Can you impeach and entire political party?

Since 2008 Democrats have lost 69 House seats and 13 Senate seats. At the State level Democrats have lost close to 1500 seats.

Yes, Conservatives did a good job of taking State Houses in 2010 which allowed them to gerrymander districts to give them an unfair advantage in the House. But never fret. 2020 is only 3 years away. That's 3 years of the Conservative base dying off because they're a bunch of old farts. So when the old Conservatives die off, who will replace them in the electorate? Millennials absolutely hate Trump and Conservatives. Boomers are divided evenly. So who is even going to vote GOP apart from the basement dwellers and neo-nazis?

And with the Russians now helping to defeat Democrats, there is no way a Democrat will ever win an election next year.

Unless and until the voting public opens its eyes and watches their feet, and not the lips of today's iteration of conservatives, we will continue on the road to an Oligarchy of the Power Elite and Laws which protect them; and the order an Authoritarian Regime requires to remain in power.
It is hard for me to believe that the GOP had no idea of the collusion between Trump and Russia. Not when Trump's eventual Chief-of-Staff, Reince Priebus, ran the RNC before taking the job in the White House. How could the RNC and by extension, the RSCC, the RCCC, Pence, McConnell, Ryan, McCarthy, Fox News, right-wing media, all of them not know or be a party to this? I am through giving them the benefit of the doubt. These people are compromised by Russian intelligence until they can prove otherwise. In the meantime, the entire agenda from Trump and the GOP should be put on indefinite hold until we can figure out what the hell is going on!!

If you have the evidence then present it and have Trump removed

If the evidence is enough but no one in power gives a damn feel free to try and do something about that as well Maybe try and restrict Federal power at the top instead of empowering it ever chance you get might be a good start.

However, I grow tired of the incessant whining. It gets on my nerves.

And yea, I know, Bush should have been impeached as well.

Tissue anyone?
Since 2008 Democrats have lost 69 House seats and 13 Senate seats. At the State level Democrats have lost close to 1500 seats.

Yes, Conservatives did a good job of taking State Houses in 2010 which allowed them to gerrymander districts to give them an unfair advantage in the House. But never fret. 2020 is only 3 years away. That's 3 years of the Conservative base dying off because they're a bunch of old farts. So when the old Conservatives die off, who will replace them in the electorate? Millennials absolutely hate Trump and Conservatives. Boomers are divided evenly. So who is even going to vote GOP apart from the basement dwellers and neo-nazis?

For one liberals like me in our youth grew up, got a job, payed taxes, got married bought a house had kids... And became conservative

No one born is a damn conservative they are all liberals ..

Also no one can do gerrymandering like liberals...

And with the Russians now helping to defeat Democrats, there is no way a Democrat will ever win an election next year.

Sad that after 70+ years of Conservatives screeching that liberals want to turn the US into the Soviet Union, it's Conservatives who are cheerleading an ex-KGB officer who has proclaimed very loudly he hates western democracy and wants to cobble together the old Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc.

When did you stop loving this country?

Russia saved our constitution... It was supposed to be our press but they had their asses so far up Obama's and Hillary's but it was unbelievable.

"Interesting"? That's too kind. Part of the specious attacks on President Obama were the product of low-life racists who've achieved so little in their pitiful life, and when faced with Obama's life achievements they came unglued. Hate and fear motivated their vocal and mendacious comments on then President Obama and his wife, and she proved to be an excellent role model for women, her children and the traditional values of America.

Hey, I'm a nice guy! As a happy-clappy liberal I don't mind giving people the benefit of the doubt. Problem is, I've felt like I've been giving the benefit of the doubt to these folks for the last 17 years. I'm done entertaining their low intellect. As you'll notice the questions I am posing to them are direct and relentless. That's why you see them trying to make things personal and emotional. It's the only playing field on which they can compete. It's easier for them to caterwaul like barnyard animals than it is to actually do the hard work of understanding policy. Ultimately, I think most of them are just lazy and entitled. They come from the "me" generation and think "greed is good"...completely ignorant of what happens to Gordon Gekko at the end of that movie. But I can't really expect these folks to understand movies. One of the goofballs on this thread said Rocky won in the first Rocky. What movie were they watching? Rocky lost in Rocky I. Everyone knows that.
I have stopped responding to The Derp, as since he is a goose stepping, kool aid drinking, low information, mind numbed useful idiot, who doesn't even look a Proof about his party, but just WHINES in his communist way, he is on my ignore list. I don't have time to educate the morons who frequent this site anymore. Like most of the flunkies that come out of public education, they didn't want to listen then, they sure don't want to listen now.

