Can you impeach and entire political party?

Not sure who says that, but Trump shot missiles into Syria to distract from the bad news at home. What did that airstrike actually accomplish?


What 'bad news" was that, Snowflake?

You fascist fucks are retarded, seriously.

I think Thursday night’s attacks are both less and more important than the rapidly forming conventional wisdom holds. This is a convoluted way of saying I see it a bit differently from some folks. And since I’m on a tight schedule, let me do it bullet-point style: I think the foreign-policy consequences of the strike are likely to be less consequential than the domestic ones. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has already said, quite emphatically, that the strikes don’t suggest any change in our overall strategy: “I would not in any way attempt to extrapolate that to a change in our policy or posture relative to our military activities in Syria today. There has been no change in that status,” [Tillerson] added. “I think it does demonstrate that President Trump is willing to act when governments and actors cross the line and cross the line on violating commitments they’ve made and cross the line in the most heinous of ways.”

Read more at: Trump Enforces Obama’s Red Line}
I'm not a defender of Hillary Clinton. I voted for Bernie in the primaries

So, you don't have an IQ of 70, you proudly declare you have about half that. :thup:

and only voted for Hillary because I didn't want a fascist puppet to run the country. Furthermore, Clinton got about 3,000,000 more votes than Trump. So it's not like the electorate wanted him. FYI - Obama's margin of victory in 2012 was 5,000,000 votes.

Oh, so 3 million Mexican nationals in California make up the "electorate?"

I have nothing to do with the DNC. All I am doing is stating what the investigators have been able to discuss openly. There's no partisanship in my message. I am looking holistically at the whole thing. I could really care less what the DNC thinks or does. They have nothing to do with Conservatism's love affair with Russia.

That you continue with the Russia lie at this stage is amazing.

You fascists are simply insane.
It is hard for me to believe that the GOP had no idea of the collusion between Trump and Russia. Not when Trump's eventual Chief-of-Staff, Reince Priebus, ran the RNC before taking the job in the White House. How could the RNC and by extension, the RSCC, the RCCC, Pence, McConnell, Ryan, McCarthy, Fox News, right-wing media, all of them not know or be a party to this? I am through giving them the benefit of the doubt. These people are compromised by Russian intelligence until they can prove otherwise. In the meantime, the entire agenda from Trump and the GOP should be put on indefinite hold until we can figure out what the hell is going on!!

And its not as thought this is the first time the Rs have screwed over the country.

No matter what else is going on, they work for the 1% first and foremost. Period.

Just the way the stooopid RWNJs want it.

Not sure who says that, but Trump shot missiles into Syria to distract from the bad news at home. What did that airstrike actually accomplish?


What 'bad news" was that, Snowflake?

You fascist fucks are retarded, seriously.

I think Thursday night’s attacks are both less and more important than the rapidly forming conventional wisdom holds. This is a convoluted way of saying I see it a bit differently from some folks. And since I’m on a tight schedule, let me do it bullet-point style: I think the foreign-policy consequences of the strike are likely to be less consequential than the domestic ones. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has already said, quite emphatically, that the strikes don’t suggest any change in our overall strategy: “I would not in any way attempt to extrapolate that to a change in our policy or posture relative to our military activities in Syria today. There has been no change in that status,” [Tillerson] added. “I think it does demonstrate that President Trump is willing to act when governments and actors cross the line and cross the line on violating commitments they’ve made and cross the line in the most heinous of ways.”

Read more at: Trump Enforces Obama’s Red Line}

Oh brother.

More revisionist history.
I think it is a good idea for the conservatives to move from communism to fascism. Communism has been used for so long that it lost a lot of its fear, plus it was so old. The problem will be that fascism will get old, tired and worn out too, but then it can go back to communism. The problem is, does communism need a McCarthy or can it alone put fear in people?
But know one seems to know what fascism is, so it might have a longer life span.
The subject is, some rich people know some rich people?
Very insightful.

No, the subject is that a small handful of rich people collude with one another to maintain the status quo that works for them. So they spend some of their tax cut money donating to politicians who pass more tax cuts, rinse and repeat.

No, the subject is that a small handful of rich people collude with one another to maintain the status quo

So next time don't say 1%ers all know each other. Just say a handful of rich people.

So they spend some of their tax cut money donating to politicians who pass more tax cuts

I guess that's why the top tax rate went down from 28% since 1988? LOL!
And some donate to politicians who want to hike taxes. So what?
After Fox Spent 2016 Campaign Promoting Wikileaks, Trump's CIA Director Now Calls It “A Hostile Intelligence Service”
CIA Director Mike Pompeo labeled Wikileaks “a nonstate hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors like Russia.” During the final months of the 2016 presidential campaign, Fox News frequently promoted Wikileaks, repeatedly hosting its founder, Julian Assange, and devoting 173 evening show segments to the documents Wikileaks obtained illegally in just the five weeks before the election. Sean Hannity, one of Fox’s most prominent personalities, was also the network's most gratuitous Wikileaks promoter.
You're missing the big picture, Derp! Trump got elected because you progressives ran Hillary Clinton...a sleazy, dishonest and totally corrupt candidate with no new ideas and more baggage than a New York to London 747!

