Can you impeach and entire political party?

You sound about as silly as Trump does at times.

I can already see you pivoting away from Trump as more and more bad stuff comes to light. I think you're just laying the "but he wasn't a real Conservative" groundwork now so you can shirk responsibility for the flawed ideology and demagogues to which you adhere and follow later.

You're not nearly as smart or clever as you think you are.
And naturally since you are a stupidhero you are smarterer than all the Trump Voters. We wish that we could be like you, drool and all
Personally, I think this whole Russian thing is a diversion from something much more sinister. But, that is just my opinion.

It doesn't get more sinister than working with an ex-KGB agent who has stated his goal is to undermine and cripple western-style democracy so he can regain Russian hegemony in the former Eastern Bloc? What, is it a diversion from building a Death Star or something? What could be more sinister than that?
And naturally since you are a stupidhero you are smarterer than all the Trump Voters. We wish that we could be like you, drool and all

Spare me your self-loathing pity party. It's not my problem the facts and the way in which I present them make you feel stupid. Maybe try to separate your emotions from them?
Yes, Votto is a Russian agent, You got him. Call the FBI kid!!

How else do you explain the degradation of the language in his posts? That's weird, isn't it? They start off articulate, almost as if they're from a script, and as the debate progresses, they slowly start becoming less and less articulate to where they end up reading as if someone is just copying and pasting from Google translator.

We know that Putin has had his trolls doing this kind of thing for many years now. What's pathetic is that they haven't bothered to expand the script further. So what ends up happening is the trolls run out of scripted things to say, and are forced to push through a Google translated post, which undermines their credibility.
When you have the two biggest military in the world operating in Syria of course they will contact each other derp, so they don't start WWIII

So let's take this logic on through to its conclusion: you are arguing that relations between Trump and Putin have gone sour. You base this on the words being tossed out by the two sides involved in this supposed conflict. Assad gassed his folks, Russia knew about it, so Trump calls Putin first and tells him that he's going to launch missiles into Syria against the airfield from which Assad (Russia's ally) launched those strikes (with Russia's knowledge). Then after the missiles are launched with Putin's knowledge, they say relations are bad? Come on.
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There are plenty of normal reasons for all of that as the meetings were routine, and Flynn was let go not due to the Russian contacts but because he misled the VP about them.

Wait - hold on. Back up. What was it that Flynn "misled" Pence about if there was nothing but normal reasons (?) for a private citizen to be speaking with the top Russian spy in the US? I'm not clear on this. And what "normal reasons" would there be for Flynn to be talking with Kislyak?
Because Congressional Republicans are timid little lap dogs who do not understand how to use power If this was reversed by party, the Dimms would have shut it all down months ago

Well, it's not reversed mostly because Democrats didn't collude with a hostile foreign power who wants to undermine democracy in order to Make Russia Great Again.

And you think that the governing party -that may very well be complicit in this- should shut down not one, not two, not three, but four different investigations? How will that work? Republicans can't tell the FBI not to investigate. Congress has no power over what the State Attorney General of NY does. So you think the Congressional Republicans should just unilaterally put the kibosh on investigations over which they have no authority? Sounds fishy to me. Almost like they want to cover something up...
Personally, I think this whole Russian thing is a diversion from something much more sinister. But, that is just my opinion.

It doesn't get more sinister than working with an ex-KGB agent who has stated his goal is to undermine and cripple western-style democracy so he can regain Russian hegemony in the former Eastern Bloc? What, is it a diversion from building a Death Star or something? What could be more sinister than that?

Well, there is no evidence that happened. Yet there is evidence U.S. intelligence agencies were used to spy on political opposition.
Well, there is no evidence that happened. Yet there is evidence U.S. intelligence agencies were used to spy on political opposition.

First of all, those conducting the investigations say otherwise. Secondly, Trump's folks weren't the target of spying, but they were talking frequently to those whom the US, the British, the Canadians, the New Zealanders, and the Australians were spying. So that begs the obvious question; what were these people doing talking to Russian spies in the first place?
Millions of 1%ers know each other?

Those who seek to preserve the status quo do. These folks are wealthy, sit on various boards of varying companies and foundations, attend the same events and fundraisers, and all have an interest in preserving their stations. Because of money's outsized role in our politics, they choose and fund candidates who protect those interests at our expense. So we are left to hope that these plutocrats are benevolent enough to toss us a few scraps here and there. That's a morally, fiscally, and intellectually bankrupt way to manage the economy.
Well, there is no evidence that happened. Yet there is evidence U.S. intelligence agencies were used to spy on political opposition.

First of all, those conducting the investigations say otherwise. Secondly, Trump's folks weren't the target of spying, but they were talking frequently to those whom the US, the British, the Canadians, the New Zealanders, and the Australians were spying. So that begs the obvious question; what were these people doing talking to Russian spies in the first place?

Dream on Boris.

Millions of 1%ers know each other?

Those who seek to preserve the status quo do. These folks are wealthy, sit on various boards of varying companies and foundations, attend the same events and fundraisers, and all have an interest in preserving their stations. Because of money's outsized role in our politics, they choose and fund candidates who protect those interests at our expense. So we are left to hope that these plutocrats are benevolent enough to toss us a few scraps here and there. That's a morally, fiscally, and intellectually bankrupt way to manage the economy.

So a few of them know each other.
Thanks for admitting your initial claim was moronic.
It is hard for me to believe that the GOP had no idea of the collusion between Trump and Russia. I imagine you're used to grabbing onto things that are hard. Say, pretty please add some level of evidence of said collusion.

Not when Trump's eventual Chief-of-Staff, Reince Priebus, ran the RNC before taking the job in the White House. This looks like English, but has no meaning. Kind of like the Russian/Trump collusion libs. cling to, because they can't get over the butt-hurt of their failure.

How could the RNC and by extension, the RSCC, the RCCC, Pence, McConnell, Ryan, McCarthy, Fox News, right-wing media, all of them not know or be a party to this? You nailed it. All things Republican are Russian. Must be the common red that gave it away. Plus both start with the letter "R". Excellent deduction on your part OP.

I am through giving them the benefit of the doubt. That implies you once did. Hey it's your story, tell it anyway you like.

These people are compromised by Russian intelligence until they can prove otherwise. Oh look, a snowflake declares people are guilty until proved innocent. Remember, they declare that they're the keepers of liberty, human rights, and all that other stuff they hope to be responsible for. This is what we say Vs this is who we are.

In the meantime, the entire agenda from Trump and the GOP should be put on indefinite hold until we can figure out what the hell is going on!! Wait...........On one hand you've declared guilt while on the other you don't know what the fuck is going on? Good to know I'm on the right side of things, thanks.

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