Can we talk about the connection between Obama and the unemployment rate?

Many of those who have elected to no longer seek work have done so because they've figured out that Obama has made work unnecessary to enjoy perks like free phones and, though of less importance in their scheme of things, food.
Many of those who have elected to no longer seek work have done so because they've figured out that Obama has made work unnecessary to enjoy perks like free phones and, though of less importance in their scheme of things, food.

How old are you?
In what industry do you engage?
How many of these moochers do you actually know?
People have very short term memories. They are forgetting just how bad the 2008 crisis was. People seem to think it is Obama's fault the recovery is so slow yet Obama is the reason we have a recovery at all. During Bush's final months and Obama's early months, we lost several MILLION private sector jobs. It wasn't until Obama's stimulus package came into effect that the free fall began to level and eventually the private sector began to CREATE jobs rather than lose them. Here is the timeline as follows.

September 2008 – 432,000 jobs lost
October 2008 – 489,000 jobs lost
November 2008 – 803,000 jobs lost
December 2008 – 661,000 jobs lost[2]
January 2009 – 818,000 jobs lost
February 2009 – 724,000 jobs lost
March 2009 – 799,000 jobs lost
April 2009 – 692,000 jobs lost
May 2009 – 361,000 jobs lost
June 2009 – 482,000 jobs lost
July 2009 – 339,000 jobs lost
August 2009 – 231,000 jobs lost
September 2009 – 199,000 jobs lost
October 2009 – 202,000 jobs lost[3]
November 2009 - 64,000 jobs created[4]
December 2009 - 109,000 jobs lost[4]
January 2010 - 40,000 jobs lost[4]
February 2010 - 35,000 jobs lost
March 2010 - 189,000 jobs created
April 2010 - 239,000 jobs created
May 2010 - 516,000 jobs created
June 2010 - 167,000 jobs lost
July 2010 - 58,000 jobs lost (143,000 Federal Census jobs lost) [5]
August 2010 - 51,000 jobs lost
September 2010 - 27,000 jobs lost (According to U.S. Labor Department, 64,000 private sector jobs are added but a net loss of 95,000 jobs are due to government layoffs) [6][7]
October 2010 - 220,000 jobs created (Private sector jobs net increase)
November 2010 - 121,000 jobs created
December 2010 - 120,000 jobs created
January 2011 - 110,000 jobs created
February 2011 - 220,000 jobs created
March 2011 - 246,000 jobs created
April 2011 - 251,000 jobs created
May 2011 - 54,000 jobs created
June 2011 - 84,000 jobs created
July 2011 - 96,000 jobs created
August 2011 - 85,000 jobs created
September 2011 - 202,000 jobs created
October 2011 - 112,000 jobs created
November 2011 - 157,000 jobs created
December 2011 - 223,000 jobs created
January 2012 - 275,000 jobs created
February 2012 - 259,000 jobs created
March 2012 - 143,000 jobs created
April 2012 - 68,000 jobs created
May 2012 - 87,000 jobs created
June 2012 - 45,000 jobs created
July 2012 - 181,000 jobs created
August 2012 - 142,000 jobs created
September 2012 - 114,000 jobs created
2008 (September 2008 – December 2008) – 2.6 million jobs lost
2009 (January 2009 – December 2009) – 4.2 million jobs lost[8]
2010 (January 2010-December 2010) - 863,000 jobs created.

Here is unbiased proof that the economic job recovery can be directly attributed to Obama's 787 billion stimulus package.

Why Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits Boost the Economy

So while it is definitely true the economy is still in bad shape, there is still no denying that we are in a recovery. While the number could be higher, we are still adding 100,000s of jobs each month. It's slow, but it is still a recovery. The main reason why our economy is so bad is because of the several millions of jobs we lost in the first place. Get that through your skulls. Why you righty tighties won't give Obama credit for anything good he has done is beyond me. You want to hold onto this republican mentality that Obama can do nothing right and that is complete bullshit.

