Can you impeach and entire political party?

is completely unproven left wing bullshit from crybabies still upset crooked Hillary and her Parkinson's lost.

If it's not true, why did Flynn resign? Why did Nunes recuse himself? Why did Sessions recuse himself? These are not the actions of innocent people.
Because they have honor, and your fucking side doesn't. That is why. Dumbass.
No, Flynn and Nunes are not honorable. The Alt Right is not honorable.
It is hard for me to believe that the GOP had no idea of the collusion between Trump and Russia. Not when Trump's eventual Chief-of-Staff, Reince Priebus, ran the RNC before taking the job in the White House. How could the RNC and by extension, the RSCC, the RCCC, Pence, McConnell, Ryan, McCarthy, Fox News, right-wing media, all of them not know or be a party to this? I am through giving them the benefit of the doubt. These people are compromised by Russian intelligence until they can prove otherwise. In the meantime, the entire agenda from Trump and the GOP should be put on indefinite hold until we can figure out what the hell is going on!!
andaronjim is trying to rewrite that this did not happen: The Dems won seats in the House and the Senate, and had fun making life hell for Trump, McConnell, and Ryan, with help of many Pubs
is completely unproven left wing bullshit from crybabies still upset crooked Hillary and her Parkinson's lost.

If it's not true, why did Flynn resign? Why did Nunes recuse himself? Why did Sessions recuse himself? These are not the actions of innocent people.
Because they have honor, and your fucking side doesn't. That is why. Dumbass.
No, Flynn and Nunes are not honorable. The Alt Right is not honorable.
A true pearl of wisdum
It would appear that it is possible to impeach an entire political party, after seeing the results of the November election. Democrats were wiped out.

Only because the GOP had Russia assisting them.
It is hard for me to believe that the GOP had no idea of the collusion between Trump and Russia. Not when Trump's eventual Chief-of-Staff, Reince Priebus, ran the RNC before taking the job in the White House. How could the RNC and by extension, the RSCC, the RCCC, Pence, McConnell, Ryan, McCarthy, Fox News, right-wing media, all of them not know or be a party to this? I am through giving them the benefit of the doubt. These people are compromised by Russian intelligence until they can prove otherwise. In the meantime, the entire agenda from Trump and the GOP should be put on indefinite hold until we can figure out what the hell is going on!!
The impeachment is already underway.
Since 2008 Democrats have lost 69 House seats and 13 Senate seats. At the State level Democrats have lost close to 1500 seats.

You know, it's really sad to see someone so deranged they have to literally copy and paste from their right-wing echo chamber in order to pretend their guy isn't a Russian puppet. Sorry, pal, but there are FOUR active investigations into Trump's Russia ties that we know about. Our allies all confirm there was contact and collusion between Trump's team and Russia. We have to widen the scope and scale of these investigations to include the GOP. When all is said and done, it will probably be the NY State AG who brings a RICO case against the White House and GOP. The evidence is overwhelming. Not sure what world you live in, but several members of Trump's team have already admitted to having contact with Russia. Stupid Roger Stone even had the chutzpah to tweet about his contacts with Wikileaks and Guccifer. And Stone is no stranger to these types of illegalities, having done them for Nixon 45 years ago.
Since there was no collusion is should be easier to believe...since there was no collusion...

Ah, but there was, hence the reason there are four investigations into it; the FBI, the NY State AG, House Intel, and Senate Intel. There wouldn't be four investigations if there was not strong evidence.
Why the fuck did you post a link from the fags over at occupy democraps?

Whoa, hey, whoa, slurs. It's homophobia still a thing? Thought we moved on from that. At this point, anyone who is homophobic is really probably homosexual themselves and are just ashamed of it. Too much self loathing in the right wing pity party these days. It's OK if you're gay. That's not what makes you less of a person. Your belief system does.
Since 2008 Democrats have lost 69 House seats and 13 Senate seats. At the State level Democrats have lost close to 1500 seats.

Yes, Conservatives did a good job of taking State Houses in 2010 which allowed them to gerrymander districts to give them an unfair advantage in the House. But never fret. 2020 is only 3 years away. That's 3 years of the Conservative base dying off because they're a bunch of old farts. So when the old Conservatives die off, who will replace them in the electorate? Millennials absolutely hate Trump and Conservatives. Boomers are divided evenly. So who is even going to vote GOP apart from the basement dwellers and neo-nazis?
Since 2008 Democrats have lost 69 House seats and 13 Senate seats. At the State level Democrats have lost close to 1500 seats.

Oh also, what do Conservatives have to show for all this electoral success? Nothing. No legislation. No improvements to this country. They had 7 years to come up with an Obamacare replacement plan and they got nothing. Obamacare ended up serving yet another function that was unexpected; it exposed the GOP as being completely unable to effectively govern.

Also, the losses started in 2010, not 2008. In 2008, Democrats gained House and Senate seats.
Since 2008 Democrats have lost 69 House seats and 13 Senate seats. At the State level Democrats have lost close to 1500 seats.

Yes, Conservatives did a good job of taking State Houses in 2010 which allowed them to gerrymander districts to give them an unfair advantage in the House. But never fret. 2020 is only 3 years away. That's 3 years of the Conservative base dying off because they're a bunch of old farts. So when the old Conservatives die off, who will replace them in the electorate? Millennials absolutely hate Trump and Conservatives. Boomers are divided evenly. So who is even going to vote GOP apart from the basement dwellers and neo-nazis?
And with the Russians now helping to defeat Democrats, there is no way a Democrat will ever win an election next year.
And with the Russians now helping to defeat Democrats, there is no way a Democrat will ever win an election next year.

Sad that after 70+ years of Conservatives screeching that liberals want to turn the US into the Soviet Union, it's Conservatives who are cheerleading an ex-KGB officer who has proclaimed very loudly he hates western democracy and wants to cobble together the old Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc.

When did you stop loving this country?
You dropped your hat.

It's really interesting that after suffering through 8 years of wingnut conspiracy theories about fake birth certificates and college transcripts, suddenly those same folks are all skeptical about a real investigation into very real connections between the GOP and Russia.

"Interesting"? That's too kind. Part of the specious attacks on President Obama were the product of low-life racists who've achieved so little in their pitiful life, and when faced with Obama's life achievements they came unglued. Hate and fear motivated their vocal and mendacious comments on then President Obama and his wife, and she proved to be an excellent role model for women, her children and the traditional values of America.
I have stopped responding to The Derp, as since he is a goose stepping, kool aid drinking, low information, mind numbed useful idiot, who doesn't even look a Proof about his party, but just WHINES in his communist way, he is on my ignore list. I don't have time to educate the morons who frequent this site anymore. Like most of the flunkies that come out of public education, they didn't want to listen then, they sure don't want to listen now.
You dropped your hat.

It's really interesting that after suffering through 8 years of wingnut conspiracy theories about fake birth certificates and college transcripts, suddenly those same folks are all skeptical about a real investigation into very real connections between the GOP and Russia.

"Interesting"? That's too kind. Part of the specious attacks on President Obama were the product of low-life racists who've achieved so little in their pitiful life, and when faced with Obama's life achievements they came unglued. Hate and fear motivated their vocal and mendacious comments on then President Obama and his wife, and she proved to be an excellent role model for women, her children and the traditional values of America.
A liberal is so predictable...


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