Can Trump's Administration be relied upon to tell the truth even when it's not favorable to them?

My goodness....Oh for three, dude. It's a good thing we don't have to rely on you for truth in reporting and facts.

the highest black unemployment rate in I think eve,

What? Black Unemployment Rate History

the lowest home ownership rate [since the 1970s]

You were closest to correct with this metric; however, that is so only if one considers the final two year span of Obama's tenure and compares it against the entire decade of the 1970s.


the lowest labor participation rate since the 1970's

Cute picture. I'll go with this one...


Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Trump could rape a 10 year old girl, and the conservative right would say she deserved it.

He could deny it, and they'd believe it even if given a video of it.
Link or proof of this filthy accusation please, sorry you have such a disgusting image in your mind, pls seek help.

To answer the question posed in the thread, no.

We're in a period now in which anyone who believes something either the administration or the media says out of hand is essentially deluding themselves.

Not quite sure how a democracy is going to survive that.

Trump is a snake and a liar! I wouldn't be surprised if he was satan himself and he will lie and lie to get his way.
Every administration spins and lies so as to look as good as possible to the public

have you people lived under a fucking rock your entire lives that you don't know this yet?
No, I don't mean that. I mean exactly what I asked. Thanks, but I am more than adequately capable of expressing precisely what I mean. I mean neither more nor less than what I write.

Ok. For clarity, the behavior you are referencing...would that be, as a random, non-specific he might lie to the public, blaming a terrorist attack where a sitting U.S. Ambassador was killed on a demonstration caused by a YouTube video, when he knew for a fact that those details were absolutely false, to give himself political cover before an election?
Trump brought Winston Churchill's bust out of retirement and put it back in the Oval Office. That is support for NATO.
Do you mean would he lie to the public blaming a terrorist attack where a sitting U.S. Ambassador was killed on a YouTube video to give himself political cover before an election?

I really can't say...but I can say for certain that the last guy did...

I'm impressed that you still believe that after all those investigations proved it was bullshit. That's what I call true dedication to a lie.
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Funny you should say that...because Obama's fanatic acolytes still to this day not only condone but defend his lies concerning Benghazi. Watch, someone will do it in this very thread.

Did I call it or what? :woohoo:

I'm l impressed that you still believe that after all those investigations proved it was bullshit. That's what I call true dedication to a lie.
I use to attack his policies until he turned our economy around and turned out to be a decent president.

He proved himself worthy of some praise...Please pull your head of your ass.

What did he do Matthew...first president in U.S. HISTORY not to achieve a single quarter of 3% growth...after a recession no less.

So tell be Matthew...what exactly did Obama do to "make the economy better"? Point to ONE Obama policy that improved the economy.

What you need to do is stop buying into the liberal cheerleaders BS you read and take a look around.

What did he do to make the economy better? We were loosing 800,000 jobs per month when he came in, and the American auto industry was all but gone, to never return.

On Thursday, Jim Hoft, the founder of The Gateway Pundit, said the White House was giving his site an official press credential. The Gateway Pundit promoted hoaxes such as one alleging that protesters in Austin, Tex., were bused in by the liberal donor George Soros. (The originator of that story told The New York Times that his assertions were not supported by fact.)
My goodness....Oh for three, dude. It's a good thing we don't have to rely on you for truth in reporting and facts.

the highest black unemployment rate in I think eve,

What? Black Unemployment Rate History

the lowest home ownership rate [since the 1970s]

You were closest to correct with this metric; however, that is so only if one considers the final two year span of Obama's tenure and compares it against the entire decade of the 1970s.


the lowest labor participation rate since the 1970's

Cute picture. I'll go with this one...


Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Your doing so may very well be the cause of your misunderstanding. The chart you provided doesn't depict any information pertaining to the 1970s, or the any time during the 1900s , yet your remark specifically identifies the 1970s as the temporal point of comparison.
Trump could demand every one of his supporters to abandon their faith and worship him, and a good 85% would probably do it.

The shit I've seen, the self delusion and unwavering devotion to the man I've seen... tells me these people support trump over god, country or family.

Funny you should say that...because Obama's fanatic acolytes still to this day not only condone but defend his lies concerning Benghazi. Watch, someone will do it in this very thread.
I guess you are someone who believe Orange Julius did not mock the reporter even though there is audio and video proof he did

Trump is a snake and a liar! I wouldn't be surprised if he was satan himself and he will lie and lie to get his way.
Every administration spins and lies so as to look as good as possible to the public

have you people lived under a fucking rock your entire lives that you don't know this yet?

It's one thing to "spin" debatable concepts. It's wholly another to misrepresent objectively ascertained facts.
  • Whether tax cuts for the wealthy actually benefit the entire population and to what extent they do/don't is debatable The weightings one assigns to the factors used on calculating the impact can be argued ad nauseum.
  • Whether one said "X" or whether "Y" occurred is not debatable.
Trump and his advisors seem given to representing information of the second type noted as fact when it is not.
When anyone burns the American Flag, I want a Court of Inquery to find out who did it with terrible repercussions on everyone except for the Boy Scouts.
Trump could demand every one of his supporters to abandon their faith and worship him, and a good 85% would probably do it.

The shit I've seen, the self delusion and unwavering devotion to the man I've seen... tells me these people support trump over god, country or family.

Funny you should say that...because Obama's fanatic acolytes still to this day not only condone but defend his lies concerning Benghazi. Watch, someone will do it in this very thread.
you are running on "Alternative Facts"....Alternative facts are like Unicorns..,leave it to a moron to be touting Benghazi LOL IDIOT

"A fact is a piece of information presented as having objective reality," Merriam-Webster Dictionary.....

On Thursday, Jim Hoft, the founder of The Gateway Pundit, said the White House was giving his site an official press credential. The Gateway Pundit promoted hoaxes such as one alleging that protesters in Austin, Tex., were bused in by the liberal donor George Soros. (The originator of that story told The New York Times that his assertions were not supported by fact.)
No, I don't mean that. I mean exactly what I asked. Thanks, but I am more than adequately capable of expressing precisely what I mean. I mean neither more nor less than what I write.

Ok. For clarity, the behavior you are referencing...would that be, as a random, non-specific he might lie to the public, blaming a terrorist attack where a sitting U.S. Ambassador was killed on a demonstration caused by a YouTube video, when he knew for a fact that those details were absolutely false, to give himself political cover before an election?

Dude, what part of the meaning of "interrogative sentence" do you not understand? I didn't reference anything outside of whether the qualitative nature of the topics about which the Trump Admin. may be called to discuss, that nature pertaining to events, situations, details and outcomes that may not be favorable to the Trump Administration. I asked a question. Do you care to provide a direct answer to it or not?

What others have done in the past doesn't matter. Trump is POTUS now, so I care what he and his aides, advisors, appointees, etc. do.

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