Joe hiding in his garage wearing a mask who can't even come out to debate! All the Trump people are telling polls they are voting for Biden just to make them as secure as possible. Look! Joe has done nothing and has as 35 point lead! Shazaam!

Election night is going to be so much fun on this forum. It will be interesting to see which Trumper's show up and which don't. What will the Trumpers that do show up say after he loses? Most will peddle some conspiracy theory as their excuse.

I don't expect to get the results on election night.

Mostly because of mail in voting. It's predicted that a large part of our population will be voting that way this year. They all have to be counted. It will take time.

My state will be able to give results quick. We have been 100% mail in ballot since 2005 so we already have the process and infrastructure for all those paper ballots to be counted.

Well, they should start counting before election day. I mean once a person mails in their ballot, they can't change anything so they can go ahead and count it, even if its weeks before election day.
Wrong. Votes should not be counted until election day. That is the day of VOTING. Counting them before and announcing the results so far could influence the election. In a normal election, you have no way of knowing the votes of others until the polls close.
I have no problem in counting votes that have been officially cast
As long as they are not announced until the polls close
hopefully they will never let a lying communist piece of shit like you count votes.people like you have no honor and are not to be trusted .
I am the most honest poster on USMB
You can count the votes without releasing the information, in each county.
BULLSHIT. Count them WHEN, idiot, a month before? Then what do you do as more votes come in, count them again? And again? Each time with watchdogs to catch cheating and each time with more handling with a greater chance of making mistakes or cheating?

NO. ONE ELECTION. ONE VOTE COUNT. You count them all ONE TIME on election night then EVERYONE finds out how the votes are going at once, together.
You can count the votes without releasing the information, in each county.
BULLSHIT. Count them WHEN, idiot, a month before? Then what do you do as more votes come in, count them again? And again? Each time with watchdogs to catch cheating and each time with more handling with a greater chance of making mistakes or cheating?

NO. ONE ELECTION. ONE VOTE COUNT. You count them all ONE TIME on election night then EVERYONE finds out how the votes are going at once, together.

Once a vote is counted, it does not need to be counted again. The count is recorded. Its essentially no different than if they started counting on election night. With so many mail in ballots, it might take days or weeks to count. If you start counting when you receive the first ballots, you'll be ahead of the game. Its the same process regardless of when you start it. No results would be released until the polls close on election night.
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Who was the last Democrat President to turn minorities into low wage food servers and janitors?
HINT: His last name started with an "O".

Oh? What policy caused that?

I also note you were too scared to answer my question. No worries ... your fear answered for you. :mm:
Obama continued GW’s policies of...
Open Borders
Business Visas

Or are you that stupid?
Obama added over 11 million jobs. And that's factoring in Bush's Great Recession which started Obama 4 million jobs in the hole. Clearly, the nonsense you spew had nothing to do with job growth as Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months.
Obama added low wage jobs, I live in a urban area.. Obama was horrible..

Also let’s not forget democrats has the house with bushes finial years, didn’t work with bush to fix jobs, they purposely attacked bush and refused to work with him, they want the number to go up so they could win an election.. with the help of the media. They got away with it and they are trying it again with trump. It’s sad democrats are so anti American
I don't care that you had to suck dicks for a living. The job market came back strong under Obama.

As far as Democrats controlling the House during Bush's final years, so what? Cite the bill passed in 2007 or that you think crashed the economy.....
im saying democrats with the help of the media ignored the Jobs They were focusing on getting a democrat elected, if they worked with bush on a jobs bill thanAmericans would have been better off, but we all know OBAMA CARE said 30 hour a week and you don’t have to offer benefits.Obama was awful
Jobs were lost due to Bush's Great Recession. Thanks for admitting you can't find a single bill passed in 2007 that led to that.

I agree, but Obama didn't do anything to make it better.

Sure, uh-huh. Like the coronavirus, it would just miraculously disappear in April by itself.
Ad hominem...We're discussing Obama's "recovery" of GW's crash, not COVID.
I see you have nowhere to hide.

The point, which sailed clear over your head, is that these things don't just miraculously occur on their own.

Sorry, asshole, your admiration of Obama is based on fantasy, not fact.

Awe, poor baby.

It just kills you that Obama saved the country from Bush's Great Recession.

Describe how Obama did that without putting us Trillions in debt.
It's great to be able to save a nation by making that nation's people pay for it.
And both parties do it liberally.

Now be specific and answer the questions concerning how Obama improved the lives of minorities.
Much, if not most of that debt was caused by lost revenue thanks to Bush's Great Recession, which shed 8 million jobs plus an additional 4 million to marginally attached workers.
Again democrats had the house.. what did you all do? Nothing lol
Well that's a lie. They passed two GSE reform bills in the House in 2007, one of which made it to Bush's desk. Something Republicans failed to do in all the years before that as the problem grew worse.
Why? You won't understand it anyway when you read it.

The housing act was to create jobs? Lol
Jobs weren't the problem they were addressing. How the fuck did you get to be this stupid?? :ack-1:

I knew you couldn't understand what I posted. How right was I, huh?
I can’t even lol

I can. You don't even know the unemployment rate was 4.5% when Frank's GSE reform bill passed, do ya, nazitrollboi? Why would Democrat's be concerned about a jobs bill during low unemployment while the housing markets were crashing due to lack of GSE reform??

