Can we take Ray Epps off the list now?

The problem with you leftists is your mind. You put up a mental block on things you don't want to see, like the first clip in that video montage I posted where he didn't say anything about being peaceful.
Pretty ironic considering that you were the one who claimed: “I never heard him say peaceful in the clips I watched tonight.”

Interesting how “clips” magically changed into “first clip” when you found out that you were wrong.

That’s the problem with conservatives. They’re uneducated and they don’t have the attention span to realize something until it’s pointed out to them multiple times.
Not everyone there did what Epp's urged. You miss that??
Then there's the group of Trump supporters who told him forget about that?

BTW, it was a rally.
Of course not everyone there did what Epps urged.

However, it doesn’t make sense to argue that Epps is guilty of inciting a rebellion while saying that the others are not guilty of assisting in the rebellion.

It either was a rebellion or it wasn’t. I keep asking you and you won’t answer because you know that your house of cards reasoning will fall apart the moment you do. You know that you can’t have it both ways. If Epps is guilty of what you’re claiming, then they all are.
Yes, Roger stone is one of many examples of how the FBI has been politicized and even venturing into the deep state. The only way CNN could have possibly known of the raid is if somebody from the FBI called them and told them where to be and at what time. They aided in setting up that political theater.

Speaking of political theater, it's too bad the head commie won't have Wray take the stand and put this all to rest by swearing under oath Epps has no connection with the FBI.
Completely unrelated to Ray Epps.

The FBI is neither going to confirm nor deny if someone is a confidential informant. Very simple. Doesn’t require your tinfoil hat conspiracy theories.

That’s the problem with conservatives. They‘re uneducated and they have wild imaginations. They just make up stupid conspiracies instead of just going with the most logical conclusion.
The other way to say that is reality means nothing to you. This isn't a matter of whether he tried to incite the crowd. It's a matter of him being falsely accused of being an under cover provocateur.
Oh come on. Epps clearly told them to go into the capitol. People that were there that went into the capitol and didn't incite anyone are now in jail. Why is Epps walking free? How big a sucker does one have to be to believe this guy? He was and is a Fed.
Of course not everyone there did what Epps urged.

However, it doesn’t make sense to argue that Epps is guilty of inciting a rebellion while saying that the others are not guilty of assisting in the rebellion.

It either was a rebellion or it wasn’t. I keep asking you and you won’t answer because you know that your house of cards reasoning will fall apart the moment you do. You know that you can’t have it both ways. If Epps is guilty of what you’re claiming, then they all are.

Epp's violated the law by urging others to do what he was saying. What others did, may or may not have met the bar for that particular law.
Epp's has been given a free pass for one reason or another. FBI got caught quietly deleting Epp's from their list after many journalist inquiries,
Lots of strange actions regarding Epps. If it was proven he was a CI, the whole J6 charade would collapse.
DOJ has already analyzed many videos, pictures and other evidence and has decided who is or will be charged.
As far as I'm concerned, whatever DOJ decides regarding charges, I'm cool with as long as they can prove their case.

Epp's violated the law by urging others to do what he was saying. What others did, may or may not have met the bar for that particular law.
So you’re arguing that Epps incited a rebellion and that the others didn’t participate in a rebellion.


So then the question for you is, what exactly is a rebellion then? You’re trying REALLY hard to find some perfect middle ground here where Epps is guilty and the others aren’t, and it’s not going to happen.
As far as I'm concerned, whatever DOJ decides regarding charges, I'm cool with as long as they can prove their case.
They’ve already decided. They aren‘t going to disclose who is or isn’t an undercover agent for obvious reasons.

Your retarded conspiracy theory isn’t needed to make sense of this.
Do the R v W protestors have permits to harass SCOTUS justices at their homes, or are they just sight seeing?
I have no idea. Have not been following that story whatsoever.
Maybe a google search could help you.


Duh....I posted the actual permits for all the DC events that week, by Women for America First.
I opened your link and looked at the documents you've offered.
None are an approval for a permit for a march to the Capitol.

