Can we fix this "Democracy"


Apr 25, 2017
I recall writing to a Senator about a Superfund site near where I lived. I got a reply from an underling saying something like: "The Senator is currently looking at all the Superfund sites to determine the best way to handle this, blah blah". Well, Congress has been doing this for 25 years ever since Clinton allocated $5 Billion for the clean up. That money was essentially eaten up by the lawyers who started sueing each other. The point is that Congress is no longer effective at doing anything. After hurricane Katrina, Congress awarded $750 million to rebuild the houses that were ruined. The GOP Senator from Mississippi, Trent Lott said that money should be used to move the railroad 50 miles north to help evacuation and to hell with all the houses that were ruined. He already had the contractors lined up. In any case, it's the lobbyists that control Congress, not the people. You need to see this. So:

At one time in this country, an elected Congressman or Senator got up on his horse and went to Wash DC to vote on things the way the majority would have wanted. That has morphed into a lobbyist controlled Congress that passes laws only for the benefit of the lobbyists. There is a way to get rid of the lobbyists for good. All we have to do is take away the voting power of Congress. We, the people, can vote on things ourselves using the internet. Think of how much cheaper it would be to govern nevermind sensible. Finally, it would be government for the people, by the people.
Can we fix this "Democracy

What democracy? we are a Representative Republic.
In a democracy the sovereignty is in the group. In a Republic form of government in which the powers of sovereignty are vested in the people and are exercised by the people, either directly, or through representatives chosen by the people, to whome those powers are specially delegated.
Can we fix this "Democracy

What democracy? we are a Representative Republic.
In a democracy the sovereignty is in the group. In a Republic form of government in which the powers of sovereignty are vested in the people and are exercised by the people, either directly, or through representatives chosen by the people, to whome those powers are specially delegated.

Ok, but those elected representatives are not representing us properly. That's my point and we fix it by getting rid of all of them and voting on things ourselves.
Ok, but those elected representatives are not representing us properly. That's my point and we fix it by getting rid of all of them and voting on things ourselves
Then you have the power to vote them out. Pure democracy would mean if there were 3 men and 1 women trapped on an island and the three men vote to approve rape the women votes no but in a pure democracy she's gonna get raped. This is why the founders thought it wiser to have elected representatives and I agree. Pure democracy will never work in a society or a home or any place.
Ok, but those elected representatives are not representing us properly. That's my point and we fix it by getting rid of all of them and voting on things ourselves
Then you have the power to vote them out. Pure democracy would mean if there were 3 men and 1 women trapped on an island and the three men vote to approve rape the women votes no but in a pure democracy she's gonna get raped. This is why the founders thought it wiser to have elected representatives and I agree. Pure democracy will never work in a society or a home or any place.

Don't mislead... You as an individual don't have any power to vote anyone in or out of office.

American society likes to brainwash people into thinking they make a difference in the way their government is ran.\

Example: If you live in Upstate New York, your vote for any republican presidential candidate doesn't matter because the folks in New York City will always vote for the democratic candidate; thus, the electoral college in your state always elects a democrat, so you shouldn't even bother voting. The same idea goes with the NY State governor, only a democratic candidate from downstate will win, nobody from upstate will win, and nobody from upstate will have a meaningful vote.
Ok, but those elected representatives are not representing us properly. That's my point and we fix it by getting rid of all of them and voting on things ourselves
Then you have the power to vote them out. Pure democracy would mean if there were 3 men and 1 women trapped on an island and the three men vote to approve rape the women votes no but in a pure democracy she's gonna get raped. This is why the founders thought it wiser to have elected representatives and I agree. Pure democracy will never work in a society or a home or any place.

Don't mislead... You as an individual don't have any power to vote anyone in or out of office.

American society likes to brainwash people into thinking they make a difference in the way their government is ran.\

