Can we withstand the omicron wave?


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
What is the worst case scenario of the omicron wave? What if nobody else got another jab or booster, and we quit using masks... what would the omicron wave look like? How bad can the omicron wave be?
What is the worst case scenario of the omicron wave? What if nobody else got another jab or booster, and we quit using masks... what would the omicron wave look like? How bad can the omicron wave be? What is the worst case scenario of the omicron wave?

We could all become democrats.
What is the worst case scenario of the omicron wave? What if nobody else got another jab or booster, and we quit using masks... what would the omicron wave look like? How bad can the omicron wave be?
It would look like NOTHING...

The virus is very weak and only those with severe underlying health conditions are at risk. Looking at how Africa is dealing with their wave, that has now gone beyond peak and is burning out, we could basically stop what we are doing, use commonsense, and it will be over in a few short weeks.

I do not see any overwhelming wave happening.
Hospitals aren’t overwhelmed. Already declining in South Africa. We should be Ok.
I just had it out with the director of medical services at my hospital. Told him to get his career medical staff back that have natural immunities and tell his corporate masters to F/O...

I found out that a group of doctors bought the second hospital this week and will be opening it up with staff that have natural immunities... 26 doctors walk on Jan 1... The corporate thugs are in shear panic...
What is the worst case scenario of the omicron wave? What if nobody else got another jab or booster, and we quit using masks... what would the omicron wave look like? How bad can the omicron wave be?

Omicron is the fifteenth letter of the Greek alphabet. It is nothing else.
It would look like NOTHING...

The virus is very weak and only those with severe underlying health conditions are at risk. Looking at how Africa is dealing with their wave, that has now gone beyond peak and is burning out, we could basically stop what we are doing, use commonsense, and it will be over in a few short weeks.

I do not see any overwhelming wave happening.

Commonsense??? You didn't show much of that when it originally arrived.some said it was from God to avenge LGBTQI members, some said it's a Chinese takeover and others thought it was a Democrat conspiracy. Now you want to use commonsense???
It's not that common amongst republicans.
I just had it out with the director of medical services at my hospital. Told him to get his career medical staff back that have natural immunities and tell his corporate masters to F/O...

I found out that a group of doctors bought the second hospital this week and will be opening it up with staff that have natural immunities... 26 doctors walk on Jan 1... The corporate thugs are in shear panic...
that's one we won't hear in mainstream media Bill

Omicron is the fifteenth letter of the Greek alphabet. It is nothing else.
That's a relief, I was so worried that it was something that could make people sick or something. It doesn't look like we will be needing masks, shots, or lockdowns for a letter of an alphabet.
I wonder if we will need to cancel Christmas in honor of Omicron? Surely this would slow the death toll.

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