Can You Feel The Va Stolen Election Coming...?

If you are so sure Democrats are going to steal it that would mean libtards and snowflakes like you are the are ones who don't have to waste your time with voting.

They can just refrain from voting today and vote from the grave later. :laughing0301:
If elected republicans would fight instead of run and hide and bitch on FOX news all night the dems couldn't get away with I conclude the republican leadership doesn't want to win.....
If half the population this their vote doesn't matter, the ballot box no longer matters

The ballot box and the jury box have already been proven to be inoperative. The last box remaining has some goodies I don't think the tyrants would like very much.
Wow, already bleating about a "stolen" election and we haven't even made it to election day yet.
Jeepers, this is a surprise....not. A four year old could have seen this coming.
May as well not be coy about it and just break out the playbook now and run it.
Make sure you cover all your bases.
You know they will..easy position..if their guy's 'in spite of'....If he's 'because of' for them~
Republicans should all go and vote. They must!:thup:
It's going to be stolen, don't waste your time.

There is nothing you can do, Democrats have gotten too good at cheating. Not only do they not get caught, but they even frame honest rightwingers into voting for their relatives and getting into legal problems.

Just listen to Trump and boycot voting untill 2020 election fraud is found.

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McAuliffe has lied, he has f*ed up trying to kill a Fox News story & instead highlighted it, he has attempted to make the election about Trump, he has insulted / attacked parents, he has opined they should stay out of the Marxist government's indoctrination of their children, he has pushed the Marxist ideology of how govt is supposed to replace parents as the sole influence on children,, he has f*ed a failed attempt to make his opponent a racist....

Obama, The 'Godfather' of Marxist 'Fundamental Change', Abrams, and other Democrat demi-gods have attempted to campaign for him yo drag his failing ass across the finish line...

While petrified Democrats watch in horror as McAuliffe has taken an 8 point lead, an 18-poing swing from Biden taking VA by 10 points, fearing this to be the foreboding omen of what is to come in 2022 as over 70% of Americans believe Biden's and Democrats' March towards Socialismis thd wrong direction...

The desperation is so thick you can cut it with a knife.

But Barry's and the other Democraty party's leaders showing up, Dominion voting machines reportedly being used again, a late attempt by Democrats to change mail incoming rules, multiple challenges already being filed, and McAuliffe already hiring the notorious / infamous election challenge lawyer before voting starts...

You can almost smell it....feel it....the already planned Democrat attempts to steal the Virginia election...

This is a HUGE election Democrats 'Can NOT Afford To Lose'....which is why Barry, Abraham's, the Democrat Party, Soros, Dominion, Xi, Putin (both of whom have Interfered In the last several elections) will do EVERYTHING they can to pull out a win.

For some reason Virginia seems to have become the crucial battleground frontline in the war between traditional America's survival and the seemingly unstoppable rise of radical leftist cultism.
McAuliffe has lied, he has f*ed up trying to kill a Fox News story & instead highlighted it, he has attempted to make the election about Trump, he has insulted / attacked parents, he has opined they should stay out of the Marxist government's indoctrination of their children, he has pushed the Marxist ideology of how govt is supposed to replace parents as the sole influence on children,, he has f*ed a failed attempt to make his opponent a racist....

Of course Loon - Anytime you lose, the election was stolen. It's the new thing. :rolleyes:
The fact Biden and Obama both showed up there doesn't bode well at all for that state.

Much like Harris and Biden went to California to keep Newsom on office when they voted to get him out.

It's obvious Biden and his administration only care about keeping their people in seats of power. Fuck the country, they only care about maintaining power.
The fact Biden and Obama both showed up there doesn't bode well at all for that state.

Much like Harris and Biden went to California to keep Newsom on office when they voted to get him out.

It's obvious Biden and his administration only care about keeping their people in seats of power. Fuck the country, they only care about maintaining power.
Uh..Hello..Newsome is still Gov. of California~
...and yeah..all any politician wants, regardless of party--is access to power.

McAuliffe has lied, he has f*ed up trying to kill a Fox News story & instead highlighted it, he has attempted to make the election about Trump, he has insulted / attacked parents, he has opined they should stay out of the Marxist government's indoctrination of their children, he has pushed the Marxist ideology of how govt is supposed to replace parents as the sole influence on children,, he has f*ed a failed attempt to make his opponent a racist....

Obama, The 'Godfather' of Marxist 'Fundamental Change', Abrams, and other Democrat demi-gods have attempted to campaign for him yo drag his failing ass across the finish line...

While petrified Democrats watch in horror as McAuliffe has taken an 8 point lead, an 18-poing swing from Biden taking VA by 10 points, fearing this to be the foreboding omen of what is to come in 2022 as over 70% of Americans believe Biden's and Democrats' March towards Socialismis thd wrong direction...

The desperation is so thick you can cut it with a knife.

But Barry's and the other Democraty party's leaders showing up, Dominion voting machines reportedly being used again, a late attempt by Democrats to change mail incoming rules, multiple challenges already being filed, and McAuliffe already hiring the notorious / infamous election challenge lawyer before voting starts...

You can almost smell it....feel it....the already planned Democrat attempts to steal the Virginia election...

This is a HUGE election Democrats 'Can NOT Afford To Lose'....which is why Barry, Abraham's, the Democrat Party, Soros, Dominion, Xi, Putin (both of whom have Interfered In the last several elections) will do EVERYTHING they can to pull out a win.
I see you are prepping your excuses.

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