Can we take Ray Epps off the list now?

NO ONE who did not enter the Capitol or did not assault LEOs was arrested.

Why would he?


You may want to rethink your asshole comment.

Inciting to Riot, Violence, or Insurrection​

Criminal incitement refers to conduct, words, or other means that urge or naturally lead others to riot, violence, or insurrection. Many states and the federal government have enacted laws prohibiting inciting riots, violence, or insurrection, whether by those names or under laws prohibiting disorderly conduct, public disorder, mobs, or breach of peace.

Inciting Insurrection or Rebellion Against the U.S. Government​

Federal law also prohibits inciting, assisting, or engaging in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority, laws, or operations of the U.S. Government. To convict, the prosecutor must show the defendant knowingly committed an overt act to further insurrection. A conviction carries up to 10 years in federal prison. (18 U.S.C. § 2383 (2020); Yates v. U.S., 354 U.S. 298 (1957).)

Inciting to Riot, Violence, or Insurrection
HRC violated provisions in the Federal Records Act, which would be illegal....then there's some 30,000 emails she erased.....obstruction of justice?

In the end, the Obama administration did access Trump Tower via a server they thought was communicating with Russia, Russia, Russia.
The FBI “accessed” a server that (according to the Trump people) only was used for mass marketing and even there only “accessed” the pings. Akin to reading the outside of a mail envelope but never opening it.
The FBI “accessed” a server that (according to the Trump people) only was used for mass marketing and even there only “accessed” the pings. Akin to reading the outside of a mail envelope but never opening it.

John Durham, appointed by then-Attorney General William Barr in 2020 to probe the origins of the FBI’s investigation of Russian election interference, said “Tech Executive-1,” not named in the filing but first identified by The New York Times as Rodney Joffe, used his access to domain name system, or DNS, data to compile information about which computers and servers the White House servers were communicating with.

Tech exec looked for Trump dirt on White House computers, says Durham
I thought about it.

I’ll stand by it


Textbook example. Epps was inciting a riot by his own words. Dem operative.
The Legend of Whispering Ray, the man who can control weak minds, was one of the more entertaining confections of the Trump bum kissers. It even beats the ninjas' bamboozle ballot caper, the Italian satellite farce, and other eminently laughable send ups.

I rate it five bottles on the trump wall (that he made Mexico pay for!)

If this is true than the Western world in recent decades has become authoritarian and convinced a lot of people to give up their unalienable rights. Scam after scam on peoples' wallets with lowering of standards of employment placement to fit ethnic and cultural and gender-oriented agendas.
He neither attacked LEOs nor entered the Capitol. I know of no one else who fits that criteria and was arrested
What is your evidence for this statement?
They NEVER answer that question for very good reasons
Yes, because they dont want us to know who they are using to monitor citizens exercising free speech and to incite them into crimes.If Epps is not that, they should say so.

That would not compromise any investigation. It could spare him his miserable trailer dwelling life.
If this is true than the Western world in recent decades has become authoritarian and convinced a lot of people to give up their unalienable rights. Scam after scam on peoples' wallets with lowering of standards of employment placement to fit ethnic and cultural and gender-oriented agendas.
Could I get some raspberry vinaigrette with that ineffectual, off topic word salad?
If this is true than the Western world in recent decades has become authoritarian and convinced a lot of people to give up their unalienable rights. Scam after scam on peoples' wallets with lowering of standards of employment placement to fit ethnic and cultural and gender-oriented agendas.
I thought that Bam Bam Bannon's fleecing hapless Trumpy dupes in his "We build the wall!" scam whilst luxuriating on a Chinese billionaire's mega-yacht nicely encapsulated the whole cynical ruse and the incredible credulity it exploits. It's like watching lemmings infused with Usain Bolt genes stampeding toward Armageddon.
I thought that Bam Bam Bannon's fleecing hapless Trumpy dupes in his "We build the wall!" scam whilst luxuriating on a Chinese billionaire's mega-yacht nicely encapsulated the whole cynical ruse and the incredible credulity it exploits. It's like watching lemmings infused with Usain Bolt genes stampeding toward Armageddon.
Ah....he got the idea from the ongoing BLM scam.

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