Can Trump's Administration be relied upon to tell the truth even when it's not favorable to them?

Trump could rape a 10 year old girl, and the conservative right would say she deserved it.

He could deny it, and they'd believe it even if given a video of it.

CNN (on behalf of their master, George Soros) could tell you Melania is a 10 year old boy, and you'd believe it, just like the mindless drone you are.

CNN could tell you that 3 million votes from illegal aliens in California made Hillary the rightful president.

Come to think of it, they already did, and you were indeed stupid enough to buy it.

Well this is why you serve a foreign power in hopes of ending the Constitution, because you're fucking stupid.
Trump could rape a 10 year old girl, and the conservative right would say she deserved it.

He could deny it, and they'd believe it even if given a video of it.
you're one sick a-hole eh?
Do you mean would he lie to the public blaming a terrorist attack where a sitting U.S. Ambassador was killed on a YouTube video to give himself political cover before an election?

I really can't say...but I can say for certain that the last guy did...

No, I don't mean that. I mean exactly what I asked. Thanks, but I am more than adequately capable of expressing precisely what I mean. I mean neither more nor less than what I write.
Really? You seem to want to hold one person to a higher standard than those you support. Seems rather hypocritical to me.

What? I don't even see how you can make a claim about to what standards I hold people accountable given that all I've done is present an interrogative sentence and later, in response to another member's attempt to put words in my mouth, attest to the fact that I don't mean to make a claim of any sort by having made an interrogative sentence. The question I asked is neither hypophoric nor rhetorical. I expect people will answer the question directly by considering what evidence already exists to develop their expectations of Trump and his staff's future behavior will be in terms of disclosing factually accurate information about whatever the Administration elects to discuss.

Oh, God! Not another person who thinks that using big words and nonsensical run on sentences makes their viewpoint more valid!
Trump, whether he likes it or not, is a politician. Every politician lies and is not 100% Trustworthy.
Trump could rape a 10 year old girl, and the conservative right would say she deserved it. He could deny it, and they'd believe it even if given a video of it.
you're one sick a-hole eh?
You have to remember this is coming from defenders of the WHITE BILL COSBY & THE ENABLER, people who see a daughter on a father's lap and immediately think 'Lap Dance'.
bottom line, the answer is NO!

In some cases, 'mistakes' may be lied about, but in the best interest of our Nation for them to do so...

In other cases, they will lie to simply make themselves look better.

We’re going to find out pretty soon I imagine. In the end it doesn’t matter much what the President says about reality; it only matters if people believe it.

So far, it is clear that anyone who believes him does so at her/his own peril.

The crooked democrat press has played games with camera angles to craft the narrative that promotes whatever leftist cause they happen to be promoting. This shit with the inauguration is just more of the same from our corrupt, Soros controlled press.
The minute he was inaugurated he was in violation of ethics standards.

You snowflakes put the "holy shit" in "what a bunch of stupid motherfuckers."

Hate filled and stupid, must be a democrat.
me, I see that and I'm like:
Trump could demand every one of his supporters to abandon their faith and worship him, and a good 85% would probably do it.

The shit I've seen, the self delusion and unwavering devotion to the man I've seen... tells me these people support trump over god, country or family.
Or truth, reason and common sense.
I expect people will answer the question directly by considering what evidence already exists to develop their expectations of Trump and his staff's future behavior will be in terms of disclosing factually accurate information about whatever the Administration elects to discuss.

The answer to your question is
No. Period. <drop mic>
<turn and leave the room>
Argumentum ad antiquitatem fails from square one.​

Trump claims he's going to do things differently. Assuming that's been done without exception in prior Administrations, are those not excellent things to not do at all during his tenure?​

You must be a youngster. Government always lies. It's what it does. So do yourself a big favor, don't search for truth in Government. It doesn't exist. If you continue searching, you'll only make yourself sick with bitter disappointment. Just a little friendly advice for ya.

I don't "search for truth in government." I receive statements and evaluate their veracity. It doesn't matter who makes the statements.

Well, your post seemed to indicate that you are expecting truth in Government.

I expect people to be truthful. I don't have varying levels of expectations in that regard; I expect it of all adults. I'm not naive enough to think that people will not occasionally lie when asked a question for which they know the honest answer does not favor them, but I do expect people to only and always tell the truth when they make unsolicited remarks. I require direct and complete answers to fairly and neutrally presented questions.

Well if you continue 'expecting' that of Government, you'll end up a very bitter disappointed person. Just expect them to lie to you. You'll learn to roll with the punches on it.
You are normalizing blatant lying from the President of the U.S. He had his paid mouthpiece go on national television and say the sky is green. And you're saying oh well? The sky ain't green and Trump did not have the largest crowd at his inauguration ever.
Trump we can laugh off. That anyone defends this behavior is what is scary. You folks are scary.
You must be a youngster. Government always lies. It's what it does. So do yourself a big favor, don't search for truth in Government. It doesn't exist. If you continue searching, you'll only make yourself sick with bitter disappointment. Just a little friendly advice for ya.

