Can you impeach and entire political party?

Snopes is unreliable.

No, it's not. Conservatives are unreliable. They said tax cuts would pay for themselves (they didn't). They said deregulation would be good for the economy (it wasn't). They said Saddam had WMDs (he didn't). They said Obamacare would kill jobs (it didn't). They said letting the Bush Tax Cuts expire for the top bracket would lead to a recession (it didn't). They said there would be hyperinflation in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 (it didn't). Pick any subject and chances are, Conservatives are wrong about it.

So that begs the question; why the fuck should we take anything you people say seriously?
cause you are you. you have now demonstrated how reliable we really are. thanks for proving that out for everyone.
Snopes is unreliable.

No, it's not. Conservatives are unreliable. They said tax cuts would pay for themselves (they didn't). They said deregulation would be good for the economy (it wasn't). They said Saddam had WMDs (he didn't). They said Obamacare would kill jobs (it didn't). They said letting the Bush Tax Cuts expire for the top bracket would lead to a recession (it didn't). They said there would be hyperinflation in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 (it didn't). Pick any subject and chances are, Conservatives are wrong about it.

So that begs the question; why the fuck should we take anything you people say seriously?
IOW, if I don't agree with you, I MUST be a conservative, is that it?

Are you really that dumb?

That would explain a lot actually.
While there is no proof of collusion, as hard as you've tried, it's rather clear Trump and Putin do not like each other to the point of pounding chests, and possible showdowns. Your ridiculous party needs to shut up and sit down.

Are you kidding? Have you ever heard of "posturing" before? How about "wagging the dog"? That's what this Syria nonsense is all about. If Putin didn't like Trump, he wouldn't have held court with Tillerson. He wouldn't have worked so hard to have his troll army use Russian Active Measures during the campaign. Look who is pushing the narrative of possible showdowns with Russia; all the people who were previously singing Putin's praises during the campaign. It's just another Russian Active Measure being employed by Conservatives that suckers like you buy into because you cannot bring yourself to admit you made a YUGE mistake voting for Trump and the GOP. These people have lied to you for so long...why are you still believing them!?!?

Collusion ran rampant among Putin, Obama and Hitlery. And it is proven.

No, it's not. Obama put sanctions on Russia. Sanctions that you guys opposed and lobbied against. Snopes says you're FOS, BTW.
dude, I'm splitting a gut watching your posts. do you have anything of value to post up?
Fitting that your defense of Trump's contacts with Russia is non-existent. Just like the Obamacare replacement plan that never existed.
he does? how do you know?[/QUOTE]

He does what? Know what? Are you a Russian troll too? Do you speak English?
Snopes is unreliable.

No, it's not. Conservatives are unreliable. They said tax cuts would pay for themselves (they didn't). They said deregulation would be good for the economy (it wasn't). They said Saddam had WMDs (he didn't). They said Obamacare would kill jobs (it didn't). They said letting the Bush Tax Cuts expire for the top bracket would lead to a recession (it didn't). They said there would be hyperinflation in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 (it didn't). Pick any subject and chances are, Conservatives are wrong about it.

So that begs the question; why the fuck should we take anything you people say seriously?
IOW, if I don't agree with you, I MUST be a conservative, is that it?

Are you really that dumb?

That would explain a lot actually.
don't insult the dumb.
Fitting that your defense of Trump's contacts with Russia is non-existent. Just like the Obamacare replacement plan that never existed.
he does? how do you know?

He does what? Know what? Are you a Russian troll too? Do you speak English?[/QUOTE]
exactly, so what is it you got? let's see your cards bubba. you been spouten off fairly frequent here. so play your card.
It is hard for me to believe that the GOP had no idea of the collusion between Trump and Russia. Not when Trump's eventual Chief-of-Staff, Reince Priebus, ran the RNC before taking the job in the White House. How could the RNC and by extension, the RSCC, the RCCC, Pence, McConnell, Ryan, McCarthy, Fox News, right-wing media, all of them not know or be a party to this? I am through giving them the benefit of the doubt. These people are compromised by Russian intelligence until they can prove otherwise. In the meantime, the entire agenda from Trump and the GOP should be put on indefinite hold until we can figure out what the hell is going on!!

Call us when your paycheck for being a Paid Dem Troll bounces.

The Issue is a dead one, much like the grey matter between your ears. The FBI, NSA, NSI, CIA, and Treasury all confirmed there is NO EVIDENCE OF RUSSIAN COLLUSION WITH THE TRUMP TEAM.

HOWEVER, there is plenty of evidence that the Obama Administration committed multiple felonies by disseminating Classified Intelligence, Engaging in Illegal Surveillance, and Illegally Unmasking American Citizens, who were supposed to be protected from such things.

You made my Ignore List instantly.
Good job on that.
Everything else appears to be a fail.
As you can see, the Republicans and Democrats are all in this together.

Actually no. Your post doesn't say that. In fact, the transactions that happened appear to be entirely private. Also, where is the proof of illegality? While possibly unethical, it doesn't appear to be illegal. What Trump and the GOP did by colluding with Russia was illegal. Hacking into the DNC in order to dig up info to use in an Active Measure campaign is illegal. You understand that, right?
IOW, if I don't agree with you, I MUST be a conservative, is that it?

