Can you impeach and entire political party?

BTW, we're still waiting for your cards to be played. so far you have deuces and lost.

I still beat you with my deuces because you're playing Uno while I'm playing Poker.
I can think of other trails you most align with. and all of those smell like squat juice.

Hey man, just because Trump and the GOP and the folks on Fox and the ones on right-wing talk radio and those on the internet are dicks doesn't mean you have to be one too.
I can think of other trails you most align with. and all of those smell like squat juice.

Hey man, just because Trump and the GOP and the folks on Fox and the ones on right-wing talk radio and those on the internet are dicks doesn't mean you have to be one too.
breaking in the innocent is never an easy job. but thanks for playing.

You dropped your hat.

It's really interesting that after suffering through 8 years of wingnut conspiracy theories about fake birth certificates and college transcripts, suddenly those same folks are all skeptical about a real investigation into very real connections between the GOP and Russia.
The US House can impeach the POTUS per the Constitution and any Federal officer per the US Code Of Federal Statutes.The various States have similar laws."You" (and the mouse in your pocket) cannot do anything like that. You can only vote.

But what happens when the entity that should impeach the President is involved in the conspiracy?

What conspiracy? To leak Hillary's shenanigans to the press?

Q. Can you impeach an entire political party

A. No, but the Whig Party imploded and the Republican Party supplanted them (so, the Republican Party has experience in a party doing the wrong thing).

I don't think they'll be impeached.

I do believe a lot of them will be behind bars about 4 years from now.

Dems are mentally ill criminals. The more power they have, the worse they behave.

State Department Employee Arrested On Child Porn Charges

U.S. State Department official caught selling secrets to China

Daniel Rosen, former State Dept. employee, admits to secretly videotaping women

Q. How many members of Ronald Reagan's Administration were indicted

A. Lots

Reagan's was the most corrupt administration of the late 20th century

Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia

"By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever."
List of Reagan administration convictions.
you know you got em when they post with this.
What conspiracy? To leak Hillary's shenanigans to the press?

No, to conspire with a hostile foreign power and enemy of the United States to illegally hack into e-mails in order to drum up things to drip throughout the campaign. It's almost exactly what Nixon resigned over with two stark differences:

a) Nixon used American operatives to do the break-in, not Russian operatives
b) Nixon didn't publish or leak to the press what they found after breaking in.
(And if you want to discuss all of these people, donors, consultants, etc. that have had any tangential contact through out the years to Trump, the ones that have at one time or another been in contact with Russian spies or the Russian government, then you are letting the Deep State via the establishment press toy with you as a cat does a mouse.)

I'm not sure why, in this day and age, it is so hard for people to accept the most logical and clear determinations made by our intelligence community. If there was no collusion, why did Flynn resign? Why did Nunes recuse himself? Why did Sessions recuse himself? Why did Page go on live TV and admit to meeting with the Russian spy in Cleveland? Why did Roger Stone tweet about his buddies at Wikileaks and Guccifer? Why was Sally Yates canned? Why has Trump done a complete about face on Russia if not to distract from the FOUR (that we know about) active investigations into his campaign's contacts with Russian spies. Kislyak is the top Russian spy and recruiter in the US. This is common knowledge among the intelligence community and Congress. Particularly the Intelligence Committees, of which the head of the House Intel Committee recused himself from the investigation. Why would he do that if he wasn't complicit? It makes no sense. But then, a lot that comes from the right makes no sense. Not sure that dangerous ignorance is any better than active collusion.

The problem now is that everything these guys do is suspect. Are they working for Putin? Are they working for us? Who knows? Until we know for sure, their agenda should be put on indefinite hold. That's what they would do if it was Hillary who had these allegations.
All is not as it appears friend.

There is currently a civil war going on in the Deep State. Once, before this past election, both parties served the same interests. They still do, but there is the "do gooding" neophyte, populist interloper. They are quickly bring him to heal with great power.

Read these these two books if you have left leaning politics;

Or if you have FB, follow them;
David Talbot
Peter Dale Scott

If you are conservative leaning, I'd recommend this book;

The point is, you can't listen to the intelligence agencies, because it is the intelligence agencies that are the ones in control. They are the ones with the agenda, so everything coming from them are lies and distortions. You did know that George H.W. Bush was once the head of the CIA, right? And Obama was once a CIA agent? Did you now that Putin was an intel agent? Most every head of state in Isreal was an Intel agent.

