Can we Finally Conclude that Obama has Been a Foreign Policy Disaster?

Can we Conclude that Obama's Foreign Policy has Been a Disaster?

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Can we Finally Conclude that Obama has Been a Foreign Policy Disaster?

The Apology Tour
Pullout from Iraq and the rise of ISIS (The "JV Team")
Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt
Syria ("Red Lines")
Iran Nuke Deal
Arab Spring
Russian Reset
The Muslim Refugee Crisis
Expansion of Iranian Influence across the middle east
Chinese Expansion in the South China Sea
Expansion of Russian influence into Eastern Europe and the Middle East
Afghanistan turning into Iraq
Withdraw of Nuclear Defense Shield Plans from Europe
Using British Nuke Secrets as a bargaining chip for Putin's START Treaty
Deterioration of our Armed Forces
Supporting the Marxist President in Brazil
Failure to gain an Arab coalition against ISIS
Troops voted to fire him as their commander in chief in 2012 by a 2 to 1 margin
Contempt for the Department of Defense
Likely nuclear arms race in the Middle East.
75% of U.S. Casualties in the Afghanistan War happened under Obama's watch

.... Did I leave anything out? .....

That all depends. Have we concluded that George Bush was a huge failure first? Because the mess Obama was handed came from that dumbass

This has already been addressed earlier in the thread.

Let us run Obama again

If that were to happen ( I know it can not ) the reality is President Obama might just win because Trump and Cruz are horrible candidates...

Maybe if President Obama was a candidate again the GOP would take it serious and select Kasich as the GOP candidate and not support a TV reality shock jock and a mental midget ( Ted Cruz even though Trump could be one too )...

If only the GOP weren't as bad as I say they are they would have nominated the rino. Lol
Can we Finally Conclude that Obama has Been a Foreign Policy Disaster?

The Apology Tour
Pullout from Iraq and the rise of ISIS (The "JV Team")
Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt
Syria ("Red Lines")
Iran Nuke Deal
Arab Spring
Russian Reset
The Muslim Refugee Crisis
Expansion of Iranian Influence across the middle east
Chinese Expansion in the South China Sea
Expansion of Russian influence into Eastern Europe and the Middle East
Afghanistan turning into Iraq
Withdraw of Nuclear Defense Shield Plans from Europe
Using British Nuke Secrets as a bargaining chip for Putin's START Treaty
Deterioration of our Armed Forces
Supporting the Marxist President in Brazil
Failure to gain an Arab coalition against ISIS
Troops voted to fire him as their commander in chief in 2012 by a 2 to 1 margin
Contempt for the Department of Defense
Likely nuclear arms race in the Middle East.
75% of U.S. Casualties in the Afghanistan War happened under Obama's watch

.... Did I leave anything out? .....

We can conclude that every president had failures in foreign policy...
Can we Finally Conclude that Obama has Been a Foreign Policy Disaster?

The Apology Tour
Pullout from Iraq and the rise of ISIS (The "JV Team")
Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt
Syria ("Red Lines")
Iran Nuke Deal
Arab Spring
Russian Reset
The Muslim Refugee Crisis
Expansion of Iranian Influence across the middle east
Chinese Expansion in the South China Sea
Expansion of Russian influence into Eastern Europe and the Middle East
Afghanistan turning into Iraq
Withdraw of Nuclear Defense Shield Plans from Europe
Using British Nuke Secrets as a bargaining chip for Putin's START Treaty
Deterioration of our Armed Forces
Supporting the Marxist President in Brazil
Failure to gain an Arab coalition against ISIS
Troops voted to fire him as their commander in chief in 2012 by a 2 to 1 margin
Contempt for the Department of Defense
Likely nuclear arms race in the Middle East.
75% of U.S. Casualties in the Afghanistan War happened under Obama's watch

.... Did I leave anything out? .....

That all depends. Have we concluded that George Bush was a huge failure first? Because the mess Obama was handed came from that dumbass

This has already been addressed earlier in the thread.

Let us run Obama again

If that were to happen ( I know it can not ) the reality is President Obama might just win because Trump and Cruz are horrible candidates...

Maybe if President Obama was a candidate again the GOP would take it serious and select Kasich as the GOP candidate and not support a TV reality shock jock and a mental midget ( Ted Cruz even though Trump could be one too )...

If only the GOP weren't as bad as I say they are they would have nominated the rino. Lol

Alright, the RINO term is being tossed around too much and many are confused what a RINO really is, and for the best fit of what a real RINO should be is Donald Trump.

