Can you impeach and entire political party?

It is hard for me to believe that the GOP had no idea of the collusion between Trump and Russia. Not when Trump's eventual Chief-of-Staff, Reince Priebus, ran the RNC before taking the job in the White House. How could the RNC and by extension, the RSCC, the RCCC, Pence, McConnell, Ryan, McCarthy, Fox News, right-wing media, all of them not know or be a party to this? I am through giving them the benefit of the doubt. These people are compromised by Russian intelligence until they can prove otherwise. In the meantime, the entire agenda from Trump and the GOP should be put on indefinite hold until we can figure out what the hell is going on!!

That's not how it works in this country. Did you just get off the boat?

Ever hear of "innocent until proven guilty"?

I guess not.

Educate yourself!
Who told you these lies?

No one...this is what everyone has seen with their own eyes thus far. If there was no collusion why did Flynn resign? Why did Sessions recuse himself? Why did Nunes recuse himself? Why did Carter Page go on live TV and say he met with the top Russian spy during the convention in Cleveland? Why did Carter Page turn up on a list of Russian-compromised Americans by allied foreign intelligence services? Why was anyone from the Trump team even talking with Russian spies in the first place????

Dumb question: How do you know they knew the Russians were spies?
Find a different conspiracy theory. This one is washed out. We're on to arresting real spies and traitors. But morons like you aren't interested in that.

Nice attempt at deflection there. But the questions remain. Why was anyone from Trump's team, let alone his *National Security Adviser* colluding with Russian spies at all in the first place????

How were they 'colluding"?

I don't think there is a liberal airhead out there that can explain that little detail.
Billions and Billions of stained GOP underwear

7 Allies Just Came Forward With Trump-Russia Smoking Gun Evidence

By Colin Taylor - April 13, 2017

A bombshell report by the Guardian has just revealed that our European allies had discovered secret communications between Donald Trump’s campaign team and agents of the Russian Federation as far back as 2015.

But most importantly, the Guardian reveals that through the cooperation with our allies, US officials have discovered “specific concrete and corroborative evidence of collusion… This is between people in the Trump campaign and agents of influence relating to the use of hacked material.”

British spy agency GCHQ, the “principal whistle-blower,” first discovered the communications between Trump’s team and the Russians as a part of their routine monitoring operations. Further evidence was gathered and passed on to the United States by intelligence agencies from Germany, Estonia, Poland, Australia, the Netherlands, and France.

Despite what Trump has falsely claimed, none of these countries were targeting him specifically for monitoring. His team members brought this on themselves when they began communicating with Russians who were already being monitored as part of routine counterintelligence operations.
The only time Obama gets tough with Russia is right before the opposing political party takes office. Now go figure that. The real question should be, Can we retroactively Impeach the entire Democratic party?

???? Obama put sanctions on Russia. Sanctions your guys opposed and lobbied against! That's what the discussions Flynn, Page, Manafort, and probably Trump himself was having with the Russian spies they were talking to for a couple years.

So how is any of that illegal? Hint: It isn't. even if there was any truth to it,

Louise Mensch‏Verified account @LouiseMensch 9m9 minutes ago
Hey @CIA are you ok with your director lying for @presssec to individual reporters and boosting a "hostile foreign intelligence service"?
OMG You people are so easily swayed. You need to be more diligent in your quest for the truth, and resist the temptation to take the word of some idiot in the basement.

I assume you listen to Alex Jones, then? The definition of a weirdo screaming nonsense from a basement. Who is this person in the basement that I am taking the word of? And what word am I taking? The Intelligence Community confirms 100% that Russia used Active Measures to influence the election for Trump. And the evidence seems to be overwhelming that Trump's team knowingly colluded with Russian spies to employ those Active Measures. They are still employing those Active Measures today. That's what all this Syria BS is about. It's a distraction that Trump's team can point to and pretend they aren't in league with Putin. Seriously, my 5-year old niece is a better liar than they are.

You don't even know what "Active Measures" are!
You're definitely going to need a THICK skin. Most millennial's don't have it in them. I can tell you definitely identify more with the millennial's than you do with X.

