Can You Imagine Intense Summer Storm Knocks Out Power In Baltimore.Delays In Restoring Power.

Katrina...............We did fine................people helped each other............we cleared the roads before a single crew ever showed up...............Chain saws and tractors going at it................Same with Ivan..............

But in New Orleans................those taking shelter..................there was rape and total BS in the shelters like the Super Dome....................Which was a failure of Gov't at all levels................Not to mention the time to get people out of there.....................Looting at all levels.........................Roaming gangs who needed new TV sets to survive the storm...............

The animals and good people all come out of disasters...............It's the nature of the beast.

And the vast majority simply muddled through with no drama. But if one went by commercial media, particularly TV, one would have to conclude that Katrina's aftermath was all about looting and raping. Those of us actually there in reality rarely (if ever) saw anything remotely like that. I was there and the only place I saw that sort of thing was on TV.

That's the wonderful gift of mass commercial media distortion. And that's because common people simply working together to clear their streets and get water to each other doesn't sell on Fraction News. What does sell -- conflict and outrageous behavior-- will be focused on like a laser. But it doesn't reflect reality.
Dirty laundry sells..................No doubt............but these things did happen...............While limited to the overall equation mistakes did happen there...............and without some media coverage the mistakes can't be id'd......................So we don't make the same mistakes again.

My main lesson learned from what I saw on the media............was the equipment needed to rectify the problem at the Superdome...............aka.............Gen sets..........water purifying equipment........portable ac units and basic sanitation needs.............

I'm an temporary power all the time............with limited equipment and time me and people like me could have turned the Super dome into a chiller........................We do it on industrial jobs......all the time and very quickly................It's not rocket science and I believe a problem of PAPER PUSHES WITH FEMA...........who don't have the experience in areas like this......................

To me that is incompetent................but the hiring of higher ups is primarily about ass kissers.
well summer is coming, hope they can handle the 90 degree heat for two months. then again, thats what can stir up bad tempers in urban cities.

"Urban cities"? What other kind is there? :lol:

You're shifting scenarios now -- summer heat is not a natural disaster. But as far as that , you haven't seen heat and heavy humidity until you're in New Orleans in August and September and there's no electricity to be had in town. Even in normal times you stay indoors that time of year.
Katrina...............We did fine................people helped each other............we cleared the roads before a single crew ever showed up...............Chain saws and tractors going at it................Same with Ivan..............

But in New Orleans................those taking shelter..................there was rape and total BS in the shelters like the Super Dome....................Which was a failure of Gov't at all levels................Not to mention the time to get people out of there.....................Looting at all levels.........................Roaming gangs who needed new TV sets to survive the storm...............

The animals and good people all come out of disasters...............It's the nature of the beast.
but can you imagine a Katrina like disaster in Baltimore with liberals running the show? and they pounced on Bush over Katrina?
They pounced on Bush because he called them refugees like Black people were from another country.
:afro:. Just using this as a hypothetical situation. Let's say a summer storm/straight wind/Cat. 1 Hurricane takes out Baltimore. Equivalent to Sandy. All power-lines are down, it's 85/90 degrees. The incompetent mayor has no idea what to do. And we also have a town already in dire straights as small businesses have already shut down. How do you think the "Anti-White/Anti-Cop" segment of Baltimore residents will react then? This would be a perfect example of a towns leadership of digging their own grave by insulting their own police force and applying their own legislation of "Guilty Till Proven Innocent" mentality/liberal policies.:cry:
As a rule, of course with exceptions, natural disasters bring out the best in people. People HELP, and people GIVE. We see this worldwide, nation assisting nation, and states coming to the aid of states. IF, as you have painted, a natural disaster were to hit Baltimore, people from all over would come to the rescue. I doubt past events, racial differences, nor anything else would hinder assistance. The mayor would do no differently than mayors have done in the past when a disaster hits. The nation would offer help, and they would be fine, as has happened many times in the past. We've seen it happen with earthquakes in California, Katrina, mid-west floods, and other tragedies here, and abroad.
right, what i am getting at is that they need to respect their police force, and stop deeming them all racists/bigots.god forbid anything tragic happens to their city, thats when they will need them desperately.

