Can you impeach and entire political party?

You sound about as silly as Trump does at times.

I can already see you pivoting away from Trump as more and more bad stuff comes to light. I think you're just laying the "but he wasn't a real Conservative" groundwork now so you can shirk responsibility for the flawed ideology and demagogues to which you adhere and follow later.

You're not nearly as smart or clever as you think you are.

Hey, you're the one arguing your case based on "what if" and I'm sure".

Ya got nothing kid.
No, you stated your opinions. So far, there is zero evidence of any collusion. You claiming to be so means jack.

There's zero evidence if you ignore all the folks who have seen the evidence already. So what you're basically doing is sticking your fingers in your ears, shutting your eyes really tight, and shouting "derp derp derp derp" to yourself. In fact, you did the internet equivalent of that exact thing in a few posts on this thread!

You guys sure make it easy for me.
No bad stuff is coming to light kid... and I never for a moment took Trump to be a true conservative.

Yeah, that's what Nixon apologists were saying too. But then once it came, it poured. We just have to wait for these investigations to run their course. No one is going to fall on their sword for Donald-fucking-Trump. Least of all the dirty assholes he worked with to facilitate the Russian influence. Bannon, Page, Stone, Manafort, Flynn...these are shitty, dirty, untrustworthy guys who have no problem running a scorched-earth campaign against those who turned their backs on them. In fact, I think some of them have already been spilling the beans and are helping build a massive case against Conservatives.
No, you stated your opinions. So far, there is zero evidence of any collusion. You claiming to be so means jack.

There's zero evidence if you ignore all the folks who have seen the evidence already. So what you're basically doing is sticking your fingers in your ears, shutting your eyes really tight, and shouting "derp derp derp derp" to yourself. In fact, you did the internet equivalent of that exact thing in a few posts on this thread!

You guys sure make it easy for me.

You're not to be taken seriously. Cite one piece of evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians to influence the election. "I'm sure" doesn't count.
No bad stuff is coming to light kid... and I never for a moment took Trump to be a true conservative.

Yeah, that's what Nixon apologists were saying too. But then once it came, it poured. We just have to wait for these investigations to run their course. No one is going to fall on their sword for Donald-fucking-Trump. Least of all the dirty assholes he worked with to facilitate the Russian influence. Bannon, Page, Stone, Manafort, Flynn...these are shitty, dirty, untrustworthy guys who have no problem running a scorched-earth campaign against those who turned their backs on them. In fact, I think some of them have already been spilling the beans and are helping build a massive case against Conservatives.

Nixon, what did Nixon do?
Hey, you're the one arguing your case based on "what if" and I'm sure". Ya got nothing kid.

I have four active investigations. All you have are these desperate posts of yours and your early attempt to distance whatever "Conservatism" is this moment from Trump. But we know that when you do that, you're really just moving the goalposts in order to avoid responsibility for supporting this mess.
Hey, you're the one arguing your case based on "what if" and I'm sure". Ya got nothing kid.

I have four active investigations. All you have are these desperate posts of yours and your early attempt to distance whatever "Conservatism" is this moment from Trump. But we know that when you do that, you're really just moving the goalposts in order to avoid responsibility for supporting this mess.

Again, cite one piece of actual evidence.
Nixon, what did Nixon do?

Nixon did exactly what Trump did; conspire to break into his opponents in order to dig up material to use in his campaign. The only difference is what Nixon did was illegal, what Trump did is treason.
Sure, the GOP whines as well about how Obama should have been impeached.

Only difference is, there was nothing to impeach Obama over. There seems to be plenty to impeach not just Trump, but all the Conservative conspirators who worked with Russia to get him elected. Obama had 0 -zero- people from his Administration end up in jail. Right now, it looks like everyone in Trump's Administration could be headed for jail for conspiring with a foreign enemy to undermine our elections. That's treason, you know.

At the end of the day, all that ever happens in the federal government is whining to appeal to the base. No one is ever held accountable because they never want to be held accountable.

This isn't a "both sides" thing. This is exclusively a Conservative thing. Conservatives had to sell out to Russia because they knew they could not win based on the merits of their ideas and beliefs.

You have yet to tell us how Russia got Trump elected.

This oughtta be good.

Russia got Trump elected so that he would attack Syria.

Sure, the GOP whines as well about how Obama should have been impeached.

Only difference is, there was nothing to impeach Obama over. There seems to be plenty to impeach not just Trump, but all the Conservative conspirators who worked with Russia to get him elected. Obama had 0 -zero- people from his Administration end up in jail. Right now, it looks like everyone in Trump's Administration could be headed for jail for conspiring with a foreign enemy to undermine our elections. That's treason, you know.

At the end of the day, all that ever happens in the federal government is whining to appeal to the base. No one is ever held accountable because they never want to be held accountable.

This isn't a "both sides" thing. This is exclusively a Conservative thing. Conservatives had to sell out to Russia because they knew they could not win based on the merits of their ideas and beliefs.

You have yet to tell us how Russia got Trump elected.

This oughtta be good.

Russia got Trump elected so that he would attack Syria.


Well yeah, Trump is in love with Putin so he attacks his ally. But, we all know he got the OK from Putin first.

Nixon, what did Nixon do?

Nixon did exactly what Trump did; conspire to break into his opponents in order to dig up material to use in his campaign. The only difference is what Nixon did was illegal, what Trump did is treason.

See... you are ignorant. Nixon went down over the cover-up. There is no evidence Nixon knew about it until after the fact. He went down over the lies and the cover-up.

Again, how old are you?
ou wouldn't know a conservative if it bit you in the ass, Trump is a liberal with an (R) but you're so on the Fringe of the left you wouldn't know that.

Everyone's a Conservative until they do something that makes them look bad, then they're not.
ell yeah, Trump is in love with Putin so he attacks his ally. But, we all know he got the OK from Putin first.

He did. It is a fact that he called Putin first, before the airstrike. Putin called Assad, who moved stuff away from the airfield. Why do you think Trump hasn't done anything to Syria since? The strike was just for show to distract from the ties between Trump, the GOP, and Putin.
ell yeah, Trump is in love with Putin so he attacks his ally. But, we all know he got the OK from Putin first.

He did. It is a fact that he called Putin first, before the airstrike. Putin called Assad, who moved stuff away from the airfield. Why do you think Trump hasn't done anything to Syria since? The strike was just for show to distract from the ties between Trump, the GOP, and Putin.

You just can't make this shit up.

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