The truth of the matter is that 2.5X more jobs have been created under Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8. Not all, but most of those can be attributed directly to Obama's policies.

Obama?s Numbers, October Update

Under Bush, Unemployment averaged 5.27% per month. The average labor force participation rate was 66%. Obama has averaged 8.7% unemployment per month and the labor force participation rate has fallen to 62.8%, the lowest its been since the 1970s!

So under Bush, a higher percentage of the adult population was working and the unemployment rate among them was much lower. Under Obama, a smaller percentage of the adult population is working and the unemployment rate among them is much higher!

Under Bush the UE rate nearly doubled and the number of unemployed did double. Under Obama, more people are working than when Bush left office and less people are unemployed then when Bush left office. The LPR is lower because the Boomers have started retiring in large numbers. The LPR was declining under Bush without the Boomers retiring.

Everything was heading down from the Clinton numbers as Bush left office, which is why the Right always dishonestly use averages rather than the condition Bush left the economy in when he left!!!!!

When Bush came into office in January 2001, unemployment was at 4.2%. In February of 2008, just 11 months before leaving office, it was 4.9%. So most people living in the USA during the Bush years had it pretty good when it came to unemployment.

You can't rate a President simply be the first month they were in office and the last month they left office. In Bushes case there are 94 other months and YOU are ignoring every one.

Should a teacher base a students grades simply on the difference between what they did on class day 1 and class day 180? That's not how grades work for students or how employers rate employees on their job performance over a significant period of time.

I guess you probably also ignore the fact that BUSH was re-elected in 2004 by the first majority in the popular vote since 1988.

Bottom line, people will remember whether they were happy, with a job and money under Bush or Obama. The fact is many more people had jobs while Bush was in office and they had more money. Since Obama has been sitting in office, the unemployment rate has remained very high, the labor force participation rate has dropped, and the poverty rate is much higher than it was under Bush.

Also, the national debt as percentage of GDP is much higher now than it was under Bush.

Yes, many boomers are retiring which makes it easier on Obama's numbers. But that's only part of it. Some older people have been laid off or let go and after a couple of years have yet to find new work.

If the labor force participation rate was up near 66%, the unemployment rate right now would be 11%. All of Obama's reductions in the unemployment rate would be IMPOSSIBLE without reductions in the labor force participation rate.

Bottom line, Obama has failed to create enough jobs to support a labor force participation rate as seen under Bush, where it was an average of 66% participation with an average of 5.27% unemployment. That's the standard Barry needs to meet and he is FAR FROM IT!
People have very short term memories. They are forgetting just how bad the 2008 crisis was. People seem to think it is Obama's fault the recovery is so slow yet Obama is the reason we have a recovery at all. During Bush's final months and Obama's early months, we lost several MILLION private sector jobs. It wasn't until Obama's stimulus package came into effect that the free fall began to level and eventually the private sector began to CREATE jobs rather than lose them. Here is the timeline as follows.