I'm not a defender of Hillary Clinton. I voted for Bernie in the primaries and only voted for Hillary because I didn't want a fascist puppet to run the country. Furthermore, Clinton got about 3,000,000 more votes than Trump. So it's not like the electorate wanted him. FYI - Obama's margin of victory in 2012 was 5,000,000 votes.

Are you REALLY that stupid that you can't see that the leaders of your political party are using "Russian collusion" as a diversion from being honest about WHY they just lost that election?

I have nothing to do with the DNC. All I am doing is stating what the investigators have been able to discuss openly. There's no partisanship in my message. I am looking holistically at the whole thing. I could really care less what the DNC thinks or does. They have nothing to do with Conservatism's love affair with Russia.

I hate to point out the obvious here, Derp but we don't choose our President based on the "popular vote". We do so using the Electoral College. Donald Trump didn't bother to campaign in deep red States because he was intelligent enough to understand that he didn't have a prayer of winning in a State like California. Conservatives in deep red States are also intelligent enough to grasp that their vote really isn't going to affect the outcome so they have little incentive to turn out to vote.

I have no idea what you're talking about when you say you're looking at things "holistically"! If you want to look at things "realistically"...then you should realize that BOTH candidates would have run a far different race if the election was decided by a popular vote. Trump won because Hillary Clinton's Rust Belt Fire Wall was breached...something that Democrats simply didn't believe could happen. Trump's message to blue collar voters in the Mid West was simple...she could care less about you and has proven that time after time over the past thirty years. She won't bring blue collar jobs back and I will.

That message had ZERO to do with "Russian collusion", Derp! It was a traditional liberal voting block that turned it's back on the Democrats and voted for the other guy!
Once again...this whole Russian story is your liberal leaders dangling something bright and shiny in front of you so that you won't look at how badly they've FUBARED the Democratic Party! If you had any common sense at all you'd be calling for a complete leadership makeover of the DNC. Instead you've got a bunch of ancient career Washington politicians who have gotten fat and satisfied pretending to care about "your" issues! You think Charlie Rangel was thinking about the underprivileged when he was chilling at his villa down in the Caribbean? You think Nancy Pelosi is any better? Hillary Clinton was simply more corrupt than others. It doesn't mean they aren't corrupt.
OP says "I gave Republicans the benefit of the doubt 16 years ago when they lied about WMD." I got $100 says you support the Demonicrats.........Which is why I think you'll really enjoy this:
Put away the DNC talking points from 3 weeks ago - they're as stale and smelly as you are.

It's not a talking point. It's a legitimate question. What did the airstrike on Syria actually accomplish? What is the strategy?
I got $100 says you support the Demonicrats

I don't know what a "Demonicrat" is, but I'm guessing it's an attempt at a flame war.

By invoking de-contextualized statements from Democratic leaders who may have supported the war early based on the information they were being given by Bush, you're making a weird argument whether you know it or not. This line of defense you are using is very curious; you seem to be saying that the Democrats should have known better than to trust the intel Bush was giving them. And if that is your argument, I agree 100%. It's not unfathomable to me that so many people would have been caught up in the rush to invade Iraq, what with 9/11 and the Bush Administration painting Saddam as a threat to us when he really wasn't. So I am reluctantly OK with forgiving people for that. After all, who would ever imagine that a President would lie by innuendo in order to get the country into war? But there is no excuse now since it's history, since the Iraq invasion was a hair-brained idea, since it did not fulfill any of the promises made of it, and since it cost us trillions of dollars then and into the future as we now have to care for the millions of soldiers who fought in that war and returned with medical conditions and disabilities.

What did the Iraq War even accomplish? Nothing other than elevating Iran in the region.
Once again...this whole Russian story is your liberal leaders dangling something bright and shiny in front of you so that you won't look at how badly they've FUBARED the Democratic Party! If you had any common sense at all you'd be calling for a complete leadership makeover of the DNC. Instead you've got a bunch of ancient career Washington politicians who have gotten fat and satisfied pretending to care about "your" issues! You think Charlie Rangel was thinking about the underprivileged when he was chilling at his villa down in the Caribbean? You think Nancy Pelosi is any better? Hillary Clinton was simply more corrupt than others. It doesn't mean they aren't corrupt.