Btw ... I'm not really expecting a lucid reply from you. This post is really for the entertainment of others.

What's your annual salary?
Why? You looking for a job? You know Java? It pays very well.
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Who was the last Democrat President to turn minorities into low wage food servers and janitors?
HINT: His last name started with an "O".

Oh? What policy caused that?

I also note you were too scared to answer my question. No worries ... your fear answered for you. :mm:
Obama continued GW’s policies of...
Open Borders
Business Visas

Or are you that stupid?
Obama added over 11 million jobs. And that's factoring in Bush's Great Recession which started Obama 4 million jobs in the hole. Clearly, the nonsense you spew had nothing to do with job growth as Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months.
Obama added low wage jobs, I live in a urban area.. Obama was horrible..

Also let’s not forget democrats has the house with bushes finial years, didn’t work with bush to fix jobs, they purposely attacked bush and refused to work with him, they want the number to go up so they could win an election.. with the help of the media. They got away with it and they are trying it again with trump. It’s sad democrats are so anti American
I don't care that you had to suck dicks for a living. The job market came back strong under Obama.

As far as Democrats controlling the House during Bush's final years, so what? Cite the bill passed in 2007 or that you think crashed the economy.....
im saying democrats with the help of the media ignored the Jobs They were focusing on getting a democrat elected, if they worked with bush on a jobs bill thanAmericans would have been better off, but we all know OBAMA CARE said 30 hour a week and you don’t have to offer benefits.Obama was awful
Jobs were lost due to Bush's Great Recession. Thanks for admitting you can't find a single bill passed in 2007 that led to that.

I agree, but Obama didn't do anything to make it better.

Sure, uh-huh. Like the coronavirus, it would just miraculously disappear in April by itself.
Ad hominem...We're discussing Obama's "recovery" of GW's crash, not COVID.
I see you have nowhere to hide.

The point, which sailed clear over your head, is that these things don't just miraculously occur on their own.

Sorry, asshole, your admiration of Obama is based on fantasy, not fact.

Awe, poor baby.

It just kills you that Obama saved the country from Bush's Great Recession.

Describe how Obama did that without putting us Trillions in debt.
It's great to be able to save a nation by making that nation's people pay for it.
And both parties do it liberally.

Now be specific and answer the questions concerning how Obama improved the lives of minorities.
Much, if not most of that debt was caused by lost revenue thanks to Bush's Great Recession, which shed 8 million jobs plus an additional 4 million to marginally attached workers.
Again democrats had the house.. what did you all do? Nothing lol
Well that's a lie. They passed two GSE reform bills in the House in 2007, one of which made it to Bush's desk. Something Republicans failed to do in all the years before that as the problem grew worse.
Why? You won't understand it anyway when you read it.

The housing act was to create jobs? Lol
The Housing Act was to give minorities huge mortgages funded by Honky tax dollars so minorities could buy homes for which they couldn't pay the mortgage.
And Faun jerks off over this facade.
The Housing Act was passed in 1949. You claiming people couldn't pay their mortgage for 57 years?
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Who was the last Democrat President to turn minorities into low wage food servers and janitors?
HINT: His last name started with an "O".

Oh? What policy caused that?

I also note you were too scared to answer my question. No worries ... your fear answered for you. :mm:
Obama continued GW’s policies of...
Open Borders
Business Visas

Or are you that stupid?
Obama added over 11 million jobs. And that's factoring in Bush's Great Recession which started Obama 4 million jobs in the hole. Clearly, the nonsense you spew had nothing to do with job growth as Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months.
Obama added low wage jobs, I live in a urban area.. Obama was horrible..

Also let’s not forget democrats has the house with bushes finial years, didn’t work with bush to fix jobs, they purposely attacked bush and refused to work with him, they want the number to go up so they could win an election.. with the help of the media. They got away with it and they are trying it again with trump. It’s sad democrats are so anti American
I don't care that you had to suck dicks for a living. The job market came back strong under Obama.

As far as Democrats controlling the House during Bush's final years, so what? Cite the bill passed in 2007 or that you think crashed the economy.....
im saying democrats with the help of the media ignored the Jobs They were focusing on getting a democrat elected, if they worked with bush on a jobs bill thanAmericans would have been better off, but we all know OBAMA CARE said 30 hour a week and you don’t have to offer benefits.Obama was awful
Jobs were lost due to Bush's Great Recession. Thanks for admitting you can't find a single bill passed in 2007 that led to that.

I agree, but Obama didn't do anything to make it better.

Sure, uh-huh. Like the coronavirus, it would just miraculously disappear in April by itself.
Ad hominem...We're discussing Obama's "recovery" of GW's crash, not COVID.
I see you have nowhere to hide.

The point, which sailed clear over your head, is that these things don't just miraculously occur on their own.

Sorry, asshole, your admiration of Obama is based on fantasy, not fact.

Awe, poor baby.

It just kills you that Obama saved the country from Bush's Great Recession.

Describe how Obama did that without putting us Trillions in debt.
It's great to be able to save a nation by making that nation's people pay for it.
And both parties do it liberally.

