Can we take Ray Epps off the list now?

That phenomenon pervades right wing media disinformation. Once the gullible rubes hear something they unquestioningly adopt it in to their belief system. Especially from "trusted sources" like Carlson. The irony being the more trusted they the more the likelihood they are lying.
Once adopted it takes a mountain of factual refutation to get them to accept the truth. Even then only in a small percentage of cases. I'm sure I don't have to point out the voter fraud allegations have been beaten to a pulp, lit on fire, and buried 10 feet under, yet they won't let them go.
Apparently there is a video that directly refutes Ray's belief and he still won't acknowledge he is wrong. It's frightening to see cult-like behavior up close.
Big fucking lie.
One: the fact that he still hasn't been arrested for doing exactly the same thing that a dozen other protesters were arrested for. Why would the FBI admit they planted a mole in the protestors?
And the Times emphasized Epps’ role as a kinder, gentler Capitol rioter: There’s no evidence he entered the building itself. And video shows him attempting to de-escalate and calm rioters at a police line outside of the building. Like hundreds of others who breached Capitol grounds but did not enter the Capitol Building itself, Epps has not been charged for his actions.
Now you’re arguing that they committee an insurrection? :laugh:

Didn’t you guys spend all that time arguing that it wasn’t an insurrection?

Which is it? Was the Jan 6 riot an insurrection or not? Let’s get you on record.
It was the left and MSM, dude.

You already played this silly assed game previously.
It was the left and MSM, dude.

You already played this silly assed game previously.
I’m aware that they said it was an insurrection. I’m asking you if it was an insurrection or not.

You can answer this time. Don’t be scared.
The cult really showing their asses on this one.

They know this is all political theater.
No need to answer....
So you argue that he’s guilty of inciting an insurrection but don’t want to answer if it was an insurrection or not. Just a tad contradictory there lol.

Was it an insurrection or not? Simple question. You can answer this time.
What did I tell you about using lies in a debate? If you have to use lies, you already lost.
That’s not a lie. I can back up my claim and I can quote you saying that.

You: “I never heard him say peaceful in the clips I watched tonight.”

Maybe you’re just defensive because you were proven wrong.
There have been a number of psychological studies showing the difficulty of getting a person to accept the truth once they have committed to a lie. Your reply substantiates those studies.
You mean like democrats who believe the election wasn’t stolen? That the 2-time loser Biden and his running mate who was rejected by 97% of democrats broke a voting record by 17%? You really believe those lies?
I certainly don't support or defend what he did. I don't see other Dems doing that either. The point is he was falsely accused of being an undercover agent goading on the crowd. The latter is a fact, the former is a lie.
But you’re OK with American Pravda making no effort to investigate this guy for 1-1/2 years.
Only a latent interview designed to make him into a victim of Americans. That’s a demmunist MO.
If he shows up on Fox, you will guys will claim he’s an FBI agent. If he doesn’t show up on Fox, you guys will claim he’s an FBI agent.There’s no reasoning with you conspiracy theorist idiots. There’s nothing he can say that will convince you guys that he’s not an FBI agent.

He probably just wants to keep his head down and wait for the violent tinfoil hat lunatic morons to forget about him. He knows first-hand how crazy these people are.
It is sad that the Peter Strzok's, the Lisa Page's and many of their partners who were just as guilty but never named, along with their deep state bosses who excused their behavior, have destroyed the FBI's reputation to the point that that supposed "premiere law enforcement agency of the world," is trusted about as much as Stasi.

But it really is not a new thing. Don't forget the FBI's treatment of Martin Luther King, including a heavy-handed and clumsy attempt to blackmail him by sending material to his wife supposedly documenting King's affairs.

If those "highly professional" agents at the time had had official cell phones with text capabilities, I'm sure their messages about King would have been similar to the modern day FBI's treatment of Trump.

Why do you think that the random people in the crowd picked up on Epp's attempt to lead them into lawbreaking so fast? Why did they automatically assume that he was a "fed" instead of some operative hired by the DNC?

Because the FBI, filled with Obama appointees, had by that point become nothing more than the armed wing of the DNC. The FBI is not even bothering to deny that they would ever do such a thing as to send agents to lead people to disrupt presidential vote counting in our nation's capital. They don't act offended at the suggestion, they just dryly tell us that it is none of our business whether they did that or not.
It is sad that the Peter Strzok's, the Lisa Page's and many of their partners who were just as guilty but never named, along with their deep state bosses who excused their behavior, have destroyed the FBI's reputation to the point that that supposed "premiere law enforcement agency of the world," is trusted about as much as Stasi.

But it really is not a new thing. Don't forget the FBI's treatment of Martin Luther King, including a heavy-handed and clumsy attempt to blackmail him by sending material to his wife supposedly documenting King's affairs.

If those "highly professional" agents at the time had had official cell phones with text capabilities, I'm sure their messages about King would have been similar to the modern day FBI's treatment of Trump.

Why do you think that the random people in the crowd picked up on Epp's attempt to lead them into lawbreaking so fast? Why did they automatically assume that he was a "fed" instead of some operative hired by the DNC?

Because the FBI, filled with Obama appointees, had by that point become nothing more than the armed wing of the DNC. The FBI is not even bothering to deny that they would ever do such a thing as to send agents to lead people to disrupt presidential vote counting in our nation's capital. They don't act offended at the suggestion, they just dryly tell us that it is none of our business whether they did that or not.
Republicans don’t trust the FBI for the same reason they don’t trust Ray Epps - they’re conspiracy theorists.
Republicans don’t trust the FBI for the same reason they don’t trust Ray Epps - they’re conspiracy theorists.
It’s worse than that.

Believing this nonsense allows them to absolve themselves of the Capitol attack… at least in their minds
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Republicans don’t trust the FBI for the same reason they don’t trust Ray Epps - they’re conspiracy theorists.

Right, conspiracy theorists. You mean like how CNN was conveniently present in the early morning raid of Roger Stone's house? Gee, their camera crew just happened to be driving past his house when they seen the FBI there and started filming. They happened to be dressed in riot gear and high powered firearms to arrest a frail 67 year old man.

Nah, no conspiracy here folks, just keep on walking.

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