If you are so helpless you depend on cops to live you are in a world of trouble.

True. We got along without police for millennia before Industrial Revolution urbanization.
This is a fucking stupid thread. The OP is reaching.......and the bridge he's trying to build is missing a few miles of pavement.

What was the OP's firmer user name here? Did it have a lucky number in it?
Katrina...............We did fine................people helped each other............we cleared the roads before a single crew ever showed up...............Chain saws and tractors going at it................Same with Ivan..............

But in New Orleans................those taking shelter..................there was rape and total BS in the shelters like the Super Dome....................Which was a failure of Gov't at all levels................Not to mention the time to get people out of there.....................Looting at all levels.........................Roaming gangs who needed new TV sets to survive the storm...............

The animals and good people all come out of disasters...............It's the nature of the beast.
but can you imagine a Katrina like disaster in Baltimore with liberals running the show? and they pounced on Bush over Katrina?
They pounced on Bush because he called them refugees like Black people were from another country.

I think that might have been Barbara, but there's nothing wrong with the term. I was a refugee.
A refugee is simply a "person seeking refuge". We all were.
well summer is coming, hope they can handle the 90 degree heat for two months. then again, thats what can stir up bad tempers in urban cities.

"Urban cities"? What other kind is there? :lol:

You're shifting scenarios now -- summer heat is not a natural disaster. But as far as that , you haven't seen heat and heavy humidity until you're in New Orleans in August and September and there's no electricity to be had in town. Even in normal times you stay indoors that time of year.
sorry, i meant the more poorer urban areas, like detroit/chicago. and remember when power went out in chicago(85/86?) and people died. that was sad. but it could happen again with cities with poor infrastructure and no beach to run to.
Katrina...............We did fine................people helped each other............we cleared the roads before a single crew ever showed up...............Chain saws and tractors going at it................Same with Ivan..............

But in New Orleans................those taking shelter..................there was rape and total BS in the shelters like the Super Dome....................Which was a failure of Gov't at all levels................Not to mention the time to get people out of there.....................Looting at all levels.........................Roaming gangs who needed new TV sets to survive the storm...............

The animals and good people all come out of disasters...............It's the nature of the beast.
but can you imagine a Katrina like disaster in Baltimore with liberals running the show? and they pounced on Bush over Katrina?
They pounced on Bush because he called them refugees like Black people were from another country.

I think that might have been Barbara, but there's nothing wrong with the term. I was a refugee.
A refugee is simply a "person seeking refuge". We all were.
Refugees are from another country. Last I heard NOL is in the US. Bush actually said to stop calling them that by the way.
Katrina...............We did fine................people helped each other............we cleared the roads before a single crew ever showed up...............Chain saws and tractors going at it................Same with Ivan..............

But in New Orleans................those taking shelter..................there was rape and total BS in the shelters like the Super Dome....................Which was a failure of Gov't at all levels................Not to mention the time to get people out of there.....................Looting at all levels.........................Roaming gangs who needed new TV sets to survive the storm...............

The animals and good people all come out of disasters...............It's the nature of the beast.
but can you imagine a Katrina like disaster in Baltimore with liberals running the show? and they pounced on Bush over Katrina?
They pounced on Bush because he called them refugees like Black people were from another country.

I think that might have been Barbara, but there's nothing wrong with the term. I was a refugee.
A refugee is simply a "person seeking refuge". We all were.
Refugees are from another country. Last I heard NOL is in the US. Bush actually said to stop calling them that by the way.

No, they're not. Nothing about refugees implies where they're from. We were refugees from flood waters, refugees from a broken city, refugees from homes washed away. And as such we were offered refuge all over the country (and beyond the country) by people who opened their homes and resources to us.