Possibly. I don't know. You could be a Russian troll for all I know. Anyone who defends Conservative positions today has to automatically be assumed as working on behalf of Russia. Until we know the full scope and scale of Russian influence in the Trump White House, the GOP, and the Conservative movement, the entire agenda should be put on indefnite hold until we can figure out what the hell is going on.
dude, I'm splitting a gut watching your posts. do you have anything of value to post up?

Yeah, I don't believe you. I actually think you're pretending to be amused when in reality, you're extremely frustrated. You just don't want me to know how deeply I am cutting to the bone. It's OK. As I've said before, this isn't my first rodeo.
You can get rid of republicans any time you want. Or, you can try.You get right on that.

So you're missing the big picture...or you're being wilfully blind to it. Trump got elected by colluding with foreign spies. Trump was on the Republican ticket. Are we to seriously believe that Russia colluded with only Trump and not the rest of the party that nominated him?


Maybe you should seek help.
exactly, so what is it you got? let's see your cards bubba. you been spouten off fairly frequent here. so play your card.

I laid my cards out there. There are at least four active investigations into Trump's collusion with Russia. One of those is possibly a RICO case from the NY State AG. It only takes one person to start talking before the entire house of cards comes crashing down. How long do you think people like Stone, Manafort, and Page will stonewall before they finally turn informant? Judging by their personalities, not very long at all (I actually think they've already flipped and are helping build a case against Trump and whoever else is on their shit lists). And these are the kinds of guys who take people down with them. So expect to see them implicate a whole list of folks, from the Trump White House all the way to the Republican Party and Fox News.
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dude, I'm splitting a gut watching your posts. do you have anything of value to post up?

Yeah, I don't believe you. I actually think you're pretending to be amused when in reality, you're extremely frustrated. You just don't want me to know how deeply I am cutting to the bone. It's OK. As I've said before, this isn't my first rodeo.

Ah, a delusion of grandeur troll.
While there is no proof of collusion, as hard as you've tried, it's rather clear Trump and Putin do not like each other to the point of pounding chests, and possible showdowns. Your ridiculous party needs to shut up and sit down.

Are you kidding? Have you ever heard of "posturing" before? How about "wagging the dog"? That's what this Syria nonsense is all about. If Putin didn't like Trump, he wouldn't have held court with Tillerson. He wouldn't have worked so hard to have his troll army use Russian Active Measures during the campaign. Look who is pushing the narrative of possible showdowns with Russia; all the people who were previously singing Putin's praises during the campaign. It's just another Russian Active Measure being employed by Conservatives that suckers like you buy into because you cannot bring yourself to admit you made a YUGE mistake voting for Trump and the GOP. These people have lied to you for so long...why are you still believing them!?!?

Collusion ran rampant among Putin, Obama and Hitlery. And it is proven.

No, it's not. Obama put sanctions on Russia. Sanctions that you guys opposed and lobbied against. Snopes says you're FOS, BTW.

OMG You people are so easily swayed. You need to be more diligent in your quest for the truth, and resist the temptation to take the word of some idiot in the basement.
Snopes is an idiot and his wife in the basement of their home. And you think they are the Gospel and we're full of shit? I have a basement and I say YOU are ill informed, and my conclusion is every bit as valid as Snope and his old lady, in the basement, with a bias...
There ya go. :itsok:
The Issue is a dead one, much like the grey matter between your ears. The FBI, NSA, NSI, CIA, and Treasury all confirmed there is NO EVIDENCE OF RUSSIAN COLLUSION WITH THE TRUMP TEAM.

No. None of them have confirmed that at all. Quite the opposite, actually. We're seeing several key Trump and Republican figures recuse themselves from crucial spots in the investigations. Why would they do that if they weren't complicit in what is being investigated?

You should jump off this bandwagon now, before you crash with it.
. . .








do to stop him!
Of course there is. And you have revealed yourself as a neo-fascist follower of Mother Russia and Putin.

What Jake? What can you do to stop Putin from flipping all 25 Democrat seats?

Be specific
Putin can't do crap in local elections. The Dems would play anti-Russian interference cards. And what the demolite Trump is doing now only would help.
It is hard for me to believe that the GOP had no idea of the collusion between Trump and Russia. Not when Trump's eventual Chief-of-Staff, Reince Priebus, ran the RNC before taking the job in the White House. How could the RNC and by extension, the RSCC, the RCCC, Pence, McConnell, Ryan, McCarthy, Fox News, right-wing media, all of them not know or be a party to this? I am through giving them the benefit of the doubt. These people are compromised by Russian intelligence until they can prove otherwise. In the meantime, the entire agenda from Trump and the GOP should be put on indefinite hold until we can figure out what the hell is going on!!

So for months you tards have claimed Trump and Putin have been colluding. Now, for the past week you people have been screaming that Trump is going to start WWIII with the Russians. Which is it? Are they pals or not? You folks need to get your narrative straight.
dude, I'm splitting a gut watching your posts. do you have anything of value to post up?

Yeah, I don't believe you. I actually think you're pretending to be amused when in reality, you're extremely frustrated. You just don't want me to know how deeply I am cutting to the bone. It's OK. As I've said before, this isn't my first rodeo.

Chicken to post your cards?

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