Also Ted Cruz is a social Conservative which make him nothing like Lincoln which was the first Republican President, or Teddy Roosevelt which he was one of the greatest Republicans...
That all depends. Have we concluded that George Bush was a huge failure first? Because the mess Obama was handed came from that dumbass

This has already been addressed earlier in the thread.
Let us run Obama again

If that were to happen ( I know it can not ) the reality is President Obama might just win because Trump and Cruz are horrible candidates...

Maybe if President Obama was a candidate again the GOP would take it serious and select Kasich as the GOP candidate and not support a TV reality shock jock and a mental midget ( Ted Cruz even though Trump could be one too )...
If only the GOP weren't as bad as I say they are they would have nominated the rino. Lol

Alright, the RINO term is being tossed around too much and many are confused what a RINO really is, and for the best fit of what a real RINO should be is Donald Trump.

Also Ted Cruz is a social Conservative which make him nothing like Lincoln which was the first Republican President, or Teddy Roosevelt which he was one of the greatest Republicans...
I think it's funny all their best candidates are rinos.

I want to know one bill kasich wouldn't sign if Ryan and McConnell sent it to him to sign. Even anti abortion. I bet kasich is anti global warming. I bet he's for giving the rich and corporations tax breaks just like every other Republican.

Just because Ohio and Michigan are doing better don't thank kasich or Snyder thank Obama and vote hillary
Obama's foreign policy maneuvers are certainly lacking. However, all you have to do is look back to the guy before him, Bush, to realize that he's far from the disaster that he could have been. Overall, if you consider Bush to be a 0 and FDR to be a 10...Obama probably lands somewhere in the middle, like a 5 or 6.

I give him a four.

Bush is a Zero, Johnson is a Two, and Nixon is a one...

Reagan was horrible in Lebanon, but Bush Sr. was solid for his four years...

So, yeah I would give President Obama a four on a scale of 0 to 10, and Clinton ( Bill ) was a six to me...

I love the redirect on the question as listed above. I don't recall anyone asking to rate one president against the next. I simply asked if Obama has been a foreign policy disaster. Of course, you're free to do as you like, but you aren't fooling anyone.

So I am not allow to respond to the number ranking by the other poster?

It seem you have a problem with me and if so ask me if I care?

Read again and reconsider your response
Can we Finally Conclude that Obama has Been a Foreign Policy Disaster?

The Apology Tour
Pullout from Iraq and the rise of ISIS (The "JV Team")
Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt
Syria ("Red Lines")
Iran Nuke Deal
Arab Spring
Russian Reset
The Muslim Refugee Crisis
Expansion of Iranian Influence across the middle east
Chinese Expansion in the South China Sea
Expansion of Russian influence into Eastern Europe and the Middle East
Afghanistan turning into Iraq
Withdraw of Nuclear Defense Shield Plans from Europe
Using British Nuke Secrets as a bargaining chip for Putin's START Treaty
Deterioration of our Armed Forces
Supporting the Marxist President in Brazil
Failure to gain an Arab coalition against ISIS
Troops voted to fire him as their commander in chief in 2012 by a 2 to 1 margin
Contempt for the Department of Defense
Likely nuclear arms race in the Middle East.
75% of U.S. Casualties in the Afghanistan War happened under Obama's watch

.... Did I leave anything out? .....

That all depends. Have we concluded that George Bush was a huge failure first? Because the mess Obama was handed came from that dumbass

This has already been addressed earlier in the thread.

Don't lie, and discuss the fact that President Obama was handed Iraq, Afghanistan, Bin Laden still on the run, Iran still a sponsor of terror ( and still is along with Russia, China, and North Korea ), allowing ISIL too grow bigger, and so much more, but none of that was the fault of any Republicans because once President Obama took office it was his fault.

He could bring peace on Earth and you would blame him for not bringing it two thousand years ago...

Already addressed
Can we Finally Conclude that Obama has Been a Foreign Policy Disaster?

The Apology Tour
Pullout from Iraq and the rise of ISIS (The "JV Team")
Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt
Syria ("Red Lines")
Iran Nuke Deal
Arab Spring
Russian Reset
The Muslim Refugee Crisis
Expansion of Iranian Influence across the middle east
Chinese Expansion in the South China Sea
Expansion of Russian influence into Eastern Europe and the Middle East
Afghanistan turning into Iraq
Withdraw of Nuclear Defense Shield Plans from Europe
Using British Nuke Secrets as a bargaining chip for Putin's START Treaty
Deterioration of our Armed Forces
Supporting the Marxist President in Brazil
Failure to gain an Arab coalition against ISIS
Troops voted to fire him as their commander in chief in 2012 by a 2 to 1 margin
Contempt for the Department of Defense
Likely nuclear arms race in the Middle East.
75% of U.S. Casualties in the Afghanistan War happened under Obama's watch

.... Did I leave anything out? .....

