Can you impeach and entire political party?

If Lerner and Rice and Clinton are guilty on no evidence, then so are Manafort, Flynn, Page, and others.

Far Left and Alt Right: quit acting like fools, please.
From a historical perspective, what Nixon did seems quaint and childish. He tried to help cover up a burglary. Remember the horror over expletive deleted? Compared to what obama has done, Nixon was an amateur.

Hardly. Nixon illegally fired the attorney general, and deputy attorney general, and the special prosecutor. That's abuse of power 101. Nixon conspired with the watergate 'men' Halderman, Erlichman, etc. and used an illegal slush fund. The 18 minutes only added to the conspiracy and obstruction of justice.

After all that, Nixon was a rank amateur compared to Clinton and obama.
It is hard for me to believe that the GOP had no idea of the collusion between Trump and Russia. Not when Trump's eventual Chief-of-Staff, Reince Priebus, ran the RNC before taking the job in the White House. How could the RNC and by extension, the RSCC, the RCCC, Pence, McConnell, Ryan, McCarthy, Fox News, right-wing media, all of them not know or be a party to this? I am through giving them the benefit of the doubt. These people are compromised by Russian intelligence until they can prove otherwise. In the meantime, the entire agenda from Trump and the GOP should be put on indefinite hold until we can figure out what the hell is going on!!

From a historical perspective, what Nixon did seems quaint and childish. He tried to help cover up a burglary. Remember the horror over expletive deleted? Compared to what obama has done, Nixon was an amateur.

Hardly. Nixon illegally fired the attorney general, and deputy attorney general, and the special prosecutor. That's abuse of power 101. Nixon conspired with the watergate 'men' Halderman, Erlichman, etc. and used an illegal slush fund. The 18 minutes only added to the conspiracy and obstruction of justice.

After all that, Nixon was a rank amateur compared to Clinton and obama.
Only a neo-fascist who hates American republican democracy would think so.

Nixon was a true threat to the Constitution, Clinton and Obama were easily reined in. Trump seems to respond to hard enough butt kickings by the media and public opinion. He has changed on China, the UN, Russia, Syria, NK, and so forth. He got bloodied in the AHCA affair, and is going more slowly and deliberately. The borders and the airports are still free far zones for illegal immigrants. He has a long way to go. However . . . his abandonment of Putin and Russia is a major, major growing experience. Another is the ascendancy of Kushner, Powell, and Cohen, will Bannon et al seems to be sinking. Time will tell.
From a historical perspective, what Nixon did seems quaint and childish. He tried to help cover up a burglary. Remember the horror over expletive deleted? Compared to what obama has done, Nixon was an amateur.

Hardly. Nixon illegally fired the attorney general, and deputy attorney general, and the special prosecutor. That's abuse of power 101. Nixon conspired with the watergate 'men' Halderman, Erlichman, etc. and used an illegal slush fund. The 18 minutes only added to the conspiracy and obstruction of justice.

After all that, Nixon was a rank amateur compared to Clinton and obama.
Only a neo-fascist who hates American republican democracy would think so.

Nixon was a true threat to the Constitution, Clinton and Obama were easily reined in. Trump seems to respond to hard enough butt kickings by the media and public opinion. He has changed on China, the UN, Russia, Syria, NK, and so forth. He got bloodied in the AHCA affair, and is going more slowly and deliberately. The borders and the airports are still free far zones for illegal immigrants. He has a long way to go. However . . . his abandonment of Putin and Russia is a major, major growing experience. Another is the ascendancy of Kushner, Powell, and Cohen, will Bannon et al seems to be sinking. Time will tell.

If Lerner and Rice and Clinton are guilty on no evidence, then so are Manafort, Flynn, Page, and others.

Far Left and Alt Right: quit acting like fools, please.

They have evidence on Rice.
From a historical perspective, what Nixon did seems quaint and childish. He tried to help cover up a burglary. Remember the horror over expletive deleted? Compared to what obama has done, Nixon was an amateur.