I usually use the term "Katrinite" to describe the experience as a whole, but when you're forced out of your home and looking for a place to base -- you're a refugee.
Katrina...............We did fine................people helped each other............we cleared the roads before a single crew ever showed up...............Chain saws and tractors going at it................Same with Ivan..............

But in New Orleans................those taking shelter..................there was rape and total BS in the shelters like the Super Dome....................Which was a failure of Gov't at all levels................Not to mention the time to get people out of there.....................Looting at all levels.........................Roaming gangs who needed new TV sets to survive the storm...............

The animals and good people all come out of disasters...............It's the nature of the beast.
but can you imagine a Katrina like disaster in Baltimore with liberals running the show? and they pounced on Bush over Katrina?
They pounced on Bush because he called them refugees like Black people were from another country.

I think that might have been Barbara, but there's nothing wrong with the term. I was a refugee.
A refugee is simply a "person seeking refuge". We all were.
Refugees are from another country. Last I heard NOL is in the US. Bush actually said to stop calling them that by the way.

No, they're not. Nothing about refugees implies where they're from. We were refugees from flood waters, refugees from a broken city, refugees from homes washed away. And as such we were offered refuge all over the country (and beyond the country) by people who opened their homes and resources to us.

I usually use the term "Katrinite" to describe the experience as a whole, but when you're forced out of your home and looking for a place to base -- you're a refugee.

  1. a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.
Refugee Definition of refugee by Merriam-Webster

: someone who has been forced to leave a country because of war or for religious or political reasons
Katrina...............We did fine................people helped each other............we cleared the roads before a single crew ever showed up...............Chain saws and tractors going at it................Same with Ivan..............

But in New Orleans................those taking shelter..................there was rape and total BS in the shelters like the Super Dome....................Which was a failure of Gov't at all levels................Not to mention the time to get people out of there.....................Looting at all levels.........................Roaming gangs who needed new TV sets to survive the storm...............

The animals and good people all come out of disasters...............It's the nature of the beast.
but can you imagine a Katrina like disaster in Baltimore with liberals running the show? and they pounced on Bush over Katrina?
They play the blame game on everything.............Katrina impacted a VERY LARGE AREA..............and the planning for response and leadership under Katrina had serious problems..............but that is how it always is with such a hit by a natural disaster.....................Seen many of these...............and the people at the scene are always doing everything they can to help out..............Logistics are the would be the case of Baltimore.....................

and then people would play politics with the situation like they always do........................In the path and aftermath of these storms we generally don't care about the politics at all...............It's about cleaning up and moving on..............................the political side I really don't care about......................

The best planning goes to shit when it gets implemented....................Everything looks good on paper................Reality is a different story.
and the nerve that up to 25%(or more) blamed Bush for Katrina. as is Bush was involved with the construction of the Levees.
Levees can only hold so much water...........Katrina pushed too much water and that's it..............the pumps had no where else to pump the water and became submerged and failed............submersible pumping stations can remedy that but when the ground is saturated already it doesn't really matter..........Mother Nature wins the day no matter the planning in the end as always...........

The left played politics with it...............and used it to stir up shit against the GOP and Bush...........yet they can't say a Democrat would have done any better had they been in charge................That's all BS............Which is why it's politics............

Bush made a mistake by appointing a buddy to FEMA instead of a qualified person.........Which was later the Coast Guard guy who turned it around..............I blame Bush for some of that as well...........but the local and State Gov't failed as well who are the front lines for their people in these cases.................

They failed more than the rest...........I know people in the National Guard who went to Slidell during the storm and they did their job...............main problems were logistics and helo's for transport when the roads went to shit.
but can you imagine a Katrina like disaster in Baltimore with liberals running the show? and they pounced on Bush over Katrina?
They pounced on Bush because he called them refugees like Black people were from another country.

