Can you impeach and entire political party?

Why are you changing the goal posts?

You are:

1. Tax cuts were initially billed as something so wonderful that create so much growth, we would be awash in so many revenues that there wouldn't need to be spending cuts because we would have surpluses as far as the eye can see.
2. When that turned out to be a crock, the goalposts moved to the pitch that tax cuts do increase economic activity, they just need time to work.
3. When that turned out to be a crock, the goalposts moved yet again to the new pitch that tax cuts only work when coupled with spending cuts (thereby negating argument #1)
4. When that turned out to be a crock, the goalposts were uprooted and moved to an entirely new playing field. One of emotion and philosophy.

So now we get to the point in the argument where one side (yours) eschews facts and evidence in favor of trying to make a highly emotional argument so you can stand on principle since you can't stand on facts.
What Hillary did has everything in this case in a court of law..

Thought you were talking about Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch? So...what are you talking about. You're using Russian Active Measures to confuse and conflate, but I'm not falling for it. Nothing Hillary, Bill, or Loretta Lynch did was illegal. I'm not defending the ethics, but you're trying to equate unethical behavior with illegal behavior to take the heat off the illegal and possibly treasonous behavior employed by Trump and his associates.

What you still don't think the circus courts in the US shut down trumps immigration EO by the constitution..

Trump's immigration EO violates the Constitution and does nothing to keep us safe. Most illegal immigrants in this country arrived on planes and overstayed their visas. Visas like the ones Trump uses to import foreigners to work in his domestic resorts
Why are you changing the goal posts?

You are:

1. Tax cuts were initially billed as something so wonderful that create so much growth, we would be awash in so many revenues that there wouldn't need to be spending cuts because we would have surpluses as far as the eye can see.
2. When that turned out to be a crock, the goalposts moved to the pitch that tax cuts do increase economic activity, they just need time to work.
3. When that turned out to be a crock, the goalposts moved yet again to the new pitch that tax cuts only work when coupled with spending cuts (thereby negating argument #1)
4. When that turned out to be a crock, the goalposts were uprooted and moved to an entirely new playing field. One of emotion and philosophy.

So now we get to the point in the argument where one side (yours) eschews facts and evidence in favor of trying to make a highly emotional argument so you can stand on principle since you can't stand on facts.

No emotional argument...

Simple math...

I have $10 bucks in my pocket, you force me to give you $3

How much do I have left?

And do you think I would invite you over to my house..?

What Hillary did has everything in this case in a court of law..

Thought you were talking about Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch? So...what are you talking about. You're using Russian Active Measures to confuse and conflate, but I'm not falling for it. Nothing Hillary, Bill, or Loretta Lynch did was illegal. I'm not defending the ethics, but you're trying to equate unethical behavior with illegal behavior to take the heat off the illegal and possibly treasonous behavior employed by Trump and his associates.

What you still don't think the circus courts in the US shut down trumps immigration EO by the constitution..

Trump's immigration EO violates the Constitution and does nothing to keep us safe. Most illegal immigrants in this country arrived on planes and overstayed their visas. Visas like the ones Trump uses to import foreigners to work in his domestic resorts

So you are telling us Trumps E. O. Is a thousand times worse then your democrat scum FDR by stealing immigrants homes and throwing them in camps?

What Trumped up charges and fake news?.

Pizzagate, for starters.

Debbie had to step down from the DNC and Hillary immediately hired her..

I am not defending Hillary Clinton. I voted for Bernie in the primaries. I think the DNC was a tool for wealthy plutocrats to protect their self-interests because the traditional home of those plutocrats (the GOP) had been taken over by troglodytes.
Well you live in an alternative universe because those union guys are one of the ones who pushed Trump to win..

According to Slate's analysis of the election, voters who fled the Democrats in the Rust Belt 5 were twice as likely either to vote for a third party or to stay at home than to embrace Drumpf.

So they didn't really push Trump to victory. Apathy did.

The ones who fled are retired numb nuts and took there pensions with them, that the blue states have to pay for..

Who is the sucker?

We are talking about the working man still in the rust belt

What Trumped up charges and fake news?.

Pizzagate, for starters.

Debbie had to step down from the DNC and Hillary immediately hired her..

I am not defending Hillary Clinton. I voted for Bernie in the primaries. I think the DNC was a tool for wealthy plutocrats to protect their self-interests because the traditional home of those plutocrats (the GOP) had been taken over by troglodytes.

Pizza gate that I never heard of till a week later?

I am talking main stream, not Wack jobs like you on the left and right that have nothing better to do...

No emotional argument....

Entirely emotional. The math and data do not support your case. Appealing to emotions and standing on principle is fine, but it is not support of what is ultimately an incoherent policy.

Simple math... I have $10 bucks in my pocket, you force me to give you $3 How much do I have left?

And what do you get for the $3 "forced (!)" from you? Infrastructure, schools, health care, etc. All of which strengthens revenues.
So you are telling us Trumps E. O. Is a thousand times worse then your democrat scum FDR by stealing immigrants homes and throwing them in camps?.

If all you can do is build straw men, I think we're done here.
Pizza gate that I never heard of till a week later?.

So, if I go back and look at all your posts, I won't find any Russian Active Measures about Pizzagate?

I am talking main stream, not Wack jobs like you on the left and right that have nothing better to do...

Not sure what you mean here. You're going off-script.
No emotional argument....

Entirely emotional. The math and data do not support your case. Appealing to emotions and standing on principle is fine, but it is not support of what is ultimately an incoherent policy.

Simple math... I have $10 bucks in my pocket, you force me to give you $3 How much do I have left?

And what do you get for the $3 "forced (!)" from you? Infrastructure, schools, health care, etc. All of which strengthens revenues.

And what do the kids, pregnant single mothers, homeless people get from me if I put that $3 bucks straight in their pockets?
And what do the kids, pregnant single mothers, homeless people get from me if I put that $3 bucks straight in their pockets?

Giving directly to homeless people might make you feel better for a moment, but ultimately it's not what they need. What they need is food, shelter, health care, and a job. Giving a homeless person $3 on the street solves none of those problems in the long-term. And furthermore, we shouldn't have to rely on the benevolence of a few in order to help the needy. That sort of patriarchal nonsense is and always has been a joke.

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