Hardly. Nixon illegally fired the attorney general, and deputy attorney general, and the special prosecutor. That's abuse of power 101. Nixon conspired with the watergate 'men' Halderman, Erlichman, etc. and used an illegal slush fund. The 18 minutes only added to the conspiracy and obstruction of justice.

After all that, Nixon was a rank amateur compared to Clinton and obama.
Only a neo-fascist who hates American republican democracy would think so.

Nixon was a true threat to the Constitution, Clinton and Obama were easily reined in. Trump seems to respond to hard enough butt kickings by the media and public opinion. He has changed on China, the UN, Russia, Syria, NK, and so forth. He got bloodied in the AHCA affair, and is going more slowly and deliberately. The borders and the airports are still free far zones for illegal immigrants. He has a long way to go. However . . . his abandonment of Putin and Russia is a major, major growing experience. Another is the ascendancy of Kushner, Powell, and Cohen, will Bannon et al seems to be sinking. Time will tell.

If Lerner and Rice and Clinton are guilty on no evidence, then so are Manafort, Flynn, Page, and others.

Far Left and Alt Right: quit acting like fools, please.

They have evidence on Rice.
No, they don't. They do on Page, Manafort, Flynn, and others.

You keep dreaming. The unmasking is a crime. People will be going to prison.
Nope, it is not if she had lawful access, which she did. End of story, sorry.
From a historical perspective, what Nixon did seems quaint and childish. He tried to help cover up a burglary. Remember the horror over expletive deleted? Compared to what obama has done, Nixon was an amateur.

Hardly. Nixon illegally fired the attorney general, and deputy attorney general, and the special prosecutor. That's abuse of power 101. Nixon conspired with the watergate 'men' Halderman, Erlichman, etc. and used an illegal slush fund. The 18 minutes only added to the conspiracy and obstruction of justice.

After all that, Nixon was a rank amateur compared to Clinton and obama.
Only a neo-fascist who hates American republican democracy would think so.

Nixon was a true threat to the Constitution, Clinton and Obama were easily reined in. Trump seems to respond to hard enough butt kickings by the media and public opinion. He has changed on China, the UN, Russia, Syria, NK, and so forth. He got bloodied in the AHCA affair, and is going more slowly and deliberately. The borders and the airports are still free far zones for illegal immigrants. He has a long way to go. However . . . his abandonment of Putin and Russia is a major, major growing experience. Another is the ascendancy of Kushner, Powell, and Cohen, will Bannon et al seems to be sinking. Time will tell.
Jake knock off the big words that you have no clue as to the meaning of.......................

Now take your neo abilify and lithium
Billions and Billions of stained GOP underwear

7 Allies Just Came Forward With Trump-Russia Smoking Gun Evidence

By Colin Taylor - April 13, 2017

A bombshell report by the Guardian has just revealed that our European allies had discovered secret communications between Donald Trump’s campaign team and agents of the Russian Federation as far back as 2015.

But most importantly, the Guardian reveals that through the cooperation with our allies, US officials have discovered “specific concrete and corroborative evidence of collusion… This is between people in the Trump campaign and agents of influence relating to the use of hacked material.”

British spy agency GCHQ, the “principal whistle-blower,” first discovered the communications between Trump’s team and the Russians as a part of their routine monitoring operations. Further evidence was gathered and passed on to the United States by intelligence agencies from Germany, Estonia, Poland, Australia, the Netherlands, and France.

Despite what Trump has falsely claimed, none of these countries were targeting him specifically for monitoring. His team members brought this on themselves when they began communicating with Russians who were already being monitored as part of routine counterintelligence operations.


Putin hacked Hillary

From a historical perspective, what Nixon did seems quaint and childish. He tried to help cover up a burglary. Remember the horror over expletive deleted? Compared to what obama has done, Nixon was an amateur.

