Can we finally bury the myth Democrats are smarter?

So we are number one in the world in pseudoscientists?

That's probably true. We certainly have the market cornered on climate con artists.
Every reputable scientist in the world is wrong, and Trump is right. Course, he also said he knows more than the generals.

Trump is far from the only person who is skeptical of the AGW con, and your definition of "reputable" means they support the AGW con.
Can't trust anyone with learnin'.

You can't trust so-called "scientists" who get a check from the government to produce results that justify government. They are nothing more than con artists and propagandists.
In fact...all colleges and schools should be shut down until we figure out what the hell is going on!
There's something going on and it's bad...very, very bad...believe me!
We must be smart, we must be tough and we must be smart...but not learnin' smart...I mean tough smart.
That's probably true. We certainly have the market cornered on climate con artists.
Every reputable scientist in the world is wrong, and Trump is right. Course, he also said he knows more than the generals.

Trump is far from the only person who is skeptical of the AGW con, and your definition of "reputable" means they support the AGW con.
Can't trust anyone with learnin'.

You can't trust so-called "scientists" who get a check from the government to produce results that justify government. They are nothing more than con artists and propagandists.
Learning equals Liberal stooge!!
Hmmm, nope. A government paycheck equals liberal stooge. You know what leftwing douche bags always say: "follow the money."
That's probably true. We certainly have the market cornered on climate con artists.
Every reputable scientist in the world is wrong, and Trump is right. Course, he also said he knows more than the generals.

Trump is far from the only person who is skeptical of the AGW con, and your definition of "reputable" means they support the AGW con.
Can't trust anyone with learnin'.

You can't trust so-called "scientists" who get a check from the government to produce results that justify government. They are nothing more than con artists and propagandists.
In fact...all colleges and schools should be shut down until we figure out what the hell is going on!
There's something going on and it's bad...very, very bad!
We must be smart, we must be tough and we must be smart...but not learnin' smart...I mean tough smart.

All government colleges and schools should be shut down. They are little more than rolling mills of indoctrination.
Every reputable scientist in the world is wrong, and Trump is right. Course, he also said he knows more than the generals.

Trump is far from the only person who is skeptical of the AGW con, and your definition of "reputable" means they support the AGW con.
Can't trust anyone with learnin'.

You can't trust so-called "scientists" who get a check from the government to produce results that justify government. They are nothing more than con artists and propagandists.
In fact...all colleges and schools should be shut down until we figure out what the hell is going on!
There's something going on and it's bad...very, very bad!
We must be smart, we must be tough and we must be smart...but not learnin' smart...I mean tough smart.

All government colleges and schools should be shut down. They are little more than rolling mills of indoctrination.
Name one person that has ever come out of US schools that has contributed positively to the country?!!!
I'll bet your left testicle no one can!
He signed NAFTA and she says she is against it.

She didn't say she is against it, she said she will renegotiate it. No evidence that Bill Clinton is against that.

He is for poking interns and she is against it.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Poking interns is not a policy...we do mean PUBLIC policy, when we say "policy", right?

Anything else you can think of?
And you think the other Clinton will be totally different, right?

Well I don't think so, never seen those two disagree on a policy.

I didn't really like his policies, except when his hand was forced by Newt, Kasich or Sam Nunn.

And she is A LOT meaner than he ever hoped to be. And more corrupt.

And she could swing SCOTUS for at least a generation.

So, I will do my small part to help make America great again...

Since when is America NOT GREAT? Can someone answer that?

What year do you want to go back to and what country if not today and now in America?
And you think the other Clinton will be totally different, right?

Well I don't think so, never seen those two disagree on a policy.

I didn't really like his policies, except when his hand was forced by Newt, Kasich or Sam Nunn.

And she is A LOT meaner than he ever hoped to be. And more corrupt.

And she could swing SCOTUS for at least a generation.

So, I will do my small part to help make America great again...

Since when is America NOT GREAT? Can someone answer that?

What year do you want to go back to and what country if not today and now in America?

It's not so great right now

Liberal policies are ruining this country & defeating Hillary is our only hip to prevent the liberal agenda to be fully implemented by judicial fiat
Trump is far from the only person who is skeptical of the AGW con, and your definition of "reputable" means they support the AGW con.
Can't trust anyone with learnin'.

You can't trust so-called "scientists" who get a check from the government to produce results that justify government. They are nothing more than con artists and propagandists.
In fact...all colleges and schools should be shut down until we figure out what the hell is going on!
There's something going on and it's bad...very, very bad!
We must be smart, we must be tough and we must be smart...but not learnin' smart...I mean tough smart.

All government colleges and schools should be shut down. They are little more than rolling mills of indoctrination.
Name one person that has ever come out of US schools that has contributed positively to the country?!!!
I'll bet your left testicle no one can!

Stupid argument, you're certainly proving the OP.

Government not providing a quality education does not imply government prevents you from learning.

Typical idiotic leftist argument, stop being a dumb ass
And you think the other Clinton will be totally different, right?

Well I don't think so, never seen those two disagree on a policy.

I didn't really like his policies, except when his hand was forced by Newt, Kasich or Sam Nunn.

And she is A LOT meaner than he ever hoped to be. And more corrupt.

And she could swing SCOTUS for at least a generation.

So, I will do my small part to help make America great again...

Since when is America NOT GREAT? Can someone answer that?

What year do you want to go back to and what country if not today and now in America?

It's not so great right now

Liberal policies are ruining this country & defeating Hillary is our only hip to prevent the liberal agenda to be fully implemented by judicial fiat

When did America cease to be great?

What year do you want to go back to and what country if not today and now in America?

I don't think it ceased to be great, I think it is ever more true today with the way we came out of great recession compared to other countries. There is no-where I'd rather be than here and now.
And you think the other Clinton will be totally different, right?

