Can you impeach and entire political party?

I hope you stick around, you're a hoot! You probably should update your talking points though, the Russian thing is dead.

I nerver understand the point of saying someone is funny in a sarcastic, condescending way on a message board. It doesn't prove that I am the one with the problem. All it proves is that you couldn't think of, or don't know how to respond to very serious, supported claims. The Russia thing is most certainly not dead. There are at least 4 active investigations into it right now; The Senate Intel Committee, the House Intel Committee, The FBI, and the NY State AG (which might end up being a RICO case).

As I asked before, how long do you think Roger Stone, Carter Page, or even Michael Flynn will stonewall until they finally flip? These are not honorable guys. They're dirty and they have no qualms taking down other with them. I personally think they've already flipped and the investigations are widening to include people not just in Trump's Administration.

What is embarrassing is that you think collusion with Russia is no big deal.
breaking in the innocent is never an easy job. but thanks for playing.


You know Rocky lost in Rocky, right?
Rocky was the winner every movie. see again, you have no idea what winning actually is. but you keep hanging around us winners and you'll learn.

You think HIllary was the winner, because like Rocky she got the support of the crowd (public) by 3 million more votes.
she did? holy fk, where have you been. the underdog was the Trump meister and dude he brought home the bacon like Rocky. but hey, you need to pick up on the analogies a bit. you need to know what the movie was about, the underdog. If you wish to tell us she was the underdog, then you really do have screws loose.
I hope you stick around, you're a hoot! You probably should update your talking points though, the Russian thing is dead.

I nerver understand the point of saying someone is funny in a sarcastic, condescending way on a message board. It doesn't prove that I am the one with the problem. All it proves is that you couldn't think of, or don't know how to respond to very serious, supported claims. The Russia thing is most certainly not dead. There are at least 4 active investigations into it right now; The Senate Intel Committee, the House Intel Committee, The FBI, and the NY State AG (which might end up being a RICO case).

As I asked before, how long do you think Roger Stone, Carter Page, or even Michael Flynn will stonewall until they finally flip? These are not honorable guys. They're dirty and they have no qualms taking down other with them. I personally think they've already flipped and the investigations are widening to include people not just in Trump's Administration.

What is embarrassing is that you think collusion with Russia is no big deal.

Aren't you late for your other hobby?

From a historical perspective, what Nixon did seems quaint and childish. He tried to help cover up a burglary. Remember the horror over expletive deleted? Compared to what obama has done, Nixon was an amateur.

Hardly. Nixon illegally fired the attorney general, and deputy attorney general, and the special prosecutor. That's abuse of power 101. Nixon conspired with the watergate 'men' Halderman, Erlichman, etc. and used an illegal slush fund. The 18 minutes only added to the conspiracy and obstruction of justice.
I hope you stick around, you're a hoot! You probably should update your talking points though, the Russian thing is dead.

I nerver understand the point of saying someone is funny in a sarcastic, condescending way on a message board. It doesn't prove that I am the one with the problem. All it proves is that you couldn't think of, or don't know how to respond to very serious, supported claims. The Russia thing is most certainly not dead. There are at least 4 active investigations into it right now; The Senate Intel Committee, the House Intel Committee, The FBI, and the NY State AG (which might end up being a RICO case).

As I asked before, how long do you think Roger Stone, Carter Page, or even Michael Flynn will stonewall until they finally flip? These are not honorable guys. They're dirty and they have no qualms taking down other with them. I personally think they've already flipped and the investigations are widening to include people not just in Trump's Administration.

What is embarrassing is that you think collusion with Russia is no big deal.
deflection is used frequently in here. Like the fact that you still haven't posted anything that backs your OP. but again, the libs in here never do. it is standard operating procedure.

I don't understand what you are looking for. There are currently four active investigations into Trump's Russia ties. Those investigations are happening as we type here on the boards. Carter Page said on live TV that he had contact with the Russian Ambassador during the Convention. Flynn admitted that he discussed sanctions with the top Russian spy just a few months ago (before he was NSA and still a private citizen). If there is nothing to see here, why did Nunes recuse himself? Why did Sessions recuse himself? Why was Yates canned? Why did Flynn resign? These are not actions of people who are innocent, if they're recusing themselves left and right. Why would someone recuse themselves if they weren't involved in the conspiracy?

We have become so desensitized to this shit because of the terrific fiction writing done for TV and movies. This Trump thing is like Scandal or House of Cards, only shittier and dumber. It's "Stupid Watergate", as John Oliver calls it. Why? Because the people involved are incredibly stupid, they treat others as if they're as stupid as they are, and was done for the stupid goal of electing Trump. Hence, "Stupid Watergate".
From a historical perspective, what Nixon did seems quaint and childish. He tried to help cover up a burglary. Remember the horror over expletive deleted? Compared to what obama has done, Nixon was an amateur.

