Can you impeach and entire political party?

????? Don't tell me you actually believe that shit.

I live in California, sparky. I went to the polls, where the signs were all in Spanish.

How is it a lie? There are four active investigations that we know about. Two of those investigations are being done outside the authority of Russia's enablers in Congress. If the FBI and NY State AG have been broadening their investigation, as we have been told, that's not a good thing for Trump.

Let's list all of the evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians.

Ready? GO!

Want to see it again?

Now, if we talk about the connections of Mob Boss Hillary and the Russians, the story changes, a great deal. One thing about you fascists, you ALWAYS accuse your enemies of what it is that you are in fact doing.
What 'bad news" was that

Nunes had to recuse himself from the Russia investigation on April 6th. Trump launched missiles into Syria April 7th. Wag the Dog 101.

Nunes provided the administration with evidence that you fascists had indeed illegally spied on him and his team, despite the state propaganda outlets having lied for weeks about it. WEe know for a fact that Rice and the NSA broke federal law when they leaked information to torpedo Gen. Flynn, despite the fact that the FBI later cleared Flynn of any wrongdoing.

Hey, that's how you fascists work. I was personally disappointed the Nunes recused himself. I want to see zero ground given to you fascists. Let's face it, you fascist democrats are a far greater threat to the Republic and the Constitution than North Korea is, and should be treated as hostiles.

And that strategy would be...? Merely lobbing missiles into a sovereign nation is not a strategy. Did Assad stop launching attacks on his people? No. In fact, hours after Trump's impotent strike, Assad had planes launching from that airfield.

AND Trump told Putin of the attack before it happened. Putin then told Assad who moved personnel and equipment away from the target. This this the strategy? Impotent showing of force? What are the next steps here for Trump? What is the strategy???


We have been bombing Syria for years. Obama funded and armed ISIS to try and topple Assad. What the missile strike was intended to do was damage or destroy the air base that the chemical strike was launched from. The chemical strike that Susan Rice certified did no exist. Obama and Kerry lied about "containment" of the Syrian chemical weapons, but fascists lie, it's really all you do.
I hate to point out the obvious here, Derp but we don't choose our President based on the "popular vote". We do so using the Electoral College. Donald Trump didn't bother to campaign in deep red States because he was intelligent enough to understand that he didn't have a prayer of winning in a State like California. Conservatives in deep red States are also intelligent enough to grasp that their vote really isn't going to affect the outcome so they have little incentive to turn out to vote.

Even if you throw out the electoral college and hypothetically campaign purely for the popular vote, Trump would not have ever been able to surpass Hillary and the proof is the jungle primary in California. There, anyone can vote for whomever they want, regardless of their party membership. The jungle primary in CA for the open Senate seat vacated by Boxer saw 4.4 million people vote for the top two Democrats. The next closest Republican received only 584,000 votes. Now, how could that be the case if what you say is true? In a totally open, fair primary where voters can vote for whomever they want, the top two Democrats received seven and a half times more votes than the next closest Republican. Senate primaries are not by Congressional district, so you can't use gerrymandering as an excuse. Not that you would anyway, since California has an independent commission that draws Congressional districts to avoid partisan gerrymandering.

I have no idea what you're talking about when you say you're looking at things "holistically"! If you want to look at things "realistically"...then you should realize that BOTH candidates would have run a far different race if the election was decided by a popular vote.

Not really. Both would have probably played more to their bases, and the Democratic base is larger than the Republican base. So Trump could run up the score in smaller states, but he would still be at a huge disadvantage in the big states like CA, NY, IL and others...

That message had ZERO to do with "Russian collusion", Derp! It was a traditional liberal voting block that turned it's back on the Democrats and voted for the other guy!

Old, white, working class voters are not a traditional liberal voting bloc.
Once again...this whole Russian story is your liberal leaders dangling something bright and shiny in front of you so that you won't look at how badly they've FUBARED the Democratic Party!

The Democrats aren't in charge. Conservatives are. The bright and shiny was the missile strike on Syria that was done the day after Nunes recused himself from the Russia investigation. Coincidence?
I live in California, sparky. I went to the polls, where the signs were all in Spanish.