Hardly. Nixon illegally fired the attorney general, and deputy attorney general, and the special prosecutor. That's abuse of power 101. Nixon conspired with the watergate 'men' Halderman, Erlichman, etc. and used an illegal slush fund. The 18 minutes only added to the conspiracy and obstruction of justice.

After all that, Nixon was a rank amateur compared to Clinton and obama.
Only a neo-fascist who hates American republican democracy would think so.

Nixon was a true threat to the Constitution, Clinton and Obama were easily reined in. Trump seems to respond to hard enough butt kickings by the media and public opinion. He has changed on China, the UN, Russia, Syria, NK, and so forth. He got bloodied in the AHCA affair, and is going more slowly and deliberately. The borders and the airports are still free far zones for illegal immigrants. He has a long way to go. However . . . his abandonment of Putin and Russia is a major, major growing experience. Another is the ascendancy of Kushner, Powell, and Cohen, will Bannon et al seems to be sinking. Time will tell.
Jake knock off the big words that you have no clue as to the meaning of.......................Now take your neo abilify and lithium
Thank you for admitting you don't have a clue as to what is going on . . . as to here on the Board and outside of your nursing home, Frank.
From a historical perspective, what Nixon did seems quaint and childish. He tried to help cover up a burglary. Remember the horror over expletive deleted? Compared to what obama has done, Nixon was an amateur.

Hardly. Nixon illegally fired the attorney general, and deputy attorney general, and the special prosecutor. That's abuse of power 101. Nixon conspired with the watergate 'men' Halderman, Erlichman, etc. and used an illegal slush fund. The 18 minutes only added to the conspiracy and obstruction of justice.

After all that, Nixon was a rank amateur compared to Clinton and obama.
Only a neo-fascist who hates American republican democracy would think so.

Nixon was a true threat to the Constitution, Clinton and Obama were easily reined in. Trump seems to respond to hard enough butt kickings by the media and public opinion. He has changed on China, the UN, Russia, Syria, NK, and so forth. He got bloodied in the AHCA affair, and is going more slowly and deliberately. The borders and the airports are still free far zones for illegal immigrants. He has a long way to go. However . . . his abandonment of Putin and Russia is a major, major growing experience. Another is the ascendancy of Kushner, Powell, and Cohen, will Bannon et al seems to be sinking. Time will tell.
Jake knock off the big words that you have no clue as to the meaning of.......................Now take your neo abilify and lithium
Thank you for admitting you don't have a clue as to what is going on . . . as to here on the Board and outside of your nursing home, Frank.

Keep it up Mr. Pumkinhead, your humor is not improving....................

What Don Rickles might have said
Hardly. Nixon illegally fired the attorney general, and deputy attorney general, and the special prosecutor. That's abuse of power 101. Nixon conspired with the watergate 'men' Halderman, Erlichman, etc. and used an illegal slush fund. The 18 minutes only added to the conspiracy and obstruction of justice.

After all that, Nixon was a rank amateur compared to Clinton and obama.
Only a neo-fascist who hates American republican democracy would think so.

Nixon was a true threat to the Constitution, Clinton and Obama were easily reined in. Trump seems to respond to hard enough butt kickings by the media and public opinion. He has changed on China, the UN, Russia, Syria, NK, and so forth. He got bloodied in the AHCA affair, and is going more slowly and deliberately. The borders and the airports are still free far zones for illegal immigrants. He has a long way to go. However . . . his abandonment of Putin and Russia is a major, major growing experience. Another is the ascendancy of Kushner, Powell, and Cohen, will Bannon et al seems to be sinking. Time will tell.
Jake knock off the big words that you have no clue as to the meaning of.......................Now take your neo abilify and lithium
Thank you for admitting you don't have a clue as to what is going on . . . as to here on the Board and outside of your nursing home, Frank.
Keep it up Mr. Pumkinhead, your humor is not improving....................What Don Rickles might have said
Don would have had an exquisite time at your expense.
It is hard for me to believe that the GOP had no idea of the collusion between Trump and Russia. Not when Trump's eventual Chief-of-Staff, Reince Priebus, ran the RNC before taking the job in the White House. How could the RNC and by extension, the RSCC, the RCCC, Pence, McConnell, Ryan, McCarthy, Fox News, right-wing media, all of them not know or be a party to this? I am through giving them the benefit of the doubt. These people are compromised by Russian intelligence until they can prove otherwise. In the meantime, the entire agenda from Trump and the GOP should be put on indefinite hold until we can figure out what the hell is going on!!
The Derp said:
Can you impeach and entire political party?
One cannot impeach, other than in the broadest sense of the term, any part of a party. One can only impeach certain elected and/or appointed individuals.