Example: If you live in Upstate New York, your vote for any republican
presidential candidate doesn't matter because the folks in New York City will always vote for the democratic candidate; thus, the electoral college in your state always elects a democrat, so you shouldn't even bother voting. The same idea goes with the NY State governor, only a democratic candidate from downstate will win, nobody from upstate will win, and nobody from upstate will have a meaningful vote.
You make good points but I've been around the world more than once and you need to compare our system with those of other nations and believe me we have them beat when it comes to power being bestowed among the people.
I live in CA and I'm as conservative as one can get, my vote here hasn't counted for years but yet I vote every time. I can also give donations and volunteer which I've done both. There is no perfect electoral system but we are legions ahead of the rest of the world.
I recall writing to a Senator about a Superfund site near where I lived. I got a reply from an underling saying something like: "The Senator is currently looking at all the Superfund sites to determine the best way to handle this, blah blah". Well, Congress has been doing this for 25 years ever since Clinton allocated $5 Billion for the clean up. That money was essentially eaten up by the lawyers who started sueing each other. The point is that Congress is no longer effective at doing anything. After hurricane Katrina, Congress awarded $750 million to rebuild the houses that were ruined. The GOP Senator from Mississippi, Trent Lott said that money should be used to move the railroad 50 miles north to help evacuation and to hell with all the houses that were ruined. He already had the contractors lined up. In any case, it's the lobbyists that control Congress, not the people. You need to see this. So:

At one time in this country, an elected Congressman or Senator got up on his horse and went to Wash DC to vote on things the way the majority would have wanted. That has morphed into a lobbyist controlled Congress that passes laws only for the benefit of the lobbyists. There is a way to get rid of the lobbyists for good. All we have to do is take away the voting power of Congress. We, the people, can vote on things ourselves using the internet. Think of how much cheaper it would be to govern nevermind sensible. Finally, it would be government for the people, by the people.

How about getting rid of lobbying, and reforming election funding so that candidates weren't always in need of money, making them vulnerable to bribery and "special interests"?

Voting on the internet? Ridiculous idea. How do you prevent hacking or multiple voting? You can't.
I recall writing to a Senator about a Superfund site near where I lived. I got a reply from an underling saying something like: "The Senator is currently looking at all the Superfund sites to determine the best way to handle this, blah blah". Well, Congress has been doing this for 25 years ever since Clinton allocated $5 Billion for the clean up. That money was essentially eaten up by the lawyers who started sueing each other. The point is that Congress is no longer effective at doing anything. After hurricane Katrina, Congress awarded $750 million to rebuild the houses that were ruined. The GOP Senator from Mississippi, Trent Lott said that money should be used to move the railroad 50 miles north to help evacuation and to hell with all the houses that were ruined. He already had the contractors lined up. In any case, it's the lobbyists that control Congress, not the people. You need to see this. So:

At one time in this country, an elected Congressman or Senator got up on his horse and went to Wash DC to vote on things the way the majority would have wanted. That has morphed into a lobbyist controlled Congress that passes laws only for the benefit of the lobbyists. There is a way to get rid of the lobbyists for good. All we have to do is take away the voting power of Congress. We, the people, can vote on things ourselves using the internet. Think of how much cheaper it would be to govern nevermind sensible. Finally, it would be government for the people, by the people.

This is a horrible idea because without your representatives, if you live in Mississippi, the the votes of the much more numerous New Yorkers and Californians will make a hopeless minority out of you.
I recall writing to a Senator about a Superfund site near where I lived. I got a reply from an underling saying something like: "The Senator is currently looking at all the Superfund sites to determine the best way to handle this, blah blah". Well, Congress has been doing this for 25 years ever since Clinton allocated $5 Billion for the clean up. That money was essentially eaten up by the lawyers who started sueing each other. The point is that Congress is no longer effective at doing anything. After hurricane Katrina, Congress awarded $750 million to rebuild the houses that were ruined. The GOP Senator from Mississippi, Trent Lott said that money should be used to move the railroad 50 miles north to help evacuation and to hell with all the houses that were ruined. He already had the contractors lined up. In any case, it's the lobbyists that control Congress, not the people. You need to see this. So:

At one time in this country, an elected Congressman or Senator got up on his horse and went to Wash DC to vote on things the way the majority would have wanted. That has morphed into a lobbyist controlled Congress that passes laws only for the benefit of the lobbyists. There is a way to get rid of the lobbyists for good. All we have to do is take away the voting power of Congress. We, the people, can vote on things ourselves using the internet. Think of how much cheaper it would be to govern nevermind sensible. Finally, it would be government for the people, by the people.
We are a republic.

so no.
How about getting rid of lobbying, and reforming election funding so that candidates weren't always in need of money, making them vulnerable to bribery and "special interests"?

Voting on the internet? Ridiculous idea. How do you prevent hacking or multiple voting? You can't.


I agree wholeheartedly with something Dragonlady posted.

What's next? Flying pigs?