That all depends. Have we concluded that George Bush was a huge failure first? Because the mess Obama was handed came from that dumbass

This has already been addressed earlier in the thread.

Don't lie, and discuss the fact that President Obama was handed Iraq, Afghanistan, Bin Laden still on the run, Iran still a sponsor of terror ( and still is along with Russia, China, and North Korea ), allowing ISIL too grow bigger, and so much more, but none of that was the fault of any Republicans because once President Obama took office it was his fault.

He could bring peace on Earth and you would blame him for not bringing it two thousand years ago...

Already addressed

You keep telling everyone whats already been addressed. Why aren't you getting anywhere with your point? What is your point again? What are we even talking about? All I see is a trail of you telling everyone what's already been addressed.

Well I got to go get undressed. It's late. Good night.
Can we Finally Conclude that Obama has Been a Foreign Policy Disaster?

The Apology Tour
Pullout from Iraq and the rise of ISIS (The "JV Team")
Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt
Syria ("Red Lines")
Iran Nuke Deal
Arab Spring
Russian Reset
The Muslim Refugee Crisis
Expansion of Iranian Influence across the middle east
Chinese Expansion in the South China Sea
Expansion of Russian influence into Eastern Europe and the Middle East
Afghanistan turning into Iraq
Withdraw of Nuclear Defense Shield Plans from Europe
Using British Nuke Secrets as a bargaining chip for Putin's START Treaty
Deterioration of our Armed Forces
Supporting the Marxist President in Brazil
Failure to gain an Arab coalition against ISIS
Troops voted to fire him as their commander in chief in 2012 by a 2 to 1 margin
Contempt for the Department of Defense
Likely nuclear arms race in the Middle East.
75% of U.S. Casualties in the Afghanistan War happened under Obama's watch

.... Did I leave anything out? .....

Isis was invented on bushs watch. You can not blame Obama for Isis. And you can't believe a Republican is going to come in and fix it faster than Obama is. If you are you are as dumb as Republicans in 2007.

There, I just shot down your very first bullet point.

I say we completely get the fuck out of the middle East. Can't afford it. Let the world deal with it.

How many Arab refuge young men are in Europe and America? Why aren't they signing up to go take their country back?

Isis is murdering them and they run? The British taxed our tea we were willing to die.
Can we Finally Conclude that Obama has Been a Foreign Policy Disaster?

The Apology Tour
Pullout from Iraq and the rise of ISIS (The "JV Team")
Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt
Syria ("Red Lines")
Iran Nuke Deal
Arab Spring
Russian Reset
The Muslim Refugee Crisis
Expansion of Iranian Influence across the middle east
Chinese Expansion in the South China Sea
Expansion of Russian influence into Eastern Europe and the Middle East
Afghanistan turning into Iraq
Withdraw of Nuclear Defense Shield Plans from Europe
Using British Nuke Secrets as a bargaining chip for Putin's START Treaty
Deterioration of our Armed Forces
Supporting the Marxist President in Brazil
Failure to gain an Arab coalition against ISIS
Troops voted to fire him as their commander in chief in 2012 by a 2 to 1 margin
Contempt for the Department of Defense
Likely nuclear arms race in the Middle East.
75% of U.S. Casualties in the Afghanistan War happened under Obama's watch

.... Did I leave anything out? .....

You're an idiot.

Uh oh, someone's feelings are hurt. Well ... well... you're a poopie head! There, take that. Now I'm at your level.

Already been addressed
Can we Finally Conclude that Obama has Been a Foreign Policy Disaster?

The Apology Tour
Pullout from Iraq and the rise of ISIS (The "JV Team")
Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt
Syria ("Red Lines")
Iran Nuke Deal
Arab Spring
Russian Reset
The Muslim Refugee Crisis
Expansion of Iranian Influence across the middle east
Chinese Expansion in the South China Sea
Expansion of Russian influence into Eastern Europe and the Middle East
Afghanistan turning into Iraq
Withdraw of Nuclear Defense Shield Plans from Europe
Using British Nuke Secrets as a bargaining chip for Putin's START Treaty
Deterioration of our Armed Forces
Supporting the Marxist President in Brazil
Failure to gain an Arab coalition against ISIS
Troops voted to fire him as their commander in chief in 2012 by a 2 to 1 margin
Contempt for the Department of Defense
Likely nuclear arms race in the Middle East.
75% of U.S. Casualties in the Afghanistan War happened under Obama's watch

.... Did I leave anything out? .....