First of all, I don't believe you. Secondly, signage in California is in not just English and Spanish, but Urdu, Thai, Mandarin, Russian, etc. It depends where your polling place is. If your polling place is in a majority hispanic location, then the signage will have Spanish. You seem to be implying that the signs were only in Spanish. So you fudged things a bit here. I also find it interesting that you have to rely on "take my word for it" as support of your position. Why should I take your word for it? Who the hell are you?

Let's list all of the evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians.

The evidence is currently with the investigators. I am just going by what the investigators have said. You're asking me for proof of something that they are currently investigating. So you're just flaming the boards at this point.

Now, if we talk about the connections of Mob Boss Hillary and the Russians, the story changes, a great deal. One thing about you fascists, you ALWAYS accuse your enemies of what it is that you are in fact doing.

How so?
What 'bad news" was that

Nunes had to recuse himself from the Russia investigation on April 6th. Trump launched missiles into Syria April 7th. Wag the Dog 101.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has already said, quite emphatically, that the strikes don’t suggest any change in our overall strategy:

And that strategy would be...? Merely lobbing missiles into a sovereign nation is not a strategy. Did Assad stop launching attacks on his people? No. In fact, hours after Trump's impotent strike, Assad had planes launching from that airfield.

AND Trump told Putin of the attack before it happened. Putin then told Assad who moved personnel and equipment away from the target. This this the strategy? Impotent showing of force? What are the next steps here for Trump? What is the strategy???

Did Assad stop launching attacks on his people? No. In fact, hours after Trump's impotent strike, Assad had planes launching from that airfield.

How many chemical weapons attacks has he launched since then?
Nunes provided the administration with evidence that you fascists had indeed illegally spied on him and his team

Nope. Wrong. Completely wrong. What Nunes did was get, from the White House, evidence showing Trump's team were caught on tape speaking with Russian spies. Trump's team wasn't surveilled on, but the people they were talking to were. So that begs the obvious question; why was anyone from Trump's team talking with Russian spies in the first place?

And if he did nothing wrong, why did he recuse himself?

Let's start with these questions because they don't seem to have clear answers.
I guess that's why the top tax rate went down from 28% since 1988? LOL!
And some donate to politicians who want to hike taxes. So what?

It went down from 70% in 1980. Context is key.

No, the subject is that a
small handful of rich people collude with one another to maintain the status quo that works for them. So they spend some of their tax cut money donating to politicians who pass more tax cuts, rinse and repeat.

Did those rich people stop donating since 1988 when the top rate was 28%?
With all the "rinse and repeat" since then, the top rate should be single digits by now.
We have been bombing Syria for years.

Yes...bombing ISIS, not Assad. Trump struck Assad with missiles, not ISIS. And he did it after telling Putin he was going to do it. Is Trump so dumb he doesn't think Putin will just go tell his ally Assad that missiles are coming? So what was the point of that strike?
What the missile strike was intended to do was damage or destroy the air base that the chemical strike was launched from.

Which it didn't do because fighters were taking off from that airbase hours after it was "attacked".

The chemical strike that Susan Rice certified did no exist. Obama and Kerry lied about "containment" of the Syrian chemical weapons, but fascists lie, it's really all you do.

No, Russia was supposed to contain those chemical weapons. That was the agreement. You need to learn the facts, dude.
First of all, I don't believe you.

Who cares? You are a fascist, which means you have a net sum of zero integrity.

Secondly, signage in California is in not just English and Spanish, but Urdu, Thai, Mandarin, Russian, etc.

No moron, the voters guide and ballots are printed in many languages, but the signs are "Vote aquí" and "Colegio electoral"

It depends where your polling place is. If your polling place is in a majority hispanic location, then the signage will have Spanish.

I already said, I live in California.

You seem to be implying that the signs were only in Spanish. So you fudged things a bit here. I also find it interesting that you have to rely on "take my word for it" as support of your position. Why should I take your word for it? Who the hell are you?

The signs were only in Spanish. My ballot was in English, but the signs designating the polling place were only in Spanish.

The evidence is currently with the investigators. I am just going by what the investigators have said. You're asking me for proof of something that they are currently investigating. So you're just flaming the boards at this point.

There is no evidence, just slander and libel from you little Goebbels and the party press

You really want to ask that?
Well Derp, you DID ask..