And yes, the 'Women' group was the applicant-of-record.....but it was Trump's team who arranged the speakers, and found the money to set up a much bigger stage, jumbotron TV, and mega-speaker system than the 'Women for America" had planned for. And it was through Trump's team that Ms. Guilfoyle was reportedly paid $60,000 for her very brief introduction.

Here's what the Associated Press reported on January 17th, 2021:

"A pro-Trump nonprofit organization called Women for America First hosted the “Save America Rally” on Jan. 6 at the Ellipse, a federally owned patch of land near the White House. But an attachment to the permit, granted by the National Park Service, lists more than half a dozen people in staff positions who just weeks earlier had been paid thousands of dollars by Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign. Other staff scheduled to be “on site” during the protest have close ties to the White House.

Since the siege, several of them have scrambled to distance themselves from the rally."

"The AP’s review found at least three of the Trump campaign aides named on the permit rushed to obscure their connections to the demonstration. They deactivated or locked down their social media profiles and removed tweets that referenced the rally. Two blocked a reporter who asked questions.

Caroline Wren, is named as a “VIP Advisor” on an attachment to the permit that Women for America First provided to the agency. Between mid-March and mid-November, Donald J. Trump for President Inc. paid Wren $20,000 a month, according to Federal Election Commission records."
Completely unrelated to Ray Epps.

The FBI is neither going to confirm nor deny if someone is a confidential informant. Very simple. Doesn’t require your tinfoil hat conspiracy theories.

That’s the problem with conservatives. They‘re uneducated and they have wild imaginations. They just make up stupid conspiracies instead of just going with the most logical conclusion.

My argument is 100% logical.

He violated federal law and nothing happened to him.
He claims he is a business owner that lives in a trailer.
He never told NYT what that business is.
Once again, Tucker invited him on the show yesterday to clear his name, and crickets.
You can't get "into" the Capital unless you breach the armed security there, so this "peacefully" bullshit was probably something the FBI lawyers told him to use the next day.
If he had no affiliation with the FBI, he would have openly stated so; not over a year later.
Here is a perfectly plausible explanation you will no doubt reject because you have already concluded, absent any facts, it was some sort of deep state conspiracy.

Given a choice between a baseless conspiracy and a plausible explanation Trumpleton's take door #1 every time. Because they prefer fantasy to reality. If they didn't, they never would have duped in to believing the election was stolen.

If you believe this BS, I have a bridge for sale if you are looking.

CNN just "happened to place a bet?" Just dumb luck. Just a coincidence. Just happened to be at the right place at the right time. And what about the FBI who came there with a small platoon dressed in riot gear. What are you going to tell me next, that FBI agents ran out of suits to arrest this 67 year old guy so they had no choice but to wear gear that they'd normally wear to bust a drug cartel kingpin?

God............there's nothing they can tell you that you won't believe, is there?

Oh, you were being serious.

The federal law you posted was regarding inciting violence. Kinda hard to incite violence when he specified that they need to be peaceful.

100% logical. :laughing0301:

He didn't say peacefully the night before, and that means he broke the law. It doesn't matter what he said afterwards.

You're a leftist so you have no logic. Let me explain logical:

I'm at the Capital and accused of being a FBI plant. The first thing I would do is call Fox or some other right-wing outlet. I would tell them what my profession was, give them names of my employers, my coworkers, tell them to ask my neighbors. Let your reporters do a full investigation on my answers. Once they found everything was true, they would broadcast that to all the right-wing audiences on every right-wing show. Then nobody would say I was a plant any longer.

See, that's what's called logic.
He didn't say peacefully the night before, and that means he broke the law. It doesn't matter what he said afterwards.
Holy shit. You really need to pay attention. I’m going to post this again and I need you to actually listen to it.

That IS the night before. At the beginning he says “Tomorrow we need to go into the Capitol.”

What is wrong with you? First you claimed he didn’t say peacefully and now you say it wasn’t the night before. It almost seems like you’re trying to be wrong.

100% logical lol.
Holy shit. You really need to pay attention. I’m going to post this again and I need you to actually listen to it.

That IS the night before. At the beginning he says “Tomorrow we need to go into the Capitol.”

What is wrong with you? First you claimed he didn’t say peacefully and now you say it wasn’t the night before. It almost seems like you’re trying to be wrong.

