Can you impeach and entire political party?

Maybe they can impeach Trump because Hillary lost!!! YEA!!!! That's the ticket!!

I don't want Hillary as President. What I want is accountability for those who sought to work with a hostile foreign nation to illegally break into the DNC in order to steal information that was used to influence the election.

And Conservatives are defending those actions. Proving they don't understand what a criminal act is. And because they don't understand that, should have their entire agenda placed on indefinite hold until we can figure out what the hell is going on!
It would appear that it is possible to impeach an entire political party, after seeing the results of the November election. Democrats were wiped out.

Only because the GOP had Russia assisting them.
Since there is no evidence to suggest that this is the case, it would be better if you did not form this into a statement. Emotional assertions like this that cannot be substantiated are one of the many reasons why the Democrats got their asses kicked so badly.
Sure... keep us posted Derp.

What happens if I'm right and you're wrong? Let's just work hypothetically. Let's say, hypothetically, that the investigations result in charges against Trump and several members of his cabinet and the GOP. That would mean that the entire agenda of the GOP has been subverted by Russia. Which undermines the faith in the governing ideology to which the GOP has aligned itself. So like a house of cards, the entire thing comes crashing down, all the way to the local level. The liberals only have to tie their Conservative opponents to Russia and that's enough doubt to put the kibosh on the GOP and Conservatism.

I can see the debates now; Conservative says "blah blah blah, free market, blah blah blah derp derp tax cuts", liberal rebuts by saying "sure, you say that, but your party worked with Russia to subvert our election so how can we trust you to work in the best interests of this country?"

That is not a question any Conservative would want posed to them because they would have to defend their involvement with Putin and Russia.
A liberal is so predictable...

What's predictable is that you have to use memes to convey your opinion because you lack the creativity or work ethic to come up with something on your own.

Spot on, it is not only creativity he lacks, his hate for people he does not know is pathological.

He was born too late, he would have gladly opened the door to the ovens for women, children and men he never knew, and believed in some awkward mental gymnastics he was superior to them. In all honesty he disgusts me.
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Russia saved our constitution.

And this, folks, is why you cannot trust anything Conservatives say. They are Russian puppets.

No you all are the ones turning communist, when Reagan called the Soviet Union the evil empire you all were so aghast you almost peed in your pants, now that Russia is turning more capitalist every day to the point of Pravda running a op tittled "America never give up your guns" you can't stand them
And to think back with Jimmy Carter, he said that it was inhumane to keep insane people locked up. So they closed the asylums, from 2009 till early this year, the lunatics have ruined this country, and now some are here, trying to justify their existence.

Before the re-election of Barry Obama, he was against homosexual marriage, like the Clintons were, but after he no longer would be held accountable, he said he was for it. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.
If you have the evidence then present it and have Trump removed

Soon. The investigations are happening as we speak. Those who have seen the evidence have already said it is more than enough to prove collusion. At this point, the investigations are widening their scale and scope in order to see just how far Russian influence went. I happen to think it filtered all the way down the GOP to state and local parties. I think they were all in on it. They had to be. It defies explanation that the GOP leadership, Fox News, and right-wing media had no clue that Putin had compromised Trump.
Sure... keep us posted Derp.

What happens if I'm right and you're wrong? Let's just work hypothetically. Let's say, hypothetically, that the investigations result in charges against Trump and several members of his cabinet and the GOP. That would mean that the entire agenda of the GOP has been subverted by Russia. Which undermines the faith in the governing ideology to which the GOP has aligned itself. So like a house of cards, the entire thing comes crashing down, all the way to the local level. The liberals only have to tie their Conservative opponents to Russia and that's enough doubt to put the kibosh on the GOP and Conservatism.

I can see the debates now; Conservative says "blah blah blah, free market, blah blah blah derp derp tax cuts", liberal rebuts by saying "sure, you say that, but your party worked with Russia to subvert our election so how can we trust you to work in the best interests of this country?"

That is not a question any Conservative would want posed to them because they would have to defend their involvement with Putin and Russia.

Again it was the job of the media not Russia.. What happened to the transparency that your Messiah promised anyways?

If the evidence is enough but no one in power gives a damn feel free to try and do something about that as well Maybe try and restrict Federal power at the top instead of empowering it ever chance you get might be a good start.

This isn't about Federal Power at the top, this is about how a hostile foreign power infiltrated an all-too-complicit Conservative movement in order to subvert and undermine democracy just as you're doing right here!

However, I grow tired of the incessant whining. It gets on my nerves.

Boy, then you should have grown very tired at the incessant whining done by Conservatives the last 8 years. Whining that turned out to be caused by self-inflicted problems. All those fake Obamacare victims are really the best examples. Liars, frauds, and dumb barnyard animals.

Bush should have been impeached for sure. The fact that Pelosi took impeachment off the table, thereby not holding them accountable for their lies, allowed people like Sarah Palin, Donald Trump, and other crackpots, bigots, and dumbasses to flourish. I always say Obama was far too nice in 2009. If it were me, I would have done everything I could to press the boot to the neck of the GOP.
If the evidence is enough but no one in power gives a damn feel free to try and do something about that as well Maybe try and restrict Federal power at the top instead of empowering it ever chance you get might be a good start.

This isn't about Federal Power at the top, this is about how a hostile foreign power infiltrated an all-too-complicit Conservative movement in order to subvert and undermine democracy just as you're doing right here!

However, I grow tired of the incessant whining. It gets on my nerves.

Boy, then you should have grown very tired at the incessant whining done by Conservatives the last 8 years. Whining that turned out to be caused by self-inflicted problems. All those fake Obamacare victims are really the best examples. Liars, frauds, and dumb barnyard animals.

Bush should have been impeached for sure. The fact that Pelosi took impeachment off the table, thereby not holding them accountable for their lies, allowed people like Sarah Palin, Donald Trump, and other crackpots, bigots, and dumbasses to flourish. I always say Obama was far too nice in 2009. If it were me, I would have done everything I could to press the boot to the neck of the GOP.

You're nuts.
No you all are the ones turning communist,

How do we know you're not a Russian Troll employing Active Measures? I think anyone who is on these boards defending or dismissing Trump's Russia ties is most likely a Russian Operative who has been ordered to do this.
And to think back with Jimmy Carter, he said that it was inhumane to keep insane people locked up. So they closed the asylums, from 2009 till early this year, the lunatics have ruined this country, and now some are here, trying to justify their existence

You are confusing Carter with Reagan. Carter didn't close the asylums, Reagan did. That's what the cuts to Section 8 Housing were all about. Those cuts resulted in the explosion of homelessness. Why is it that nothing you say is true? More Russian Active Measures?
Before the re-election of Barry Obama, he was against homosexual marriage, like the Clintons were, but after he no longer would be held accountable, he said he was for it. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.

And Conservatives are still opposed to it. So why is it taking so long for you all to come around on it? WTF are you waiting for? Oh wait, I am asking a question of someone who probably also thinks interracial marriage should be illegal.
Before the re-election of Barry Obama, he was against homosexual marriage, like the Clintons were, but after he no longer would be held accountable, he said he was for it. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.

And Conservatives are still opposed to it. So why is it taking so long for you all to come around on it? WTF are you waiting for? Oh wait, I am asking a question of someone who probably also thinks interracial marriage should be illegal.

Derpy!! Derpy!!
Again it was the job of the media not Russia.. What happened to the transparency that your Messiah promised anyways?

Job of the media to do what? Lie to people with Active Measures? You keep skirting around the tough facts of Conservatives turning to Russia to win an election because they cannot win on the merits of their ideas or policies.

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