Can we take Ray Epps off the list now?

No you didn’t always admit that he said peacefully.

“I never heard him say peaceful in the clips I watched tonight.”

You were wrong.

Not at all because I was talking about tonight's show and I didn't see it although I admit I wasn't looking for it either. But after you posted your video, I never denied that he said peacefully. I did say however that he didn't say peacefully in the first video I posted.
And the "evidence" of that is what?

That a crowd chanted that at him?
He didn't get arrested (like hundreds of others who did the same thing)
That the FBI wouldn't comment (which they NEVER do)

One: the fact that he still hasn't been arrested for doing exactly the same thing that a dozen other protesters were arrested for. Why would the FBI admit they planted a mole in the protestors?
As Trump allies searched for any excuse to shift blame for the Capitol attack — It was antifa! The FBI! — they seized on videos of Epps and cast him as an undercover operative looking to entrap upstanding patriots. Epps was publicly targeted by Tucker Carlson, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), and even Donald Trump himself, accused of successfully scheming to turn innocent Trump supporters into bloodthirsty rioters.
Conservatives are as much cowards as they are liars.
What do you mean illegally marching them to the Capital? What was illegal about it? It's called walking, and perfectly legal in this country.

Trump never told anybody to break into the Capital. Epps did. If I yell something repeatedly over and over again in a crowd, I guarantee you each time I yell, at least a dozen people will hear me.
He didn't request a permit to March down to the Capitol, and had not gotten a permit to protest at the capitol. He had a permit for the Ellipse Rally only.

He, nor the rally sponsor, got permits to march and protest to the capitol, but Trump sent them there, with no notification to park police, or capitol police or DC Metro po!ice to prepare for the madness.

It was purposely kept from Park Authorities and Metro Police, and Capitol Police...... Wonder why?
Just sayin'! For the Democrats, Jan. 6 is their desperate need to distract attention from the total disaster known as the Biden Administration.

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From your own link:


(a) As used in this chapter, the term “riot” means a public disturbance involving (1) an act or acts of violence by one or more persons part of an assemblage of three or more persons, which act or acts shall constitute a clear and present danger of, or shall result in, damage or injury to the property of any other person or to the person of any other individual or (2) a threat or threats of the commission of an act or acts of violence by one or more persons part of an assemblage of three or more persons having, individually or collectively, the ability of immediate execution of such threat or threats, where the performance of the threatened act or acts of violence would constitute a clear and present danger of, or would result in, damage or injury to the property of any other person or to the person of any other individual.


He’s not inciting them to be violent by telling them to be peaceful. Not complicated and it came from your own source.
This is the link that is applicable:

Federal law also prohibits inciting, assisting, or engaging in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority, laws, or operations of the U.S. Government. To convict, the prosecutor must show the defendant knowingly committed an overt act to further insurrection. A conviction carries up to 10 years in federal prison. (18 U.S.C. § 2383 (2020); Yates v. U.S., 354 U.S. 298 (1957).)

I seem to recollect the event as an insurrection by our fabled MSM.

And Epps did commit an overt act to further the 'insurrection'......all on tape.
He didn't request a permit to March down to the Capitol, and had not gotten a permit to protest at the capitol. He had a permit for the Ellipse Rally only.

He, nor the rally sponsor, got permits to march and protest to the capitol, but Trump sent them there, with no notification to park police, or capitol police or DC Metro po!ice to prepare for the madness.

It was purposely kept from Park Authorities and Metro Police, and Capitol Police...... Wonder why?
So you are saying you need a permit to march on down to the peoples house?
So you are saying you need a permit to march on down to the peoples house?
Yes. And Trump didn't get that even though that march was planned in advance (secretly we now know) because he didn't want the security necessary to be set up
So you are saying you need a permit to march on down to the peoples house?

Oh sure you do. Likely similar in most every city in America. After all, those desired 'march' routes are used by vehicles ...private, commercial, government, police, sanitation, etc.