Now be specific and answer the questions concerning how Obama improved the lives of minorities.
Much, if not most of that debt was caused by lost revenue thanks to Bush's Great Recession, which shed 8 million jobs plus an additional 4 million to marginally attached workers.
Again democrats had the house.. what did you all do? Nothing lol
Well that's a lie. They passed two GSE reform bills in the House in 2007, one of which made it to Bush's desk. Something Republicans failed to do in all the years before that as the problem grew worse.
Why? You won't understand it anyway when you read it.

The housing act was to create jobs? Lol
Jobs weren't the problem they were addressing. How the fuck did you get to be this stupid?? :ack-1:

I knew you couldn't understand what I posted. How right was I, huh?
I can’t even lol

I can. You don't even know the unemployment rate was 4.5% when Frank's GSE reform bill passed, do ya, nazitrollboi? Why would Democrat's be concerned about a jobs bill during low unemployment while the housing markets were crashing due to lack of GSE reform??

Btw ... I'm not really expecting a lucid reply from you. This post is really for the entertainment of others.

What's your annual salary?
Why? You looking for a job? You know Java? It pays very well.
Nice deflection.
You keep bullshitting that Obama did something good for minorities.

You know why Americans can now get programming jobs?
Because Trump has been sending the Indian Business Visas home; that must kill you Liberals.
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Who was the last Democrat President to turn minorities into low wage food servers and janitors?
HINT: His last name started with an "O".

Oh? What policy caused that?

I also note you were too scared to answer my question. No worries ... your fear answered for you. :mm:
Obama continued GW’s policies of...
Open Borders
Business Visas

Or are you that stupid?
Obama added over 11 million jobs. And that's factoring in Bush's Great Recession which started Obama 4 million jobs in the hole. Clearly, the nonsense you spew had nothing to do with job growth as Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months.
Obama added low wage jobs, I live in a urban area.. Obama was horrible..

Also let’s not forget democrats has the house with bushes finial years, didn’t work with bush to fix jobs, they purposely attacked bush and refused to work with him, they want the number to go up so they could win an election.. with the help of the media. They got away with it and they are trying it again with trump. It’s sad democrats are so anti American
I don't care that you had to suck dicks for a living. The job market came back strong under Obama.

As far as Democrats controlling the House during Bush's final years, so what? Cite the bill passed in 2007 or that you think crashed the economy.....
im saying democrats with the help of the media ignored the Jobs They were focusing on getting a democrat elected, if they worked with bush on a jobs bill thanAmericans would have been better off, but we all know OBAMA CARE said 30 hour a week and you don’t have to offer benefits.Obama was awful
Jobs were lost due to Bush's Great Recession. Thanks for admitting you can't find a single bill passed in 2007 that led to that.

I agree, but Obama didn't do anything to make it better.

Sure, uh-huh. Like the coronavirus, it would just miraculously disappear in April by itself.
Ad hominem...We're discussing Obama's "recovery" of GW's crash, not COVID.
I see you have nowhere to hide.

The point, which sailed clear over your head, is that these things don't just miraculously occur on their own.

Sorry, asshole, your admiration of Obama is based on fantasy, not fact.

Awe, poor baby.

It just kills you that Obama saved the country from Bush's Great Recession.

Describe how Obama did that without putting us Trillions in debt.
It's great to be able to save a nation by making that nation's people pay for it.
And both parties do it liberally.

Now be specific and answer the questions concerning how Obama improved the lives of minorities.
Much, if not most of that debt was caused by lost revenue thanks to Bush's Great Recession, which shed 8 million jobs plus an additional 4 million to marginally attached workers.
Again democrats had the house.. what did you all do? Nothing lol
Well that's a lie. They passed two GSE reform bills in the House in 2007, one of which made it to Bush's desk. Something Republicans failed to do in all the years before that as the problem grew worse.
Why? You won't understand it anyway when you read it.

The housing act was to create jobs? Lol
The Housing Act was to give minorities huge mortgages funded by Honky tax dollars so minorities could buy homes for which they couldn't pay the mortgage.
And Faun jerks off over this facade.
The Housing Act was passed in 1949. You claiming people couldn't pay their mortgage for 57 years?
It's well known that under GW, minorities making 30K/year or less were getting approved for 600+K mortgages and losing their homes in 3-4 months.
Not that you really care about that.
I actually met and meet a lot of them because I work in several areas, including Hempstead, NY.

I bet you're a Limousine Liberal.
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Who was the last Democrat President to turn minorities into low wage food servers and janitors?
HINT: His last name started with an "O".

Oh? What policy caused that?

I also note you were too scared to answer my question. No worries ... your fear answered for you. :mm:
Obama continued GW’s policies of...
Open Borders
Business Visas

Or are you that stupid?
Obama added over 11 million jobs. And that's factoring in Bush's Great Recession which started Obama 4 million jobs in the hole. Clearly, the nonsense you spew had nothing to do with job growth as Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months.
Obama added low wage jobs, I live in a urban area.. Obama was horrible..