I don't "search for truth in government." I receive statements and evaluate their veracity. It doesn't matter who makes the statements.

Well, your post seemed to indicate that you are expecting truth in Government.

I expect people to be truthful. I don't have varying levels of expectations in that regard; I expect it of all adults. I'm not naive enough to think that people will not occasionally lie when asked a question for which they know the honest answer does not favor them, but I do expect people to only and always tell the truth when they make unsolicited remarks. I require direct and complete answers to fairly and neutrally presented questions.

Well if you continue 'expecting' that of Government, you'll end up a very bitter disappointed person. Just expect them to lie to you. You'll learn to roll with the punches on it.
You are normalizing blatant lying from the President of the U.S. He had his paid mouthpiece go on national television and say the sky is green. And you're saying oh well? The sky ain't green and Trump did not have the largest crowd at his inauguration ever.
Trump we can laugh off. That anyone defends this behavior is what is scary. You folks are scary.

Like i said, you'd be wise to stop searching for truth in Government. It just ain't there. Politicians lie. It's what they do. That's the case whether they call themselves a Republican or Democrat. But hey, you wanna go on believing in fairy tales, so be it i guess. Good luck with that.
You must be a youngster. Government always lies. It's what it does. So do yourself a big favor, don't search for truth in Government. It doesn't exist. If you continue searching, you'll only make yourself sick with bitter disappointment. Just a little friendly advice for ya.

I don't "search for truth in government." I receive statements and evaluate their veracity. It doesn't matter who makes the statements.

Well, your post seemed to indicate that you are expecting truth in Government.

I expect people to be truthful. I don't have varying levels of expectations in that regard; I expect it of all adults. I'm not naive enough to think that people will not occasionally lie when asked a question for which they know the honest answer does not favor them, but I do expect people to only and always tell the truth when they make unsolicited remarks. I require direct and complete answers to fairly and neutrally presented questions.

Well if you continue 'expecting' that of Government, you'll end up a very bitter disappointed person. Just expect them to lie to you. You'll learn to roll with the punches on it.
You are normalizing blatant lying from the President of the U.S. He had his paid mouthpiece go on national television and say the sky is green. And you're saying oh well? The sky ain't green and Trump did not have the largest crowd at his inauguration ever.
Trump we can laugh off. That anyone defends this behavior is what is scary. You folks are scary.
You must be a youngster. Government always lies. It's what it does. So do yourself a big favor, don't search for truth in Government. It doesn't exist. If you continue searching, you'll only make yourself sick with bitter disappointment. Just a little friendly advice for ya.

I don't "search for truth in government." I receive statements and evaluate their veracity. It doesn't matter who makes the statements.

Well, your post seemed to indicate that you are expecting truth in Government.

I expect people to be truthful. I don't have varying levels of expectations in that regard; I expect it of all adults. I'm not naive enough to think that people will not occasionally lie when asked a question for which they know the honest answer does not favor them, but I do expect people to only and always tell the truth when they make unsolicited remarks. I require direct and complete answers to fairly and neutrally presented questions.

Well if you continue 'expecting' that of Government, you'll end up a very bitter disappointed person. Just expect them to lie to you. You'll learn to roll with the punches on it.
You are normalizing blatant lying from the President of the U.S. He had his paid mouthpiece go on national television and say the sky is green. And you're saying oh well? The sky ain't green and Trump did not have the largest crowd at his inauguration ever.
Trump we can laugh off. That anyone defends this behavior is what is scary. You folks are scary.

The inauguration thing was stupid both ways. And after a year of the media lying about Trump and you say this, I'm just laughing at you
I don't "search for truth in government." I receive statements and evaluate their veracity. It doesn't matter who makes the statements.

Well, your post seemed to indicate that you are expecting truth in Government.

I expect people to be truthful. I don't have varying levels of expectations in that regard; I expect it of all adults. I'm not naive enough to think that people will not occasionally lie when asked a question for which they know the honest answer does not favor them, but I do expect people to only and always tell the truth when they make unsolicited remarks. I require direct and complete answers to fairly and neutrally presented questions.

Well if you continue 'expecting' that of Government, you'll end up a very bitter disappointed person. Just expect them to lie to you. You'll learn to roll with the punches on it.
You are normalizing blatant lying from the President of the U.S. He had his paid mouthpiece go on national television and say the sky is green. And you're saying oh well? The sky ain't green and Trump did not have the largest crowd at his inauguration ever.
Trump we can laugh off. That anyone defends this behavior is what is scary. You folks are scary.

Like i said, you'd be wise to stop searching for truth in Government. It just ain't there. Politicians lie. It's what they do. That's the case whether they call themselves a Republican or Democrat. But hey, you wanna go on believing in fairy tales, so be it i guess. Good luck with that.
And like I said, you're normalizing blatant lying from the President of our country. How sad you can't see that you are the one believing in fairy tales (the ones told you by Trump), not me.

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