CDZ can use college loans to go marry a dentist

May 21, 2015
MD, physicist, engineer, etc, from the third world. While a 3rd world dentist can't (yet) be a dentist in the US (some can, but very few qualify) they CAN get 8k of loans per year for attending school half time, and get their tuition paid, and they CAN get a full time job, at $30+ per hour, as a dental hygenist. Make sure that she's fluent in both written and verbal Engish! She'll clear 40k per year, and only she and you will know that you got 30k of that. Sort of quickly repays the 15k and a few months of your time that it cost you to find her and get her here, eh? Debate THAT as an investment/financial/job strategy. ":)
Sure, she probably won't be with you more than 4-5 years, but if you can't take 100k (un-taxed) and quickly build it into retirement income, you are one sad sack.

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