Also let’s not forget democrats has the house with bushes finial years, didn’t work with bush to fix jobs, they purposely attacked bush and refused to work with him, they want the number to go up so they could win an election.. with the help of the media. They got away with it and they are trying it again with trump. It’s sad democrats are so anti American
I don't care that you had to suck dicks for a living. The job market came back strong under Obama.

As far as Democrats controlling the House during Bush's final years, so what? Cite the bill passed in 2007 or that you think crashed the economy.....
im saying democrats with the help of the media ignored the Jobs They were focusing on getting a democrat elected, if they worked with bush on a jobs bill thanAmericans would have been better off, but we all know OBAMA CARE said 30 hour a week and you don’t have to offer benefits.Obama was awful
Jobs were lost due to Bush's Great Recession. Thanks for admitting you can't find a single bill passed in 2007 that led to that.

I agree, but Obama didn't do anything to make it better.

Sure, uh-huh. Like the coronavirus, it would just miraculously disappear in April by itself.
Ad hominem...We're discussing Obama's "recovery" of GW's crash, not COVID.
I see you have nowhere to hide.

The point, which sailed clear over your head, is that these things don't just miraculously occur on their own.

Sorry, asshole, your admiration of Obama is based on fantasy, not fact.

Awe, poor baby.

It just kills you that Obama saved the country from Bush's Great Recession.

Describe how Obama did that without putting us Trillions in debt.
It's great to be able to save a nation by making that nation's people pay for it.
And both parties do it liberally.

Now be specific and answer the questions concerning how Obama improved the lives of minorities.
Much, if not most of that debt was caused by lost revenue thanks to Bush's Great Recession, which shed 8 million jobs plus an additional 4 million to marginally attached workers.
Again democrats had the house.. what did you all do? Nothing lol
Well that's a lie. They passed two GSE reform bills in the House in 2007, one of which made it to Bush's desk. Something Republicans failed to do in all the years before that as the problem grew worse.
Why? You won't understand it anyway when you read it.

The housing act was to create jobs? Lol
Jobs weren't the problem they were addressing. How the fuck did you get to be this stupid?? :ack-1:

I knew you couldn't understand what I posted. How right was I, huh?
I can’t even lol

I can. You don't even know the unemployment rate was 4.5% when Frank's GSE reform bill passed, do ya, nazitrollboi? Why would Democrat's be concerned about a jobs bill during low unemployment while the housing markets were crashing due to lack of GSE reform??

Btw ... I'm not really expecting a lucid reply from you. This post is really for the entertainment of others.

What's your annual salary?
Why? You looking for a job? You know Java? It pays very well.
Nice deflection.
You keep bullshitting that Obama did something good for minorities.

You know why Americans can now get programming jobs?
Because Trump has been sending the Indian Business Visas home; that must kill you Liberals.

You moron. He did that like 2 or 3 weeks ago. And because you're so ignorant, you don't even know many programmers who can't retain their visa status to work here, continue working their same job remotely from India. You also don't know how easy it is for Americans to get programming jobs even before that, if they have the skills.

Meanwhile, under Obama black unemployment dropped from 16.8% to 7.5%. Hispanic unemployment dropped from 13% to 5.8%.
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Who was the last Democrat President to turn minorities into low wage food servers and janitors?
HINT: His last name started with an "O".

Oh? What policy caused that?

I also note you were too scared to answer my question. No worries ... your fear answered for you. :mm:
Obama continued GW’s policies of...
Open Borders
Business Visas

Or are you that stupid?
Obama added over 11 million jobs. And that's factoring in Bush's Great Recession which started Obama 4 million jobs in the hole. Clearly, the nonsense you spew had nothing to do with job growth as Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months.
Obama added low wage jobs, I live in a urban area.. Obama was horrible..

Also let’s not forget democrats has the house with bushes finial years, didn’t work with bush to fix jobs, they purposely attacked bush and refused to work with him, they want the number to go up so they could win an election.. with the help of the media. They got away with it and they are trying it again with trump. It’s sad democrats are so anti American
I don't care that you had to suck dicks for a living. The job market came back strong under Obama.

As far as Democrats controlling the House during Bush's final years, so what? Cite the bill passed in 2007 or that you think crashed the economy.....
im saying democrats with the help of the media ignored the Jobs They were focusing on getting a democrat elected, if they worked with bush on a jobs bill thanAmericans would have been better off, but we all know OBAMA CARE said 30 hour a week and you don’t have to offer benefits.Obama was awful
Jobs were lost due to Bush's Great Recession. Thanks for admitting you can't find a single bill passed in 2007 that led to that.

I agree, but Obama didn't do anything to make it better.

Sure, uh-huh. Like the coronavirus, it would just miraculously disappear in April by itself.
Ad hominem...We're discussing Obama's "recovery" of GW's crash, not COVID.
I see you have nowhere to hide.

The point, which sailed clear over your head, is that these things don't just miraculously occur on their own.

Sorry, asshole, your admiration of Obama is based on fantasy, not fact.

Awe, poor baby.

It just kills you that Obama saved the country from Bush's Great Recession.

Describe how Obama did that without putting us Trillions in debt.
It's great to be able to save a nation by making that nation's people pay for it.
And both parties do it liberally.