Hardly. Nixon illegally fired the attorney general, and deputy attorney general, and the special prosecutor. That's abuse of power 101. Nixon conspired with the watergate 'men' Halderman, Erlichman, etc. and used an illegal slush fund. The 18 minutes only added to the conspiracy and obstruction of justice.
hmmm, i thought he appointed the attorney general, no? My boss can fire me.
deflection is used frequently in here. Like the fact that you still haven't posted anything that backs your OP. but again, the libs in here never do. it is standard operating procedure.

I don't understand what you are looking for. There are currently four active investigations into Trump's Russia ties. Those investigations are happening as we type here on the boards. Carter Page said on live TV that he had contact with the Russian Ambassador during the Convention. Flynn admitted that he discussed sanctions with the top Russian spy just a few months ago (before he was NSA and still a private citizen). If there is nothing to see here, why did Nunes recuse himself? Why did Sessions recuse himself? Why was Yates canned? Why did Flynn resign? These are not actions of people who are innocent, if they're recusing themselves left and right. Why would someone recuse themselves if they weren't involved in the conspiracy?

We have become so desensitized to this shit because of the terrific fiction writing done for TV and movies. This Trump thing is like Scandal or House of Cards, only shittier and dumber. It's "Stupid Watergate", as John Oliver calls it. Why? Because the people involved are incredibly stupid, they treat others as if they're as stupid as they are, and was done for the stupid goal of electing Trump. Hence, "Stupid Watergate".
what I'm looking for is evidence. do you need help looking up the word? we can accommodate, I learned how to use the internet :clap:

BTW, all I've seen is squat juice.
It is hard for me to believe that the GOP had no idea of the collusion between Trump and Russia. Not when Trump's eventual Chief-of-Staff, Reince Priebus, ran the RNC before taking the job in the White House. How could the RNC and by extension, the RSCC, the RCCC, Pence, McConnell, Ryan, McCarthy, Fox News, right-wing media, all of them not know or be a party to this? I am through giving them the benefit of the doubt. These people are compromised by Russian intelligence until they can prove otherwise. In the meantime, the entire agenda from Trump and the GOP should be put on indefinite hold until we can figure out what the hell is going on!!
It would appear that it is possible to impeach an entire political party, after seeing the results of the November election. Democrats were wiped out.
You dropped your hat.

It's really interesting that after suffering through 8 years of wingnut conspiracy theories about fake birth certificates and college transcripts, suddenly those same folks are all skeptical about a real investigation into very real connections between the GOP and Russia.
I didn't take any of that any more seriously than I take your tin foil hat nonsense. It's all nothing more than childish tantrums from supposedly grown adults who can't accept the fact a poor candidate who ran a bad campaign lost. I know nothing I say will convince the people of the tin foil hat society otherwise so I'm not going to waste anymore time trying.
What if there really is no "us" and "them," any longer. Your oligarchical leaders just want you to believe it, b/c the fears you feel are convenient ways to keep you under control. Think on that.

Well, being the liberal I am I have a duty to find the blue sky optimism in everything. I still have faith that our country will be able to turn this corner and self-correct. I think I do have a lot in common with those views you posted, and I seem to remember reading one or two of those books back in the day. For me, the greatest threat to our Democracy isn't the "Deep State", it's money. It's always about money. I think money corrupts our entire political system, top-down at all levels. It's money that allows the "Deep State" to function as it does. Personally, I want to see a 28th Amendment that says, very plainly, "money is not speech, corporations are not people, and all political campaigns are publicly funded with a ban on private donations of any kind". Until we rid the monied interests from our political system, we will never have a government that represents us.


Greg Palast on Why Clinton Didn't Push for Michigan Recount - Part 2 of 2
What did Trump do give Russia podesta password to his computer that was

No, Trump had his buddy Stone coordinate with Russian hackers (Guccifer 2.0) to hack into the DNC and John Podesta's e-mails the same way anyone is hacked. Through a phishing scam. It happens to millions of people every day. But the point is that the hack occurred because Trump and Russia colluded to do so. Whatever came from that hack is immaterial (and wasn't revelatory anyway...everyone knew the DNC was in the tank for Hillary). The problem is that the hack occurred in the first place and seems to have been done with the collusion and support of Trump and the GOP.

You dont have a case what did Russia get in return, Trump bombing Syria and wanting to put more sanctions on him?

