Can we now say Obama was wrong on terrorism

Wrong or right, we caused it. Bush and this fool. Seems we have some responsibility to fix it even though nobody else is stepping up to the plate as usual.

To be clear, and it hasn't been made clear by the manchurian candidate, this is all defensive in nature. There are no offensive measures being taken to say...remove command and control assets or stop their movements. I can't help but wonder what will happen when these subhuman dogs start to roll into BaghDead.

Ah, so with your magical crystal ball, the rise of radical Islam would not have taken place were it not for our attempt to squelch it? That doesn't make any historical sense.

Let me stipulate, I agree that WHATEVER we could have done or should have done has been all for naught. The rise of the prominence of radical Islam (orthodox, per the Quran) has long been part of human history.... so to blame Bush (pro-West), or even Barrack Hussein Obama (hasn't a clue), is a bit like blaming an actor for a poorly directed movie. Bad analogy, I agree.....Sad, that this is far from a movie.
Here we are 6 years in and we are engaged with terrorist in Iraq. 6 years of the reset with the Muslims, and guess what he is now the 4th POTUS bombing Iraq. Kissing their ass and apologizing has gotten us what? How is that heartwarming Arab spring going? I am sitting here watching all the liberals on the Sunday morning shows doing back flips about the threat of Isis. David Gregory sounds like Glenn Beck 6 months ago talking about the threat Isis presents. Could it be Donald Rumsfeld and Rudy Giuliani were right.
So what would be your solution? Kill every Islamic male?

Bomb any known location of Hamas until the people of the nation demand their government flush them out. If they are harbored in hospitals and schools, bomb them. It wouldn't be anybody'sfault except for the government of faction that decided to harbor the enemy.

To defeat the enemy is to isolate them from their allies, circle them like a pack of dogs and either rip them too shreds or allow mercy should they agree to disarmament.

That is how wars have been fought sincethe dawn of time. Nothing isdifferent now.
Liberals have too much symbolism invested in Obama for them to ever declare him wrong. They'd sooner admit that Fred Flintsone actually existed and had a pet dinosaur than admit that the first black President of the United States was an utter incompetent. The same denialist mindset will be in place if we ever elect a female Democrat to be President.

Now, if we were dealing with President Howard Dean, there'd still be the partisan denialist mindset but it wouldn't be a life-death struggle for Democrats - plenty would be walking off the plantation and eventually criticizing him. Look at Carter - some Democrats recognize that we was a total screw-up and it only took them 30 years after he left office to screw up the moral gumption to admit it. They'll never do that for Obama, so quit asking and expecting them to.
Liberals have too much symbolism invested in Obama for them to ever declare him wrong. They'd sooner admit that Fred Flintsone actually existed and had a pet dinosaur than admit that the first black President of the United States was an utter incompetent. The same denialist mindset will be in place if we ever elect a female Democrat to be President.

Now, if we were dealing with President Howard Dean, there'd still be the partisan denialist mindset but it wouldn't be a life-death struggle for Democrats - plenty would be walking off the plantation and eventually criticizing him. Look at Carter - some Democrats recognize that we was a total screw-up and it only took them 30 years after he left office to screw up the moral gumption to admit it. They'll never do that for Obama, so quit asking and expecting them to.
I wouldn't say the republicans are any better. Not recently at least. I wasn't around during Reagan's presidencybut at least he had some strategy. The one I most admire from the republican party was Eisenhower, but few people even talk about him even though he f
Created a new paradigm for the republican party.

This has to be making some people extremely rich for the last three administrations to have handled it so poorly. Our enemy is a third century tribe, we could crush them in 72 hours. Bring them to their knees. But here we are dragging this crap out for a lifetime.

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