Can Trump's Administration be relied upon to tell the truth even when it's not favorable to them?

I don't "search for truth in government." I receive statements and evaluate their veracity. It doesn't matter who makes the statements.

Well, your post seemed to indicate that you are expecting truth in Government.

I expect people to be truthful. I don't have varying levels of expectations in that regard; I expect it of all adults. I'm not naive enough to think that people will not occasionally lie when asked a question for which they know the honest answer does not favor them, but I do expect people to only and always tell the truth when they make unsolicited remarks. I require direct and complete answers to fairly and neutrally presented questions.

Well if you continue 'expecting' that of Government, you'll end up a very bitter disappointed person. Just expect them to lie to you. You'll learn to roll with the punches on it.
You are normalizing blatant lying from the President of the U.S. He had his paid mouthpiece go on national television and say the sky is green. And you're saying oh well? The sky ain't green and Trump did not have the largest crowd at his inauguration ever.
Trump we can laugh off. That anyone defends this behavior is what is scary. You folks are scary.

The inauguration thing was stupid both ways. And after a year of the media lying about Trump and you say this, I'm just laughing at you

So your position is that any media outlet that has ever been wrong about ANYTHING is incapable of ever in the future being right about anything?

That's mental.
I don't "search for truth in government." I receive statements and evaluate their veracity. It doesn't matter who makes the statements.

Well, your post seemed to indicate that you are expecting truth in Government.

I expect people to be truthful. I don't have varying levels of expectations in that regard; I expect it of all adults. I'm not naive enough to think that people will not occasionally lie when asked a question for which they know the honest answer does not favor them, but I do expect people to only and always tell the truth when they make unsolicited remarks. I require direct and complete answers to fairly and neutrally presented questions.

Well if you continue 'expecting' that of Government, you'll end up a very bitter disappointed person. Just expect them to lie to you. You'll learn to roll with the punches on it.
You are normalizing blatant lying from the President of the U.S. He had his paid mouthpiece go on national television and say the sky is green. And you're saying oh well? The sky ain't green and Trump did not have the largest crowd at his inauguration ever.
Trump we can laugh off. That anyone defends this behavior is what is scary. You folks are scary.
That's a little offensive, jc. I don't hit you.
Trump could rape a 10 year old girl, and the conservative right would say she deserved it.

He could deny it, and they'd believe it even if given a video of it.

That sounds sooooo

what's the word....

Dude, what part of the meaning of "interrogative sentence" do you not understand? I didn't reference anything outside of whether the qualitative nature of the topics about which the Trump Admin. may be called to discuss, that nature pertaining to events, situations, details and outcomes that may not be favorable to the Trump Administration. I asked a question. Do you care to provide a direct answer to it or not?

What others have done in the past doesn't matter. Trump is POTUS now, so I care what he and his aides, advisors, appointees, etc. do.

Just wanted to make sure I understood exactly what kind of lying to the public by a President of the United States you were asking about.

And you still haven't answered my simple question.

Are you talking about a situation similar to a president lying to the public about something like a planned attack on an American Consulate on 9/11, attempting to mislead the American people into believing it was only a spontaneous riot incited by a YouTube video...just to cover his own ass during an election cycle to protect his political ambition to win a second term? Is that the kind of thing you're asking us if Trump might do?

A simple yes or no will suffice.

Even if that were true, which it isn't, how would that in any way make Trump's lying a good thing?
Trump could rape a 10 year old girl, and the conservative right would say she deserved it.

He could deny it, and they'd believe it even if given a video of it.

That sounds sooooo

what's the word....


He's right in principle. When's the last time you heard a Trump supporter admit that Trump lied about something, or was in the wrong about something?
Trump could rape a 10 year old girl, and the conservative right would say she deserved it.

He could deny it, and they'd believe it even if given a video of it.

That sounds sooooo

what's the word....


He's right in principle. When's the last time you heard a Trump supporter admit that Trump lied about something, or was in the wrong about something?

I just did exactly that in a post earlier today.

Right Here.
Well, your post seemed to indicate that you are expecting truth in Government.

I expect people to be truthful. I don't have varying levels of expectations in that regard; I expect it of all adults. I'm not naive enough to think that people will not occasionally lie when asked a question for which they know the honest answer does not favor them, but I do expect people to only and always tell the truth when they make unsolicited remarks. I require direct and complete answers to fairly and neutrally presented questions.