The Syria bombing was a "wag the dog" BS. Trump friggin' told Putin before he launched the missiles. Putin then told Assad, who moved his personnel and equipment away from the airfield. If Putin was angry at Trump, he would not have held court with Tillerson today. Secondly, what does Putin get out of this? Well, apart from lifting the Obama-era sanctions, Putin gets his goal of driving a wedge between the US and its allies -who opposed US unilateral action, regardless of the reasons given- while also undermining the faith in western democracies by having a bumbling oaf and his litter of ignoramuses, bigots, and liars run things into the ground. Putin's goal is to break apart NATO, break apart the EU, and sow discontent in American democracy so that our nation's status is crippled so that we are ineffective at regime change. You think Trump is going to get rid of Assad? Seriously?

By the way this is the real comparison to Nixon and Watergate

Hillary lost the race, so I don't even understand why you think she is relevant to this. What do you think was in those e-mails she supposedly deleted? Keep in mind Trump has been using a private server and is most likely deleting e-mails as we speak.
what I'm looking for is evidence. do you need help looking up the word? we can accommodate, I learned how to use the internet :clap:

BTW, all I've seen is squat juice.

The evidence is classified. If you want to see it, you should call for those who illegally leak it, to get away with it.
What did Trump do give Russia podesta password to his computer that was

No, Trump had his buddy Stone coordinate with Russian hackers (Guccifer 2.0) to hack into the DNC and John Podesta's e-mails the same way anyone is hacked. Through a phishing scam. It happens to millions of people every day. But the point is that the hack occurred because Trump and Russia colluded to do so. Whatever came from that hack is immaterial (and wasn't revelatory anyway...everyone knew the DNC was in the tank for Hillary). The problem is that the hack occurred in the first place and seems to have been done with the collusion and support of Trump and the GOP.

You dont have a case what did Russia get in return, Trump bombing Syria and wanting to put more sanctions on him?

The Syria bombing was a "wag the dog" BS. Trump friggin' told Putin before he launched the missiles. Putin then told Assad, who moved his personnel and equipment away from the airfield. If Putin was angry at Trump, he would not have held court with Tillerson today. Secondly, what does Putin get out of this? Well, apart from lifting the Obama-era sanctions, Putin gets his goal of driving a wedge between the US and its allies -who opposed US unilateral action, regardless of the reasons given- while also undermining the faith in western democracies by having a bumbling oaf and his litter of ignoramuses, bigots, and liars run things into the ground. Putin's goal is to break apart NATO, break apart the EU, and sow discontent in American democracy so that our nation's status is crippled so that we are ineffective at regime change. You think Trump is going to get rid of Assad? Seriously?

By the way this is the real comparison to Nixon and Watergate

Hillary lost the race, so I don't even understand why you think she is relevant to this. What do you think was in those e-mails she supposedly deleted? Keep in mind Trump has been using a private server and is most likely deleting e-mails as we speak.

Why isn't she relevant it's all about Hillary and how upset the left us, wanting to find anything and anybody to blame except the real reason.

Again if Trump had conclusion with Russia what did Russia get out of it?

BTW Uncle Vlad is looking to run the table and sweep all 25 democrat Senators out of office in 2018 and..there's not a single fucking thing you can do to stop him!

Not me, US.

It's ironic that after hearing for nearly 80+ years from Conservatives that liberals want to turn the US into the Soviet Union, those same Conservatives are now defending an ex-KGB officer's attempts to subvert American democracy and break apart the western alliance.

The Conservatives have no integrity. I don't think they ever did.

What's your plan to stop Putin from booting you fuckers out of office even in NY?
No the biggest threat was liberalism and Russia should be thanked for saving our constitution and leaking the dirt on Hillary... We now have Gorsuch as A Supreme Court justice for at least 40 years and a right leaning Supreme Court

So this right here is the best example of party-before-country politics there is. It's precisely why I cannot trust anything that comes from the right-wing, and why I probably never will. As far as I'm concerned, this post of yours just confirmed for me what I had suspected this entire time; the Republican Party and Conservative Movement want to turn the United States into Russia.

Ironic that after 80+ years of screeching like barnyard animals that liberals want to turn the US into the USSR, Conservatives are now patting an ex-KGB agent, who hates western democracy and wants to see it die, on the back for hacking into the DNC and telling us that which we already know just so Trump can get elected.

That's treason from where I stand.
. . .








do to stop him!
Of course there is. And you have revealed yourself as a neo-fascist follower of Mother Russia and Putin.

What Jake? What can you do to stop Putin from flipping all 25 Democrat seats?

Be specific
Putin can't do crap in local elections. The Dems would play anti-Russian interference cards. And what the demolite Trump is doing now only would help.

As I thought, you have no plan to stop Putin from flipping the election in 2018 just like he did in 2016

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