Can you impeach and entire political party?

I said going to capitalist, like China has... Any country that goes from communism to capitalist I support their efforts..

I recognize you from the debatepolitics boards! You copy and paste that exact same drivel over there. So you are one of those Russian trolls employing Active Measures, aren't you? Welcome to the "report" list, pal!
Never in a million years did we think liberals would become the enemy with in, from harbouring criminals with sancutay cities, to being upset their political nominee was caught rigging an election to putting men in little girls bathrooms.. The liberals lost any and all morals they once had

Nice little temper tantrum of non-sequiturs there. BTW - you should thank those cities. They're the ones generating all the tax revenues that red state welfare queen Conservatives use to plug the deficit gaps that come from their poor economic and fiscal policies.

You're welcome.

They switched party's you remember? From Third World democrat controlled only jobs were farming and textiles to Republican controlled and becoming a high technology manufacturing power house... It takes time to undo all the damage democrats do..

Just like it takes time in Detroit from democrats and Unions totally destroying that once great city.

Russia saved our constitution.

And this, folks, is why you cannot trust anything Conservatives say. They are Russian puppets.

No you all are the ones turning communist, when Reagan called the Soviet Union the evil empire you all were so aghast you almost peed in your pants, now that Russia is turning more capitalist every day to the point of Pravda running a op tittled "America never give up your guns" you can't stand them

"Capitalist" Russia? Russia remains an authoritarian regime under the thumb of a KGB thug. It is an Oligarchy of a Power Elite - Billionaires - beneficiaries to their benefactor and loyal to him (Putin). Russia, China and yes, the United States (sadly) have a similar political economy which can be expressed in one simple phrase: We Got Ours, Fuck the Rest of You.

Fortunately We the People of the United States have not endured the violence against to dissidents as have those who felt the wrath of governments in China and Russia; yet. Trump's promise of law and ORDER may simply be rhetoric, or a warning that he is the president and he believes his power is assume.

It can happen here. Communism is, Quelque chose dans le passé (something in the past); fascism has once again risen from the past and has infected governments far and wide, as it did in Nov 2016 here. The Liberal Paradigm is under attack, here and in the halls of The Congress. It is there time, but as proved during WW II good will prevail over evil, but at a cost.

I said going to capitalist, like China has... Any country that goes from communism to capitalist I support their efforts..

You on the other hand despise that progress..


Wrong, I'm pragmatic and comprehend the realpolitik, you don't, and seem to be easily fooled.
They switched party's you remember? From Third World democrat controlled only jobs were farming and textiles to Republican controlled and becoming a high technology manufacturing power house... It takes time to undo all the damage democrats do..

I find it interesting that as I continue to engage you on these boards, the syntax and literacy of your posts decline each time. Why is that? Is it because you don't know that much English and have to rely on Google translator? We can see it in your posts...they start off articulate, then slowly devolve into that mess up there. It's almost like a non-English speaker is trying to speak in English, but is too lazy to actually learn English so you just use Google instead.
I said going to capitalist, like China has... Any country that goes from communism to capitalist I support their efforts..

I recognize you from the debatepolitics boards! You copy and paste that exact same drivel over there. So you are one of those Russian trolls employing Active Measures, aren't you? Welcome to the "report" list, pal!

Quit trying to deflect commie pinko, your snobbish welfare hore snowflakes don't represent America we do...

Wrong, I'm pragmatic and comprehend the realpolitik, you don't, and seem to be easily fooled.

I think that dude is one of those Russian agents employing Active Measures on the message boards because those are his orders from Putin. How else do you explain the posts that start out articulate (and rehearsed), yet eventually devolve into broken English and syntax errors common for someone using an internet translator.
Quit trying to deflect commie pinko, your snobbish welfare hore snowflakes don't represent America we do...

Ahhhhhhh, I figured you out, didn't I? That wasn't too hard. No worries, buddy. I'm just gonna report you to these boards and the FBI. Maybe they can track your connection to the GOP and Putin! :)
Quit trying to deflect commie pinko, your snobbish welfare hore snowflakes don't represent America we do..

Can you help me understand why it seems like you're on a script at first, but the second you run out of that script your posts start to resemble a grammatical and syntax mess? Almost as if you're lazily using a Google translator because you don't know enough English to have a conversation?
Two seats I repeat just two little seats in the senate they were supposed to pick up 12 in Obama country and win it.
Link. And the fact remains that the GOP lost seats. And even in the minority, the Dems have made life very difficult for McConnell. He got Gorsuch (a good pick, I think) by rule gymnastics. And now Trump is showing his flexibility (flip flopping?) in adjusting to the reality that he has to work with the minority party as well as our GOP.
This retarded shit doesn't deserve a thoughtful reply.

Nah...I think it's because you have nothing to say because you know this shit is true and real and you feel like a total and complete fool for buying into it. Or you're just a part of the Russian troll army, in which case, fuck off and fix your own damn messes.
It's hard to defend something that isn't. ;)

There are currently four active investigations into Russian-Conservatism ties. We have to assume now that anyone who defends Trump on the internet is a part of the Russian troll army and is employing Active Measures.

Sorry in advance if you're not a Russian, but are just a dumb, stupid, gullible American
This retarded shit doesn't deserve a thoughtful reply.

Nah...I think it's because you have nothing to say because you know this shit is true and real and you feel like a total and complete fool for buying into it. Or you're just a part of the Russian troll army, in which case, fuck off and fix your own damn messes.

Dow I likewise know that water isn't wet?
It's hard to defend something that isn't. ;)

There are currently four active investigations into Russian-Conservatism ties. We have to assume now that anyone who defends Trump on the internet is a part of the Russian troll army and is employing Active Measures.

Sorry in advance if you're not a Russian, but are just a dumb, stupid, gullible American

There is not one active investigation into Russian-Conservatism ties you moron.
How exactly does an ideology make a deal with a human being?

Most likely because the human being is holding something over the head of to leader of the ideology. Something really, really bad. Worse than getting trickled on.

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