Isis was invented on bushs watch. You can not blame Obama for Isis. And you can't believe a Republican is going to come in and fix it faster than Obama is. If you are you are as dumb as Republicans in 2007.

There, I just shot down your very first bullet point.

I say we completely get the fuck out of the middle East. Can't afford it. Let the world deal with it.

How many Arab refuge young men are in Europe and America? Why aren't they signing up to go take their country back?

Isis is murdering them and they run? The British taxed our tea we were willing to die.

No rehashing arguments done earlier in the thread because of the laziness of others to read.
I love the dishonesty of liberals on this thread. Simply look at the poll. I included so many options in order to see how split they are as they struggle to answer the question and look. No consensus there.
Yes. The refugee crisis was created by his weakness in dealing with Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and is now creating havoc in Europe......

China is now becoming aggressive in it's control over the South China Sea and Russia is flexing it's muscles wherever they want.....

he is a f*****g disaster........

Congress voted against going into Syria. The Republican Congress.

What exactly would you have had Obama do? Go to war with Russia over the Ukraine?

The odd thing about nuclear powers is they simply do not go to war with one another. Thus the first to have troops on land are usually the ones that hold it while the other funds a proxy to remove them. Obama and Putin both know that going to war isn't going to happen between our two countries. Putin knows that Obama has a repeated pattern of behavior of being a dog with no bark. Putin also knows that Obama refuses to commit anything toward US allies and potential US allies when attacked. Putin knows that Obama is willing to bargain away our British allies nuclear secrets for a nuke treaty and refuse to install a nuclear defense shield in Europe in the hopes of peace through kindness. In short, Putin knows he can do pretty much anything he wants while Obama is in power. Obama does not need to go to war with Russia in order to prevent them from invading the innocent. He simply needs to have enough US assets in the region to prevent Russia from committing an act of war against another nuclear power. It is that simple.
Why are you so worried about the US waging war all over the world? Why don't you all mind your own fucking business?

In a world where no one minds their own business, the one that does loses.
Norway, Sweden, Canada, Finland... all mind their own business and are at the top of the list for the world's happiest people and the best places to live. Now you know.
I love the dishonesty of liberals on this thread. Simply look at the poll. I included so many options in order to see how split they are as they struggle to answer the question and look. No consensus there.
You just admitted your own dishonesty of the poll you posted. :lol:
Yes. The refugee crisis was created by his weakness in dealing with Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and is now creating havoc in Europe......

China is now becoming aggressive in it's control over the South China Sea and Russia is flexing it's muscles wherever they want.....

he is a f*****g disaster........

Congress voted against going into Syria. The Republican Congress.

What exactly would you have had Obama do? Go to war with Russia over the Ukraine?

The odd thing about nuclear powers is they simply do not go to war with one another. Thus the first to have troops on land are usually the ones that hold it while the other funds a proxy to remove them. Obama and Putin both know that going to war isn't going to happen between our two countries. Putin knows that Obama has a repeated pattern of behavior of being a dog with no bark. Putin also knows that Obama refuses to commit anything toward US allies and potential US allies when attacked. Putin knows that Obama is willing to bargain away our British allies nuclear secrets for a nuke treaty and refuse to install a nuclear defense shield in Europe in the hopes of peace through kindness. In short, Putin knows he can do pretty much anything he wants while Obama is in power. Obama does not need to go to war with Russia in order to prevent them from invading the innocent. He simply needs to have enough US assets in the region to prevent Russia from committing an act of war against another nuclear power. It is that simple.
Why are you so worried about the US waging war all over the world? Why don't you all mind your own fucking business?

In a world where no one minds their own business, the one that does loses.
Norway, Sweden, Canada, Finland... all mind their own business and are at the top of the list for the world's happiest people and the best places to live. Now you know.

they can mind their own business because the United States protects them.......they don't have to actually provide their own military to keep them safe which is a huge cost saver which they can then give out as free goodies to their people......
Congress voted against going into Syria. The Republican Congress.

What exactly would you have had Obama do? Go to war with Russia over the Ukraine?