100% logical lol.

Your video is edited, mine isn't. The video Tucker payed clearly showed him saying we need to Fn go into the Capital and then he walked away from the mic. He broke the law, it can't be more obvious. But like I said, it's that leftist mental block that precludes you from actually hear or seeing that first clip.
So you’re arguing that Epps incited a rebellion and that the others didn’t participate in a rebellion.


So then the question for you is, what exactly is a rebellion then? You’re trying REALLY hard to find some perfect middle ground here where Epps is guilty and the others aren’t, and it’s not going to happen.
Epp's urged people to break the law. It would be up to the US atty to decide whether or not those who followed did so willingly or were enticed and then file whatever charges deemed appropriate.

Your house of cards is full of jokers.

Was it a rebellion or not? You still won’t answer this.

We both know why you won’t answer.
See the above post which assassinates your lame ass theory.
They’ve already decided. They aren‘t going to disclose who is or isn’t an undercover agent for obvious reasons.

Your retarded conspiracy theory isn’t needed to make sense of this.
Good point.

Especially if it blows the J6 charade out of the water. New congress will have investigative powers.

You sober tonight?
I have no idea. Have not been following that story whatsoever.
Maybe a google search could help you.


I opened your link and looked at the documents you've offered.
None are an approval for a permit for a march to the Capitol.

And yes, the 'Women' group was the applicant-of-record.....but it was Trump's team who arranged the speakers, and found the money to set up a much bigger stage, jumbotron TV, and mega-speaker system than the 'Women for America" had planned for. And it was through Trump's team that Ms. Guilfoyle was reportedly paid $60,000 for her very brief introduction.

Here's what the Associated Press reported on January 17th, 2021:

"A pro-Trump nonprofit organization called Women for America First hosted the “Save America Rally” on Jan. 6 at the Ellipse, a federally owned patch of land near the White House. But an attachment to the permit, granted by the National Park Service, lists more than half a dozen people in staff positions who just weeks earlier had been paid thousands of dollars by Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign. Other staff scheduled to be “on site” during the protest have close ties to the White House.

Since the siege, several of them have scrambled to distance themselves from the rally."

"The AP’s review found at least three of the Trump campaign aides named on the permit rushed to obscure their connections to the demonstration. They deactivated or locked down their social media profiles and removed tweets that referenced the rally. Two blocked a reporter who asked questions.

Caroline Wren, is named as a “VIP Advisor” on an attachment to the permit that Women for America First provided to the agency. Between mid-March and mid-November, Donald J. Trump for President Inc. paid Wren $20,000 a month, according to Federal Election Commission records."
Protest permits at SCOTUS homes and Trump's rally go into the same basket.....who cares?

Yet the permit is titled ''March for Trump/ Save America'.

Permit also states :

Women for America First will not conduct an organized march from the Ellipse at the conclusion of the rally. Some participants may leave to attend rallies at the United States Capitol to hear the results of Congressional certification of the Electoral College count

I'd say there was no organized march, thus complying with the permit.

Trump's expenditures bother you? They were reported to the FEC, as required.
Last edited:
Your video is edited, mine isn't. The video Tucker payed clearly showed him saying we need to Fn go into the Capital and then he walked away from the mic.
Wow. Conspiracy theories on top of conspiracy theories.

No it isn’t edited. Not only do you have absolutely no evidence for that, but Tucker played the exact same fucking video in your own post! Go to the video YOU posted, then go to the 53 second mark.

Same video. You can hear him say tomorrow they need to go into the Capitol.

Hoooolllyy shit. Are you trying to be wrong about everything? First you claim that he didn’t say peacefully. Then you claim that it wasn’t the day before. Then you say that the video was edited even though Tucker played the same exact video.

You’re a fucking idiot. Seriously.
Epp's urged people to break the law. It would be up to the US atty to decide whether or not those who followed did so willingly or were enticed and then file whatever charges deemed appropriate.

Obviously it’s up to them to figure out what charges they deem appropriate. And they didn’t charge Epps.

My point is that if you’re saying Epps urged people to break the law. Then YOU are saying that the people who participated in Jan 6 broke the law.

You can’t have it both ways.

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