I think that might have been Barbara, but there's nothing wrong with the term. I was a refugee.
A refugee is simply a "person seeking refuge". We all were.
Refugees are from another country. Last I heard NOL is in the US. Bush actually said to stop calling them that by the way.

No, they're not. Nothing about refugees implies where they're from. We were refugees from flood waters, refugees from a broken city, refugees from homes washed away. And as such we were offered refuge all over the country (and beyond the country) by people who opened their homes and resources to us.

I usually use the term "Katrinite" to describe the experience as a whole, but when you're forced out of your home and looking for a place to base -- you're a refugee.

  1. a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.
Refugee Definition of refugee by Merriam-Webster

: someone who has been forced to leave a country because of war or for religious or political reasons

refugee (n.)
1680s, from French refugié, noun use of past participle of refugier "to take shelter, protect," from Old French refuge (see refuge). First applied to French Huguenots who migrated after the revocation (1685) of the Edict of Nantes. The word meant "one seeking asylum," till 1914, when it evolved to mean "one fleeing home" (first applied in this sense to civilians in Flanders heading west to escape fighting in World War I). In Australian slang from World War II, reffo. (OED)


a person who flees for refuge or safety, especially to a foreign country, as in time of political upheaval, war, etc. (

"appointee" -- one who is appointed.
"divorcee" -- one who is divorced
"refugee" -- one who seeks refuge
So who will the left blame the next Cat 4/5 on? Bush is long gone.
Katrina...............We did fine................people helped each other............we cleared the roads before a single crew ever showed up...............Chain saws and tractors going at it................Same with Ivan..............

But in New Orleans................those taking shelter..................there was rape and total BS in the shelters like the Super Dome....................Which was a failure of Gov't at all levels................Not to mention the time to get people out of there.....................Looting at all levels.........................Roaming gangs who needed new TV sets to survive the storm...............

The animals and good people all come out of disasters...............It's the nature of the beast.
but can you imagine a Katrina like disaster in Baltimore with liberals running the show? and they pounced on Bush over Katrina?
They play the blame game on everything.............Katrina impacted a VERY LARGE AREA..............and the planning for response and leadership under Katrina had serious problems..............but that is how it always is with such a hit by a natural disaster.....................Seen many of these...............and the people at the scene are always doing everything they can to help out..............Logistics are the would be the case of Baltimore.....................

and then people would play politics with the situation like they always do........................In the path and aftermath of these storms we generally don't care about the politics at all...............It's about cleaning up and moving on..............................the political side I really don't care about......................

The best planning goes to shit when it gets implemented....................Everything looks good on paper................Reality is a different story.
and the nerve that up to 25%(or more) blamed Bush for Katrina. as is Bush was involved with the construction of the Levees.
Levees can only hold so much water...........Katrina pushed too much water and that's it..............the pumps had no where else to pump the water and became submerged and failed............submersible pumping stations can remedy that but when the ground is saturated already it doesn't really matter..........Mother Nature wins the day no matter the planning in the end as always...........

The left played politics with it...............and used it to stir up shit against the GOP and Bush...........yet they can't say a Democrat would have done any better had they been in charge................That's all BS............Which is why it's politics............

Bush made a mistake by appointing a buddy to FEMA instead of a qualified person.........Which was later the Coast Guard guy who turned it around..............I blame Bush for some of that as well...........but the local and State Gov't failed as well who are the front lines for their people in these cases.................

They failed more than the rest...........I know people in the National Guard who went to Slidell during the storm and they did their job...............main problems were logistics and helo's for transport when the roads went to shit.

"Heckuva job Brownie" actually did put a proper warning out to his superiors. It was Chertoff who dragged his feet on the whole thing. Bush was basically uninvolved but certainly committed a PR faux pas by partying at John McCain's birthday when he should have been doing something symbolic. But the base reason it all came down was not politics at all but bad past engineering of the levees by the Army Corps of Engineers.