Well if you continue 'expecting' that of Government, you'll end up a very bitter disappointed person. Just expect them to lie to you. You'll learn to roll with the punches on it.
You are normalizing blatant lying from the President of the U.S. He had his paid mouthpiece go on national television and say the sky is green. And you're saying oh well? The sky ain't green and Trump did not have the largest crowd at his inauguration ever.
Trump we can laugh off. That anyone defends this behavior is what is scary. You folks are scary.

Like i said, you'd be wise to stop searching for truth in Government. It just ain't there. Politicians lie. It's what they do. That's the case whether they call themselves a Republican or Democrat. But hey, you wanna go on believing in fairy tales, so be it i guess. Good luck with that.
And like I said, you're normalizing blatant lying from the President of our country. How sad you can't see that you are the one believing in fairy tales (the ones told you by Trump), not me.

Politicians lie all the time. It's what they do. Do you seriously not understand that? I guess you might just be a naive youngster. So there's no point arguing about it. You may grow up and understand one day. But then again, maybe not? Many folks enjoy believing in fairy tales.
Well, your post seemed to indicate that you are expecting truth in Government.

I expect people to be truthful. I don't have varying levels of expectations in that regard; I expect it of all adults. I'm not naive enough to think that people will not occasionally lie when asked a question for which they know the honest answer does not favor them, but I do expect people to only and always tell the truth when they make unsolicited remarks. I require direct and complete answers to fairly and neutrally presented questions.

Well if you continue 'expecting' that of Government, you'll end up a very bitter disappointed person. Just expect them to lie to you. You'll learn to roll with the punches on it.
You are normalizing blatant lying from the President of the U.S. He had his paid mouthpiece go on national television and say the sky is green. And you're saying oh well? The sky ain't green and Trump did not have the largest crowd at his inauguration ever.
Trump we can laugh off. That anyone defends this behavior is what is scary. You folks are scary.

The inauguration thing was stupid both ways. And after a year of the media lying about Trump and you say this, I'm just laughing at you

So your position is that any media outlet that has ever been wrong about ANYTHING is incapable of ever in the future being right about anything?

That's mental.

Define and provide an example of what you view as Media being 'Wrong.' When is it being 'Wrong' and when is it a Fake News lie?
Trump could demand every one of his supporters to abandon their faith and worship him, and a good 85% would probably do it.

The shit I've seen, the self delusion and unwavering devotion to the man I've seen... tells me these people support trump over god, country or family.
just remember 40% of those voting for him called him unqualified....the other 60% have only 1 oar in the water
Trump could demand every one of his supporters to abandon their faith and worship him, and a good 85% would probably do it.

The shit I've seen, the self delusion and unwavering devotion to the man I've seen... tells me these people support trump over god, country or family.
just remember 40% of those voting for him called him unqualified....the other 60% have only 1 oar in the water
and most of them are right here
I expect people to be truthful. I don't have varying levels of expectations in that regard; I expect it of all adults. I'm not naive enough to think that people will not occasionally lie when asked a question for which they know the honest answer does not favor them, but I do expect people to only and always tell the truth when they make unsolicited remarks. I require direct and complete answers to fairly and neutrally presented questions.

Well if you continue 'expecting' that of Government, you'll end up a very bitter disappointed person. Just expect them to lie to you. You'll learn to roll with the punches on it.
You are normalizing blatant lying from the President of the U.S. He had his paid mouthpiece go on national television and say the sky is green. And you're saying oh well? The sky ain't green and Trump did not have the largest crowd at his inauguration ever.
Trump we can laugh off. That anyone defends this behavior is what is scary. You folks are scary.

Like i said, you'd be wise to stop searching for truth in Government. It just ain't there. Politicians lie. It's what they do. That's the case whether they call themselves a Republican or Democrat. But hey, you wanna go on believing in fairy tales, so be it i guess. Good luck with that.
And like I said, you're normalizing blatant lying from the President of our country. How sad you can't see that you are the one believing in fairy tales (the ones told you by Trump), not me.

Politicians lie all the time. It's what they do. Do you seriously not understand that? I guess you might just be a naive youngster. So there's no point arguing about it. You may grow up and understand one day. But then again, maybe not? Many folks enjoy believing in fairy tales.
You are truly beyond help, aren't you?
Anyone who's still 'relying' on Politicians to tell them the truth, is still believing in fairy tales. Trump can't be held to any different standard than the rest have been. He'll tell the truth sometimes, and he'll lie sometimes. That's the way it is. People really should stop searching for truth in Government. They'll only end up being very disappointed people.
I expect people will answer the question directly by considering what evidence already exists to develop their expectations of Trump and his staff's future behavior will be in terms of disclosing factually accurate information about whatever the Administration elects to discuss.