Now be specific and answer the questions concerning how Obama improved the lives of minorities.
Much, if not most of that debt was caused by lost revenue thanks to Bush's Great Recession, which shed 8 million jobs plus an additional 4 million to marginally attached workers.
Again democrats had the house.. what did you all do? Nothing lol
Well that's a lie. They passed two GSE reform bills in the House in 2007, one of which made it to Bush's desk. Something Republicans failed to do in all the years before that as the problem grew worse.
Why? You won't understand it anyway when you read it.

The housing act was to create jobs? Lol
The Housing Act was to give minorities huge mortgages funded by Honky tax dollars so minorities could buy homes for which they couldn't pay the mortgage.
And Faun jerks off over this facade.
The Housing Act was passed in 1949. You claiming people couldn't pay their mortgage for 57 years?
It's well known that under GW, minorities making 30K/year or less were getting approved for 600+K mortgages and losing their homes in 3-4 months.
Not that you really care about that.
I actually met and meet a lot of them because I work in several areas, including Hempstead, NY.

I bet you're a Limousine Liberal.
"minorities making 30K/year or less were getting approved for 600+K mortgages "

Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
you are going to be very very angry after the election.
Won't Edgy be angry when he finds out too late that no one's going to pick Uncle Joe hiding in his garage wearing a mask who can't even come out to debate! All the Trump people are telling polls they are voting for Biden just to make them as secure as possible. Look! Joe has done nothing and has as 35 point lead! Shazaam!

Election night is going to be so much fun on this forum. It will be interesting to see which Trumper's show up and which don't. What will the Trumpers that do show up say after he loses? Most will peddle some conspiracy theory as their excuse.

I don't expect to get the results on election night.

Mostly because of mail in voting. It's predicted that a large part of our population will be voting that way this year. They all have to be counted. It will take time.

My state will be able to give results quick. We have been 100% mail in ballot since 2005 so we already have the process and infrastructure for all those paper ballots to be counted.

Well, they should start counting before election day. I mean once a person mails in their ballot, they can't change anything so they can go ahead and count it, even if its weeks before election day.
Wrong. Votes should not be counted until election day. That is the day of VOTING. Counting them before and announcing the results so far could influence the election. In a normal election, you have no way of knowing the votes of others until the polls close.
I have no problem in counting votes that have been officially cast
As long as they are not announced until the polls close
hopefully they will never let a lying communist piece of shit like you count votes.people like you have no honor and are not to be trusted .
I am the most honest poster on USMB
you are a democrat ..... it is impossible for you to be honorable .
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Who was the last Democrat President to turn minorities into low wage food servers and janitors?
HINT: His last name started with an "O".

Oh? What policy caused that?

I also note you were too scared to answer my question. No worries ... your fear answered for you. :mm:
Obama continued GW’s policies of...
Open Borders
Business Visas

Or are you that stupid?
Obama added over 11 million jobs. And that's factoring in Bush's Great Recession which started Obama 4 million jobs in the hole. Clearly, the nonsense you spew had nothing to do with job growth as Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months.
Obama added low wage jobs, I live in a urban area.. Obama was horrible..

Also let’s not forget democrats has the house with bushes finial years, didn’t work with bush to fix jobs, they purposely attacked bush and refused to work with him, they want the number to go up so they could win an election.. with the help of the media. They got away with it and they are trying it again with trump. It’s sad democrats are so anti American
I don't care that you had to suck dicks for a living. The job market came back strong under Obama.

As far as Democrats controlling the House during Bush's final years, so what? Cite the bill passed in 2007 or that you think crashed the economy.....
im saying democrats with the help of the media ignored the Jobs They were focusing on getting a democrat elected, if they worked with bush on a jobs bill thanAmericans would have been better off, but we all know OBAMA CARE said 30 hour a week and you don’t have to offer benefits.Obama was awful
Jobs were lost due to Bush's Great Recession. Thanks for admitting you can't find a single bill passed in 2007 that led to that.

I agree, but Obama didn't do anything to make it better.

Sure, uh-huh. Like the coronavirus, it would just miraculously disappear in April by itself.
Ad hominem...We're discussing Obama's "recovery" of GW's crash, not COVID.
I see you have nowhere to hide.

The point, which sailed clear over your head, is that these things don't just miraculously occur on their own.

Sorry, asshole, your admiration of Obama is based on fantasy, not fact.

Awe, poor baby.

It just kills you that Obama saved the country from Bush's Great Recession.

Describe how Obama did that without putting us Trillions in debt.
It's great to be able to save a nation by making that nation's people pay for it.
And both parties do it liberally.

Now be specific and answer the questions concerning how Obama improved the lives of minorities.
Much, if not most of that debt was caused by lost revenue thanks to Bush's Great Recession, which shed 8 million jobs plus an additional 4 million to marginally attached workers.
Again democrats had the house.. what did you all do? Nothing lol
Well that's a lie. They passed two GSE reform bills in the House in 2007, one of which made it to Bush's desk. Something Republicans failed to do in all the years before that as the problem grew worse.
Why? You won't understand it anyway when you read it.

