Can you impeach and entire political party?

Oh kewl, let me click on your link and examine all the evidence you provided..

Wait a second. Hold on. We have to go back to your last post, where you claimed Nunes had evidence that Trump's team was under surveillance (they weren't). That's not actually the case, is it? His team wasn't under surveillance, they were caught in surveillance of the Russian spies they were talking to. And that wasn't even us that did that surveillance...that was our British, Australian, Canadian, and New Zealander allies.

No he didn't. Obama did not arm or fund ISIS to fight Assad.

Your claim that water is dry, Obama Akbar, will be given the consideration it deserves.

ISIS is armed with the weapons Bush the Dumber spent $30B arming and training the New Iraqi Army who promptly dropped the weapons for ISIS to pick up when they turned tail and ran at the first sight of ISIS flags.

And ISIS is funded by wealthy Gulf Arabs. ISIS only came into being because Bush the Dumber had no strategy for Iraq (sensing a theme here). So he disbanded the Iraqi Army, criminalized the Ba'athists, supported the Iranian-backed Shi'ite Malaki who then ethnically cleansed Baghdad, driving those disaffected Ba'athists out of Iraq into Syria, where they had an easy time taking root in a country that had been in a civil war since the drought caused by Climate Change forced millions of Syrians into the urban centers looking for work. Rather than put them to work, Assad saw it as dissent and cracked down, which is how the Civil War started. In the void left by Assad's forces losing control and having to deploy to major cities, ISIS stepped in and took over. None of that has anything to do with Obama, who very cautiously did not want to get involved in the Syrian Civil War and directed the airstrikes against ISIS targets, not Assad targets.

That Bush was an idiot in no way changes the fact that obama in his zeal to effect regime change and put radical Islam in charge of Syria did indeed arm and train ISIS.

You blatantly lying does not alter reality.
<Russian Active Measures>

Not sure what any of what you're saying has to do with the lack of strategy from Trump and why, despite chemical weapon attacks by Assad on March 30th and April 4th, Trump launched strikes on April 7th, less than 24 hours after the news of Nunes recusing himself from the Russia investigation?
How many chemical weapons attacks has he launched since then?

Don't know. But that doesn't mean he won't again. He already used them once before since Trump's been in office. So why decide to strike now? And what happens when Assad uses chemical weapons again? Since he knows Putin would never let him get hit in any serious way by American bombs, what exactly did that strike accomplish?

Don't know.

When you find out, let me know.

But that doesn't mean he won't again.

Even after Obama said they were gone? Say it isn't so!!!
Did those rich people stop donating since 1988 when the top rate was 28%?

No. They're the reason the top rate is only at 39.6% today and not 70% like it was in 1980.

Rich people have been donating and donating since 1988 and the rates have gone up from 28% to 39.6%?

So much for the claim that rich people can buy elections and the results they desire, eh?
Your claim that water is dry, Obama Akbar, will be given the consideration it deserves.

Bush the Dumber should be credited for ISIS since they're using the weapons Bush gave to the New Iraqi Army, who dropped them as they ran away from ISIS. The price tag for those weapons and the training to use them by the New Iraqi Army? $30B. Down the drain.

hat Bush was an idiot in no way changes the fact that obama in his zeal to effect regime change and put radical Islam in charge of Syria did indeed arm and train ISIS.

Obama specifically did not do regime change. Obama didn't attack Assad. Obama attacked ISIS.

You blatantly lying does not alter reality.

You know less than nothing about this subject.
Oh kewl, let me click on your link and examine all the evidence you provided..

Wait a second. Hold on. We have to go back to your last post, where you claimed Nunes had evidence that Trump's team was under surveillance (they weren't). That's not actually the case, is it? His team wasn't under surveillance, they were caught in surveillance of the Russian spies they were talking to. And that wasn't even us that did that surveillance...that was our British, Australian, Canadian, and New Zealander allies.

