Can Trump's Administration be relied upon to tell the truth even when it's not favorable to them?

You are normalizing blatant lying from the President of the U.S. He had his paid mouthpiece go on national television and say the sky is green. And you're saying oh well? The sky ain't green and Trump did not have the largest crowd at his inauguration ever.
Trump we can laugh off. That anyone defends this behavior is what is scary. You folks are scary.

Like i said, you'd be wise to stop searching for truth in Government. It just ain't there. Politicians lie. It's what they do. That's the case whether they call themselves a Republican or Democrat. But hey, you wanna go on believing in fairy tales, so be it i guess. Good luck with that.
And like I said, you're normalizing blatant lying from the President of our country. How sad you can't see that you are the one believing in fairy tales (the ones told you by Trump), not me.

Seriously? You think blatant lying is normalized by ... Trump ??? What planet are you from?

Ha, you're dealing with nutters who hysterically screech about Trump being 'Hitler' and a 'Racist.' So do you really think you can reason with them? I wouldn't bother if i were you. It ain't gonna happen.

I believe I basically told OldBattleAx that, didn't I?

Democrats are the last folks on earth who should be demanding truth and ethics from others. They don't have the credibility to be hopping up on high horses. All anyone has to do is check out Wikileaks and see how corrupt that Party is. They got alotta nerve trying to hold Trump to a standard they themselves don't live up to. If i were Trump, i'd tell em to go straight to hell.
Can we trust the ironically named "reliable sources" to tell the truth even when it's favorable to the Trump administration? I think not.
We’re going to find out pretty soon I imagine. In the end it doesn’t matter much what the President says about reality; it only matters if people believe it.

So far, it is clear that anyone who believes him does so at her/his own peril.

The crooked democrat press has played games with camera angles to craft the narrative that promotes whatever leftist cause they happen to be promoting. This shit with the inauguration is just more of the same from our corrupt, Soros controlled press.

You’re so cute when you throw your tantrums.
We’re going to find out pretty soon I imagine. In the end it doesn’t matter much what the President says about reality; it only matters if people believe it.

So far, it is clear that anyone who believes him does so at her/his own peril.

The crooked democrat press has played games with camera angles to craft the narrative that promotes whatever leftist cause they happen to be promoting. This shit with the inauguration is just more of the same from our corrupt, Soros controlled press.

You’re so cute when you throw your tantrums.

Aw, you Soros soldiers and your fake news.
We’re going to find out pretty soon I imagine. In the end it doesn’t matter much what the President says about reality; it only matters if people believe it.

So far, it is clear that anyone who believes him does so at her/his own peril.

The crooked democrat press has played games with camera angles to craft the narrative that promotes whatever leftist cause they happen to be promoting. This shit with the inauguration is just more of the same from our corrupt, Soros controlled press.

You’re so cute when you throw your tantrums.

Aw, you Soros soldiers and your fake news.

Must bug the hell out of you the HRC got MILLIONS more votes than your messiah

We’re going to find out pretty soon I imagine. In the end it doesn’t matter much what the President says about reality; it only matters if people believe it.

So far, it is clear that anyone who believes him does so at her/his own peril.

The crooked democrat press has played games with camera angles to craft the narrative that promotes whatever leftist cause they happen to be promoting. This shit with the inauguration is just more of the same from our corrupt, Soros controlled press.

You’re so cute when you throw your tantrums.

Aw, you Soros soldiers and your fake news.

Must bug the hell out of you the HRC got MILLIONS more votes than your messiah



Trump is president, the Mafia hag is out of the game.

Besides, watching your never ending butthurt is so entertaining. :thup:

Were you out with your pink pussy on Saturday?

I mean the hat, not the shriveled and dry vagina....
My goodness....Oh for three, dude. It's a good thing we don't have to rely on you for truth in reporting and facts.

the highest black unemployment rate in I think eve,

What? Black Unemployment Rate History

the lowest home ownership rate [since the 1970s]

You were closest to correct with this metric; however, that is so only if one considers the final two year span of Obama's tenure and compares it against the entire decade of the 1970s.


the lowest labor participation rate since the 1970's

Cute picture. I'll go with this one...


Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Your doing so may very well be the cause of your misunderstanding. The chart you provided doesn't depict any information pertaining to the 1970s, or the any time during the 1900s , yet your remark specifically identifies the 1970s as the temporal point of comparison.

