Can you impeach and entire political party?

OMG You people are so easily swayed. You need to be more diligent in your quest for the truth, and resist the temptation to take the word of some idiot in the basement.

I assume you listen to Alex Jones, then? The definition of a weirdo screaming nonsense from a basement. Who is this person in the basement that I am taking the word of? And what word am I taking? The Intelligence Community confirms 100% that Russia used Active Measures to influence the election for Trump. And the evidence seems to be overwhelming that Trump's team knowingly colluded with Russian spies to employ those Active Measures. They are still employing those Active Measures today. That's what all this Syria BS is about. It's a distraction that Trump's team can point to and pretend they aren't in league with Putin. Seriously, my 5-year old niece is a better liar than they are.
exactly, so what is it you got? let's see your cards bubba. you been spouten off fairly frequent here. so play your card.

I laid my cards out there. There are at least four active investigations into Trump's collusion with Russia. One of those is possibly a RICO case from the NY State AG. It only takes one person to start talking before the entire house of cards comes crashing down. How long do you think people like Stone, Manafort, and Page will stonewall before they finally turn informant? Judging by their personalities, not very long at all (I actually think they've already flipped and are helping build a case against Trump and whoever else is on their shit lists). And these are the kinds of guys who take people down with them. So expect to see them implicate a whole list of folks, from the Trump White House all the way to the Republican Party and Fox News.
all that is mumbo jumbo. dude, it's called evidence, so post it or else you are a chicken
The Issue is a dead one, much like the grey matter between your ears. The FBI, NSA, NSI, CIA, and Treasury all confirmed there is NO EVIDENCE OF RUSSIAN COLLUSION WITH THE TRUMP TEAM.

No. None of them have confirmed that at all. Quite the opposite, actually. We're seeing several key Trump and Republican figures recuse themselves from crucial spots in the investigations. Why would they do that if they weren't complicit in what is being investigated?

You should jump off this bandwagon now, before you crash with it.
still nothing to post up as evidence eh? still chicken?

As you can see, the Republicans and Democrats are all in this together.

Actually no. Your post doesn't say that. In fact, the transactions that happened appear to be entirely private. Also, where is the proof of illegality? While possibly unethical, it doesn't appear to be illegal. What Trump and the GOP did by colluding with Russia was illegal. Hacking into the DNC in order to dig up info to use in an Active Measure campaign is illegal. You understand that, right?


Winner winner, chicken dinner.

At most, the folks that Trump placed in positions of authority, in their previous lives, were business men that had business dealings with Russian oligarchs. As you yourself have observed of the Democratic opposition, they were possibly unethical, but they don't appear to be illegal dealings.

Nothing so far appears to be dealing with Kremlin officials.

In your OP, you mentioned "Russian spies" I found that interesting, b/c NO WHERE, have I ever read it come out in the press, that anyone in the current administration, had any contact with, "Russian spies."

Granted, while Trump's NSA pick did have conversations with the Russian foreign ambassador during the transition, nothing is ringing any alarm bells. Big whopdee do. You're getting your panties in a bunch over spilled milk.

Frankly, what the elites do at the CFR, the G8 and at Bilderburg meetings is a whole lot more treasonous. You have no say over the American policies that foreign leaders are helping craft for your life at those confabs.

When it comes to knowing about state craft? You are a political neophyte.

(And if you want to discuss all of these people, donors, consultants, etc. that have had any tangential contact through out the years to Trump, the ones that have at one time or another been in contact with Russian spies or the Russian government, then you are letting the Deep State via the establishment press toy with you as a cat does a mouse.)
exactly, so what is it you got? let's see your cards bubba. you been spouten off fairly frequent here. so play your card.

I laid my cards out there. There are at least four active investigations into Trump's collusion with Russia. One of those is possibly a RICO case from the NY State AG. It only takes one person to start talking before the entire house of cards comes crashing down. How long do you think people like Stone, Manafort, and Page will stonewall before they finally turn informant? Judging by their personalities, not very long at all (I actually think they've already flipped and are helping build a case against Trump and whoever else is on their shit lists). And these are the kinds of guys who take people down with them. So expect to see them implicate a whole list of folks, from the Trump White House all the way to the Republican Party and Fox News.
You're going to be a welcome addition to USMB, I hope you stick around.

You're definitely going to need a THICK skin. Most millennial's don't have it in them. I can tell you definitely identify more with the millennial's than you do with X.
It is hard for me to believe that the GOP had no idea of the collusion between Trump and Russia. Not when Trump's eventual Chief-of-Staff, Reince Priebus, ran the RNC before taking the job in the White House. How could the RNC and by extension, the RSCC, the RCCC, Pence, McConnell, Ryan, McCarthy, Fox News, right-wing media, all of them not know or be a party to this? I am through giving them the benefit of the doubt. These people are compromised by Russian intelligence until they can prove otherwise. In the meantime, the entire agenda from Trump and the GOP should be put on indefinite hold until we can figure out what the hell is going on!!


(And if you want to discuss all of these people, donors, consultants, etc. that have had any tangential contact through out the years to Trump, the ones that have at one time or another been in contact with Russian spies or the Russian government, then you are letting the Deep State via the establishment press toy with you as a cat does a mouse.)