His team was spied on using FISA warrants against Russian bankers, not spies as you directly lied. Rice then violated federal law and unmasked peripheral actors (that means those not under investigation, for the fascists on the board.)

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., now plans to audit files from the National Security Agency and White House to determine whether identities and conversations of presidential candidates -- or members of Congress -- also were swept up during NSA surveillance of foreign leaders. He also plans to review whether Obama’s National Security Council and White House counsel collected and distributed the intelligence for reasons unrelated to foreign intelligence.

“We will be performing an accounting of all unmasking for political purposes focused on the previous White House administration,” a member of the committee told Fox News. “This is now a full-blown investigation.”

Staffers on the Senate committee told Fox News they also have expanded their investigation into whether presidential candidates were unmasked and information was misused -- and what role former National Security Adviser Susan Rice, among others, played following reports that she requested Trump-affiliated names be unmasked.

For a private U.S. citizen to be “unmasked,” or named, in an intelligence report is extremely rare and typically only done if it has some foreign intelligence value. Typically, the American is a suspect in a crime, is in danger or has to be named to explain the context of the report.

The intelligence reports that Rice and others in the administration reportedly assembled are similar to what a private investigator might piece together, congressional and U.S. intelligence sources said. In some cases, rather than documenting foreign intelligence, the files included salacious personal information that, if released, could be embarrassing or harmful to the person’s reputation, U.S. intelligence and House Intelligence Committee sources said.

These reports were then disseminated to about 20 to 30 people who had classified clearance in the Obama administration hierarchy, these sources said.}

Congress expands 'unmasking' probe amid questions over Rice role

When they sent you over from the Soros hate sites, did they tell you that you would be able to post your lies without challenge?

Remember, your side ALWAYS lies, so that your handlers lied to you should be no surprise. Yours is a party with no honor or integrity, after all.
When you find out, let me know.

So, I see the specious reasoning here. Since Trump launched the airstrikes, no chemical attacks from Assad. However, what else happened since April 7th? Well, the Braves opened a new ballpark. So since then, there haven't been any chemical attacks by Assad. So SunTrust Field has just as much to do with the absence of a chemical weapons attack as Trump's missiles.

Even after Obama said they were gone? Say it isn't so!!!

It was Obama's mistake to trust Putin. The specifics of the cease-fire deal were that Syria were to give up their chemical weapons, and Russia would make sure of it. Well, Russia didn't hold up their end of the bargain.
His team was spied on using FISA warrants against Russian bankers, not spies as you directly lied.

Again, they weren't spied on. They were talking to people who were being spied on. So why were they talking to those people in the first place and why did they deny it?
Remember, your side ALWAYS lies,

Why was anyone from Trump's team talking to Russian spies in the first place, and why did they deny it at first?

I bet it was these two!!

Spies are spies... I bet even if they did, they didn't know it because you know, they're spies.
His team was spied on using FISA warrants against Russian bankers, not spies as you directly lied.

Again, they weren't spied on. They were talking to people who were being spied on. So why were they talking to those people in the first place and why did they deny it?

Again, they WERE spied on, though the Obama administration claims they were not the target. FURTHER you lied that the target was Russian spies. it was not, it was Russian BANKERS suspected of money laundering.

You're not very good at this.
Remember, your side ALWAYS lies,

Why was anyone from Trump's team talking to Russian spies in the first place, and why did they deny it at first?

Again, you are just blatantly lying. There were no spies. Bankers suspected of money laundering.

You fascists lie about everything. You think if you lie enough, people will come to believe the vicious bullshit you little Goebbels peddle.
When you find out, let me know.

So, I see the specious reasoning here. Since Trump launched the airstrikes, no chemical attacks from Assad. However, what else happened since April 7th? Well, the Braves opened a new ballpark. So since then, there haven't been any chemical attacks by Assad. So SunTrust Field has just as much to do with the absence of a chemical weapons attack as Trump's missiles.

