Can we Finally Conclude that Obama has Been a Foreign Policy Disaster?

Can we Conclude that Obama's Foreign Policy has Been a Disaster?

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Ah, the myopic vision of the Right and their constant knee-jerk reactionary nonsense. Obama's foreign policy, although far from perfect, is light years ahead of anything you Right Wingers have going. But of course you'll never admit your incredibly devastating failures. You'd rather blame the black guy.
Can we Finally Conclude that Obama has Been a Foreign Policy Disaster?

The Apology Tour
Pullout from Iraq and the rise of ISIS (The "JV Team")
Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt
Syria ("Red Lines")
Iran Nuke Deal
Arab Spring
Russian Reset
The Muslim Refugee Crisis
Expansion of Iranian Influence across the middle east
Chinese Expansion in the South China Sea
Expansion of Russian influence into Eastern Europe and the Middle East
Afghanistan turning into Iraq
Withdraw of Nuclear Defense Shield Plans from Europe
Using British Nuke Secrets as a bargaining chip for Putin's START Treaty
Deterioration of our Armed Forces
Supporting the Marxist President in Brazil
Failure to gain an Arab coalition against ISIS
Troops voted to fire him as their commander in chief in 2012 by a 2 to 1 margin
Contempt for the Department of Defense
Likely nuclear arms race in the Middle East.
75% of U.S. Casualties in the Afghanistan War happened under Obama's watch

.... Did I leave anything out? .....

What you left out were about 16 proofs of cause and effect, not to mention any proof whatsoever that the items you list were foreign policy disasters in the first place.

Take this:

Failure to gain an Arab coalition against ISIS.

1. why would that be Obama's responsibility?

2. The Saudis have formed a 34 nation coalition to fight terrorism.

The coalition includes Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Benin, Turkey, Chad, Togo, Tunisia, Djibouti, Senegal, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Gabon, Guinea, the Palestinians, Comoros, Qatar, Cote d'Ivoire, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Maldives, Mali, Malaysia, Egypt, Morocco, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria and Yemen.

War on ISIS: Why Arab states aren't doing more -
I think we need to focus on are own racial and religious problems. Before we start nosing in to others. Why??? Because of be fair and just hear how do we solve another countries issue with lack of understanding when have serious right here in are own society.

Sent from my LG-H634 using Tapatalk

Translation: Create an international vacuum in the name of solving issues that haven't been solved by any country anywhere at anytime.
Is the world a better place? Nope. Fortunately, that has nothing (or very little) to do with US foreign policy. Hate to break the news to you, but the US isn't some intergalactic empire that runs the entire world.

That's what I notice too --- apparently the OP thinks that the POTUS runs not only the USA but... Egypt... Libya... Crimea... Ukraine... Syria... Cuba.... Israel.... Tunisia... The Arab World... Russia.... The traffic of Refugees.... Iran... China... Brazil... and even linear time itself ("75% of U.S. Casualties in the Afghanistan War happened under Obama's watch") ---- while the rest of the world and the leaders of those countries presumably sit on their hands eating Doritos and waiting to be told what to do, since that's apparently how he lives his own life.

Running? No. But controlling the geopolitical actions of other countries is what all countries do all the time. Call it the anarchist international standard of how things operate. Obama backed the Arab Spring, the Muslim Brotherhood (Indirectly), supported the Marxist Prez in Brazil, Legitimized the Communist dictatorship of Cuba, paved the way for Chinese expansion in the South China Sea (1/3rd of the worlds trade goes through there by the way), and basically showed Putin (A man who knows how to control the geopolitical actions of others) that the empty suit in the White House is a bitch he can play with. Of course, the refugees happened with the US led overthrow of Libya and the unrest in Syria.

Just to pick one for fun...... You're actually claiming The O'bama gets to vote for the President of Brazil?
Is the world a better place? Nope. Fortunately, that has nothing (or very little) to do with US foreign policy. Hate to break the news to you, but the US isn't some intergalactic empire that runs the entire world.

That's what I notice too --- apparently the OP thinks that the POTUS runs not only the USA but... Egypt... Libya... Crimea... Ukraine... Syria... Cuba.... Israel.... Tunisia... The Arab World... Russia.... The traffic of Refugees.... Iran... China... Brazil... and even linear time itself ("75% of U.S. Casualties in the Afghanistan War happened under Obama's watch") ---- while the rest of the world and the leaders of those countries presumably sit on their hands eating Doritos and waiting to be told what to do, since that's apparently how he lives his own life.

Running? No. But controlling the geopolitical actions of other countries is what all countries do all the time. Call it the anarchist international standard of how things operate. Obama backed the Arab Spring, the Muslim Brotherhood (Indirectly), supported the Marxist Prez in Brazil, Legitimized the Communist dictatorship of Cuba, paved the way for Chinese expansion in the South China Sea (1/3rd of the worlds trade goes through there by the way), and basically showed Putin (A man who knows how to control the geopolitical actions of others) that the empty suit in the White House is a bitch he can play with. Of course, the refugees happened with the US led overthrow of Libya and the unrest in Syria.

Just to pick one for fun...... You're actually claiming The O'bama gets to vote for the President of Brazil?

Everyone gets a vote. It's all a matter of how you cast it. But I said he supported the Marxist President of Brazil. I never said he voted for her.
Hate to break it to you but the rest of the world tends to follow are trends. Until we face the fact that we solve are problem were of no good to war on terrorism. Were terrorist against our citizen we have right join fight. The fact do speak to need for controll.