The answer to your question is
No. Period. <drop mic>
<turn and leave the room>

Heart filled with hate? Head filled with shit?

Yep, you're a democrat.
Well, your post seemed to indicate that you are expecting truth in Government.

I expect people to be truthful. I don't have varying levels of expectations in that regard; I expect it of all adults. I'm not naive enough to think that people will not occasionally lie when asked a question for which they know the honest answer does not favor them, but I do expect people to only and always tell the truth when they make unsolicited remarks. I require direct and complete answers to fairly and neutrally presented questions.

Well if you continue 'expecting' that of Government, you'll end up a very bitter disappointed person. Just expect them to lie to you. You'll learn to roll with the punches on it.
You are normalizing blatant lying from the President of the U.S. He had his paid mouthpiece go on national television and say the sky is green. And you're saying oh well? The sky ain't green and Trump did not have the largest crowd at his inauguration ever.
Trump we can laugh off. That anyone defends this behavior is what is scary. You folks are scary.

Like i said, you'd be wise to stop searching for truth in Government. It just ain't there. Politicians lie. It's what they do. That's the case whether they call themselves a Republican or Democrat. But hey, you wanna go on believing in fairy tales, so be it i guess. Good luck with that.
And like I said, you're normalizing blatant lying from the President of our country. How sad you can't see that you are the one believing in fairy tales (the ones told you by Trump), not me.

Seriously? You think blatant lying is normalized by ... Trump ??? What planet are you from?
I expect people will answer the question directly by considering what evidence already exists to develop their expectations of Trump and his staff's future behavior will be in terms of disclosing factually accurate information about whatever the Administration elects to discuss.

The answer to your question is
No. Period. <drop mic>
<turn and leave the room>

Heart filled with hate? Head filled with shit?

Yep, you're a democrat.
no that describes an obama hater all asshats
I expect people to be truthful. I don't have varying levels of expectations in that regard; I expect it of all adults. I'm not naive enough to think that people will not occasionally lie when asked a question for which they know the honest answer does not favor them, but I do expect people to only and always tell the truth when they make unsolicited remarks. I require direct and complete answers to fairly and neutrally presented questions.

Well if you continue 'expecting' that of Government, you'll end up a very bitter disappointed person. Just expect them to lie to you. You'll learn to roll with the punches on it.
You are normalizing blatant lying from the President of the U.S. He had his paid mouthpiece go on national television and say the sky is green. And you're saying oh well? The sky ain't green and Trump did not have the largest crowd at his inauguration ever.
Trump we can laugh off. That anyone defends this behavior is what is scary. You folks are scary.

Like i said, you'd be wise to stop searching for truth in Government. It just ain't there. Politicians lie. It's what they do. That's the case whether they call themselves a Republican or Democrat. But hey, you wanna go on believing in fairy tales, so be it i guess. Good luck with that.
And like I said, you're normalizing blatant lying from the President of our country. How sad you can't see that you are the one believing in fairy tales (the ones told you by Trump), not me.

Seriously? You think blatant lying is normalized by ... Trump ??? What planet are you from?

Ha, you're dealing with nutters who hysterically screech about Trump being 'Hitler' and a 'Racist.' So do you really think you can reason with them? I wouldn't bother if i were you. It ain't gonna happen.
Well if you continue 'expecting' that of Government, you'll end up a very bitter disappointed person. Just expect them to lie to you. You'll learn to roll with the punches on it.
You are normalizing blatant lying from the President of the U.S. He had his paid mouthpiece go on national television and say the sky is green. And you're saying oh well? The sky ain't green and Trump did not have the largest crowd at his inauguration ever.
Trump we can laugh off. That anyone defends this behavior is what is scary. You folks are scary.

Like i said, you'd be wise to stop searching for truth in Government. It just ain't there. Politicians lie. It's what they do. That's the case whether they call themselves a Republican or Democrat. But hey, you wanna go on believing in fairy tales, so be it i guess. Good luck with that.
And like I said, you're normalizing blatant lying from the President of our country. How sad you can't see that you are the one believing in fairy tales (the ones told you by Trump), not me.

Seriously? You think blatant lying is normalized by ... Trump ??? What planet are you from?

Ha, you're dealing with nutters who hysterically screech about Trump being 'Hitler' and a 'Racist.' So do you really think you can reason with them? I wouldn't bother if i were you. It ain't gonna happen.

I believe I basically told OldBattleAx that, didn't I?

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