Can you impeach and entire political party?

ou wouldn't know a conservative if it bit you in the ass, Trump is a liberal with an (R) but you're so on the Fringe of the left you wouldn't know that.

Everyone's a Conservative until they do something that makes them look bad, then they're not.

Oh god if you never knew he was one of you, god help us

<Russian Active Measures!> DO NOT BUY IT!

So Votto is just following the orders from Putin. Spread disinformation, sow doubt, and cloud the issue with inarticulate mumblings so the real issue -Trump/Putin/GOP- is obfuscated.

But the thing is, you guys already used that playbook. So now we know what you're doing.

Yes, Votto is a Russian agent, You got him. Call the FBI kid!!
That is total bullshit without a single shred of evidence that indicates any of it

So why are there four investigations? Why did Flynn resign? Why did Nunes and Sessions recuse themselves? Why did Carter Page go on live TV and admit he met with Kislyak in Cleveland? Why did Flynn neglect to mention he discussed sanctions with Kislyak in December?

There is enough circumstantial evidence right now to bring to a Grand Jury. But the investigators are taking their time...probably because the conspiracy trickles down to all levels of the GOP.
ell yeah, Trump is in love with Putin so he attacks his ally. But, we all know he got the OK from Putin first.

He did. It is a fact that he called Putin first, before the airstrike. Putin called Assad, who moved stuff away from the airfield. Why do you think Trump hasn't done anything to Syria since? The strike was just for show to distract from the ties between Trump, the GOP, and Putin.

When you have the two biggest military in the world operating in Syria of course they will contact each other derp, so they don't start WWIII

It's routine with our pilots and theirs.
Trump colluding with Russian spies to hack into the DNC
1. you have no evidence of that "colluding"
2. you have no evidence Russia did the hacking other than parroting the same liars who claimed building 7 was not demo-ed
3. you HATE HATE HATE the TRUTH those hacks revealed....

a) CNN deliberately CHEATED and did COLLUDE with Hillary in an attempt to INFLUENCE the election by giving Hillary the debate questions before the debate
b) that the "fights" at Trump events were deliberately started by PAID HILLARY CAMPAIGN "workers"
c) that CNN and NYT and other "US" media outlets routinely sent "news" stories to the HILLARY CAMPAIGN for "proofing..."


So everything this Russian troll is saying is wrong. You can tell it's a Russian troll because of the syntax of the posts. It reads like someone put something into a Google translator.

Nice reply!!!
"So everything this Russian troll is saying is wrong. You can tell it's a Russian troll because of the syntax of the posts. It reads like someone put something into a Google translator."


"derp" wanted CNN to CHEAT and DELIBERATELY ATTEMPT to INFLUENCE the election by giving Hillary the debate questions BEFORE the DEBATE.

DEBATES do influence elections. CNN is guilty of deliberately trying to influence the election. Yet we hear nothing about this. We hear endless BS about Russia that has no facts to back it up, and the CNN cheating is ignored.

Dems are rather selective in their "outrages..."

If Dems are caught cheating (lying stealing etc.) it is the fault of the entity which outed the truth of the Dem cheating.

If the GOP is ACCUSED of something, it is automatically "true" and the biggest outrage (regardless of whether it actually happened)

Try putting that in the Google translator. The only thing I have in common with Russia is that I am a great hockey player.
Because one of the few things that Dimmocrats are good at is using the system to smear people

Democrats do not control the House Intel Committee, they do not control the Senate Intel Committee, they do not control the FBI. The only "Democratic control" could be the NY State AG, but the state AGs are non-partisan.
ell yeah, Trump is in love with Putin so he attacks his ally. But, we all know he got the OK from Putin first.

He did. It is a fact that he called Putin first, before the airstrike. Putin called Assad, who moved stuff away from the airfield. Why do you think Trump hasn't done anything to Syria since? The strike was just for show to distract from the ties between Trump, the GOP, and Putin.

When you have the two biggest military in the world operating in Syria of course they will contact each other derp, so they don't start WWIII

It's routine with our pilots and theirs.

I guess he never heard of "Deconfliction".
That is total bullshit without a single shred of evidence that indicates any of it

So why are there four investigations? Why did Flynn resign? Why did Nunes and Sessions recuse themselves? Why did Carter Page go on live TV and admit he met with Kislyak in Cleveland? Why did Flynn neglect to mention he discussed sanctions with Kislyak in December?

There is enough circumstantial evidence right now to bring to a Grand Jury. But the investigators are taking their time...probably because the conspiracy trickles down to all levels of the GOP.
There are plenty of normal reasons for all of that as the meetings were routine, and Flynn was let go not due to the Russian contacts but because he misled the VP about them.

None of it is nearly as bad as Clinton meeting the DOJ on a private airplane for an hour and a half to talk about an ongoing investigation on Hillary.
Because one of the few things that Dimmocrats are good at is using the system to smear people

Democrats do not control the House Intel Committee, they do not control the Senate Intel Committee, they do not control the FBI. The only "Democratic control" could be the NY State AG, but the state AGs are non-partisan.

So, if Republicans control all these why don't they just call off the investigations?
So, if Republicans control all these why don't they just call off the investigations?
Because Congressional Republicans are timid little lap dogs who do not understand how to use power

If this was reversed by party, the Dimms would have shut it all down months ago
So, if Republicans control all these why don't they just call off the investigations?
Because Congressional Republicans are timid little lap dogs who do not understand how to use power

If this was reversed by party, the Dimms would have shut it all down months ago

True... look, I'm all for letting this run its course. It will die off shortly.
Because Congressional Republicans are timid little lap dogs who do not understand how to use power


The "Republican" "leadership" does not trust Donald Trump, tried to undermine his nomination, gave all delegates from CO to Cruz without a vote, all because they have precisely no loyalty at all to the US,they aren't fiscal conservatives, they do not care about the budget, the deficit etc...

The ONLY THING the "Republican" "leadership" of today cares about is ISRAEL.

and that means keeping the 911 investigation CLOSED.

If the GOP Congressional leaders believe Trump is re-opening it, they will impeach him without stating a reason....
I agree, right after he gets his 3rd justice onto the Supreme Court, we should definitely think about putting his agenda on hold.

It's even money in Vegas right now that Trump doesn't last the year.

You should place your entire life savings on the "Trump gone" bet.
If they'd take a bet that small.

Which casino is giving you those odds?

Unless you're lying?
I agree, right after he gets his 3rd justice onto the Supreme Court, we should definitely think about putting his agenda on hold.

It's even money in Vegas right now that Trump doesn't last the year.

You should place your entire life savings on the "Trump gone" bet.
If they'd take a bet that small.

Which casino is giving you those odds?

Unless you're lying?

I'm sure he has amassed a fortune in his quarter jar.

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