I'm not sure why, in this day and age, it is so hard for people to accept the most logical and clear determinations made by our intelligence community. If there was no collusion, why did Flynn resign? Why did Nunes recuse himself? Why did Sessions recuse himself? Why did Page go on live TV and admit to meeting with the Russian spy in Cleveland? Why did Roger Stone tweet about his buddies at Wikileaks and Guccifer? Why was Sally Yates canned? Why has Trump done a complete about face on Russia if not to distract from the FOUR (that we know about) active investigations into his campaign's contacts with Russian spies. Kislyak is the top Russian spy and recruiter in the US. This is common knowledge among the intelligence community and Congress. Particularly the Intelligence Committees, of which the head of the House Intel Committee recused himself from the investigation. Why would he do that if he wasn't complicit? It makes no sense. But then, a lot that comes from the right makes no sense. Not sure that dangerous ignorance is any better than active collusion.

The problem now is that everything these guys do is suspect. Are they working for Putin? Are they working for us? Who knows? Until we know for sure, their agenda should be put on indefinite hold. That's what they would do if it was Hillary who had these allegations.
It is hard for me to believe that the GOP had no idea of the collusion between Trump and Russia. Not when Trump's eventual Chief-of-Staff, Reince Priebus, ran the RNC before taking the job in the White House. How could the RNC and by extension, the RSCC, the RCCC, Pence, McConnell, Ryan, McCarthy, Fox News, right-wing media, all of them not know or be a party to this? I am through giving them the benefit of the doubt. These people are compromised by Russian intelligence until they can prove otherwise. In the meantime, the entire agenda from Trump and the GOP should be put on indefinite hold until we can figure out what the hell is going on!!

Impeach... such a big word for such a small mind.
(And if you want to discuss all of these people, donors, consultants, etc. that have had any tangential contact through out the years to Trump, the ones that have at one time or another been in contact with Russian spies or the Russian government, then you are letting the Deep State via the establishment press toy with you as a cat does a mouse.)

I'm not sure why, in this day and age, it is so hard for people to accept the most logical and clear determinations made by our intelligence community. If there was no collusion, why did Flynn resign? Why did Nunes recuse himself? Why did Sessions recuse himself? Why did Page go on live TV and admit to meeting with the Russian spy in Cleveland? Why did Roger Stone tweet about his buddies at Wikileaks and Guccifer? Why was Sally Yates canned? Why has Trump done a complete about face on Russia if not to distract from the FOUR (that we know about) active investigations into his campaign's contacts with Russian spies. Kislyak is the top Russian spy and recruiter in the US. This is common knowledge among the intelligence community and Congress. Particularly the Intelligence Committees, of which the head of the House Intel Committee recused himself from the investigation. Why would he do that if he wasn't complicit? It makes no sense. But then, a lot that comes from the right makes no sense. Not sure that dangerous ignorance is any better than active collusion.

The problem now is that everything these guys do is suspect. Are they working for Putin? Are they working for us? Who knows? Until we know for sure, their agenda should be put on indefinite hold. That's what they would do if it was Hillary who had these allegations.
you aren't sure about anything, thanks for playing today. it's been a blast watching your nonsense melt over on the board.

BTW, we're still waiting for your cards to be played. so far you have deuces and lost.
You're definitely going to need a THICK skin. Most millennial's don't have it in them. I can tell you definitely identify more with the millennial's than you do with X.

Thanks! :)

This isn't my first rodeo...I've been around the block for years on various message boards. I think I identify with both Millenials and Gen Xers. I guess I'm the Oregon Trail Generation.
You're definitely going to need a THICK skin. Most millennial's don't have it in them. I can tell you definitely identify more with the millennial's than you do with X.

Thanks! :)

This isn't my first rodeo...I've been around the block for years on various message boards. I think I identify with both Millenials and Gen Xers. I guess I'm the Oregon Trail Generation.
I can think of other trails you most align with. and all of those smell like squat juice.
Q. Can you impeach an entire political party

A. No, but the Whig Party imploded and the Republican Party supplanted them (so, the Republican Party has experience in a party doing the wrong thing).

I don't think they'll be impeached.

I do believe a lot of them will be behind bars about 4 years from now.

Dems are mentally ill criminals. The more power they have, the worse they behave.

State Department Employee Arrested On Child Porn Charges

U.S. State Department official caught selling secrets to China

Daniel Rosen, former State Dept. employee, admits to secretly videotaping women

Q. How many members of Ronald Reagan's Administration were indicted

A. Lots

Reagan's was the most corrupt administration of the late 20th century

Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia

"By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever."
List of Reagan administration convictions.
Impeach... such a big word for such a small mind.

How long do you think a weasel like Roger Stone is going to stay silent before he starts spilling the beans? He looks out for Roger Stone, no one else. I actually think he's already flipped and is giving the Feds everything that implicates Trump. And because he's such a petty asshole, he will probably take down everyone he can with him. None of these guys are going to fall on their swords for anyone, least of all Donald fucking Trump. It's just a matter of resisting and obstructing the Russian agenda now until the investigations are concluded. At which point, we may find ourselves in the unprecedented position of having a President, Vice President, SCOTUS judge, Attorney General, House Speaker, Senate Majority Leader, Republican Party officials, pundits, and a number of cabinet officers to replace. Depending on how much influence Russia exerted over them, of course.

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