Can we now say Obama was wrong on terrorism


Gold Member
Jul 8, 2014
Here we are 6 years in and we are engaged with terrorist in Iraq. 6 years of the reset with the Muslims, and guess what he is now the 4th POTUS bombing Iraq. Kissing their ass and apologizing has gotten us what? How is that heartwarming Arab spring going? I am sitting here watching all the liberals on the Sunday morning shows doing back flips about the threat of Isis. David Gregory sounds like Glenn Beck 6 months ago talking about the threat Isis presents. Could it be Donald Rumsfeld and Rudy Giuliani were right.
It would be simple and way more concise to examine what Affirmative Action Jackson has been correct about.
Here we are 6 years in and we are engaged with terrorist in Iraq. 6 years of the reset with the Muslims, and guess what he is now the 4th POTUS bombing Iraq. Kissing their ass and apologizing has gotten us what? How is that heartwarming Arab spring going? I am sitting here watching all the liberals on the Sunday morning shows doing back flips about the threat of Isis. David Gregory sounds like Glenn Beck 6 months ago talking about the threat Isis presents. Could it be Donald Rumsfeld and Rudy Giuliani were right.
So what would be your solution? Kill every Islamic male?
I think we can say with certainty ISIS has moved from the JV to the Varsity in fact it seems like they have turned pro.
well for sure I'd go read something about the Dear Leader that has to use vulgarity in it.

You just need to accept, only a small minority of you thinks Obama is still, da bomb

that's why all the vulgar whining these days over him..

He's been a horrible President who has done us more harm than good in my opinion.
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What would you have the Kenyan in Chief do? It's a fair question to both sides of the political fence.
What would you have the Kenyan in Chief do? It's a fair question to both sides of the political fence.

The Middle East is Quicksand for leaders throughout the world. This has been the problem for decades as we cannot understand the ideology of Fanatics of Islam in the region. When they aren't killing Christians and Western Powers they are killing each other. Saying, "My Sunni Religion is better than your Shiite Religion.

It's hard to kill an ideology like this, and we don't want to have to destroy the entire region. They are actually doing a good job themselves.

The POTUS should not cater to their principles and take a hard line to the BS over there. Especially trying to support the FSA in Syria which has bled over into Iraq with ISIS. He also failed in Egypt as he demanded that the Muslim Brotherhood should be in the elections. The Egyptians were not so Stupid to take his recommendation as they understood they were and are a threat to their nation due to ideology. Libya is another hell hole as the rebel factions tear the fragmented country to pieces. So much so that Nations are closing their embassies down and getting their people out.

Africa is another hell hole with violence going on all over the place primarily with Radical Islam.

In a nut shell, the whole damn area is screwed the hell up.
The Immaculate Incompetent has been wrong on virtually everything. Res Ipsa Loquitur.

Challenge to anyone: Cite otherwise.....
Wrong or right, we caused it. Bush and this fool. Seems we have some responsibility to fix it even though nobody else is stepping up to the plate as usual.

To be clear, and it hasn't been made clear by the manchurian candidate, this is all defensive in nature. There are no offensive measures being taken to say...remove command and control assets or stop their movements. I can't help but wonder what will happen when these subhuman dogs start to roll into BaghDead.
Here we are 6 years in and we are engaged with terrorist in Iraq. 6 years of the reset with the Muslims, and guess what he is now the 4th POTUS bombing Iraq. Kissing their ass and apologizing has gotten us what? How is that heartwarming Arab spring going? I am sitting here watching all the liberals on the Sunday morning shows doing back flips about the threat of Isis. David Gregory sounds like Glenn Beck 6 months ago talking about the threat Isis presents. Could it be Donald Rumsfeld and Rudy Giuliani were right.
So what would be your solution? Kill every Islamic male?

Oh look another far left fallacy created from debunked talking point and propaganda used by the far left from 2003 - 2009.

Going to condemn Obama for starting yet another one of his illegal wars?
It would be simple and way more concise to examine what Affirmative Action Jackson has been correct about.
Here ya go, you fucking idiot:

What the fuck has Obama done so far?

"Please cut the crap"

Updated! What Has President Obama Done? Here Are 253 Accomplishments, with Citations | The PCTC Blog

And, so far, President Obama has been spot on.

More far left Obama drones using far left propaganda to promote the fact they will not condemn Obama for yet starting another one of his illegal wars..

More far left Obama drones using far left propaganda to promote the fact they will not condemn Obama for yet starting another one of his illegal wars..

You didn't notice the "with citations" ...

Feel free to either rebut or show us what Repubs have done.

And, please list al the "illegal wars" President Obama has started.

Or, just say something dumb and skeddadle.
Wrong or right, we caused it. Bush and this fool. Seems we have some responsibility to fix it even though nobody else is stepping up to the plate as usual.

To be clear, and it hasn't been made clear by the manchurian candidate, this is all defensive in nature. There are no offensive measures being taken to say...remove command and control assets or stop their movements. I can't help but wonder what will happen when these subhuman dogs start to roll into BaghDead.

Because he is indecisive. I don't believe in half measures in these situations. I've your gonna take a stand then do all out or not at all.

Honestly, it ticked me off when nearly 90,000 or so Iraqi soldiers deserted leaving the Weapons behind for ISIS. It made me not really care if they fall if they refuse to stand for themselves....................

The Khurds are a different matter to me, as they stand and fight. They are worth saving.....................

More far left Obama drones using far left propaganda to promote the fact they will not condemn Obama for yet starting another one of his illegal wars..

You didn't notice the "with citations" ...

Feel free to either rebut or show us what Repubs have done.

And, please list al the "illegal wars" President Obama has started.

Or, just say something dumb and skeddadle.

Just because the far left religious programmed mind can not see these, does not mean they do not exist.

Obama's illegal wars,

Here are the ones in Africa alone:

MAP: The U.S. military currently has troops in these African countries
MAP: The U.S. military currently has troops in these African countries - The Washington Post

Then of course there is Libya and now Iraq.

Now condemn Obama for his illegal wars..

Why an not, the far left hold their own accountable for their real illegal wars?
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