September 2008 – 432,000 jobs lost
October 2008 – 489,000 jobs lost
November 2008 – 803,000 jobs lost
December 2008 – 661,000 jobs lost[2]
January 2009 – 818,000 jobs lost
February 2009 – 724,000 jobs lost
March 2009 – 799,000 jobs lost
April 2009 – 692,000 jobs lost
May 2009 – 361,000 jobs lost
June 2009 – 482,000 jobs lost
July 2009 – 339,000 jobs lost
August 2009 – 231,000 jobs lost
September 2009 – 199,000 jobs lost
October 2009 – 202,000 jobs lost[3]
November 2009 - 64,000 jobs created[4]
December 2009 - 109,000 jobs lost[4]
January 2010 - 40,000 jobs lost[4]
February 2010 - 35,000 jobs lost
March 2010 - 189,000 jobs created
April 2010 - 239,000 jobs created
May 2010 - 516,000 jobs created
June 2010 - 167,000 jobs lost
July 2010 - 58,000 jobs lost (143,000 Federal Census jobs lost) [5]
August 2010 - 51,000 jobs lost
September 2010 - 27,000 jobs lost (According to U.S. Labor Department, 64,000 private sector jobs are added but a net loss of 95,000 jobs are due to government layoffs) [6][7]
October 2010 - 220,000 jobs created (Private sector jobs net increase)
November 2010 - 121,000 jobs created
December 2010 - 120,000 jobs created
January 2011 - 110,000 jobs created
February 2011 - 220,000 jobs created
March 2011 - 246,000 jobs created
April 2011 - 251,000 jobs created
May 2011 - 54,000 jobs created
June 2011 - 84,000 jobs created
July 2011 - 96,000 jobs created
August 2011 - 85,000 jobs created
September 2011 - 202,000 jobs created
October 2011 - 112,000 jobs created
November 2011 - 157,000 jobs created
December 2011 - 223,000 jobs created
January 2012 - 275,000 jobs created
February 2012 - 259,000 jobs created
March 2012 - 143,000 jobs created
April 2012 - 68,000 jobs created
May 2012 - 87,000 jobs created
June 2012 - 45,000 jobs created
July 2012 - 181,000 jobs created
August 2012 - 142,000 jobs created
September 2012 - 114,000 jobs created
2008 (September 2008 – December 2008) – 2.6 million jobs lost
2009 (January 2009 – December 2009) – 4.2 million jobs lost[8]
2010 (January 2010-December 2010) - 863,000 jobs created.

Here is unbiased proof that the economic job recovery can be directly attributed to Obama's 787 billion stimulus package.

Why Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits Boost the Economy

So while it is definitely true the economy is still in bad shape, there is still no denying that we are in a recovery. While the number could be higher, we are still adding 100,000s of jobs each month. It's slow, but it is still a recovery. The main reason why our economy is so bad is because of the several millions of jobs we lost in the first place. Get that through your skulls. Why you righty tighties won't give Obama credit for anything good he has done is beyond me. You want to hold onto this republican mentality that Obama can do nothing right and that is complete bullshit.

The truth of the matter is that 2.5X more jobs have been created under Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8. Not all, but most of those can be attributed directly to Obama's policies.

Obama?s Numbers, October Update

Under Bush, Unemployment averaged 5.27% per month. The average labor force participation rate was 66%. Obama has averaged 8.7% unemployment per month and the labor force participation rate has fallen to 62.8%, the lowest its been since the 1970s!

So under Bush, a higher percentage of the adult population was working and the unemployment rate among them was much lower. Under Obama, a smaller percentage of the adult population is working and the unemployment rate among them is much higher!

You don't get to average 8 years when they're proven in the last 4 months to be a mirage.

Its not a Mirage to people who once had a job and roof over their head while Bush was in the White House and since Obama has been in the White House, now live on the street.

January 2001 unemployment was 4.2% and it was still at 4.9% in February 2008. That's 7 years of good living. That's no mirage. That's the good old days for millions of people.
Under Bush, Unemployment averaged 5.27% per month. The average labor force participation rate was 66%. Obama has averaged 8.7% unemployment per month and the labor force participation rate has fallen to 62.8%, the lowest its been since the 1970s!

So under Bush, a higher percentage of the adult population was working and the unemployment rate among them was much lower. Under Obama, a smaller percentage of the adult population is working and the unemployment rate among them is much higher!

You don't get to average 8 years when they're proven in the last 4 months to be a mirage.

Its not a Mirage to people who once had a job and roof over their head while Bush was in the White House and since Obama has been in the White House, now live on the street.

January 2001 unemployment was 4.2% and it was still at 4.9% in February 2008. That's 7 years of good living. That's no mirage. That's the good old days for millions of people.

Indeependent wasn't much beyond watching Sat AM cartoons in those days.
Yes, it is amazing. We can have many quarters of robust expansion followed by the inevitable recession (it's a business *cycle* ya know) and the left spasms about fake prosperity.
Under Bush, Unemployment averaged 5.27% per month. The average labor force participation rate was 66%. Obama has averaged 8.7% unemployment per month and the labor force participation rate has fallen to 62.8%, the lowest its been since the 1970s!