The housing act was to create jobs? Lol
Jobs weren't the problem they were addressing. How the fuck did you get to be this stupid?? :ack-1:

I knew you couldn't understand what I posted. How right was I, huh?
I can’t even lol

I can. You don't even know the unemployment rate was 4.5% when Frank's GSE reform bill passed, do ya, nazitrollboi? Why would Democrat's be concerned about a jobs bill during low unemployment while the housing markets were crashing due to lack of GSE reform??

Btw ... I'm not really expecting a lucid reply from you. This post is really for the entertainment of others.

What's your annual salary?
Why? You looking for a job? You know Java? It pays very well.
Nice deflection.
You keep bullshitting that Obama did something good for minorities.

You know why Americans can now get programming jobs?
Because Trump has been sending the Indian Business Visas home; that must kill you Liberals.

You moron. He did that like 2 or 3 weeks ago. And because you're so ignorant, you don't even know many programmers who can't retain their visa status to work here, continue working their same job remotely from India. You also don't know how easy it is for Americans to get programming jobs even before that, if they have the skills.

Meanwhile, under Obama black unemployment dropped from 16.8% to 7.5%. Hispanic unemployment dropped from 13% to 5.8%.
Except for the fact that my son is actually friends with many of them and they actually lose their jobs here.
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Who was the last Democrat President to turn minorities into low wage food servers and janitors?
HINT: His last name started with an "O".

Oh? What policy caused that?

I also note you were too scared to answer my question. No worries ... your fear answered for you. :mm:
Obama continued GW’s policies of...
Open Borders
Business Visas

Or are you that stupid?
Obama added over 11 million jobs. And that's factoring in Bush's Great Recession which started Obama 4 million jobs in the hole. Clearly, the nonsense you spew had nothing to do with job growth as Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months.
Obama added low wage jobs, I live in a urban area.. Obama was horrible..

Also let’s not forget democrats has the house with bushes finial years, didn’t work with bush to fix jobs, they purposely attacked bush and refused to work with him, they want the number to go up so they could win an election.. with the help of the media. They got away with it and they are trying it again with trump. It’s sad democrats are so anti American
I don't care that you had to suck dicks for a living. The job market came back strong under Obama.

As far as Democrats controlling the House during Bush's final years, so what? Cite the bill passed in 2007 or that you think crashed the economy.....
im saying democrats with the help of the media ignored the Jobs They were focusing on getting a democrat elected, if they worked with bush on a jobs bill thanAmericans would have been better off, but we all know OBAMA CARE said 30 hour a week and you don’t have to offer benefits.Obama was awful
Jobs were lost due to Bush's Great Recession. Thanks for admitting you can't find a single bill passed in 2007 that led to that.

I agree, but Obama didn't do anything to make it better.

Sure, uh-huh. Like the coronavirus, it would just miraculously disappear in April by itself.
Ad hominem...We're discussing Obama's "recovery" of GW's crash, not COVID.
I see you have nowhere to hide.

The point, which sailed clear over your head, is that these things don't just miraculously occur on their own.

Sorry, asshole, your admiration of Obama is based on fantasy, not fact.

Awe, poor baby.

It just kills you that Obama saved the country from Bush's Great Recession.

Describe how Obama did that without putting us Trillions in debt.
It's great to be able to save a nation by making that nation's people pay for it.
And both parties do it liberally.

Now be specific and answer the questions concerning how Obama improved the lives of minorities.
Much, if not most of that debt was caused by lost revenue thanks to Bush's Great Recession, which shed 8 million jobs plus an additional 4 million to marginally attached workers.
Again democrats had the house.. what did you all do? Nothing lol
Well that's a lie. They passed two GSE reform bills in the House in 2007, one of which made it to Bush's desk. Something Republicans failed to do in all the years before that as the problem grew worse.
Why? You won't understand it anyway when you read it.

The housing act was to create jobs? Lol
The Housing Act was to give minorities huge mortgages funded by Honky tax dollars so minorities could buy homes for which they couldn't pay the mortgage.
And Faun jerks off over this facade.
The Housing Act was passed in 1949. You claiming people couldn't pay their mortgage for 57 years?
It's well known that under GW, minorities making 30K/year or less were getting approved for 600+K mortgages and losing their homes in 3-4 months.
Not that you really care about that.
I actually met and meet a lot of them because I work in several areas, including Hempstead, NY.

I bet you're a Limousine Liberal.
"minorities making 30K/year or less were getting approved for 600+K mortgages "

It’s apparent you spend most of your time in front of your PC and zero with minorities.
Who the hell do you think got the subprime mortgages, you moron?
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Who was the last Democrat President to turn minorities into low wage food servers and janitors?
HINT: His last name started with an "O".

Oh? What policy caused that?

I also note you were too scared to answer my question. No worries ... your fear answered for you. :mm:
Obama continued GW’s policies of...
Open Borders
Business Visas

Or are you that stupid?
Obama added over 11 million jobs. And that's factoring in Bush's Great Recession which started Obama 4 million jobs in the hole. Clearly, the nonsense you spew had nothing to do with job growth as Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months.
Obama added low wage jobs, I live in a urban area.. Obama was horrible..

Also let’s not forget democrats has the house with bushes finial years, didn’t work with bush to fix jobs, they purposely attacked bush and refused to work with him, they want the number to go up so they could win an election.. with the help of the media. They got away with it and they are trying it again with trump. It’s sad democrats are so anti American
I don't care that you had to suck dicks for a living. The job market came back strong under Obama.