There will always be spinmeisters on the side trying to milk something out of it but it's rarely accurate. In my experience FEMA was responsive and efficient. No doubt there were lapses but it's not like they were pervasive or universal.
Just using this as a hypothetical situation. Let's say a summer storm/straight wind/Cat. 1 Hurricane takes out Baltimore. Equivalent to Sandy. All power-lines are down, it's 85/90 degrees. The incompetent mayor has no idea what to do. And we also have a town already in dire straights as small businesses have already shut down. How do you think the "Anti-White/Anti-Cop" segment of Baltimore residents will react then? This would be a perfect example of a towns leadership of digging their own grave by insulting their own police force and applying their own legislation of "Guilty Till Proven Innocent" mentality/liberal policies.
Happened a couple of years ago. There was no problem.
Katrina...............We did fine................people helped each other............we cleared the roads before a single crew ever showed up...............Chain saws and tractors going at it................Same with Ivan..............

But in New Orleans................those taking shelter..................there was rape and total BS in the shelters like the Super Dome....................Which was a failure of Gov't at all levels................Not to mention the time to get people out of there.....................Looting at all levels.........................Roaming gangs who needed new TV sets to survive the storm...............

The animals and good people all come out of disasters...............It's the nature of the beast.
but can you imagine a Katrina like disaster in Baltimore with liberals running the show? and they pounced on Bush over Katrina?
They play the blame game on everything.............Katrina impacted a VERY LARGE AREA..............and the planning for response and leadership under Katrina had serious problems..............but that is how it always is with such a hit by a natural disaster.....................Seen many of these...............and the people at the scene are always doing everything they can to help out..............Logistics are the would be the case of Baltimore.....................

and then people would play politics with the situation like they always do........................In the path and aftermath of these storms we generally don't care about the politics at all...............It's about cleaning up and moving on..............................the political side I really don't care about......................

The best planning goes to shit when it gets implemented....................Everything looks good on paper................Reality is a different story.
and the nerve that up to 25%(or more) blamed Bush for Katrina. as is Bush was involved with the construction of the Levees.
Levees can only hold so much water...........Katrina pushed too much water and that's it..............the pumps had no where else to pump the water and became submerged and failed............submersible pumping stations can remedy that but when the ground is saturated already it doesn't really matter..........Mother Nature wins the day no matter the planning in the end as always...........

The left played politics with it...............and used it to stir up shit against the GOP and Bush...........yet they can't say a Democrat would have done any better had they been in charge................That's all BS............Which is why it's politics............

Bush made a mistake by appointing a buddy to FEMA instead of a qualified person.........Which was later the Coast Guard guy who turned it around..............I blame Bush for some of that as well...........but the local and State Gov't failed as well who are the front lines for their people in these cases.................

They failed more than the rest...........I know people in the National Guard who went to Slidell during the storm and they did their job...............main problems were logistics and helo's for transport when the roads went to shit.

"Heckuva job Brownie" actually did put a proper warning out to his superiors. It was Chertoff who dragged his feet on the whole thing. Bush was basically uninvolved but certainly committed a PR faux pas by partying at John McCain's birthday when he should have been doing something symbolic. But the base reason it all came down was not politics at all but bad past engineering of the levees by the Army Corps of Engineers.

There will always be spinmeisters on the side trying to milk something out of it but it's rarely accurate. In my experience FEMA was responsive and efficient. No doubt there were lapses but it's not like they were pervasive or universal.
The President's position in these situations is mainly symbolic...............I agree with that.............Even the upper FEMA types are PR managers.................It's the boots on the ground that make our break the situation on the ground...........and at times upper management making decisions directing manpower away from the areas who need it more..................

Katrina did a large swath of damage..............No amount of planning can account for that..............

Not using Coffin pumps on the Levees was a major mistake on the Corps...............
well even if power goes out during the peak of the summer in Baltimore, I am pretty sure all hell breaks loose again when power doesn't get restored in one hour. even I cannot phathom not being able to use my gadgets or "EBT" cards for 24 hours.

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