So under Bush, a higher percentage of the adult population was working and the unemployment rate among them was much lower. Under Obama, a smaller percentage of the adult population is working and the unemployment rate among them is much higher!

Under Bush the UE rate nearly doubled and the number of unemployed did double. Under Obama, more people are working than when Bush left office and less people are unemployed then when Bush left office. The LPR is lower because the Boomers have started retiring in large numbers. The LPR was declining under Bush without the Boomers retiring.

Everything was heading down from the Clinton numbers as Bush left office, which is why the Right always dishonestly use averages rather than the condition Bush left the economy in when he left!!!!!

When Bush came into office in January 2001, unemployment was at 4.2%. In February of 2008, just 11 months before leaving office, it was 4.9%. So most people living in the USA during the Bush years had it pretty good when it came to unemployment.

You can't rate a President simply be the first month they were in office and the last month they left office. In Bushes case there are 94 other months and YOU are ignoring every one.

But Bush is not responsible for anything that happened during his regime. He was not responsible for 9/11, that is blamed on Clinton. Same thing with the Bush recession of 2001, blamed on Clinton. The Housing crash, blamed on Clinton. Funny how Clinton was responsible for everything that happened during the Bush regime except the unemployment rate. :cuckoo:

Of course, the Bush economy was a house of cards that came crashing down erasing everything Clinton had built that Bush took credit for. :lol:
Under Bush the UE rate nearly doubled and the number of unemployed did double. Under Obama, more people are working than when Bush left office and less people are unemployed then when Bush left office. The LPR is lower because the Boomers have started retiring in large numbers. The LPR was declining under Bush without the Boomers retiring.

Everything was heading down from the Clinton numbers as Bush left office, which is why the Right always dishonestly use averages rather than the condition Bush left the economy in when he left!!!!!

When Bush came into office in January 2001, unemployment was at 4.2%. In February of 2008, just 11 months before leaving office, it was 4.9%. So most people living in the USA during the Bush years had it pretty good when it came to unemployment.

You can't rate a President simply be the first month they were in office and the last month they left office. In Bushes case there are 94 other months and YOU are ignoring every one.

But Bush is not responsible for anything that happened during his regime. He was not responsible for 9/11, that is blamed on Clinton. Same thing with the Bush recession of 2001, blamed on Clinton. The Housing crash, blamed on Clinton. Funny how Clinton was responsible for everything that happened during the Bush regime except the unemployment rate. :cuckoo:

Of course, the Bush economy was a house of cards that came crashing down erasing everything Clinton had built that Bush took credit for. :lol:

Bwahaha!!! Bush! BUSH!! BUSSH!!!!!
Under Bush the UE rate nearly doubled and the number of unemployed did double. Under Obama, more people are working than when Bush left office and less people are unemployed then when Bush left office. The LPR is lower because the Boomers have started retiring in large numbers. The LPR was declining under Bush without the Boomers retiring.

Everything was heading down from the Clinton numbers as Bush left office, which is why the Right always dishonestly use averages rather than the condition Bush left the economy in when he left!!!!!

When Bush came into office in January 2001, unemployment was at 4.2%. In February of 2008, just 11 months before leaving office, it was 4.9%. So most people living in the USA during the Bush years had it pretty good when it came to unemployment.

You can't rate a President simply be the first month they were in office and the last month they left office. In Bushes case there are 94 other months and YOU are ignoring every one.

But Bush is not responsible for anything that happened during his regime. He was not responsible for 9/11, that is blamed on Clinton. Same thing with the Bush recession of 2001, blamed on Clinton. The Housing crash, blamed on Clinton. Funny how Clinton was responsible for everything that happened during the Bush regime except the unemployment rate. :cuckoo:

Of course, the Bush economy was a house of cards that came crashing down erasing everything Clinton had built that Bush took credit for. :lol:

Well, that's not how the country felt in 2004. They liked what Bush had done with the economy, military, foreign policy etc and re-elected him. Bush won with the first majority in the popular vote since 1988.