As far as Democrats controlling the House during Bush's final years, so what? Cite the bill passed in 2007 or that you think crashed the economy.....
im saying democrats with the help of the media ignored the Jobs They were focusing on getting a democrat elected, if they worked with bush on a jobs bill thanAmericans would have been better off, but we all know OBAMA CARE said 30 hour a week and you don’t have to offer benefits.Obama was awful
Jobs were lost due to Bush's Great Recession. Thanks for admitting you can't find a single bill passed in 2007 that led to that.

I agree, but Obama didn't do anything to make it better.

Sure, uh-huh. Like the coronavirus, it would just miraculously disappear in April by itself.
Ad hominem...We're discussing Obama's "recovery" of GW's crash, not COVID.
I see you have nowhere to hide.

The point, which sailed clear over your head, is that these things don't just miraculously occur on their own.

Sorry, asshole, your admiration of Obama is based on fantasy, not fact.

Awe, poor baby.

It just kills you that Obama saved the country from Bush's Great Recession.

Describe how Obama did that without putting us Trillions in debt.
It's great to be able to save a nation by making that nation's people pay for it.
And both parties do it liberally.

Now be specific and answer the questions concerning how Obama improved the lives of minorities.
Much, if not most of that debt was caused by lost revenue thanks to Bush's Great Recession, which shed 8 million jobs plus an additional 4 million to marginally attached workers.
Again democrats had the house.. what did you all do? Nothing lol
Well that's a lie. They passed two GSE reform bills in the House in 2007, one of which made it to Bush's desk. Something Republicans failed to do in all the years before that as the problem grew worse.
Why? You won't understand it anyway when you read it.

The housing act was to create jobs? Lol
Jobs weren't the problem they were addressing. How the fuck did you get to be this stupid?? :ack-1:

I knew you couldn't understand what I posted. How right was I, huh?
I can’t even lol

I can. You don't even know the unemployment rate was 4.5% when Frank's GSE reform bill passed, do ya, nazitrollboi? Why would Democrat's be concerned about a jobs bill during low unemployment while the housing markets were crashing due to lack of GSE reform??

Btw ... I'm not really expecting a lucid reply from you. This post is really for the entertainment of others.

What's your annual salary?
Why? You looking for a job? You know Java? It pays very well.
Nice deflection.
You keep bullshitting that Obama did something good for minorities.

You know why Americans can now get programming jobs?
Because Trump has been sending the Indian Business Visas home; that must kill you Liberals.

You moron. He did that like 2 or 3 weeks ago. And because you're so ignorant, you don't even know many programmers who can't retain their visa status to work here, continue working their same job remotely from India. You also don't know how easy it is for Americans to get programming jobs even before that, if they have the skills.

Meanwhile, under Obama black unemployment dropped from 16.8% to 7.5%. Hispanic unemployment dropped from 13% to 5.8%.
Except for the fact that my son is actually friends with many of them and they actually lose their jobs here.
None lost their job unless their visa happen to expire. And where I work, which employs many Asian Indians, there did happen to be one whose did. He still works for my company; but now, he works remotely from India. You reveal you don't know what you're talking about.
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Who was the last Democrat President to turn minorities into low wage food servers and janitors?
HINT: His last name started with an "O".

Oh? What policy caused that?

I also note you were too scared to answer my question. No worries ... your fear answered for you. :mm:
Obama continued GW’s policies of...
Open Borders
Business Visas

Or are you that stupid?
Obama added over 11 million jobs. And that's factoring in Bush's Great Recession which started Obama 4 million jobs in the hole. Clearly, the nonsense you spew had nothing to do with job growth as Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months.
Obama added low wage jobs, I live in a urban area.. Obama was horrible..

Also let’s not forget democrats has the house with bushes finial years, didn’t work with bush to fix jobs, they purposely attacked bush and refused to work with him, they want the number to go up so they could win an election.. with the help of the media. They got away with it and they are trying it again with trump. It’s sad democrats are so anti American
I don't care that you had to suck dicks for a living. The job market came back strong under Obama.

As far as Democrats controlling the House during Bush's final years, so what? Cite the bill passed in 2007 or that you think crashed the economy.....
im saying democrats with the help of the media ignored the Jobs They were focusing on getting a democrat elected, if they worked with bush on a jobs bill thanAmericans would have been better off, but we all know OBAMA CARE said 30 hour a week and you don’t have to offer benefits.Obama was awful
Jobs were lost due to Bush's Great Recession. Thanks for admitting you can't find a single bill passed in 2007 that led to that.

I agree, but Obama didn't do anything to make it better.

Sure, uh-huh. Like the coronavirus, it would just miraculously disappear in April by itself.
Ad hominem...We're discussing Obama's "recovery" of GW's crash, not COVID.
I see you have nowhere to hide.

The point, which sailed clear over your head, is that these things don't just miraculously occur on their own.

Sorry, asshole, your admiration of Obama is based on fantasy, not fact.

Awe, poor baby.

It just kills you that Obama saved the country from Bush's Great Recession.