Honestly, man, the Democrats sold out 20 years ago and are now plutocrats. I have given up on them to actually fight for working people when all they do is fund-raise from wealthy technocrats and try to "triangulate" by conceding the shift in the Overton Window. So your screeching about the Democratic Party is falling on deaf ears. As unethical as they are, they did not collude with a hostile foreign nation in order to illegally hack the DNC. You say Hillary was/is corrupt...I suppose it depends on what your definition of "corrupt" is. If she's corrupt in the sense that she's owned by big money interests, I agree. After all, she spends all her time around rich people, so her worldview is shaped thusly. We simply cannot just cede all the wealth to the 1% and hope they are benevolent enough to toss us some scraps. We've been doing that since 1981 and we have nothing to show for it.
Once again...this whole Russian story is your liberal leaders dangling something bright and shiny in front of you so that you won't look at how badly they've FUBARED the Democratic Party! If you had any common sense at all you'd be calling for a complete leadership makeover of the DNC. Instead you've got a bunch of ancient career Washington politicians who have gotten fat and satisfied pretending to care about "your" issues! You think Charlie Rangel was thinking about the underprivileged when he was chilling at his villa down in the Caribbean? You think Nancy Pelosi is any better? Hillary Clinton was simply more corrupt than others. It doesn't mean they aren't corrupt.

Honestly, man, the Democrats sold out 20 years ago and are now plutocrats. I have given up on them to actually fight for working people when all they do is fund-raise from wealthy technocrats and try to "triangulate" by conceding the shift in the Overton Window. So your screeching about the Democratic Party is falling on deaf ears. As unethical as they are, they did not collude with a hostile foreign nation in order to illegally hack the DNC. You say Hillary was/is corrupt...I suppose it depends on what your definition of "corrupt" is. If she's corrupt in the sense that she's owned by big money interests, I agree. After all, she spends all her time around rich people, so her worldview is shaped thusly. We simply cannot just cede all the wealth to the 1% and hope they are benevolent enough to toss us some scraps. We've been doing that since 1981 and we have nothing to show for it.

As unethical as they are, they did not collude with a hostile foreign nation in order to illegally hack the DNC.

What do you mean by collude?
Did they ask/tell someone to hack?
How do you know?
What 'bad news" was that

Nunes had to recuse himself from the Russia investigation on April 6th. Trump launched missiles into Syria April 7th. Wag the Dog 101.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has already said, quite emphatically, that the strikes don’t suggest any change in our overall strategy:

And that strategy would be...? Merely lobbing missiles into a sovereign nation is not a strategy. Did Assad stop launching attacks on his people? No. In fact, hours after Trump's impotent strike, Assad had planes launching from that airfield.

AND Trump told Putin of the attack before it happened. Putin then told Assad who moved personnel and equipment away from the target. This this the strategy? Impotent showing of force? What are the next steps here for Trump? What is the strategy???

Not sure who says that, but Trump shot missiles into Syria to distract from the bad news at home. What did that airstrike actually accomplish?


What 'bad news" was that, Snowflake?

You fascist fucks are retarded, seriously.

I think Thursday night’s attacks are both less and more important than the rapidly forming conventional wisdom holds. This is a convoluted way of saying I see it a bit differently from some folks. And since I’m on a tight schedule, let me do it bullet-point style: I think the foreign-policy consequences of the strike are likely to be less consequential than the domestic ones. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has already said, quite emphatically, that the strikes don’t suggest any change in our overall strategy: “I would not in any way attempt to extrapolate that to a change in our policy or posture relative to our military activities in Syria today. There has been no change in that status,” [Tillerson] added. “I think it does demonstrate that President Trump is willing to act when governments and actors cross the line and cross the line on violating commitments they’ve made and cross the line in the most heinous of ways.”

Read more at: Trump Enforces Obama’s Red Line}

Oh brother.

More revisionist history.

Are you a spambot, Pillowbite? Another artificial stupidity routine that has infected the USBM servers?
Oh, so 3 million Mexican nationals in California make up the "electorate?"

????? Don't tell me you actually believe that shit.

That you continue with the Russia lie at this stage is amazing.

How is it a lie? There are four active investigations that we know about. Two of those investigations are being done outside the authority of Russia's enablers in Congress. If the FBI and NY State AG have been broadening their investigation, as we have been told, that's not a good thing for Trump.
I think it is a good idea for the conservatives to move from communism to fascism. Communism has been used for so long that it lost a lot of its fear, plus it was so old. The problem will be that fascism will get old, tired and worn out too, but then it can go back to communism. The problem is, does communism need a McCarthy or can it alone put fear in people?
But know one seems to know what fascism is, so it might have a longer life span.

What you progressive seek is a totalitarian state with a command economy and collectivism. That you have moved from Marxism to Fascism isn't a huge leap, nor much of a surprise. Stalin was in fact a Fascist, you are simply following the greatest hero to democrats.
I think it is a good idea for the conservatives to move from communism to fascism. Communism has been used for so long that it lost a lot of its fear, plus it was so old. The problem will be that fascism will get old, tired and worn out too, but then it can go back to communism. The problem is, does communism need a McCarthy or can it alone put fear in people?
But know one seems to know what fascism is, so it might have a longer life span.

How about instead we get Parliamentary Social Democracy where there are not just two political parties that dominate the representation in DC, and who are not forced to panhandle, bow and scrape for campaign donations from rich people? I think the solve for what ails our democracy is very simple; make all elections publicly financed with a ban on donations.

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