Bush will be judged by how things were when he was in office. That's it. The Economy was pretty damn good for most of the time he was in office. Saddam and the Taliban were removed from Iraq and Afghanistan. The national debt was still somewhat under control.

Overall Bush years saw better economic numbers and more accomplishments in Foreign Policy. Overall, better than either Clinton or Obama!
People seem to think it is Obama's fault the recovery is so slow yet Obama is the reason we have a recovery at all

:eusa_eh:'s not like recessions end. Wow, you people think he's responsible for rain and ketchup too, don't you? Anyway, he knows you're always there to baaaa-ck him up...

BTW, the recession was caused by the big government tax and spend policies, loose fiscal policy and over-regulation and coercion of the housing and financial services markets embraced by both parties.

And the recession hasn't ended because both parties won't leave the economy alone. The economy is like a scab, it'll heal if you stop picking at it and leave it alone. So stop picking at it and leave it alone.
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Did you count the number of people who have dropped out of the workforce and stopped looking for work? Of the jobs created how many are full time and part time what type of jobs are being created? What type of jobs being created is as important if not more important than the number created.

The point of this thread is demonstrate that we should be lucky we are in a recovery. It's slow, but we should thank are lucky stars we are in one. Obama deserves most of the credit for it whether you cons like it or not. Had his stimulus package been bigger, we would have even more. I am also trying to convince you that main reason why the unemployment rate is still so high is because we lost several millions of jobs in the first place.

So Obama deserves the credit for the recovery, but not the blame for high continued unemployment and low workforce participation rate?
How's that work?
Another troll thread from a Dem-dupe.
If you wish to speak of "high continued unemployment" and "low workforce participation" perhaps you should also speak of the worst Congress in history and to a party that believes compromise is a dirty word. Perhaps you should speak of a Congress that has voted 43 times to repeal Obamacare while knowing the chance of their bills passing was absolutely ZERO. Perhaps you should speak of a Congress that voted this year to defund ACORN despite the fact ACORN has not existed since 2009. Perhaps you should speak of republicans who ran on the motto "Jobs. Jobs. Jobs." back in 2010 and who have since refused to help create a passable jobs bill (Remember that refusal to "compromise" I noted farther up the post).
Yes! Yes! Yes! I know, you will dismiss everything I said. But isn't that what I should expect from someone who is obviously a brain dead birther. Anyone who is still on the birther train is obviously a really, really stupid person!

(Now quick, call me some names to make yourself feel better. Isn't that how you handle posters who expose your ignorance and incompetence?)
The point of this thread is demonstrate that we should be lucky we are in a recovery. It's slow, but we should thank are lucky stars we are in one. Obama deserves most of the credit for it whether you cons like it or not. Had his stimulus package been bigger, we would have even more. I am also trying to convince you that main reason why the unemployment rate is still so high is because we lost several millions of jobs in the first place.

So Obama deserves the credit for the recovery, but not the blame for high continued unemployment and low workforce participation rate?
How's that work?
Another troll thread from a Dem-dupe.
If you wish to speak of "high continued unemployment" and "low workforce participation" perhaps you should also speak of the worst Congress in history and to a party that believes compromise is a dirty word. Perhaps you should speak of a Congress that has voted 43 times to repeal Obamacare while knowing the chance of their bills passing was absolutely ZERO. Perhaps you should speak of a Congress that voted this year to defund ACORN despite the fact ACORN has not existed since 2009. Perhaps you should speak of republicans who ran on the motto "Jobs. Jobs. Jobs." back in 2010 and who have since refused to help create a passable jobs bill (Remember that refusal to "compromise" I noted farther up the post).
Yes! Yes! Yes! I know, you will dismiss everything I said. But isn't that what I should expect from someone who is obviously a brain dead birther. Anyone who is still on the birther train is obviously a really, really stupid person!