Of all the organized crime on the planet, it isn't the Italians or the Israeli organized crime you must fear, it is the Russian organized crime. What ever you think you may need to know about politics, you won't ever read it in the MSM, see it on your TV, or hear it on your radio. No corporation will ever tell you what you need to know. If you want to know, you are going to have to read it, from a person that knows, either from a book, or a trusted blog from an expert in the field.

Most folks don't even realize that Wikileaks is a limited hangout, and Snowden is a honeypot.

TBH? Until I looked into this thread, I didn't even know what you were talking about, I didn't read the news b/c I don't have a TV, I rarely listen to the radio, and I don't take a paper. I read and listen to entirely different news. lol I had to Google CNN.

What if I told you, it makes no difference anymore anyway?

What if there really is no "us" and "them," any longer. Your oligarchical leaders just want you to believe it, b/c the fears you feel are convenient ways to keep you under control. Think on that.

The Derp, I hope you stick around, you're a hoot! You probably should update your talking points though, the Russian thing is dead.

You're about the only one that isn't embarrassed to try and be pushing that right now. :badgrin:

All the other lib shills have updated programming. :banana:
you know you got em when they post with this.

It is a bit of a non-sequitur to be sure, but they weren't the first to insert a non-sequitur into my thread.
deflection is used frequently in here. Like the fact that you still haven't posted anything that backs your OP. but again, the libs in here never do. it is standard operating procedure.
What conspiracy? To leak Hillary's shenanigans to the press?

No, to conspire with a hostile foreign power and enemy of the United States to illegally hack into e-mails in order to drum up things to drip throughout the campaign. It's almost exactly what Nixon resigned over with two stark differences:

a) Nixon used American operatives to do the break-in, not Russian operatives
b) Nixon didn't publish or leak to the press what they found after breaking in.

What did Trump do give Russia podesta password to his computer that was


You dont have a case what did Russia get in return, Trump bombing Syria and wanting to put more sanctions on him?

By the way this is the real comparison to Nixon and Watergate

What if there really is no "us" and "them," any longer. Your oligarchical leaders just want you to believe it, b/c the fears you feel are convenient ways to keep you under control. Think on that.

Well, being the liberal I am I have a duty to find the blue sky optimism in everything. I still have faith that our country will be able to turn this corner and self-correct. I think I do have a lot in common with those views you posted, and I seem to remember reading one or two of those books back in the day. For me, the greatest threat to our Democracy isn't the "Deep State", it's money. It's always about money. I think money corrupts our entire political system, top-down at all levels. It's money that allows the "Deep State" to function as it does. Personally, I want to see a 28th Amendment that says, very plainly, "money is not speech, corporations are not people, and all political campaigns are publicly funded with a ban on private donations of any kind". Until we rid the monied interests from our political system, we will never have a government that represents us.
From a historical perspective, what Nixon did seems quaint and childish. He tried to help cover up a burglary. Remember the horror over expletive deleted? Compared to what obama has done, Nixon was an amateur.
What if there really is no "us" and "them," any longer. Your oligarchical leaders just want you to believe it, b/c the fears you feel are convenient ways to keep you under control. Think on that.

Well, being the liberal I am I have a duty to find the blue sky optimism in everything. I still have faith that our country will be able to turn this corner and self-correct. I think I do have a lot in common with those views you posted, and I seem to remember reading one or two of those books back in the day. For me, the greatest threat to our Democracy isn't the "Deep State", it's money. It's always about money. I think money corrupts our entire political system, top-down at all levels. It's money that allows the "Deep State" to function as it does. Personally, I want to see a 28th Amendment that says, very plainly, "money is not speech, corporations are not people, and all political campaigns are publicly funded with a ban on private donations of any kind". Until we rid the monied interests from our political system, we will never have a government that represents us.

No the biggest threat was liberalism and Russia should be thanked for saving our constitution and leaking the dirt on Hillary... We now have Gorsuch as A Supreme Court justice for at least 40 years and a right leaning Supreme Court

breaking in the innocent is never an easy job. but thanks for playing.


You know Rocky lost in Rocky, right?
Rocky was the winner every movie. see again, you have no idea what winning actually is. but you keep hanging around us winners and you'll learn.

You think HIllary was the winner, because like Rocky she got the support of the crowd (public) by 3 million more votes.

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