Can Trump's Administration be relied upon to tell the truth even when it's not favorable to them?

We’re going to find out pretty soon I imagine. In the end it doesn’t matter much what the President says about reality; it only matters if people believe it.

So far, it is clear that anyone who believes him does so at her/his own peril.

The crooked democrat press has played games with camera angles to craft the narrative that promotes whatever leftist cause they happen to be promoting. This shit with the inauguration is just more of the same from our corrupt, Soros controlled press.

You’re so cute when you throw your tantrums.

Aw, you Soros soldiers and your fake news.

Must bug the hell out of you the HRC got MILLIONS more votes than your messiah



Trump is president, the Mafia hag is out of the game.

Besides, watching your never ending butthurt is so entertaining. :thup:

Were you out with your pink pussy on Saturday?

I mean the hat, not the shriveled and dry vagina....

HRC still got MILLIONS more votes than your messiah. Obviously that pisses you off.

The crooked democrat press has played games with camera angles to craft the narrative that promotes whatever leftist cause they happen to be promoting. This shit with the inauguration is just more of the same from our corrupt, Soros controlled press.

You’re so cute when you throw your tantrums.

Aw, you Soros soldiers and your fake news.

Must bug the hell out of you the HRC got MILLIONS more votes than your messiah



Trump is president, the Mafia hag is out of the game.

Besides, watching your never ending butthurt is so entertaining. :thup:

Were you out with your pink pussy on Saturday?

I mean the hat, not the shriveled and dry vagina....

HRC still got MILLIONS more votes than your messiah. Obviously that pisses you off.


Yeah those Clintons, real honest folks. :lmao:
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The crooked democrat press has played games with camera angles to craft the narrative that promotes whatever leftist cause they happen to be promoting. This shit with the inauguration is just more of the same from our corrupt, Soros controlled press.

You’re so cute when you throw your tantrums.

Aw, you Soros soldiers and your fake news.

Must bug the hell out of you the HRC got MILLIONS more votes than your messiah



Trump is president, the Mafia hag is out of the game.

Besides, watching your never ending butthurt is so entertaining. :thup:

Were you out with your pink pussy on Saturday?

I mean the hat, not the shriveled and dry vagina....

HRC still got MILLIONS more votes than your messiah. Obviously that pisses you off.

I think it pisses you off more.
You’re so cute when you throw your tantrums.

Aw, you Soros soldiers and your fake news.

Must bug the hell out of you the HRC got MILLIONS more votes than your messiah



Trump is president, the Mafia hag is out of the game.

Besides, watching your never ending butthurt is so entertaining. :thup:

Were you out with your pink pussy on Saturday?

I mean the hat, not the shriveled and dry vagina....

HRC still got MILLIONS more votes than your messiah. Obviously that pisses you off.

I think it pisses you off more.

That Ms. Clinton beat your messiah by millions upon millions of votes? he he he...sure poindexter...what evs.

No I don't think they'll report much or agree with anything negative regarding Comrade Trump or the Trump administration. If Trump says he got the biggest ever attendance at his inauguration, then by golly that's the way it's gonna be. If someone corrects him on it, he'll get offended and then argue about it.

1. Trump has already stated that even after the audit he has no intention of showing anyone his income tax returns.
2. Today he told congressional leaders that the reason why he lost the popular vote is because 3 to 5 million illegals voted--LOL Even though, no illegal is going to be stupid enough to try and cast a vote, only to get caught and deported.
3. And apparently during the meeting with members of congress today he still brought up the crowd size at his inauguration.

So this in an effort to protect his ego, because that is the most important thing to him. 1. He can't stand the thought that there weren't that many at his inauguration, or that other President's had larger crowds. 2. He can't stand the thought that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million votes. He's not going to let it go. But the more he brings it up, the bigger fool he makes out of himself.

So Trump is still more of that T.V. Reality star trying to protect his narcissistic mentality than he is President, and I am certain this is more than likely the way he'll continue to be. No one has been able to control him. If he's off script and no one is babysitting him, he going to go off the rail and say something really stupid.

I had to laugh last night--watching the painful look on Mike Pense's face watching Trump make a simple announcement with this look on his face "Like Oh Shit what's he going to say next." All our past Presidents never had this problem where they had to have the Vice President standing right behind him, like a little kid you're pinching in the ass to keep him from saying something bad.-LOL That's exactly what it looked like was going on.

A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

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Do you mean would he lie to the public blaming a terrorist attack where a sitting U.S. Ambassador was killed on a YouTube video to give himself political cover before an election?

I really can't say...but I can say for certain that the last guy did...

Comrade Trump has told plenty of lies already that none of you called him out on.

Like--Ted Cruz's father was involved in the assassination of JFK. You heard them all but you ignored them all. Many of you thought, well he's not serious, he's just joking. No he wasn't, you were watching the real deal.