Thanks! :)

This isn't my first rodeo...I've been around the block for years on various message boards. I think I identify with both Millenials and Gen Xers. I guess I'm the Oregon Trail Generation.

No. You are definitely a "Where's Waldo" type of person.
we now know that Australia, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Estonia, and the British were all bothered enough by observed Trump/Russia meetings and communications that they separately shared information about it with our intelligence community."
It is hard for me to believe that the GOP had no idea of the collusion between Trump and Russia.

Thank God the snowflake started out his thread with this 1st sentence - it allowed me to completely IGNORE everything he said after it.

Let's Go Over the Reported / Documented FACTs, shall we:

NO EVIDENCE to support the Democratic Party LIE that the Russians 'hacked the election'
-- EVIDENCE DID SHOW how Obama and his DHS attempted to seize control of all 50 State Election Systems right before the election by attempting to HACK the Indiana and Georgia state election systems. His argument was that they should all be put under HIS federal control to protect them form 'anyone' (like him) trying to hack into them. :p

NO EVIDENCE to support the Snowflake LIE of 'Russia-Trump Collusion'
-- The FBI has stated 3 times now that there is NO EVIDENCE to support the claim

NO EVIDENCE neither Trump nor his team committed any crime.

Testimony from the Directors of the NSA and FBI revealed:
--- Initial 'incidental collections' of Trump and his team revealed NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY - NO CRIME COMMITTED. Despite this, Obama ordered the on-going 9-month old investigation AFTER it was decided no crime had been committed.

-- The information collected was deemed to have NO INTEL VALUE.
---- At this point the information became considered 'PROTECTED CLASSIFIED PERSONAL INFORMATION', PR0TECTED BY LAW
---- Since it had been declared to have NO INTEL VALUE there was NEVER and reason to hand that information over to the 16 Intel agencies. According to several Ex-Obama Intel employees, the only reason to hand it over after that point would be 'POLITICAL', and to release that PROTECTED information over to the Intel Agencies for POLITICAL reasons constitutes a CRIME by the Obama administration.

Furthermore, as the Directors of the NSA and FBI testified under oath, the later release of that information - leaked to the press - constitutes the crimes of FELONY ESPIONAGE....

Which means after ordering an investigation based on no crimes having been committed, illegally collecting and dispersing protected personal information to Intel Agencies for Political reasons, and finally leaking that information to the press, the ONLY ones who have been PROVEN to have perpetrated any crimes so far were the Obama administration, and his holdovers in those Intel Agencies....


The Democrats, starting this whole 'Russia Story' up to distract people from the fact that their hacked and released e-mails exposed them as racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites who rigged their own Primaries and debates, went out of their way to resurrect one-sided
McCarthy Era Red Scare' Witch Hunts to go after Trump, screaming as loud as they could for the world to look at they would ignore Hillary and her team.

The Clinton Foundation, at the time, was collecting a large donation from prominent Russians who had been part of the Russian purchase of US Uranium...a little 'thank you' from 'Boris' for Hillary small but extremely influential help.

Her hubby, Bill, was busy working for Vlad's old KGB buddies, giving 'speeches' at $50k a pop.

Hillary's campaign manager was busy NOT reporting thousands of shares of Russian stock he had received while 1/3rd of his company's board members consisted of extremely prominent Russian businessmen who have intimate connections within the Kremlin.

Then there was her campaign manager's brother, who was working for the notorious KGB Bank AND the RUSSIAN SPY AGENCY that just so happed to be the one that hacked the DNC's e-mails.

HOLY SHIT, THAT'S a lot of Russian Connections, a lot of MONEY changing hands, and a lot of COINCIDENCES regarding the KGB, Russian Spy agency, and the hacked DNC e-mails.

Now back to the opening statement of this thread:

"It is hard for me to believe that the GOP had no idea of the collusion between Trump and Russia"

No, actually it is not hard to believe at all...because there was NEVER any collusion. The lack of evidence makes that clear. The FBI declaring 'There is no evidence of collusion' 3 (THREE) times so far has made that clear.