Mob Boss Hillary Clinton has made a career of selling favors to the extremely rich and powerful. From her early days of defrauding Little Rock Businesses with threats of crippling witch hunt investigations by the Attorney General, her husband and lackey Bill, to the brokering of uranium sales to Vladamir Putin, Hillary has been in the pocket of those who could pay.

The connections to big oil like Exxon Mobil, Duke Energy, Citi Bank, are well known. Exxon and Duke move Russian oil to Europe, the Clinton Mob has their hands in it. Citi is the major financier for the Russian oil trade working with Moscow based Alfa Bank. The Clinton crime family has received huge sums from Citi. Interestingly enough, many of the ties to the Clinton Mob also trace back to the Bush family, partially explaining the demand of Dubya that Citi be bailed out in 2008.

Selling Uranium to Putin:

{In 2015, The New York Times reported on the ties between the Clinton Foundation and its board member, Canadian Financier Frank Giustra, as a Russian company pushed for control of United States based uranium resources. In 2008, The New York Times reported that Giustra donated millions of dollars to gain access to the Clintons and used his relationship as leverage in a multi-million-dollar uranium deal in the former Soviet Union Republic of Kazakhstan, which Bill Clinton visited with him.}

This dirty little deal reveals the close ties of the Clinton Mob and Russia and illustrates the crime family working AS AN AGENT of the Russian government.

Direct Payments from Russia:

{In June 2010, Bill Clinton visited Moscow to give a keynote speech for $500,000 to Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank owned by Mikhail Prokhorov, who owns the Brooklyn Nets, Barclays Center Arena, and several other entertainment venues in Brooklyn. In 2015, The Wall Street Journal reported that Clinton received a personal thank you note for the speech from Vladimir Putin and a press release from Renaissance Capital noted that the conference was attended by several Russian officials and corporate leaders.}

A cool half million from Putin to the Clinton mob, no need for a go between. This was at a time when Mafia Don Hillary was Secretary of State and close to the time Barack Obama was promising "flexibility" in dealing with Putin.

Ties to the Russian Mob:

International crime is a major factor in our world. That an American crime family like the Clintons would align themselves with Russian mobsters is not surprising, and in fact fully expected.

Billionaire Mikhail Fridman, the founder and owner of the Russia-based Alfa Bank is one of the premiere heads of organized crime in Russia. In 2003, Bill Clinton presented the Golden Plate Award of the International Academy of Achievement in Washington D.C. to this close associate of theirs.

In 2016, Bloomberg reported that Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff Thomas McLarty III was advising Fridman’s company LetterOne about investing $3 billion in the United States’ healthcare system.

{Emails obtained from the conservative group Citizens United revealed that the Clinton Foundation staff pushed Hillary Clinton’s State Department to meet with Russian billionaire Viktor Veselberg, who has donated at least $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation.}

KGB Links:

The Russian Mob grew out of the former KGB, so it is of little surprise that many Clinton confidants are former KGB agents including Putin himself.

{Billionaire Gennady Timchenko, who is rumored to be a former KGB agent, acquired several holdings of Clinton donor Tom Steyer’s hedge fund in 2010.}

{Russian billionaire Leonard Blavatnik’s wife has donated $33,400 to the Democratic Party and gave the maximum donation for an individual, $2,700, to Hillary Clinton during her presidential campaign. Daria Zhukova, the wife of Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, a Putin ally, donated the same amount.}

The Podesta Link:

Last week I pointed out, as did many others on this board, that Mob Boss Hillary Clinton's chief of staff, John Podesta was neck deep in dealing with Russia. John runs the Podesta Group with his brother Tony. The Podesta group;

{in 2016 lobbied on behalf of Sberbank, which is owned by the Russian Central Bank. The firm also lobbied for a pro-Russian political party in Ukraine, the same one that caused Trump adviser Paul Manafort to resign in embarrassment after it was revealed that he worked for former pro-Russian Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. Politico reported that the revelations about Manafort were provided to the Clinton campaign from the Ukrainian government through a DNC consultant who met with Ukrainian officials at the Ukrainian embassy in Washington D.C.}


Hillary's Russia Connection

Speaking Fees Meet Politics for Clintons

The Clintons’ Neoliberal Dystopian Ties to Russia’s Billionaires
Nunes provided the administration with evidence that you fascists had indeed illegally spied on him and his team

Nope. Wrong. Completely wrong. What Nunes did was get, from the White House, evidence showing Trump's team were caught on tape speaking with Russian spies. Trump's team wasn't surveilled on, but the people they were talking to were. So that begs the obvious question; why was anyone from Trump's team talking with Russian spies in the first place?