What better way to prove you're not an ignoramus than by proudly proclaiming that you're going to ignore someone?
For one liberals like me in our youth grew up, got a job, payed taxes, got married bought a house had kids... And became conservative[/QUOTE]

What are you talking about? All the Trump voters that swung the upper midwest to him (after losing the popular vote by millions) were poor, dependent, old, entitled people who don't pay taxes (because they're poor), who don't have jobs (because they were outsourced), and who are literally killing themselves out of despair. people were enslaved for 300 years, faced 100 years of Jim Crow, and have spent the last 50 or so years under the fist of the War on Drugs...but they aren't killing themselves because life didn't turn out the way they promised.

Seriously, Conservatives are such crybabies. Hitting the bottle and needle because the promises made to them by the people they voted for never came to pass.

Also no one can do gerrymandering like liberals...

So, interesting thing about the map you posted right there. You know why that district is the way it is? It's not partisan gerrymandering. If you look at the districts surrounding that one, you'll see they're all democratic. All of them. So why is that district funky looking? Simple, because that district has grouped a constituency together because of the ethnic/racial makeup of the district. All the Chicago-area districts are democratic. The reason they look the way they do isn't to dilute the power of the Republican Party, it's to group constituent ethnic/racial communities together so they are represented in the House.

That's not like Conservatives did in North Carolina and Texas, where they gerrymandered in order to dilute the Democratic vote.

So context matters. To people who care. Don't think you're one of those people who do.
And with the Russians now helping to defeat Democrats, there is no way a Democrat will ever win an election next year.

Sad that after 70+ years of Conservatives screeching that liberals want to turn the US into the Soviet Union, it's Conservatives who are cheerleading an ex-KGB officer who has proclaimed very loudly he hates western democracy and wants to cobble together the old Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc.

When did you stop loving this country?
Don't worry comrade, Vladimir will be sure you are working in a mine somewhere after the next election.
For one liberals like me in our youth grew up, got a job, payed taxes, got married bought a house had kids... And became conservative[/QUOTE]

What are you talking about? All the Trump voters that swung the upper midwest to him (after losing the popular vote by millions) were poor, dependent, old, entitled people who don't pay taxes (because they're poor), who don't have jobs (because they were outsourced), and who are literally killing themselves out of despair. people were enslaved for 300 years, faced 100 years of Jim Crow, and have spent the last 50 or so years under the fist of the War on Drugs...but they aren't killing themselves because life didn't turn out the way they promised.

Seriously, Conservatives are such crybabies. Hitting the bottle and needle because the promises made to them by the people they voted for never came to pass.

Also no one can do gerrymandering like liberals...

So, interesting thing about the map you posted right there. You know why that district is the way it is? It's not partisan gerrymandering. If you look at the districts surrounding that one, you'll see they're all democratic. All of them. So why is that district funky looking? Simple, because that district has grouped a constituency together because of the ethnic/racial makeup of the district. All the Chicago-area districts are democratic. The reason they look the way they do isn't to dilute the power of the Republican Party, it's to group constituent ethnic/racial communities together so they are represented in the House.

That's not like Conservatives did in North Carolina and Texas, where they gerrymandered in order to dilute the Democratic vote.

So context matters. To people who care. Don't think you're one of those people who do.

Nice spin, the democrat Chicago machine indoctrinated you well.

Good grief... not this stupid shit again. What next, Obama's a Kenyan?

Unlike the whole Kenya thing, there are four active investigations into Conservative collusion with Russia; The FBI, Senate Intel, House Intel, NY State AG (who looks to be forming a RICO case).

It's only a matter of time before any of the dirty assholes who helped get Trump elected turn on them. Manafort, Page, Stone, Flynn are not honorable guys. They are dirty assholes and are the type of dirty assholes who take everyone down with them because they're so petty. I happen to think some or all of them have already turned on Trump, and are working with the investigators as they build a case. Something of this scope and scale will take time. I am expecting at least one of those four goobers to start naming names any week now...
Good grief... not this stupid shit again. What next, Obama's a Kenyan?

Unlike the whole Kenya thing, there are four active investigations into Conservative collusion with Russia; The FBI, Senate Intel, House Intel, NY State AG (who looks to be forming a RICO case).

It's only a matter of time before any of the dirty assholes who helped get Trump elected turn on them. Manafort, Page, Stone, Flynn are not honorable guys. They are dirty assholes and are the type of dirty assholes who take everyone down with them because they're so petty. I happen to think some or all of them have already turned on Trump, and are working with the investigators as they build a case. Something of this scope and scale will take time. I am expecting at least one of those four goobers to start naming names any week now...

Sure... keep us posted Derp.

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