Can You Imagine A Wal-Mart EBT Glitch In Chicago/Detroit?Let The Bodies Hit The Floor

Feb 1, 2013

Lets take an average neighborhood in the Chicago area, let's use "South Chicago" as an example.
Now, let's say they also were blessed with the EBT Glitch, no limit till further notice.
What can you envision in any of their local Wal-Marts within two hours of the rumor being spread on 2000 Obama-Phones.
Let's hear some "Peaceful Shopping Scenarios"
well u would think that all of the shoppers would put their bullet proof vests on before they enter wal-mart,,,,and maybe carry a 44Mag.
so were there any regular white people in those louisiana wal-marts when the thugs trashed the place? or did they all run to their cars?
and where did they find the space to store all of those watermelons,,,u really need to keep them cold.
you can just picture the low hanging trunks and near flat tires as they drove home in their 1979 Dodge Darts.
It would make Fathers Day in the hood seem like a highly organized event.

Lets take an average neighborhood in the Chicago area, let's use "South Chicago" as an example.
Now, let's say they also were blessed with the EBT Glitch, no limit till further notice.
What can you envision in any of their local Wal-Marts within two hours of the rumor being spread on 2000 Obama-Phones.
Let's hear some "Peaceful Shopping Scenarios"

Let's hypothetically posit that you are not, in fact, a racist/classist assclown. Let's further annotate that there is no such thing as an "Obama-phone" and that prepaid cellular is becoming more popular as it gives consumers *freedom* to select service and hardware independently, and has existed for decades.

To continue, let's mention that many of those who do use coupons to stretch the budget to family-shop for basic necessities, are routinely going that for minimum wage (which hasn't been adjusted for a fair living wage since I graduated HS almost 20 years ago).

But let's stop there. Things like (or even closely related to) "class ecology", "social perspective," or "walking in a man's shoes" are so trite, when you can name a city, point a finger, and illicitly say "buncha dumb brown people hurhur."

Source: 2nd-gen Scots-American with a beautiful 1st-gen Mwxican-American wife.

Lets take an average neighborhood in the Chicago area, let's use "South Chicago" as an example.
Now, let's say they also were blessed with the EBT Glitch, no limit till further notice.
What can you envision in any of their local Wal-Marts within two hours of the rumor being spread on 2000 Obama-Phones.
Let's hear some "Peaceful Shopping Scenarios"

Let's hypothetically posit that you are not, in fact, a racist/classist assclown. Let's further annotate that there is no such thing as an "Obama-phone" and that prepaid cellular is becoming more popular as it gives consumers *freedom* to select service and hardware independently, and has existed for decades.

To continue, let's mention that many of those who do use coupons to stretch the budget to family-shop for basic necessities, are routinely going that for minimum wage (which hasn't been adjusted for a fair living wage since I graduated HS almost 20 years ago).

But let's stop there. Things like (or even closely related to) "class ecology", "social perspective," or "walking in a man's shoes" are so trite, when you can name a city, point a finger, and illicitly say "buncha dumb brown people hurhur."

Source: 2nd-gen Scots-American with a beautiful 1st-gen Mwxican-American wife.
You are a retard.

What is a mwxican?

You just lost all credibility.
You are officially a retard, a retard , an illiterate retard and quite probably a liar.

I hate liars.
Interesting how I hate liberals too.

See the common denominator?

Lets take an average neighborhood in the Chicago area, let's use "South Chicago" as an example.
Now, let's say they also were blessed with the EBT Glitch, no limit till further notice.
What can you envision in any of their local Wal-Marts within two hours of the rumor being spread on 2000 Obama-Phones.
Let's hear some "Peaceful Shopping Scenarios"

Let's hypothetically posit that you are not, in fact, a racist/classist assclown. Let's further annotate that there is no such thing as an "Obama-phone" and that prepaid cellular is becoming more popular as it gives consumers *freedom* to select service and hardware independently, and has existed for decades.

To continue, let's mention that many of those who do use coupons to stretch the budget to family-shop for basic necessities, are routinely going that for minimum wage (which hasn't been adjusted for a fair living wage since I graduated HS almost 20 years ago).

But let's stop there. Things like (or even closely related to) "class ecology", "social perspective," or "walking in a man's shoes" are so trite, when you can name a city, point a finger, and illicitly say "buncha dumb brown people hurhur."

Source: 2nd-gen Scots-American with a beautiful 1st-gen Mwxican-American wife.
You are a retard.

What is a mwxican?

You just lost all credibility.
You are officially a retard, a retard , an illiterate retard and quite probably a liar.

I hate liars.
Interesting how I hate liberals too.

See the common denominator?

I do. You take one typo (deliberately inserted as troll bait) and try to throw the baby out with the bath water. Given that you segued immediately into an ad-hominem attack on my character without even asking my political inclination, I'm going to guess you're lacking higher education or have acquired a few more chromosomes than necessary.

I could try to explain paleo- vs neo-con, liberalism vs general conservatism, and a slew of other orthogonal concepts that may/may not apply to you, but again, you troll like a 7th grade bully, so it isn't worth my time. Armchair Hannitys are Chinese plastic-molded Happy Meal toys that were pressed up by a pattern designed by Beck, who himself claims to have no formal training in politics or journalism (anyone with an ear to the cuckoo remembers him checking in with Art Bell), meaning he has had no realistic blueprint from the first... Like a British fire extinguisher.

If I indeed am a retard, define "orthogonal." Webster's, Oxford, not allowed. If you consider it nit-picking, don't. There are many more concepts needed to examine before you are not, indeed, full of bull-pucky.
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Lets take an average neighborhood in the Chicago area, let's use "South Chicago" as an example.
Now, let's say they also were blessed with the EBT Glitch, no limit till further notice.
What can you envision in any of their local Wal-Marts within two hours of the rumor being spread on 2000 Obama-Phones.
Let's hear some "Peaceful Shopping Scenarios"

There aren't that many WalMarts in Chicago because WalMart, being a scab company, doesn't let it's workers unionize.

Point is, NOLA has amuch higher crime rate than Chicago does.

Pssst. Maybe you need to go back to StormFront, they miss your wit and wisdom.

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