Describe how Obama did that without putting us Trillions in debt.
It's great to be able to save a nation by making that nation's people pay for it.
And both parties do it liberally.

Now be specific and answer the questions concerning how Obama improved the lives of minorities.
Much, if not most of that debt was caused by lost revenue thanks to Bush's Great Recession, which shed 8 million jobs plus an additional 4 million to marginally attached workers.
Again democrats had the house.. what did you all do? Nothing lol
Well that's a lie. They passed two GSE reform bills in the House in 2007, one of which made it to Bush's desk. Something Republicans failed to do in all the years before that as the problem grew worse.
Why? You won't understand it anyway when you read it.

The housing act was to create jobs? Lol
The Housing Act was to give minorities huge mortgages funded by Honky tax dollars so minorities could buy homes for which they couldn't pay the mortgage.
And Faun jerks off over this facade.
The Housing Act was passed in 1949. You claiming people couldn't pay their mortgage for 57 years?
It's well known that under GW, minorities making 30K/year or less were getting approved for 600+K mortgages and losing their homes in 3-4 months.
Not that you really care about that.
I actually met and meet a lot of them because I work in several areas, including Hempstead, NY.

I bet you're a Limousine Liberal.
"minorities making 30K/year or less were getting approved for 600+K mortgages "

It’s apparent you spend most of your time in front of your PC and zero with minorities.
Who the hell do you think got the subprime mortgages, you moron?
It's apparent you're a retard. I've never had a job developing code where there weren't minorities. And subprime mortgages were being doled out to whites as well as minorities. Again, you have no idea what you're talking about.
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Who was the last Democrat President to turn minorities into low wage food servers and janitors?
HINT: His last name started with an "O".

Oh? What policy caused that?

I also note you were too scared to answer my question. No worries ... your fear answered for you. :mm:
Obama continued GW’s policies of...
Open Borders
Business Visas

Or are you that stupid?
Obama added over 11 million jobs. And that's factoring in Bush's Great Recession which started Obama 4 million jobs in the hole. Clearly, the nonsense you spew had nothing to do with job growth as Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months.
Obama added low wage jobs, I live in a urban area.. Obama was horrible..

Also let’s not forget democrats has the house with bushes finial years, didn’t work with bush to fix jobs, they purposely attacked bush and refused to work with him, they want the number to go up so they could win an election.. with the help of the media. They got away with it and they are trying it again with trump. It’s sad democrats are so anti American
I don't care that you had to suck dicks for a living. The job market came back strong under Obama.

As far as Democrats controlling the House during Bush's final years, so what? Cite the bill passed in 2007 or that you think crashed the economy.....
im saying democrats with the help of the media ignored the Jobs They were focusing on getting a democrat elected, if they worked with bush on a jobs bill thanAmericans would have been better off, but we all know OBAMA CARE said 30 hour a week and you don’t have to offer benefits.Obama was awful
Jobs were lost due to Bush's Great Recession. Thanks for admitting you can't find a single bill passed in 2007 that led to that.

I agree, but Obama didn't do anything to make it better.

Sure, uh-huh. Like the coronavirus, it would just miraculously disappear in April by itself.
Ad hominem...We're discussing Obama's "recovery" of GW's crash, not COVID.
I see you have nowhere to hide.

The point, which sailed clear over your head, is that these things don't just miraculously occur on their own.

Sorry, asshole, your admiration of Obama is based on fantasy, not fact.

Awe, poor baby.

It just kills you that Obama saved the country from Bush's Great Recession.

Describe how Obama did that without putting us Trillions in debt.
It's great to be able to save a nation by making that nation's people pay for it.
And both parties do it liberally.

Now be specific and answer the questions concerning how Obama improved the lives of minorities.
Much, if not most of that debt was caused by lost revenue thanks to Bush's Great Recession, which shed 8 million jobs plus an additional 4 million to marginally attached workers.
Again democrats had the house.. what did you all do? Nothing lol
Well that's a lie. They passed two GSE reform bills in the House in 2007, one of which made it to Bush's desk. Something Republicans failed to do in all the years before that as the problem grew worse.
Why? You won't understand it anyway when you read it.

The housing act was to create jobs? Lol
The Housing Act was to give minorities huge mortgages funded by Honky tax dollars so minorities could buy homes for which they couldn't pay the mortgage.
And Faun jerks off over this facade.
The Housing Act was passed in 1949. You claiming people couldn't pay their mortgage for 57 years?
It's well known that under GW, minorities making 30K/year or less were getting approved for 600+K mortgages and losing their homes in 3-4 months.
Not that you really care about that.
I actually met and meet a lot of them because I work in several areas, including Hempstead, NY.

I bet you're a Limousine Liberal.
"minorities making 30K/year or less were getting approved for 600+K mortgages "

It’s apparent you spend most of your time in front of your PC and zero with minorities.
Who the hell do you think got the subprime mortgages, you moron?
It's apparent you're a retard. I've never had a job developing code where there weren't minorities. And subprime mortgages were being doled out to whites as well as minorities. Again, you have no idea what you're talking about.
I worked on Wall Street from 1981 to 2000 and only once saw a Black programmer.
Nobody said subprimes were not being given to everyone.

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