Well I don't think so, never seen those two disagree on a policy.

I didn't really like his policies, except when his hand was forced by Newt, Kasich or Sam Nunn.

And she is A LOT meaner than he ever hoped to be. And more corrupt.

And she could swing SCOTUS for at least a generation.

So, I will do my small part to help make America great again...

Since when is America NOT GREAT? Can someone answer that?

What year do you want to go back to and what country if not today and now in America?

It's not so great right now

Liberal policies are ruining this country & defeating Hillary is our only hip to prevent the liberal agenda to be fully implemented by judicial fiat

When did America cease to be great?

What year do you want to go back to and what country if not today and now in America?

I don't think it ceased to be great, I think it is ever more true today with the way we came out of great recession compared to other countries. There is no-where I'd rather be than here and now.

America has been slowly circling the drain ever since Woodrow Wilson.
He signed NAFTA and she says she is against it.

She didn't say she is against it, she said she will renegotiate it. No evidence that Bill Clinton is against that.

He is for poking interns and she is against it.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Poking interns is not a policy...we do mean PUBLIC policy, when we say "policy", right?

Anything else you can think of?

Poor nutter can't take a joke. LOL! I love you haters, you are so entertaining.
Can't trust anyone with learnin'.

You can't trust so-called "scientists" who get a check from the government to produce results that justify government. They are nothing more than con artists and propagandists.
In fact...all colleges and schools should be shut down until we figure out what the hell is going on!
There's something going on and it's bad...very, very bad!
We must be smart, we must be tough and we must be smart...but not learnin' smart...I mean tough smart.

All government colleges and schools should be shut down. They are little more than rolling mills of indoctrination.
Name one person that has ever come out of US schools that has contributed positively to the country?!!!
I'll bet your left testicle no one can!

Stupid argument, you're certainly proving the OP.

Government not providing a quality education does not imply government prevents you from learning.

Typical idiotic leftist argument, stop being a dumb ass
What are you even talking about?
I was agreeing with bripat that education merely indoctrinates and produces "so-called scientists" that are "nothing more than con artists and propagandists"
democrats are smarter cause they say they are. and that's the truth sppppptttttttt
democrats are good collectors, they've collected blacks, hispanic, gays, transgenders, and they love to put them out on display to show how well they've done. LOL
The media loves to give the statistics "MOST EDUCATED PEOPLE VOTE DEMOCRAT!"

The media wants everyone to believe that highly educated people sat around and said , "What is the best political system for America?", and the answer came to them as "The Democrats!"

Let me tell you a little story.

I grew up with a kid, and his mom was a hardcore Democrat. He was a lifeguard when he was younger, then later, he became a teacher.

What's missing from this story?

What's missing is, he had no intention of getting a real job in the private sector.

Obviously his mom told him "Make sure you apply for a city job, where the public pays your wages"

Now, the Democrats put on a big act that they have a passion for teaching. Is that the truth? or it the truth the fact they want a job with,

1) an inflated paycheck, paid for by the public.

2) benefits paid for by the public.

3) automatic raises paid for by the public

4) a reduced work day

5) tenure , where they can't get fired no matter how much they fail.

6) pension, paid for by the public.

America's fail rate, and drop-out rate are proof most teachers have no "passion" for teaching.

We learn that Democrats gravitate to the education field, for monetary purposes.

What person is going to risk all those benefits by pissing off everyone they work with, by driving through the parking lot with an "ALL HAIL TRUMP!" bumper sticker?

What person is going to risk a 800k administration job at Stanford, by pissing off everyone they work with, by driving through the parking lot with an "ALL HAIL TRUMP!" bumper sticker?

Young people who apply for jobs at school are going to walk like a duck, quack like a duck, fly like a duck, in hopes the left-wing system will hire another duck.

The logic is very simple. If these people support the Socialist system, their job is secure, and they might be able to get their kids in when the conspiracy is larger.

If the Republicans take over, they run the risk some conservative might show up and say "What the hell is going on here?" and fire everyone because of the drop-out rate.

The Republicans don't pay their salary.

Trump doesn't pay their salary.

Jesus doesn't pay their salary.

The Socialist conspiracy pays their salary!

What the hell do they care what's best for America?

This coming Monday, August 1, 2016, my dissertation (as part of a team) will be accepted by the board of regents and I will be Dr. Uncensored. My PhD. is in supply and production chain management. I have crossed paths with those seeking a doctorate in education and have noted the vast difference in the disciplines. Basically, those is in education must not fail. The attrition rate in my field was about 90%, as the amount of work involve in research is simply overwhelming. But the educrats were not subjected to rigors that other doctoral candidates went through. The poor little darlings needed to be coddled to ensure they made it.

Through this process, I have gained a lot of contempt for processional educators and see it as fraud.
You can't trust so-called "scientists" who get a check from the government to produce results that justify government. They are nothing more than con artists and propagandists.
In fact...all colleges and schools should be shut down until we figure out what the hell is going on!
There's something going on and it's bad...very, very bad!
We must be smart, we must be tough and we must be smart...but not learnin' smart...I mean tough smart.

All government colleges and schools should be shut down. They are little more than rolling mills of indoctrination.
Name one person that has ever come out of US schools that has contributed positively to the country?!!!
I'll bet your left testicle no one can!

Stupid argument, you're certainly proving the OP.

Government not providing a quality education does not imply government prevents you from learning.

Typical idiotic leftist argument, stop being a dumb ass
What are you even talking about?
I was agreeing with bripat that education merely indoctrinates and produces "so-called scientists" that are "nothing more than con artists and propagandists"

Just watched something that reminded me of this topic, this is what a Republican IDEAS guy sounds like nowadays:


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