The odd thing about nuclear powers is they simply do not go to war with one another. Thus the first to have troops on land are usually the ones that hold it while the other funds a proxy to remove them. Obama and Putin both know that going to war isn't going to happen between our two countries. Putin knows that Obama has a repeated pattern of behavior of being a dog with no bark. Putin also knows that Obama refuses to commit anything toward US allies and potential US allies when attacked. Putin knows that Obama is willing to bargain away our British allies nuclear secrets for a nuke treaty and refuse to install a nuclear defense shield in Europe in the hopes of peace through kindness. In short, Putin knows he can do pretty much anything he wants while Obama is in power. Obama does not need to go to war with Russia in order to prevent them from invading the innocent. He simply needs to have enough US assets in the region to prevent Russia from committing an act of war against another nuclear power. It is that simple.
Why are you so worried about the US waging war all over the world? Why don't you all mind your own fucking business?

In a world where no one minds their own business, the one that does loses.
Norway, Sweden, Canada, Finland... all mind their own business and are at the top of the list for the world's happiest people and the best places to live. Now you know.

they can mind their own business because the United States protects them.......they don't have to actually provide their own military to keep them safe which is a huge cost saver which they can then give out as free goodies to their people......
That myth never dies, no one asked the US to invade Iraq for no real reason, or Afghanistan either. And those countries have never begged the US to back Israel, which is where all the conflict and 9/11 come from. And a while back when people were suggesting that the US help Ukraine militarily, they chickened out. You know why? Because the US is a bully and only attacks much weaker nations and armies.
Iraq was in constant violatiion of the Ceasefire dating back from the first Gulf War....and after 3,000 Americans were killed on 9/11 allowing nuts like saddam play games was over.........those countries you list live under the protection of the United States...otherwise they would be speaking Russian today......obama didn't help Ukraine....a lefty.....

The U.S. has done more to keep the world free and safe than all of those countries combined.......
I love the dishonesty of liberals on this thread. Simply look at the poll. I included so many options in order to see how split they are as they struggle to answer the question and look. No consensus there.
That's already been covered
Yes. The refugee crisis was created by his weakness in dealing with Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and is now creating havoc in Europe......

China is now becoming aggressive in it's control over the South China Sea and Russia is flexing it's muscles wherever they want.....

he is a f*****g disaster........

Congress voted against going into Syria. The Republican Congress.

What exactly would you have had Obama do? Go to war with Russia over the Ukraine?

The odd thing about nuclear powers is they simply do not go to war with one another. Thus the first to have troops on land are usually the ones that hold it while the other funds a proxy to remove them. Obama and Putin both know that going to war isn't going to happen between our two countries. Putin knows that Obama has a repeated pattern of behavior of being a dog with no bark. Putin also knows that Obama refuses to commit anything toward US allies and potential US allies when attacked. Putin knows that Obama is willing to bargain away our British allies nuclear secrets for a nuke treaty and refuse to install a nuclear defense shield in Europe in the hopes of peace through kindness. In short, Putin knows he can do pretty much anything he wants while Obama is in power. Obama does not need to go to war with Russia in order to prevent them from invading the innocent. He simply needs to have enough US assets in the region to prevent Russia from committing an act of war against another nuclear power. It is that simple.
Why are you so worried about the US waging war all over the world? Why don't you all mind your own fucking business?

In a world where no one minds their own business, the one that does loses.
Norway, Sweden, Canada, Finland... all mind their own business and are at the top of the list for the world's happiest people and the best places to live. Now you know.
Germany was #1 best country this year, Canada #3 USA #4
Congress voted against going into Syria. The Republican Congress.

What exactly would you have had Obama do? Go to war with Russia over the Ukraine?

The odd thing about nuclear powers is they simply do not go to war with one another. Thus the first to have troops on land are usually the ones that hold it while the other funds a proxy to remove them. Obama and Putin both know that going to war isn't going to happen between our two countries. Putin knows that Obama has a repeated pattern of behavior of being a dog with no bark. Putin also knows that Obama refuses to commit anything toward US allies and potential US allies when attacked. Putin knows that Obama is willing to bargain away our British allies nuclear secrets for a nuke treaty and refuse to install a nuclear defense shield in Europe in the hopes of peace through kindness. In short, Putin knows he can do pretty much anything he wants while Obama is in power. Obama does not need to go to war with Russia in order to prevent them from invading the innocent. He simply needs to have enough US assets in the region to prevent Russia from committing an act of war against another nuclear power. It is that simple.
Why are you so worried about the US waging war all over the world? Why don't you all mind your own fucking business?

In a world where no one minds their own business, the one that does loses.
Norway, Sweden, Canada, Finland... all mind their own business and are at the top of the list for the world's happiest people and the best places to live. Now you know.

they can mind their own business because the United States protects them.......they don't have to actually provide their own military to keep them safe which is a huge cost saver which they can then give out as free goodies to their people......
So then don't fucking complain American corporations pay more taxes! Of course they do! They gotta pay for that military.

Or should you pay more?

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