These people are compromised by Russian intelligence until they can prove otherwise.

Maybe so. Maybe not. Our nation's laws confer and assume one's innocence until they have been proven guilty. That's not the same as the polity's broadly conferring upon the accused the benefit of the doubt with regard to their other actions and the motives for them.

the entire agenda from Trump and the GOP should be put on indefinite hold until we can figure out what the hell is going on!!

I don't agree with that. Though I also don't know what specific actions Trump has in mind as goes his governing agenda, there surely are aspects of it that have nothing to do with Russia and what Russia might want or care about. (Hell, I can't confidently say he's actually got a well defined agenda.) I don't have to like or agree with those things, but I do have to distinguish and accord their independence from the the "Russia" issue and respect that Trump is POTUS and those aspects of governance are his to carry out, and carrying them out is something that needs to happen. So does everyone else, at least everyone else who is responsible and who has integrity and cares about the country.
The Democratic Party does NOT need to be 'Impeached', as it is doing a great job of self-destructing on their own.

Their last President was a lying, narcissistic, terrorist sympathizing, drug cartel / terrorist aiding, constitution and law violating dirtbag who was just proven to help facilitate Felony Espionage against his own country in an attempt to undermine the newly elected government / President.

Under his leadership and with Hillary's 'help', the Democratic Party lost over 1,000 political positions / seats in just 8 years as well as 2 back-to-back historic, record-setting elections.

In this last, pathetic election Democrats ran literally the worst Presidential candidate in U.S. History, a woman who just days out from the election was under TWO FBI investigations for crimes that included Fraud, Influence Peddling, and ESPIONAGE.
--- Democrats even know, but will not admit, that had a GOP candidate been in the same situation there is no way in HELL they or their All-In media would never have allowed them to stay in the race.

During the election DNC - Democrat - personal e-mails were hacked and released exposing racist, sexist, anti-Catholic, homophobic, and anti-Semitic behavior / joking / comments among the DNC's leaders. They were also exposed as having rigged their Primaries and debates to help Hillary defeat a candidate she would have probably lost to , Socialist Bernie Sanders

During the election Democrats engaged in riots, destruction of property, assault, arson, intimidation, terrorism (firebombed a GOP HQ), threats to try to flip Electoral College voters...they called for the new President's Impeachment before he took the oath of office, and called for both military coups and for the President's ASSASSINATION.

In response to Trump assuming the office of the President, Democratic Party leader Chuck Schumer declared to the entire country that, being butt-hurt partisan snowflakes, the DNC was committing itself to being total Obstructionists for the duration of the Trump Presidency, opposing everything Trump tries to accomplish, for the good of the DEMOCRATIC Party rather that what is for the country.
-- Way to show the world what the Democratic party stands for - ITSELF - and reaffirm to the American people that they did the right thing when they elected Donald Trump as President. It's also a good way to advertise for up-coming elections. :p
The Dems won seats in the House and the Senate, and had fun making life hell for Trump, McConnell, and Ryan, with help of many Pubs
is completely unproven left wing bullshit from crybabies still upset crooked Hillary and her Parkinson's lost.

If it's not true, why did Flynn resign? Why did Nunes recuse himself? Why did Sessions recuse himself? These are not the actions of innocent people.
Because they have honor, and your fucking side doesn't. That is why. Dumbass.

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