(Now quick, call me some names to make yourself feel better. Isn't that how you handle posters who expose your ignorance and incompetence?)
Yeah, you're right. Congress totally sucked from 2007 to 2011, when the GOP got its foot in the door in the House.
Who controlled Congress during the meltdown? Yeah, not the GOP.
Total fail.
Under Bush, Unemployment averaged 5.27% per month. The average labor force participation rate was 66%. Obama has averaged 8.7% unemployment per month and the labor force participation rate has fallen to 62.8%, the lowest its been since the 1970s!

So under Bush, a higher percentage of the adult population was working and the unemployment rate among them was much lower. Under Obama, a smaller percentage of the adult population is working and the unemployment rate among them is much higher!

You don't get to average 8 years when they're proven in the last 4 months to be a mirage.
Its not a Mirage to people who once had a job and roof over their head while Bush was in the White House and since Obama has been in the White House, now live on the street.

January 2001 unemployment was 4.2% and it was still at 4.9% in February 2008. That's 7 years of good living. That's no mirage. That's the good old days for millions of people.
It may have been 4.9 in Feb. of 2008 but by December of 2008 it had dropped about 2.5 points to 7.3. Clearly the economy was in trouble and on the way to a recession or depression. Note the chart below.

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2003 5.8 5.9 5.9 6.0 6.1 6.3 6.2 6.1 6.1 6.0 5.8 5.7
2004 5.7 5.6 5.8 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.5 5.4 5.4 5.5 5.4 5.4
2005 5.3 5.4 5.2 5.2 5.1 5.0 5.0 4.9 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.9
2006 4.7 4.8 4.7 4.7 4.6 4.6 4.7 4.7 4.5 4.4 4.5 4.4
2007 4.6 4.5 4.4 4.5 4.4 4.6 4.7 4.6 4.7 4.7 4.7 5.0
2008 5.0 4.9 5.1 5.0 5.4 5.6 5.8 6.1 6.1 6.5 6.8 7.3
2009 7.8 8.3 8.7 9.0 9.4 9.5 9.5 9.6 9.8 10.0 9.9 9.9
2010 9.8 9.8 9.9 9.9 9.6 9.4 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.8 9.3
2011 9.1 9.0 8.9 9.0 9.0 9.1 9.0 9.0 9.0 8.9 8.6 8.5
2012 8.3 8.3 8.2 8.1 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.1 7.8 7.9 7.8 7.8
2013 7.9 7.7 7.6 7.5 7.6 7.6 7.4 7.3 7.2 7.3 7.0
The unemployment rate for the last full month bush was in office (12/08) was 7.3 and not the 4.9 you posted. In fact, looking at the whole year of 2008 you will find these rates: J (5.0), F (4.9), M (5.1), A (5.0), M (5.4), J (5.6), J (5.8), A (6.1), S (6.1), O (6.5), N (6.8), D (7.3).
Those numbers clearly show that the US was heading toward a recession/depression. During bush's last six years his lowest unemployment rate was 4.4 and his highest was the 7.3.
And yes, you will look and see higher numbers under Obama. Those numbers are the fall out of the economy bush handed Obama. The economy is like the Titanic. You can turn the wheel but that doesn't mean the ship will miss the iceburg. No president, Democrat or republican, can turn the economy around in a short period of time. THIS IS EXPECIALLY TRUE WHEN ONE PARTY IS DOING EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER TO CRASH THE ECONOMY! Remember this? Notice how nothing is said about creating jobs or rebuilding the economy.

MCCONNELL: We need to be honest with the public. This election is about them, not us. And we need to treat this election as the first step in retaking the government. We need to say to everyone on Election Day, “Those of you who helped make this a good day, you need to go out and help us finish the job.”
NATIONAL JOURNAL: What’s the job?
MCCONNELL: The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.
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GW last year on 60 Minutes said he's responsible for the highest level of home ownership in history.
I guess when you're worth over 200 million dollars you don't notice market crashes and record numbers of foreclosures.
Is a moron and always will be.

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