Even after Obama said they were gone? Say it isn't so!!!

It was Obama's mistake to trust Putin. The specifics of the cease-fire deal were that Syria were to give up their chemical weapons, and Russia would make sure of it. Well, Russia didn't hold up their end of the bargain.

Since Trump launched the airstrikes, no chemical attacks from Assad.


However, what else happened since April 7th? Well, the Braves opened a new ballpark. So since then, there haven't been any chemical attacks by Assad. So SunTrust Field has just as much to do with the absence of a chemical weapons attack as Trump's missiles.

You've made a similar argument about tax cuts causing lower savings rates, you might as well continue your confusion between causation and correlation.

It was Obama's mistake to trust Putin.

Yes! Foreign policy wise, Obama was a moron.
Rich people have been donating and donating since 1988 and the rates have gone up from 28% to 39.6%?

Then back down to 35%, then back up to 39.6%. Should be higher. Both are still below the 70% it was 37 years ago.

So much for the claim that rich people can buy elections and the results they desire, eh?

Art Pope.

Then back down to 35%, then back up to 39.6%.

With all their money, you claimed it would be a constant downward ratchet.
Are you admitting your error?

Art Pope.

Ross Perot. Jim Oberweis.
Spies are spies... I bet even if they did, they didn't know it because you know, they're spies.

Or they did know it and worked with them, which would explain why they seemed to "forget" about the conversations they had. I've summarized it right here in my one-act play, The Forgetful Attorney General starring Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III

Sessions: I never talked to the Russian Ambassador

Everyone: Ummm...yes you did.

Sessions: I did talk to him, but just once.

Everyone: Ummm...looks like it was at least twice.

Sessions: OK, OK, I did talk to him, but not about anything serious and certainly not about the election.

Everyone: Ummm...but you met with him at the Republican Convention

Sessions: Oh, that wasn't political.

Everyone: Bullshit.

Sessions: I recuse myself from this investigation

Spies are spies... I bet even if they did, they didn't know it because you know, they're spies.

Or they did know it and worked with them, which would explain why they seemed to "forget" about the conversations they had. I've summarized it right here in my one-act play, The Forgetful Attorney General starring Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III

Sessions: I never talked to the Russian Ambassador

Everyone: Ummm...yes you did.

Sessions: I did talk to him, but just once.

Everyone: Ummm...looks like it was at least twice.

Sessions: OK, OK, I did talk to him, but not about anything serious and certainly not about the election.

Everyone: Ummm...but you met with him at the Republican Convention

Sessions: Oh, that wasn't political.

Everyone: Bullshit.

Sessions: I recuse myself from this investigation


So, you made up a bunch of lies to demonstrate your hatred.

Well, you ARE a fascist.
You've made a similar argument about tax cuts causing lower savings rates, you might as well continue your confusion between causation and correlation.

I didn't make an argument, I stated facts. Facts show that savings rates plummet when taxes are cut, and household debt skyrockets. So it's not an argument, it's a fact. Now why do savings rates plummet while debt skyrockets if "people are allowed to keep more of what they earn"? Because to make up for the revenue gap (aka deficits) created by the policies, spending is cut which results in higher fees on things like excise taxes, tuition, health care...all of which increased significantly during the Bush Tax Cuts. Which meant families had to get credit in order to send their kid to school. They did this by taking out an additional mortgage, getting lines of credit from banks, or credit cards. When Bush took office, total Household Debt was at about 70% of GDP. By the time he left office, it was above 100%. Now, how could that be the case if "people were allowed to keep more of what they earned"? We aren't talking about Public Debt, we are talking about Household Debt. Which is consumer debt. Which, according to you would not exist if people were "allowed to keep more of what they earn".

With all their money, you claimed it would be a constant downward ratchet.
Are you admitting your error?

I never said that. This is you creating a straw man.

Ross Perot. Jim Oberweis.

Perot ran as an independent, didn't he?

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