It doesn't?

Correct, it does not. Do you not see the date labels on your graph?

It is the actual figures of non participants.

So what. You wrote:
Add to that the lowest labor participation rate since the 1970's
We must now infer that you don't understand the difference between a count and a rate.
  • Count: the total number of events that occur in a defined period of time.
  • Rate: the number of events that occur in a defined period of time, divided by the average population during the same period of time.
You made a claim about the labor participation rate, not I.

Then you go back to the 1970's and you see the same levels. The jimmy carter era to be exact.

You made a claim about the labor participation rate, not I. You made your claim stating the 1970s as your decade of comparison, not I. I've already presented the labor participation rate data that unequivocally refutes the veracity of your claims. You can thus either be a man and accept that you are mistaken or you can try to wiggle your way out of it as might an adolescent.

Your meme is a cute little bit of propaganda that is factually incorrect. I used the Federal Governments numbers, and you used a meme. Hmmmm....who to believe?

I didn't present a meme for the labor participation rate. Click on the image and you'll find that you are taken here.
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I expect people to be truthful. I don't have varying levels of expectations in that regard; I expect it of all adults. I'm not naive enough to think that people will not occasionally lie when asked a question for which they know the honest answer does not favor them, but I do expect people to only and always tell the truth when they make unsolicited remarks. I require direct and complete answers to fairly and neutrally presented questions.

Well if you continue 'expecting' that of Government, you'll end up a very bitter disappointed person. Just expect them to lie to you. You'll learn to roll with the punches on it.
You are normalizing blatant lying from the President of the U.S. He had his paid mouthpiece go on national television and say the sky is green. And you're saying oh well? The sky ain't green and Trump did not have the largest crowd at his inauguration ever.
Trump we can laugh off. That anyone defends this behavior is what is scary. You folks are scary.

Like i said, you'd be wise to stop searching for truth in Government. It just ain't there. Politicians lie. It's what they do. That's the case whether they call themselves a Republican or Democrat. But hey, you wanna go on believing in fairy tales, so be it i guess. Good luck with that.
And like I said, you're normalizing blatant lying from the President of our country. How sad you can't see that you are the one believing in fairy tales (the ones told you by Trump), not me.

Politicians lie all the time. It's what they do. Do you seriously not understand that? I guess you might just be a naive youngster. So there's no point arguing about it. You may grow up and understand one day. But then again, maybe not? Many folks enjoy believing in fairy tales.

That they do it all the time is not remotely a good reason you, I or anyone else should condone or acquiesce to their doing so. Lying is willful action; one chooses to do it even though one could instead not lie.

Lying all the time is in no way materially similar to weather changing all the time, people dying all the time, people belching all the time, or any number of other actions that occur all the time and that cannot be prevented.

That you have by offering such a puerile absolution for politicians' mendacity indicates a profound degree of rational ignorance on your part, aka abject stupidity, or an unconscionable degree of ethical depravity, or both. Only you and your God know for sure just which is so, but either way you should rue having so demonstrably made as much clear for all the world to see.
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Democrats of all people demanding truth and ethics? Guess they're still conveniently ignoring what Wikileaks exposed about their Party. It's one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. So Democrats shouldn't bother hopping up on their high horses. They don't have the credibility. Trump should tell em to go to hell.
I expect people to be truthful. I don't have varying levels of expectations in that regard; I expect it of all adults. I'm not naive enough to think that people will not occasionally lie when asked a question for which they know the honest answer does not favor them, but I do expect people to only and always tell the truth when they make unsolicited remarks. I require direct and complete answers to fairly and neutrally presented questions.

Well if you continue 'expecting' that of Government, you'll end up a very bitter disappointed person. Just expect them to lie to you. You'll learn to roll with the punches on it.
You are normalizing blatant lying from the President of the U.S. He had his paid mouthpiece go on national television and say the sky is green. And you're saying oh well? The sky ain't green and Trump did not have the largest crowd at his inauguration ever.
Trump we can laugh off. That anyone defends this behavior is what is scary. You folks are scary.

Like i said, you'd be wise to stop searching for truth in Government. It just ain't there. Politicians lie. It's what they do. That's the case whether they call themselves a Republican or Democrat. But hey, you wanna go on believing in fairy tales, so be it i guess. Good luck with that.
And like I said, you're normalizing blatant lying from the President of our country. How sad you can't see that you are the one believing in fairy tales (the ones told you by Trump), not me.

