Can Whites or Asians be "uppity"?

No doubt Harry.

But we still have a long way to go.

I think posted here that there were many mistakes in the war on poverty.

But you learn from them, and move on.

I would say Black Americans have come a long way. But they need to get further.

And in general? Getting rid of poverty should be a goal of this country.

Poverty is the root of crime and a lot of really bad things.

And a country this rich? Should not have the poverty we have.

i agree.....but i dont think the Democrats are doing the blacks any favors.....i just dont see it.....its all lip service with a bone thrown in every now and then to make it look like they are doing something...

Well they kinda are..

They are advocating for the Affirmative Action, college grants and many other things to help people out of poverty.

Republicans? They simply say that those programs make people "dependent" and offer no alternatives.

Seriously, this is not the party of Bob Dole and Jack Kemp anymore.

kinda doesnt work Sallow.....if the population of blacks in poverty keeps going up then whatever they think they are doing....must not be working.....advocating and actually doing are 2 different things....
Except it hasn't.

We have a Supreme Court Justice who was helped by the ACLU.

Some of the war on poverty was a bust, particularly the housing projects.

But some of it was very successful, especially the education component.

No major project works completely. And actually? I have extensive training in how to manage that.

Bottom line you throw out what doesn't work..and keep what does.

looks like it has been working.....

Some of it has..true enough.

But more needs to be done.

And I personally? Think we should be encouraging education..and like crazy.

i agree,but when there are so many apathetic parents around,which i dont understand why they dont care about their kids education,what can be done?.....i say start targeting the parents,make them understand why education is so important.....
No one ever said the tyrant and the first heifer were uppity.

The man treated as an uppity black man was Clarence Thomas and he was treated that way by democrats.

This is not an opportunity to talk about difficult matters privately or in a closed environment. This is a circus. It's a national disgrace. And from my standpoint, as a black American, it is a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves, to do for themselves, to have different ideas, and it is a message that unless you kowtow to an old order, this is what will happen to you. You will be lynched, destroyed, caricatured by a committee of the U.S. Senate rather than hung from a tree
Clarence Thomas

No one ever did the same thing or even close to tyrant obama.
up·pi·ty ˈəpətē/Submit adjectiveinformal
self-important; arrogant.
"an uppity sister-in-law"
synonyms: arrogant, snobbish, hoity-toity, snooty, pretentious, bumptious, full of oneself, puffed up, conceited, pompous, self-assertive, overbearing, cocky, cocksure, impertinent, haughty, self-important, superior, presumptuous, overweening, uppish, high and mighty;

How does stuff like this even enter a thought process?

You folks are absolutely obsessed with skin color and ethnicity.

You've completely divided this country, torn it apart, pitted American against American over and over and over, made the phrase E Pluribus Unum a relic.

Isn't that enough?



No one believes you anymore. Since the dawn of man Man has always segregated. And Obama wasnt around then so where's your bullshit excuse now :badgrin:
if Democrats have helped them Sallow.....why is there still Ghettos with thousands upon thousands of blacks?.....and let me know if the number has gone down since the 50's.....


Because 200 years or so of slavery and another hundred of de defacto apartheid is a very hard thing to overcome.

And you don't eliminate it by pretending the history never happened.

Even liberals have acknowledged that the war on poverty has backfired, and that programs started with good intentions in the 60's have done harm and need to be rethought.

Nice job side stepping the history. You were about to look like a bonified fool if you tried to deny what Swallow said :lol:

How does stuff like this even enter a thought process?

You folks are absolutely obsessed with skin color and ethnicity.

You've completely divided this country, torn it apart, pitted American against American over and over and over, made the phrase E Pluribus Unum a relic.

Isn't that enough?



No one believes you anymore. Since the dawn of man Man has always segregated. And Obama wasnt around then so where's your bullshit excuse now :badgrin:

So now you're defending segregation?

Holy crap.

Thanks. Some accidental honesty there. As I suspected, you people are not interested in bringing Americans together.



How does stuff like this even enter a thought process?

You folks are absolutely obsessed with skin color and ethnicity.

You've completely divided this country, torn it apart, pitted American against American over and over and over, made the phrase E Pluribus Unum a relic.

Isn't that enough?



No one believes you anymore. Since the dawn of man Man has always segregated. And Obama wasnt around then so where's your bullshit excuse now :badgrin:

So now you're defending segregation?

Holy crap.

Thanks. Some accidental honesty there. As I suspected, you people are not interested in bringing Americans together.



Listen closely. Before Obama, before democrats there was self segregation. You cant blame Dems and Obama for the entire history of human interactions. Unless Obama is Dr Who :badgrin:
Wow, if you listen to these USMB right wingers, they ended slavery and racist comments only come from liberals and blacks.

Well, what do you expect from people who believe the world is only a few thousand years old? People who applaud their leaders for bringing in educated liberals from other states to take jobs they will never be qualified for, because if you believe the earth is only a few thousand years old, you will never be qualified for anything except being a right wingnut political leader. Not much else will ever be open to you in the way of skilled employment.

We did end slavery

And you are the ones talking about race.

Liberals ended slavery sweetie, not fucking ignorant moronic confederate conservatives who get their history from what they imagine the Bible says and Fox.
I was thinking back about when Republicans were calling President Obama and Mrs. Obama "uppity". I can't remember ever hearing any white person or Asian described as "uppity". Not sure about Hispanics.

What does it mean to be "uppity"? Can only one race be "uppity"? Can gays be "uppity"? Never heard of gays referred to as "uppity". What about women?

Since one of the new panel members going after Obama publicly refers to the President as "uppity", can someone who is "uppity" be presumed innocent?

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no link to your accusations....

not surprised

44 - Georgia GOP Congressman Calls Obama 'Uppity'

Boy that was easy.

Let me google that for you

I know, right? Republicans don't know anything about their party. Sometimes I only leave off links so they look even more idiotic. When I first posted about Republicans blocking Obama from investigating BP, I purposely left off any links so they could work their ignorant selves up into a "tizzy". Oh, Yea, We got you now. Republicans would never do that. You're a liar..........then I posted video from the Senate.....
They know about their party and the bullshit they are up to. Asking for links is just a way to give them time to leave and claim they never saw it and to tie up your time. I dont even bother half the time because as soon as you throw up a link they move the goalposts then ask for more links and stuff for their new argument
They know about their party and the bullshit they are up to. Asking for links is just a way to give them time to leave and claim they never saw it and to tie up your time. I dont even bother half the time because as soon as you throw up a link they move the goalposts then ask for more links and stuff for their new argument

Or they say the link is from a loony leftwing site. They even said that about the right wing Christian Science Monitor link when I talked about Republicans holding millions of unemployed hostage to force Obama into extending the Bush tax cuts. Anytime they read something they don't want to hear, it automatically comes from a loony leftwing site. It's like they are "pre-programmed".

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