I agree with Cruz, Trump is a pathological liar. This is a person that lies so much, that they end up believing their own lies. Then it becomes 2nd nature to them, and a paragraph ends up being 99% false, 1% truth, and they're perfectly O.K. with it, and never even blinked an eyelash while doing it. He's probably so good at it, he could probably lie through his teeth now, and pass a lie detector test at the same time. That's the outcome of doing something so often, it no longer bothers you.

In fact here is a list of the lies Trump told just during the campaign.
Lyin' Donald: 101 Of Trump's Greatest Lies

The most important thing to Comrade Trump is his self-image. He is a narcissist and the world revolves around him, and no one or anything is more important than he is. So he will at all cost protect his self-image, including lying to do it. He will make certain that his administration will protect his self image at all cost, including them lying to protect him.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

So NO, these are the reasons the American public will not be able to trust Comrade Trump or his administration for truth and full disclosure, much less transparency.
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Aw, you Soros soldiers and your fake news.

Must bug the hell out of you the HRC got MILLIONS more votes than your messiah



Trump is president, the Mafia hag is out of the game.

Besides, watching your never ending butthurt is so entertaining. :thup:

Were you out with your pink pussy on Saturday?

I mean the hat, not the shriveled and dry vagina....

HRC still got MILLIONS more votes than your messiah. Obviously that pisses you off.

I think it pisses you off more.

That Ms. Clinton beat your messiah by millions upon millions of votes? he he he...sure poindexter...what evs.
Yes..........and she still lost. Take this and get back to me when you are feeling better.


BTW, I voted for Jilly.......not Hilly. Peace
Argumentum ad antiquitatem fails from square one.​

Trump claims he's going to do things differently. Assuming that's been done without exception in prior Administrations, are those not excellent things to not do at all during his tenure?​

You must be a youngster. Government always lies. It's what it does. So do yourself a big favor, don't search for truth in Government. It doesn't exist. If you continue searching, you'll only make yourself sick with bitter disappointment. Just a little friendly advice for ya.

I don't "search for truth in government." I receive statements and evaluate their veracity. It doesn't matter who makes the statements.

Well, your post seemed to indicate that you are expecting truth in Government.

I expect people to be truthful. I don't have varying levels of expectations in that regard; I expect it of all adults. I'm not naive enough to think that people will not occasionally lie when asked a question for which they know the honest answer does not favor them, but I do expect people to only and always tell the truth when they make unsolicited remarks. I require direct and complete answers to fairly and neutrally presented questions.

You can expect whatever you want but human beings are the most duplicitous beings in the known universe and do not care in the least what you require

I'm not sure there's much to make of your remark for it really doesn't matter how duplicitous humans are. We are the only intelligent beings we know of in the universe. We are thus the most and least duplicitous beings in the known universe. Sure other animals think, but I doubt you were intimating that we consider them within the context of this thread's discussion topic. At least I would hope you weren't going down that road.
Trump could rape a 10 year old girl, and the conservative right would say she deserved it.

He could deny it, and they'd believe it even if given a video of it.
You mean a Clinton could do this. Historically speaking the left has been ignoring/denying Clinton sexual deviance for several decades
Trump could rape a 10 year old girl, and the conservative right would say she deserved it.

He could deny it, and they'd believe it even if given a video of it.
You mean a Clinton could do this. Historically speaking the left has been ignoring/denying Clinton sexual deviance for several decades

Trump could face fuck his daughters on live television and you'd unzip your pants sooner than you questioned his actions.

The whole thunderkiss family might get involved!
Trump could rape a 10 year old girl, and the conservative right would say she deserved it.

He could deny it, and they'd believe it even if given a video of it.
You mean a Clinton could do this. Historically speaking the left has been ignoring/denying Clinton sexual deviance for several decades

Trump could face fuck his daughters on live television and you'd unzip your pants sooner than you questioned his actions.

The whole thunderkiss family might get involved!
Nobody cares about your porn fetishes or was that a sorry attempt at insulting me.
Yeah, because everyone knows Obama always told the truth even when it wasn't to his advantage . . . . . . er, no, that's not right.
This is what Trump has done just in the last few days

A Dog and pony show in which he sat at a Lobby desk of a Secretary to take a photograph pretending he was writing his own Inauguration Speech while sitting in his Office. Immediately folks noticed he was using a capped Sharpie pen to write the speech. Later the truth came that it was written by Breitbart editor...
He debunks any notion that he is going to show his Taxes....disrespecting We The People
Trump Definitively Forsakes His Promise to Release His Tax Returns

We will be fortunate if we can put a Strait Jacket on this crazy person BEFORE he launches Nukes
Trump could rape a 10 year old girl, and the conservative right would say she deserved it.

He could deny it, and they'd believe it even if given a video of it.
You mean a Clinton could do this. Historically speaking the left has been ignoring/denying Clinton sexual deviance for several decades

Trump could face fuck his daughters on live television and you'd unzip your pants sooner than you questioned his actions.

The whole thunderkiss family might get involved!
Nobody cares about your porn fetishes or was that a sorry attempt at insulting me.

Trump is into some freaky shit dude.

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