Politicians lie all the time. It's what they do. Do you seriously not understand that? I guess you might just be a naive youngster. So there's no point arguing about it. You may grow up and understand one day. But then again, maybe not? Many folks enjoy believing in fairy tales.

That they do it all the time is not remotely a good reason you, I or anyone else should condone or acquiesce to their doing so. Lying is willful action; one chooses to do it even though one could instead not lie.

Lying all the time is in no way materially similar to weather changing all the time, people dying all the time, people belch all the time, or any number of other actions that occur all the time and that cannot be prevented.

That you have by offering such a puerile absolution for politicians' mendacity indicates a profound degree of rational ignorance on your part, aka abject stupidity, or an unconscionable of ethical depravity, or both. Only you and your God know for sure just which is so, but either way you should be rue having so demonstrably made as much clear for all the world to see.

Never said it was 'good' or 'right.' I said it was reality
Democrats of all people demanding truth and ethics? Guess they're still conveniently ignoring what Wikileaks exposed about their Party. It's one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. So Democrats shouldn't bother hopping up on their high horses. They don't have the credibility. Trump should tell em to go to hell.
Beyond private emails and people discussing strategy, what was so embarrassing?
Well if you continue 'expecting' that of Government, you'll end up a very bitter disappointed person. Just expect them to lie to you. You'll learn to roll with the punches on it.
You are normalizing blatant lying from the President of the U.S. He had his paid mouthpiece go on national television and say the sky is green. And you're saying oh well? The sky ain't green and Trump did not have the largest crowd at his inauguration ever.
Trump we can laugh off. That anyone defends this behavior is what is scary. You folks are scary.

Like i said, you'd be wise to stop searching for truth in Government. It just ain't there. Politicians lie. It's what they do. That's the case whether they call themselves a Republican or Democrat. But hey, you wanna go on believing in fairy tales, so be it i guess. Good luck with that.
And like I said, you're normalizing blatant lying from the President of our country. How sad you can't see that you are the one believing in fairy tales (the ones told you by Trump), not me.

Politicians lie all the time. It's what they do. Do you seriously not understand that? I guess you might just be a naive youngster. So there's no point arguing about it. You may grow up and understand one day. But then again, maybe not? Many folks enjoy believing in fairy tales.

That they do it all the time is not remotely a good reason you, I or anyone else should condone or acquiesce to their doing so. Lying is willful action; one chooses to do it even though one could instead not lie.

Lying all the time is in no way materially similar to weather changing all the time, people dying all the time, people belch all the time, or any number of other actions that occur all the time and that cannot be prevented.

That you have by offering such a puerile absolution for politicians' mendacity indicates a profound degree of rational ignorance on your part, aka abject stupidity, or an unconscionable of ethical depravity, or both. Only you and your God know for sure just which is so, but either way you should be rue having so demonstrably made as much clear for all the world to see.

Never said it was 'good' or 'right.' I said it was reality

You didn't need to explicitly say that. The exculpatory, as opposed to stoically forbearing, tone and nature of your remark shows tacitly via your offering the illogical platitude you did and not along with it stating something indicating that you in some way see the lying as distasteful, reprehensible, unacceptable, etc. Your silence in that regard made clear your stance.

Perhaps your goal is to deter me from engaging with you in future discussions. If so you are close to succeeding. I will not debase myself by endeavoring to have conversations with total strangers who trifle that way.
Democrats of all people demanding truth and ethics? Guess they're still conveniently ignoring what Wikileaks exposed about their Party. It's one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. So Democrats shouldn't bother hopping up on their high horses. They don't have the credibility. Trump should tell em to go to hell.
Beyond private emails and people discussing strategy, what was so embarrassing?

Your Party was exposed for being incredibly unethical. You wanna conveniently ignore that, so be it i guess. That wouldn't surprise me. The reality is, y'all have no right to demand anything from Trump. He really should tell y'all to go straight to hell.
You are normalizing blatant lying from the President of the U.S. He had his paid mouthpiece go on national television and say the sky is green. And you're saying oh well? The sky ain't green and Trump did not have the largest crowd at his inauguration ever.
Trump we can laugh off. That anyone defends this behavior is what is scary. You folks are scary.