Sent from my LG-H634 using Tapatalk
I get your point it valid. I just think are government is so calculated we never give a sincere effort.

Sent from my LG-H634 using Tapatalk
"Can we Finally Conclude that Obama has Been a Foreign Policy Disaster?"

We can finally conclude that those suffering from ODS are incapable of intelligent discourse, are tedious rightwing partisan hacks, and ridiculous liars.
Hate to break it to you but the rest of the world tends to follow are trends. Until we face the fact that we solve are problem were of no good to war on terrorism. Were terrorist against our citizen we have right join fight. The fact do speak to need for controll.

Sent from my LG-H634 using Tapatalk

English isn't your first language huh? Read Machiavelli. The geopolitical back an forth in an effort to persuade others to act in your interest has been a well played trend for thousands of years. If you don't participate you lose. If you play it big you win big. That's the way the world works and the ways it's been working since two people came in conflict with one another.
"Can we Finally Conclude that Obama has Been a Foreign Policy Disaster?"

We can finally conclude that those suffering from ODS are incapable of intelligent discourse, are tedious rightwing partisan hacks, and ridiculous liars.

Just look at the world today. A legacy of failure. It isn't ODS, its simply the reality of the way things are.
"Can we Finally Conclude that Obama has Been a Foreign Policy Disaster?"

We can finally conclude that those suffering from ODS are incapable of intelligent discourse, are tedious rightwing partisan hacks, and ridiculous liars.

Just look at the world today. A legacy of failure. It isn't ODS, its simply the reality of the way things are.

Here's a revised (and shorter) list: The O'bama now controls "the world".
Probably from an app on his teleprompter.
Is the world a better place? Nope. Fortunately, that has nothing (or very little) to do with US foreign policy. Hate to break the news to you, but the US isn't some intergalactic empire that runs the entire world.

That's what I notice too --- apparently the OP thinks that the POTUS runs not only the USA but... Egypt... Libya... Crimea... Ukraine... Syria... Cuba.... Israel.... Tunisia... The Arab World... Russia.... The traffic of Refugees.... Iran... China... Brazil... and even linear time itself ("75% of U.S. Casualties in the Afghanistan War happened under Obama's watch") ---- while the rest of the world and the leaders of those countries presumably sit on their hands eating Doritos and waiting to be told what to do, since that's apparently how he lives his own life.

Running? No. But controlling the geopolitical actions of other countries is what all countries do all the time. Call it the anarchist international standard of how things operate. Obama backed the Arab Spring, the Muslim Brotherhood (Indirectly), supported the Marxist Prez in Brazil, Legitimized the Communist dictatorship of Cuba, paved the way for Chinese expansion in the South China Sea (1/3rd of the worlds trade goes through there by the way), and basically showed Putin (A man who knows how to control the geopolitical actions of others) that the empty suit in the White House is a bitch he can play with. Of course, the refugees happened with the US led overthrow of Libya and the unrest in Syria.

Just to pick one for fun...... You're actually claiming The O'bama gets to vote for the President of Brazil?

Everyone gets a vote. It's all a matter of how you cast it. But I said he supported the Marxist President of Brazil. I never said he voted for her.

Well then ---- explain.

Look, I already know your OP is leaking like a sieve. I just like to focus on one hole at a time.
Whatcha got?
Yes. The refugee crisis was created by his weakness in dealing with Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and is now creating havoc in Europe......

China is now becoming aggressive in it's control over the South China Sea and Russia is flexing it's muscles wherever they want.....

he is a f*****g disaster........
Well then ---- explain.

Look, I already know your OP is leaking like a sieve. I just like to focus on one hole at a time.
Whatcha got?
That is funny, which fiasco of Obama's can we concentrate on, there are so many.
He (Obama) is an anti colonialist and does not like the so called "west" running the show in the world. He has tried to change that but all he did was get a lot of people killed across the middle east for no gain. He will be leaving a mess for the next president to deal with so choose wisely my fellow American.
Yes. The refugee crisis was created by his weakness in dealing with Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and is now creating havoc in Europe......

China is now becoming aggressive in it's control over the South China Sea and Russia is flexing it's muscles wherever they want.....

he is a f*****g disaster........

Congress voted against going into Syria. The Republican Congress.

What exactly would you have had Obama do? Go to war with Russia over the Ukraine?
Yes. The refugee crisis was created by his weakness in dealing with Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and is now creating havoc in Europe......

China is now becoming aggressive in it's control over the South China Sea and Russia is flexing it's muscles wherever they want.....

he is a f*****g disaster........

Congress voted against going into Syria. The Republican Congress.

What exactly would you have had Obama do? Go to war with Russia over the Ukraine?

The odd thing about nuclear powers is they simply do not go to war with one another. Thus the first to have troops on land are usually the ones that hold it while the other funds a proxy to remove them. Obama and Putin both know that going to war isn't going to happen between our two countries. Putin knows that Obama has a repeated pattern of behavior of being a dog with no bark. Putin also knows that Obama refuses to commit anything toward US allies and potential US allies when attacked. Putin knows that Obama is willing to bargain away our British allies nuclear secrets for a nuke treaty and refuse to install a nuclear defense shield in Europe in the hopes of peace through kindness. In short, Putin knows he can do pretty much anything he wants while Obama is in power. Obama does not need to go to war with Russia in order to prevent them from invading the innocent. He simply needs to have enough US assets in the region to prevent Russia from committing an act of war against another nuclear power. It is that simple.

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