Can you impeach and entire political party?

There is not one active investigation into Russian-Conservatism ties you moron.

There isn't one. There are four. When all is said and done, this may end up being a RICO case. That is going to destroy the ideology of Conservatism because it will forever be tied to Russian manipulation. Basically, because Conservatives made a deal with Putin, nothing they say or do can be trusted to be in the best interests of this country. That's what happens when you sell out; you lose credibility. The fact that you do it anonymously on the internet is even more of an indication of your shadiness.
Never in a million years did we think liberals would become the enemy with in, from harbouring criminals with sancutay cities, to being upset their political nominee was caught rigging an election to putting men in little girls bathrooms.. The liberals lost any and all morals they once had

Nice little temper tantrum of non-sequiturs there. BTW - you should thank those cities. They're the ones generating all the tax revenues that red state welfare queen Conservatives use to plug the deficit gaps that come from their poor economic and fiscal policies.

You're welcome.

They switched party's you remember? From Third World democrat controlled only jobs were farming and textiles to Republican controlled and becoming a high technology manufacturing power house... It takes time to undo all the damage democrats do..

Just like it takes time in Detroit from democrats and Unions totally destroying that once great city.


Your simplistic revision of history is consistent with your simplistic thinking and therefore your ideology is built on a foundation of ignorance. Or else you're a damn liar.

Let's consider Detroit, and I'll be kind and leave your covert racism aside.

The Automobile created great wealth and a good income for many, and for many decades. It was managed by men who saw the future as a continuation of the past, and the good life would continue as long as they continued to do what they had always done.

Then the world change, and management didn't. First came the VW Bug, good mileage and great advertising; then came OPEC, and soon those Japanese Cars, small and with good gas mileage began to sell. It took more years before the management understood the new reality, and more years for them to change, retool and begin a comeback.

But then the reason for the collapse was pinned on labor, not the management, and soon states which were poor saw an opportunity. Blame unions and high costs of labor, not mismanagement, and the Right to Work euphemism was promulgated far and wide, but was nothing more than a union busting phrase; that was embraced by management, they could cut salaries, benefits and retirement compensation and pay themselves and their stock holders more.

Remember when public transportation was a major tool in moving people from home to work to play? Once again corporate America (the Auto, Tire and Battery Industry) lobbied for more freeways and less rail. To blame the Democratic Party alone is foolish, of course they were complicit on the local level, but it was the power elite's greed which harmed the City of Detroit and harmed the working men and women in the rust belt.
Your simplistic revision of history is consistent with your simplistic thinking and therefore your ideology is built on a foundation of ignorance. Or else you're a damn liar.

Poster is a Russian troll employing Active Measures. You can see it in the degradation of the language in the posts. They start off clean and articulate (because they work from scripts), but as the conversation and debate continues, gradually you see the language become choppier and the syntax gets all funky. That's because the poster is using an internet translator.
Emotional assertions like this are why democrats are no longer in power.

No, Democrats aren't in power because of a) gerrymandering and b) Conservatives sold out to Putin for short-term gain.
As I've said before, this isn't my first rodeo. I know trolls when I see them. The fact that they're so lazy, they don't even bother changing the script is just insulting. How could the GOP sell out to them? Are they really that desperate?
As I've said before, this isn't my first rodeo. I know trolls when I see them. The fact that they're so lazy, they don't even bother changing the script is just insulting. How could the GOP sell out to them? Are they really that desperate?

Dude... your posts are borderline insanity.
If the evidence is enough but no one in power gives a damn feel free to try and do something about that as well Maybe try and restrict Federal power at the top instead of empowering it ever chance you get might be a good start.

This isn't about Federal Power at the top, this is about how a hostile foreign power infiltrated an all-too-complicit Conservative movement in order to subvert and undermine democracy just as you're doing right here!

However, I grow tired of the incessant whining. It gets on my nerves.

Boy, then you should have grown very tired at the incessant whining done by Conservatives the last 8 years. Whining that turned out to be caused by self-inflicted problems. All those fake Obamacare victims are really the best examples. Liars, frauds, and dumb barnyard animals.

Bush should have been impeached for sure. The fact that Pelosi took impeachment off the table, thereby not holding them accountable for their lies, allowed people like Sarah Palin, Donald Trump, and other crackpots, bigots, and dumbasses to flourish. I always say Obama was far too nice in 2009. If it were me, I would have done everything I could to press the boot to the neck of the GOP.

Sure, the GOP whines as well about how Obama should have been impeached.

At the end of the day, all that ever happens in the federal government is whining to appeal to the base. No one is ever held accountable because they never want to be held accountable.

Dude... your posts are borderline insanity.

This is the problem with people like you; you bring nothing to the table. That's why in the seven years Conservatives were screeching like barnyard animals about Obamacare, you didn't have a replacement plan. Because Conservatism is intellectually bankrupt.
Dude... your posts are borderline insanity.

This is the problem with people like you; you bring nothing to the table. That's why in the seven years Conservatives were screeching like barnyard animals about Obamacare, you didn't have a replacement plan. Because Conservatism is intellectually bankrupt.

Really, go back and read your posts. They read like the rantings a small child of borderline intelligence.
Sure, the GOP whines as well about how Obama should have been impeached.

Only difference is, there was nothing to impeach Obama over. There seems to be plenty to impeach not just Trump, but all the Conservative conspirators who worked with Russia to get him elected. Obama had 0 -zero- people from his Administration end up in jail. Right now, it looks like everyone in Trump's Administration could be headed for jail for conspiring with a foreign enemy to undermine our elections. That's treason, you know.

At the end of the day, all that ever happens in the federal government is whining to appeal to the base. No one is ever held accountable because they never want to be held accountable.

This isn't a "both sides" thing. This is exclusively a Conservative thing. Conservatives had to sell out to Russia because they knew they could not win based on the merits of their ideas and beliefs.
Oh, that's rich.

Like most of your arguments, the goalposts always seem to move when it comes to who is Conservative and who isn't. They seem consumed with labels (teabags, Republicans, Conservatives, "Libertarians", Alt-right) when the only label they should have is TRAITOR.
Sure, the GOP whines as well about how Obama should have been impeached.

Only difference is, there was nothing to impeach Obama over. There seems to be plenty to impeach not just Trump, but all the Conservative conspirators who worked with Russia to get him elected. Obama had 0 -zero- people from his Administration end up in jail. Right now, it looks like everyone in Trump's Administration could be headed for jail for conspiring with a foreign enemy to undermine our elections. That's treason, you know.

At the end of the day, all that ever happens in the federal government is whining to appeal to the base. No one is ever held accountable because they never want to be held accountable.

This isn't a "both sides" thing. This is exclusively a Conservative thing. Conservatives had to sell out to Russia because they knew they could not win based on the merits of their ideas and beliefs.

You have yet to tell us how Russia got Trump elected.

This oughtta be good.

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