Can You Imagine A Santorum/Obama Debate? Santorum Will Rip Barry To Shreds !!

Oct 10, 2011

And remember how we all imagined how Newt would of beaten Barry to a pulp? It would be the same with Santorum, he is really giving it to Obama lately. Thank God he's Catholic !! and you can just see Santorum ripping Obama on all of his failures and Obama will just stand there looking like a speechless hamster looking for answers in his teleprompters !!
We can hope,
Santorum is anti-science, which concerns me. I like him socially, (eventhrough he is slightly to far right), but I think in general he would be a ok president.
if one of the debates is moderated by nbc/pbs, lets hope Rick rips on the host and tells him/her off on being nice to Obama like they did in 2008,,,,Rick should tell them,,,,,HEY LIBTARD! WHY WONT U ASK BARRY HERE HOW HE COULD FLUSH 535 BILLION DOLLARS DOWN THE TOILET? OR,,,why did he allow Iran to go nuclear under his watch while he was more concerned about what went into a childs lunchbox ?????
if one of the debates is moderated by nbc/pbs, lets hope Rick rips on the host and tells him/her off on being nice to Obama like they did in 2008,,,,Rick should tell them,,,,,HEY LIBTARD! WHY WONT U ASK BARRY HERE HOW HE COULD FLUSH 535 BILLION DOLLARS DOWN THE TOILET? OR,,,why did he allow Iran to go nuclear under his watch while he was more concerned about what went into a childs lunchbox ?????

I'd rip obama on the debt and how this son of a bitch added another 5-6 trillion to it within one term, which Bush hardly did that over two. I doubt the population of this country wants a war with Russia as Russia said that they will defend their alleys Syria or Iran. So maybe that isn't a good idea.

Rip Obama on the down grade or down grades, which is looking possible for another one. Rip him on his failing energy plan.
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And remember how we all imagined how Newt would of beaten Barry to a pulp? It would be the same with Santorum, he is really giving it to Obama lately. Thank God he's Catholic !! and you can just see Santorum ripping Obama on all of his failures and Obama will just stand there looking like a speechless hamster looking for answers in his teleprompters !!

Want to bet $1000 on Santorum?
Can You Imagine A Santorum/Obama Debate? Santorum Will Rip Barry To Shreds !!

That appears highly unlikely to me. Too easy to ruffle Santorum's feathers. He is a better choice than off shore Romney.
Obama averaged one or two screw-ups/embarrassing moments a week,,,Romney or Santorum will have to narrow the 250 Obama F****K ups to about 10 of them during the debate,,,,,I think sending the soup nazi to inspect a childs lunch-box would be one.

And remember how we all imagined how Newt would of beaten Barry to a pulp? It would be the same with Santorum, he is really giving it to Obama lately. Thank God he's Catholic !! and you can just see Santorum ripping Obama on all of his failures and Obama will just stand there looking like a speechless hamster looking for answers in his teleprompters !!

Want to bet $1000 on Santorum?
I think Santorum will sound arrogant and aangry, thus Obama will appear as a "leader". Santorum will have time to prep however, and has a contradictory record to slither around. Santorum is intelligent, though the President is also. But Santorum will have lots of wiggle room-snakes wiggle well naturally.
Obama averaged one or two screw-ups/embarrassing moments a week

Which is why he lost the election so badly.

Oh, wait.

There is some serious underestimation of the enemy and a lot of premature counting of chickens going on here. Don't be getting overexcited to the point of pissing all over your powder.
Im sure Romney would make Obama look like a mouse as well,,,at least Mitt has exectutive experience where Obama has none. Obama has never even managed a Donut Shop.
EVERYTHING hinges on the economy. If it keeps improving, the GOP candidate is fucked. If it doesn't, the GOP has a shot.
I don't wish to burst anyone's political fantasy bubble, or to imply that I'm a big Obama fan because I'm not. But in terms of debating or working an audience, Obama is well beyond the range of anyone on the existing political landscape. He is a masterful orator -- and he is likeable. Which is why he became President and why he will remain President.

The key factor in political and religious oratory is inspirational carriage and bearing. Santorum is about as inspiring as a tornado forecast. The only thing he has going for him is comparison with Romney and Gingrich. After those two Santorum is a relief, not an inspiration.
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i hope Bob McDonnell is VP,,,he will make Bin Biden look so dumb in that debate {so will Paul Ryan}
Im sure Romney would make Obama look like a mouse as well,,,at least Mitt has exectutive experience where Obama has none.

He will have four years of experience as the Chief Executive come election time. Romney has zero.
Romney was Governor; that is executive experience. Santorum has ZIP, and many positions that differ from year to year. His stance on evolution, and women working outside the home will be a tough sell to those with IQ's above room temperature. Conversely, his support of programs to combat poverty and AIDS may please many unaware of his moderate side.

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