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Deport fascist religious republicans
Deport people that want to defund infrastructure, science and education
Tax the shit out of the rich and put up massive tariffs on imports back into this country.
Deport fascist religious republicans
Deport people that want to defund infrastructure, science and education
Tax the shit out of the rich and put up massive tariffs on imports back into this country.
Tariffs was one of the leading causes to the last Depression.

And the irony of deporting people you don't like...
I recall writing to a Senator about a Superfund site near where I lived. I got a reply from an underling saying something like: "The Senator is currently looking at all the Superfund sites to determine the best way to handle this, blah blah". Well, Congress has been doing this for 25 years ever since Clinton allocated $5 Billion for the clean up. That money was essentially eaten up by the lawyers who started sueing each other. The point is that Congress is no longer effective at doing anything. After hurricane Katrina, Congress awarded $750 million to rebuild the houses that were ruined. The GOP Senator from Mississippi, Trent Lott said that money should be used to move the railroad 50 miles north to help evacuation and to hell with all the houses that were ruined. He already had the contractors lined up. In any case, it's the lobbyists that control Congress, not the people. You need to see this. So:

At one time in this country, an elected Congressman or Senator got up on his horse and went to Wash DC to vote on things the way the majority would have wanted. That has morphed into a lobbyist controlled Congress that passes laws only for the benefit of the lobbyists. There is a way to get rid of the lobbyists for good. All we have to do is take away the voting power of Congress. We, the people, can vote on things ourselves using the internet. Think of how much cheaper it would be to govern nevermind sensible. Finally, it would be government for the people, by the people.
Written Behind Closed Doors by Lawyers for the Colonial 1%

You can blame that sacred cow, the US Constitution, for setting up a selfish and sheltered oligarchy.
Can we fix this "Democracy

What democracy? we are a Representative Republic.
In a democracy the sovereignty is in the group. In a Republic form of government in which the powers of sovereignty are vested in the people and are exercised by the people, either directly, or through representatives chosen by the people, to whome those powers are specially delegated.

Ok, but those elected representatives are not representing us properly. That's my point and we fix it by getting rid of all of them and voting on things ourselves.

It's done at the state level. Don't like em, vote em out, or better yet, run against them.

It's really quit simple.
Can we fix this "Democracy

What democracy? we are a Representative Republic.
In a democracy the sovereignty is in the group. In a Republic form of government in which the powers of sovereignty are vested in the people and are exercised by the people, either directly, or through representatives chosen by the people, to whome those powers are specially delegated.

Ok, but those elected representatives are not representing us properly. That's my point and we fix it by getting rid of all of them and voting on things ourselves.

Relax it is a democracy, our form of democracy is one of a subset of how a democracy works.

The only fix that will work is limiting the influence of money and that will never happen. So the answer is no it cannot be salvaged. The Republicans admitted this when they decided they do not have to follow the Constitution where it says a president gets a 4 year term. They decided Barack Obama would get a three year term and would not get to appoint a Supreme Court judge his last year.

The democracy is ended, one political party puts their party above the Constitution. Better we break up the union and the various parties can go their separate ways.
Trump is fixing it as we speak...casting out undesirables reversing Obamaism and enforcing law and order. Scumbags don't like it but it must be done and that is why he was elected.
Can we fix this "Democracy

What democracy? we are a Representative Republic.
In a democracy the sovereignty is in the group. In a Republic form of government in which the powers of sovereignty are vested in the people and are exercised by the people, either directly, or through representatives chosen by the people, to whome those powers are specially delegated.

Ok, but those elected representatives are not representing us properly. That's my point and we fix it by getting rid of all of them and voting on things ourselves.

Relax it is a democracy, our form of democracy is one of a subset of how a democracy works.

The only fix that will work is limiting the influence of money and that will never happen. So the answer is no it cannot be salvaged. The Republicans admitted this when they decided they do not have to follow the Constitution where it says a president gets a 4 year term. They decided Barack Obama would get a three year term and would not get to appoint a Supreme Court judge his last year.

The democracy is ended, one political party puts their party above the Constitution. Better we break up the union and the various parties can go their separate ways.
You are right about the money but I can give you way to fix it. See, this "Democratic" style of government is obsolete. At one time in this country you had to elect a senator or representative to get up on his horse and go to DC and vote on things for us. We don't need that anymore. We can vote on things ourselves using the internet. That gets rid of all the lobbyists and finally gives us government by the people and for the people. You can't get the attention of your senator meanwhile the lobbyists have his cell phone number. Wake up to it.

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