Democrats even potentially broke several laws and committed FELONY ESPIONAGE by illegally releasing protected personal information - They did not have anything illegal. If they did the NSA and FBI would have acted on it. The REASON they leaked it to the PEOPLE is because without evidence the only court they could count on was the 'court of public opinion' - an attempt to undermine the Trump Presidency.

You want to investigate something and arrest someone - there is a helluva lot to investigate in what has already been reported / released about The Clinton Foundation (INVESTIGATION OF WHICH IS STILL ON-GOING), Bill, Hillary, the Podestas, who gave the Intel agencies the protected classified personal information, and who are the Obama holdovers who illegally leaked the information, perpetrating FELONY ESPIONAGE against the United States?!
we now know that Australia, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Estonia, and the British were all bothered enough by observed Trump/Russia meetings and communications that they separately shared information about it with our intelligence community."
It is hard for me to believe that the GOP had no idea of the collusion between Trump and Russia. Not when Trump's eventual Chief-of-Staff, Reince Priebus, ran the RNC before taking the job in the White House. How could the RNC and by extension, the RSCC, the RCCC, Pence, McConnell, Ryan, McCarthy, Fox News, right-wing media, all of them not know or be a party to this? I am through giving them the benefit of the doubt. These people are compromised by Russian intelligence until they can prove otherwise. In the meantime, the entire agenda from Trump and the GOP should be put on indefinite hold until we can figure out what the hell is going on!!

Since there was no collusion is should be easier to believe...since there was no collusion...

There is now a story about the GCHQ spying on Trump...which points this back at obama...
we now know that Australia, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Estonia, and the British were all bothered enough by observed Trump/Russia meetings and communications that they separately shared information about it with our intelligence community."
7 Allies Just Came Forward With Trump-Russia Smoking Gun Evidence
By Colin Taylor - April 13, 2017

A bombshell report by the Guardian has just revealed that our European allies had discovered secret communications between Donald Trump’s campaign team and agents of the Russian Federation as far back as 2015.
Billions and Billions of stained GOP underwear

7 Allies Just Came Forward With Trump-Russia Smoking Gun Evidence

By Colin Taylor - April 13, 2017

A bombshell report by the Guardian has just revealed that our European allies had discovered secret communications between Donald Trump’s campaign team and agents of the Russian Federation as far back as 2015.

But most importantly, the Guardian reveals that through the cooperation with our allies, US officials have discovered “specific concrete and corroborative evidence of collusion… This is between people in the Trump campaign and agents of influence relating to the use of hacked material.”

British spy agency GCHQ, the “principal whistle-blower,” first discovered the communications between Trump’s team and the Russians as a part of their routine monitoring operations. Further evidence was gathered and passed on to the United States by intelligence agencies from Germany, Estonia, Poland, Australia, the Netherlands, and France.

Despite what Trump has falsely claimed, none of these countries were targeting him specifically for monitoring. His team members brought this on themselves when they began communicating with Russians who were already being monitored as part of routine counterintelligence operations.

Britain’s GCHQ Denies ‘Ridiculous’ Claim It Helped Wiretap Trump

British spy agency rejects 'ridiculous' claim it wiretapped Trump

we now know that Australia, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Estonia, and the British were all bothered enough by observed Trump/Russia meetings and communications that they separately shared information about it with our intelligence community."
7 Allies Just Came Forward With Trump-Russia Smoking Gun Evidence
By Colin Taylor - April 13, 2017

A bombshell report by the Guardian has just revealed that our European allies had discovered secret communications between Donald Trump’s campaign team and agents of the Russian Federation as far back as 2015.

Why the fuck did you post a link from the fags over at occupy democraps?

we now know that Australia, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Estonia, and the British were all bothered enough by observed Trump/Russia meetings and communications that they separately shared information about it with our intelligence community."
7 Allies Just Came Forward With Trump-Russia Smoking Gun Evidence
By Colin Taylor - April 13, 2017

A bombshell report by the Guardian has just revealed that our European allies had discovered secret communications between Donald Trump’s campaign team and agents of the Russian Federation as far back as 2015.

Here's proof, Tyrone!


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