can you believe what Crazy Bernie said: "a lot of Americans would be delighted to pay more in taxes"

There will never be a balanced budget again.
At least not until term limits are in place for Congress and the Senate.
There will never be a balanced budget again.
At least not until term limits are in place for Congress and the Senate.

Or, at least, until we get the truth about 911 and every traitor in Congress gets the justice they deserve....
Oh Bern is showing his age...haha....he accidentally said the wrong thing.

What he meant to say is most Americans want other people to pay more taxes.

No, I'm pretty sure he did not mean to tell the truth at any point in time. What he meant to do was lie his ass off in hopes of making people feel guilty and "out-of-step" with the other, more generous and moral imaginary people who want to pay more taxes.
Oh Bern is showing his age...haha....he accidentally said the wrong thing.

What he meant to say is most Americans want other people to pay more taxes.

No, I'm pretty sure he did not mean to tell the truth at any point in time. What he meant to do was lie his ass off in hopes of making people feel guilty and "out-of-step" with the other, more generous and moral imaginary people who want to pay more taxes.

People can be conditioned for anything.
That is being proved here in America.
If companies took away pensions from their employees 25 years ago - there would have been an immediate riot and they would have went out of business. one even thinks about pensions. Ask someone under 30 what a pension is, and they probably don't even know.
If companies would have take sick days away from people 25 years ago...same thing...Today...few get sick days anymore, they just think they do.
I could go on.
We are being conditioned every year, little by little to accept less and pay more for damn well everything we need.
Oh Bern is showing his age...haha....he accidentally said the wrong thing.

What he meant to say is most Americans want other people to pay more taxes.

No, I'm pretty sure he did not mean to tell the truth at any point in time. What he meant to do was lie his ass off in hopes of making people feel guilty and "out-of-step" with the other, more generous and moral imaginary people who want to pay more taxes.

People can be conditioned for anything.
That is being proved here in America.
If companies took away pensions from their employees 25 years ago - there would have been an immediate riot and they would have went out of business. one even thinks about pensions. Ask someone under 30 what a pension is, and they probably don't even know.
If companies would have take sick days away from people 25 years ago...same thing...Today...few get sick days anymore, they just think they do.
I could go on.
We are being conditioned every year, little by little to accept less and pay more for damn well everything we need.

You're not wrong. I can name a dozen things politically to which people have been conditioned by the repeated shouting of blatant lies.
Oh Bern is showing his age...haha....he accidentally said the wrong thing.

What he meant to say is most Americans want other people to pay more taxes.

No, I'm pretty sure he did not mean to tell the truth at any point in time. What he meant to do was lie his ass off in hopes of making people feel guilty and "out-of-step" with the other, more generous and moral imaginary people who want to pay more taxes.

People can be conditioned for anything.
That is being proved here in America.
If companies took away pensions from their employees 25 years ago - there would have been an immediate riot and they would have went out of business. one even thinks about pensions. Ask someone under 30 what a pension is, and they probably don't even know.
If companies would have take sick days away from people 25 years ago...same thing...Today...few get sick days anymore, they just think they do.
I could go on.
We are being conditioned every year, little by little to accept less and pay more for damn well everything we need.

You're not wrong. I can name a dozen things politically to which people have been conditioned by the repeated shouting of blatant lies.

It's the American way...

The real problem is that the average Dem and GOP voter isn't good at math at all.

You say

"The Federal debt has gone from $5 trillion in 1998 to $22 today"

and they respond.....



Maybe Bernie should have been more specific.
Let's look at healthcare. In countries that have socialized , the countries negotiate prices with providers and then they pay for the cost via taxes.
In the US, that cost per capita is $10,224. among the wealthy countries at Switzerland is second at $8009, followed by countries who are in the $5700 and downward, with the average of comparable countries being at $5280. The US is the only country that doesn't have socialized healthcare. So people living in the countries pay a higher tax, but they are paying about half of what people in the US pay..
How does health spending in the U.S. compare to other countries? - Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker
And the US doesn't even have the best healthcare in the world.
How does the quality of the U.S. healthcare system compare to other countries? - Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker
So in the end, people in the US are paying much more for their healthcare and getting not as much bang for their dollar.
So,people who are socialize healthcare pay higher taxes but compared to paying for private insurance, they are actually saving more money than US citizens.
Maybe Bernie should gone deeper with his comment.
And, because of the constantly rising costs of already the most expensive healthcare in the world, the US eventually be in a financial crisis.
Wall Street found a parasite growing in the US economy that could spur the next recession
The U.S. Does Not Have A Debt Problem ... It Has A Health Care Cost Problem
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even if Crazy Bernie wins in a 50 state landslide, 300 million to 0, he wont deliver on his promises.

the GOP folks who are loyal to their donors would oppose him at every turn

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