. Can we agree on one issue here, No More Conservative Republicans?

. Can we agree on one issue here, No More Conservative Republicans?

We should need to agree 100% on this. A moratorium on voting for anyone who claims to be a conservative. They're all evil and they're all crooks. If you have to hold your nose for the democratic candidate ever again, you're a fool. Pull the lever and then nitpick them after they're in office. At least democrats listen.

Go back to playing circle jerk with your democrat friends and leave us Republicans alone.
. Can we agree on one issue here, No More Conservative Republicans?

We should need to agree 100% on this. A moratorium on voting for anyone who claims to be a conservative. They're all evil and they're all crooks. If you have to hold your nose for the democratic candidate ever again, you're a fool. Pull the lever and then nitpick them after they're in office. At least democrats listen.
I see you missed the Rubber Room when clicking a section to post this.

Democrats are the ones fighting for a 'right' to murder babies, I don't see how Conservatives are the evil ones.

oh G-d, shut up you brain dead twit........

and govern your own life. you aren't smart enough to govern anyone else's.
A staple of the leftist playbook; Don't make an argument, just insult people and hope they back off. Probably because you don't have an actual argument.
. Can we agree on one issue here, No More Conservative Republicans?

We should need to agree 100% on this. A moratorium on voting for anyone who claims to be a conservative. They're all evil and they're all crooks. If you have to hold your nose for the democratic candidate ever again, you're a fool. Pull the lever and then nitpick them after they're in office. .

Dear Comrade,
Thank you for providing yet more evidence that relics from the Soviet Union are still floating around the Internet yearning for the "good ole' days".

Das vidaniya

At least democrats listen
Yep they listen a lot, they listen to their corporate donors, their special interest groups, their K-Street lobby pals, in fact the only people they don't listen to is the common citizenry.

you should probably save that for the real paid Russian shills on the board, nutter butter.

I did and just like clockwork it's already been able to smoke out at least one of them.

Later tovarishch
From this time forward, I will be voting a Klingon straight ticket in all elections. No more conservative Republicans!

Just make sure you don't accidentally vote democrat. They're sneaky that way.
. Can we agree on one issue here, No More Conservative Republicans?

We should need to agree 100% on this. A moratorium on voting for anyone who claims to be a conservative. They're all evil and they're all crooks. If you have to hold your nose for the democratic candidate ever again, you're a fool. Pull the lever and then nitpick them after they're in office. At least democrats listen.

Words have no meaning any more.

So what does it matter.
It doesn't take much for you liberal monsters to show your un-American, totalitarian souls. In your case, it's your paranoid, petulant delusion that everyone is out to get you because you have gender dysphoria.
At least democrats listen.

Haven't watched the left wing news lately, have you? Or been on a political message board. Or a college campus. Or listened to Hollywood.

This is just a joke, it's the left who are on a campaign to shut down free speech. What is acceptable for a leftist to hear that you disagree with?

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