Can you impeach and entire political party?

No the biggest threat was liberalism and Russia should be thanked for saving our constitution and leaking the dirt on Hillary... We now have Gorsuch as A Supreme Court justice for at least 40 years and a right leaning Supreme Court

So this right here is the best example of party-before-country politics there is. It's precisely why I cannot trust anything that comes from the right-wing, and why I probably never will. As far as I'm concerned, this post of yours just confirmed for me what I had suspected this entire time; the Republican Party and Conservative Movement want to turn the United States into Russia.

Ironic that after 80+ years of screeching like barnyard animals that liberals want to turn the US into the USSR, Conservatives are now patting an ex-KGB agent, who hates western democracy and wants to see it die, on the back for hacking into the DNC and telling us that which we already know just so Trump can get elected.

That's treason from where I stand.
You don't trust the right wing because you were bred, born and trained to question reality and truth.
What conspiracy? To leak Hillary's shenanigans to the press?

Everyone already knew the DNC was in the tank for Hillary. That leak didn't reveal anything we didn't already know. Besides, that's not what the issue is. The issue is that the Trump team and GOP colluded with Russia to illegally break into the DNC e-mails. Nothing Hillary did or the DNC did in those e-mails was illegal. Unethical? Sure. But not illegal. What Trump and the Conservatives did was illegal. That's why there are at least four active investigations into Comrade Trump.
You think HIllary was the winner, because like Rocky she got the support of the crowd (public) by 3 million more votes.


When Conservatives watch movies, do they understand the things the characters say and do?
Again if Trump had conclusion with Russia what did Russia get out of it?

How about a two hour warning, before we sent cruise missiles their way. Imagine if Japan had given us two hours warning for pearl harbor, or BInladen two hours warning before 9-11.
You think HIllary was the winner, because like Rocky she got the support of the crowd (public) by 3 million more votes.

They think that Smaug is a job creator because of all the wealth he has. Look at all the people there to fight him! Jobs created. Boom.
When Conservatives watch movies, do they understand the things the characters say and do?

Nah !!! Ronald Reagan used Bruce Springsteins 'Born in the USA' as a campaign rally theme. They didn't bother to notice the anti-vietnam war lyrics. They thought it was a pro-usa song.
It is pretty funny to observe the hypocritical left try to use Russia as an enemy, as the left loves communism, and when the Soviet Union ran out of money with Gorby, the left, including Harvard, wanted to BAIL IT OUT to "preserve" that wonderful commie system.

Every leftist whining about Russia is an A-1 hypocritical bullshitter who loves communism and is just still bitter as hell that Hitlerly lost.
It is pretty funny to observe the hypocritical left try to use Russia as an enemy, as the left loves communism, and when the Soviet Union ran out of money with Gorby, the left, including Harvard, wanted to BAIL IT OUT to "preserve" that wonderful commie system.

The Russian mafia makes the Italian mafia look like girlscouts.
Why isn't she relevant it's all about Hillary

Hillary was the target, yes. So in a sense it was about her. But Trump and the Conservatives were the ones who colluded with Russian spies to break the law and hack the DNC. Nothing those e-mails told us we didn't already know. Sanders had been saying it practically since he launched his campaign. You seem to want to shift the focus to the content of what was leaked rather than the conspiracy to illegally obtain the things that were leaked. That is the big picture Conservatives are either being willfully ignorant of, or just plain refuse to accept because they're party-before-country. Always.
Again if Trump had conclusion with Russia what did Russia get out of it?

Well, we know that Flynn, Page, Manafort, Prince, and probably Turmp himself had discussed the Obama-era sanctions on Russia. So it was probably in exchange for getting those relaxed.

Secondly, it achieved Putin's goal of sowing discontent among the Western democracies who were a united front against Russian aggression. By hacking our election, the British elections, the Brexit vote, and ongoing Active Measures in Germany, France, Holland, Hungary, and the Baltics, Putin is able to achieve with a small group of hackers what 80 years of the Soviet Union's arms build up couldn't; undermine western democracy. And boy, has it worked. Every time a nation elects an erratic right-winger, Putin gains influence. His stated goal is to break apart NATO (which is why Trump was talking about it on the campaign trail) and the EU so they cannot form a united front against him, economically or militarily, as he tries to cobble together the former Soviet Union being the ex-KGB Stalinist he was before the wall came down.
What's your plan to stop Putin from booting you fuckers out of office even in NY?

Impeaching Trump and the GOP. That's the only way we can be sure that we've rid ourselves of Russian influence. In the meantime, we should #resist and obstruct every single piece of that Russian/GOP agenda until the full scope and scale of Russian influence is determined. Until that happens, everything the GOP and Trump and Conservatives say and do has to be assumed as a marching order from Putin, regardless of how inconsequential it may seem. Putin is a spy by trade. He knows what he's doing. It's not unfathomable to assume he has his tentacles in the GOP down to the state and local level.
What conspiracy? To leak Hillary's shenanigans to the press?