So, poster Delldude, you walking down the middle of Main Street holding up your 'Life is Unfair to Me' sign and blocking traffic would, likely, get you a 'warning' of some degree or another.

But, if you when you are in DC and you wish to walk over to the Capitol on the sidewalk you can do it easily. In fact, three of us just did it over the July 4th weekend. It was easy peasy....tho a little warm for my taste.
Yes. And Trump didn't get that even though that march was planned in advance (secretly we now know) because he didn't want the security necessary to be set up
Trump didn't get the permit, the Women for America First did.

Here are all the permits that were required for the entire week in DC:

Here’s What We Know About the Pro-Trump Rallies That Have Permits - Washingtonian

Oh sure you do. Likely similar in most every city in America. After all, those desired 'march' routes are used by vehicles ...private, commercial, government, police, sanitation, etc.

So, poster Delldude, you walking down the middle of Main Street holding up your 'Life is Unfair to Me' sign and blocking traffic would, likely, get you a 'warning' of some degree or another.

But, if you when you are in DC and you wish to walk over to the Capitol on the sidewalk you can do it easily. In fact, three of us just did it over the July 4th weekend. It was easy peasy....tho a little warm for my taste.
Do the R v W protestors have permits to harass SCOTUS justices at their homes, or are they just sight seeing?
So you are saying you need a permit to march on down to the peoples house?
Yes, of course you do, especially when the protest is planned to march, and to protest there..

Trump knew for days, he was going to call on the rallied, to march the two miles downto the capitol and asked the organizers not to reveal his surprise.... The rally planners were afraid they'd get in trouble for not requesting the permits..... Emails were brought out in the hearing, that showed trump asked them to not reveal he was going to send the ralliers there.

The March down to the Capitol crap in his speech, was left out by the speech writer, Trump supposedly added that at last minute..... After he had been told it was not a good idea, by white house lawyers and it was taken out of his speech....he ad libbed it back in.
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Yes, of course you do, especially when the protest is planned to march, and to protest there..

Trump knew for days, he was going to call on the rallied, to march the two miles downto the capitol and asked the organizers not to reveal his surprise.... The rally planners were afraid they'd get in trouble for not requesting the permits..... Emails were brought out in the hearing, that showed trump asked them to not reveal he was going to send the ralliers there.
Duh....I posted the actual permits for all the DC events that week, by Women for America First.

March for Trump/Save America​

Not at all because I was talking about tonight's show and I didn't see it although I admit I wasn't looking for it either. But after you posted your video, I never denied that he said peacefully. I did say however that he didn't say peacefully in the first video I posted.
So you admit that you were wrong when you said “I never heard him say peaceful in the clips I watched tonight.”

Good. You’re learning.
Ray Epps is on video encouraging people to storm the Capitol…yet the cult does not want him punished.

Thats fucking weird.
This is the link that is applicable:

I seem to recollect the event as an insurrection by our fabled MSM.

And Epps did commit an overt act to further the 'insurrection'......all on tape.
Now you’re arguing that they committee an insurrection? :laugh:

Didn’t you guys spend all that time arguing that it wasn’t an insurrection?

Which is it? Was the Jan 6 riot an insurrection or not? Let’s get you on record.
Tucker has these idiots trained so well.

They won’t listen to anything presented to them unless Tucker says it. Even when I show him proof that he said peacefully, nope, don’t believe it. Didn’t see it on Tucker.
That phenomenon pervades right wing media disinformation. Once the gullible rubes hear something they unquestioningly adopt it in to their belief system. Especially from "trusted sources" like Carlson. The irony being the more trusted they the more the likelihood they are lying.
Once adopted it takes a mountain of factual refutation to get them to accept the truth. Even then only in a small percentage of cases. I'm sure I don't have to point out the voter fraud allegations have been beaten to a pulp, lit on fire, and buried 10 feet under, yet they won't let them go.
Apparently there is a video that directly refutes Ray's belief and he still won't acknowledge he is wrong. It's frightening to see cult-like behavior up close.

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