And if he did nothing wrong, why did he recuse himself?

Let's start with these questions because they don't seem to have clear answers.

Oh kewl, let me click on your link and examine all the evidence you provided..

Da FUQ? there is no link, just more slander and libel from a fascist, based on nothing, backed by nothing...
Which it didn't do because fighters were taking off from that airbase hours after it was "attacked".

Zat rite, Baghdad Bob?

{quote]No, Russia was supposed to contain those chemical weapons. That was the agreement. You need to learn the facts, dude.[/QUOTE]


You sure lie a lot, even for a fascist.

Former Obama official Susan Rice’s claim just a few months ago that the Assad regime “voluntarily and verifiably” gave up its chemical weapons stockpile earned a full rebuke from a prominent fact-checker on Monday in the wake of last week’s chemical attack.

The Washington Post fact-checker gave the former national security adviser a rating of “four Pinocchios” -- the worst rating on their truth scale.

“The reality is that there were continued chemical-weapons attacks by Syria,” the Post wrote.

This was after another fact-checking outfit, PolitiFact, retracted its “mostly true” rating for a 2014 claim from then-Secretary of State John Kerry that “100 percent” of those weapons were removed from Syria.


Rice’s claim, however, was more recent. In January, she told NPR that the Obama administration was able to “find a solution” on Syria that didn’t require the use of force – and still dealt with the chemical weapons threat, using diplomacy.

“We were able to get the Syrian government to voluntarily and verifiably give up its chemical weapons stockpile,” she claimed.

Then came last week’s attack that killed dozens and that the U.S. suspects involved sarin nerve gas. The strike prompted President Trump to launch missiles late last week against the base suspected of being used to carry out the attack.

Rice’s comments about the 2013 agreement to purge the Assad regime’s chemical weapons quickly were called into question, along with the claims of other Obama officials.}

Rice claim on Syria chemical weapons gets 'four Pinocchios'
Obama funded and armed ISIS to try and topple

No he didn't. Obama did not arm or fund ISIS to fight Assad. ISIS is armed with the weapons Bush the Dumber spent $30B arming and training the New Iraqi Army who promptly dropped the weapons for ISIS to pick up when they turned tail and ran at the first sight of ISIS flags.

And ISIS is funded by wealthy Gulf Arabs. ISIS only came into being because Bush the Dumber had no strategy for Iraq (sensing a theme here). So he disbanded the Iraqi Army, criminalized the Ba'athists, supported the Iranian-backed Shi'ite Malaki who then ethnically cleansed Baghdad, driving those disaffected Ba'athists out of Iraq into Syria, where they had an easy time taking root in a country that had been in a civil war since the drought caused by Climate Change forced millions of Syrians into the urban centers looking for work. Rather than put them to work, Assad saw it as dissent and cracked down, which is how the Civil War started. In the void left by Assad's forces losing control and having to deploy to major cities, ISIS stepped in and took over. None of that has anything to do with Obama, who very cautiously did not want to get involved in the Syrian Civil War and directed the airstrikes against ISIS targets, not Assad targets.
It is hard for me to believe that the GOP had no idea of the collusion between Trump and Russia. Not when Trump's eventual Chief-of-Staff, Reince Priebus, ran the RNC before taking the job in the White House. How could the RNC and by extension, the RSCC, the RCCC, Pence, McConnell, Ryan, McCarthy, Fox News, right-wing media, all of them not know or be a party to this? I am through giving them the benefit of the doubt. These people are compromised by Russian intelligence until they can prove otherwise. In the meantime, the entire agenda from Trump and the GOP should be put on indefinite hold until we can figure out what the hell is going on!!
Show us evidence of this collusion before pretending people can be "unaware" of said non-existent collusion. The FBI have been "investigating" for so many months, and have released absolutely nothing. You'd think if this "collusion" were so evident, they'd have ANY evidence at all.

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