Like i said, you'd be wise to stop searching for truth in Government. It just ain't there. Politicians lie. It's what they do. That's the case whether they call themselves a Republican or Democrat. But hey, you wanna go on believing in fairy tales, so be it i guess. Good luck with that.
And like I said, you're normalizing blatant lying from the President of our country. How sad you can't see that you are the one believing in fairy tales (the ones told you by Trump), not me.

Politicians lie all the time. It's what they do. Do you seriously not understand that? I guess you might just be a naive youngster. So there's no point arguing about it. You may grow up and understand one day. But then again, maybe not? Many folks enjoy believing in fairy tales.

That they do it all the time is not remotely a good reason you, I or anyone else should condone or acquiesce to their doing so. Lying is willful action; one chooses to do it even though one could instead not lie.

Lying all the time is in no way materially similar to weather changing all the time, people dying all the time, people belch all the time, or any number of other actions that occur all the time and that cannot be prevented.

That you have by offering such a puerile absolution for politicians' mendacity indicates a profound degree of rational ignorance on your part, aka abject stupidity, or an unconscionable of ethical depravity, or both. Only you and your God know for sure just which is so, but either way you should be rue having so demonstrably made as much clear for all the world to see.

Never said it was 'good' or 'right.' I said it was reality

You didn't need to explicitly say that. The exculpatory, as opposed to stoically forbearing, tone and nature of your remark shows tacitly via your offering the illogical platitude you did and not along with it stating something indicating that you in some way see the lying as distasteful.

Perhaps your goal is to deter me from engaging with you in future discussions. If so you are close to succeeding. I will not debase myself by endeavoring to have conversations with total strangers who trifle that way.

Oh, you'll learn son. I suspect your naivety is just a symptom of your youthful ignorance. You are right, continuing to converse with each other would be pointless. Maybe we'll talk again once you've grown up a bit. Thanks and take care.
Democrats of all people demanding truth and ethics? Guess they're still conveniently ignoring what Wikileaks exposed about their Party. It's one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. So Democrats shouldn't bother hopping up on their high horses. They don't have the credibility. Trump should tell em to go to hell.
Beyond private emails and people discussing strategy, what was so embarrassing?
Just remember that politics is like making sausage!

If you don't believe politicians lie, just ask Hillary.

I mean, politics is like sausage being made. It is unsavory, and it always has been that way, but we usually end up where we need to be. But if everybody's watching, you know, all of the back room discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So, you need both a public and a private position.
HRC Paid Speeches - WikiLeaks

Democrats of all people demanding truth and ethics? Guess they're still conveniently ignoring what Wikileaks exposed about their Party. It's one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. So Democrats shouldn't bother hopping up on their high horses. They don't have the credibility. Trump should tell em to go to hell.
Beyond private emails and people discussing strategy, what was so embarrassing?
Just remember that politics is like making sausage!

If you don't believe politicians lie, just ask Hillary.

I mean, politics is like sausage being made. It is unsavory, and it always has been that way, but we usually end up where we need to be. But if everybody's watching, you know, all of the back room discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So, you need both a public and a private position.
HRC Paid Speeches - WikiLeaks

Yeah especially after Wikileaks, Democrats have a lotta nerve making such demands of Trump. If i were him, i would tell em to go to hell.
Democrats of all people demanding truth and ethics? Guess they're still conveniently ignoring what Wikileaks exposed about their Party. It's one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. So Democrats shouldn't bother hopping up on their high horses. They don't have the credibility. Trump should tell em to go to hell.
Beyond private emails and people discussing strategy, what was so embarrassing?
Just remember that politics is like making sausage!

If you don't believe politicians lie, just ask Hillary.

I mean, politics is like sausage being made. It is unsavory, and it always has been that way, but we usually end up where we need to be. But if everybody's watching, you know, all of the back room discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So, you need both a public and a private position.
HRC Paid Speeches - WikiLeaks

Yeah especially after Wikileaks, Democrats have a lotta nerve making such demands of Trump. If i were him, i would tell em to go to hell.
Well, I think we should all call Trump on his BS when he spouts it. But I'm not going to get worked up about the size of the crowd at his inauguration though, if that is what this thread is about. I will save my outrage for something a little more relevant. This is chicken shit. Like you said, all these people who are outraged about Trump were going to vote for the person who stated out loud that she maintained a private position that differed from her public position. And they knew this before they voted for her, so........

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