Everyone already knew the DNC was in the tank for Hillary. That leak didn't reveal anything we didn't already know. Besides, that's not what the issue is. The issue is that the Trump team and GOP colluded with Russia to illegally break into the DNC e-mails. Nothing Hillary did or the DNC did in those e-mails was illegal. Unethical? Sure. But not illegal. What Trump and the Conservatives did was illegal. That's why there are at least four active investigations into Comrade Trump.

What Hillary did was illegal derp, but they claimed what she did was not by intent..

Translation ~ they threw people in jail for lesser crimes but Hillary was to big to fry.

Again if Trump had conclusion with Russia what did Russia get out of it?

Well, we know that Flynn, Page, Manafort, Prince, and probably Turmp himself had discussed the Obama-era sanctions on Russia. So it was probably in exchange for getting those relaxed.

Secondly, it achieved Putin's goal of sowing discontent among the Western democracies who were a united front against Russian aggression. By hacking our election, the British elections, the Brexit vote, and ongoing Active Measures in Germany, France, Holland, Hungary, and the Baltics, Putin is able to achieve with a small group of hackers what 80 years of the Soviet Union's arms build up couldn't; undermine western democracy. And boy, has it worked. Every time a nation elects an erratic right-winger, Putin gains influence. His stated goal is to break apart NATO (which is why Trump was talking about it on the campaign trail) and the EU so they cannot form a united front against him, economically or militarily, as he tries to cobble together the former Soviet Union being the ex-KGB Stalinist he was before the wall came down.

So it was probably in exchange for getting those relaxed.

Like I said Derp, they are considering tougher sanctions on Russia so you don't have a case
You don't trust the right wing because you were bred, born and trained to question reality and truth.

The Conservatives are not realistic or trustworthy. Their entire economic ideology relies on magical thinking and trickle down. They think the planet is 6,000 years old and Jesus rode a triceratops. They think that the private sector is better and more efficient than the government. They probably don't even think 1 + 1 = 2. Their economic plans sure seem to point to their inability to grasp basic math. And the lying. My God the lies that come from their mouths and fingertips never cease, nor is there any shame about it. They are shameless. This is Putin's undermine the confidence in our democracy so that his aggression can go unchallenged.

Putin is ex-KGB. He was a devout Stalinist before the wall came down. He didn't simply give that up.
What's your plan to stop Putin from booting you fuckers out of office even in NY?

Impeaching Trump and the GOP. That's the only way we can be sure that we've rid ourselves of Russian influence. In the meantime, we should #resist and obstruct every single piece of that Russian/GOP agenda until the full scope and scale of Russian influence is determined. Until that happens, everything the GOP and Trump and Conservatives say and do has to be assumed as a marching order from Putin, regardless of how inconsequential it may seem. Putin is a spy by trade. He knows what he's doing. It's not unfathomable to assume he has his tentacles in the GOP down to the state and local level.

How are you going to impeach him due to Obama's incompetence that he lost over 900 democratic seats in the house, senate and across the country?

You don't trust the right wing because you were bred, born and trained to question reality and truth.

The Conservatives are not realistic or trustworthy. Their entire economic ideology relies on magical thinking and trickle down. They think the planet is 6,000 years old and Jesus rode a triceratops. They think that the private sector is better and more efficient than the government. They probably don't even think 1 + 1 = 2. Their economic plans sure seem to point to their inability to grasp basic math. And the lying. My God the lies that come from their mouths and fingertips never cease, nor is there any shame about it. They are shameless. This is Putin's undermine the confidence in our democracy so that his aggression can go unchallenged.

Putin is ex-KGB. He was a devout Stalinist before the wall came down. He didn't simply give that up.

We know math it's the democrats that don't have a clue, you guys are so indoctrinated you think high wages in blue city's some how equal more wealth when all your doing is paying an outrageous cost of living and taxes.

What's your plan to stop Putin from booting you fuckers out of office even in NY?

Impeaching Trump and the GOP. That's the only way we can be sure that we've rid ourselves of Russian influence. In the meantime, we should #resist and obstruct every single piece of that Russian/GOP agenda until the full scope and scale of Russian influence is determined. Until that happens, everything the GOP and Trump and Conservatives say and do has to be assumed as a marching order from Putin, regardless of how inconsequential it may seem. Putin is a spy by trade. He knows what he's doing. It's not unfathomable to assume he has his tentacles in the GOP down to the state and local level.

How are you going to impeach him due to Obama's incompetence that he lost over 900 democratic seats in the house, senate and across the country?


Derp thinks "impeach" = "violent take over of the white house and the country by minority, extremist, and hopefully foreign totalitarians".
Nah !!! Ronald Reagan used Bruce Springsteins 'Born in the USA' as a campaign rally theme. They didn't bother to notice the anti-vietnam war lyrics. They thought it was a pro-usa song.

They're not deep thinkers.

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