Can you impeach and entire political party?

When you have the two biggest military in the world operating in Syria of course they will contact each other derp, so they don't start WWIII

So let's take this logic on through to its conclusion: you are arguing that relations between Trump and Putin have gone sour. You base this on the words being tossed out by the two sides involved in this supposed conflict. Assad gassed his folks, Russia knew about it, so Trump calls Putin first and tells him that he's going to launch missiles into Syria against the airfield from which Assad (Russia's ally) launched those strikes (with Russia's knowledge). Then after the missiles are launched with Putin's knowledge, they say relations are bad? Come on.

Oh god again they do it all the time..
I imagine you're used to grabbing onto things that are hard. Say, pretty please add some level of evidence of said collusion.

The evidence is in the investigations. The people conducting the investigations say there is plenty of evidence. Our allies say there is plenty of evidence. I have no reason to doubt them. But I have plenty of reason to doubt Trump, the GOP, and Conservatives in general.

This looks like English, but has no meaning. Kind of like the Russian/Trump collusion libs. cling to, because they can't get over the butt-hurt of their failure.

Trump colluded with Russia. Trump associates colluded with Russia. Elected GOP representatives colluded with Russia. The RNC was "closely" working with the Trump campaign. So.....if Russia was working with Trump, and Trump was working with the GOP, then the GOP was also working with Russia.

You nailed it. All things Republican are Russian. Must be the common red that gave it away. Plus both start with the letter "R". Excellent deduction on your part OP.

Unfortunately, because of their collusion we have to work from the assumption that the GOP agenda is Putin's agenda. That's why the whole thing (legislation, appointments, nominee confirmations, etc.) should be put on indefinite hold until the investigations are done. It's the only way we can be sure.

That implies you once did. Hey it's your story, tell it anyway you like.

I did. About 16 years ago. Then they lied about WMDs in Iraq and I haven't given them the benefit of the doubt since.

Oh look, a snowflake declares people are guilty until proved innocent. Remember, they declare that they're the keepers of liberty, human rights, and all that other stuff they hope to be responsible for. This is what we say Vs this is who we are.

When there's smoke...
I'd bet that when this is all over we'll find:

Trump, himself did not collude, communicate or was even aware that some of his team was in communications with the Russians.

Several of Trump's team DID communicate with the Russians, but those communications was not criminal.

One or more of Trump's team did collude with the Russians and will be brought up on criminal charges.

Trump was influenced by members of his team to have a benevolent policy towards the Russians, but did not know that they were communicating with the Russians.

Trump will declare himself to have been betrayed by those on his team that communicated with the Russians.
Trump colluded with Russia


And, behold... the American people got THE TRUTH the Dems hate....

1. CNN gave the debate questions to Hillary before the debate - there's the only deliberate COLLUSION of the 2016 election
2. the fights at Trump events were started by paid Hillary campaign workers as the pro-Hillary media blamed Trump
3. The "US" news media routinely sent "news" "stories" to the Hillary campaign for "proofing."

Your side LOST because the American people got the TRUTH about what SCUM your party really is...
Oh god again they do it all the time..

So, like, Israel calls on over to Iran before they launch an airstrike on a Hezbollah target in Lebanon, just to let them know they're going to launch the strike? Come on, man.

"Hey, Iran? It's Israel"

"O hai Israel! Long time no talk? What's up?"

"Just wanted to give you a heads those guys of yours in Lebanon launched some missiles at Tel Aviv. We were gonna strike back at them with our jets. Cool?"

"Yeah, sure...I'll let them know you're coming so they can move. bye bae! Salaam Alaikum"

"Shalom Alecheim to you too! ;*"
The Rube Mind

Election Flips Views of the Economy
April 17, 2017

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: “Trump’s election did more than change the expectations of Republicans and Democrats about the economy’s future performance. It altered their assessments of the economy’s actual performance.”

“When GOP voters in Wisconsin were asked last October whether the economy had gotten better or worse ‘over the past year,’ they said ‘worse’ — by a margin of 28 points. But when they were asked the very same question last month, they said ‘better’ — by a margin of 54 points. That’s a net swing of 82 percentage points between late October 2016 and mid-March 2017.”
I wouldn't call your stupid claim a red herring.

No, the red herring was you choosing to focus on the parsing of words. Obviously because the larger argument is not one in which you can hang.

Your words said the top 1% all know each other. In the US that's over 3 million people.
Do you want to back up your claim? Or admit it was idiotic?
I'd bet that when this is all over we'll find:
Trump, himself did not collude, communicate or was even aware that some of his team was in communications with the Russians.
Several of Trump's team DID communicate with the Russians, but those communications was not criminal.
One or more of Trump's team did collude with the Russians and will be brought up on criminal charges.
Trump was influenced by members of his team to have a benevolent policy towards the Russians, but did not know that they were communicating with the Russians.
Trump will declare himself to have been betrayed by those on his team that communicated with the Russians.

I think that's best-case scenario at this point. I also think you give Trump too much credit and competence. The folks involved in this; Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Carter Page, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort are not honorable men. So they would have no problem rolling over on Trump. You think Roger Stone is going to fall on his sword for Donald-fucking-Trump? Not likely. I think one or more of those guys have already flipped and are assisting in the investigations. These are the kinds of dirty guys who enact scorched-earth policies. If they are going down, they are going to take as many folks as they can down with them. You can bet all of them have all the communication documented and recorded specifically for these circumstances as an insurance policy. The longer the investigations go, the bigger they're going to get. It's in Trump and the GOP's interests to have these investigations be brief, or not at all. That's what Nunes was trying to do. It's what Gowdy will do. It's certainly what Senate Republicans will do. Thankfully, the FBI and NY State AG are investigating too.
Your words said the top 1% all know each other. In the US that's over 3 million people.Do you want to back up your claim? Or admit it was idiotic?

It was an exaggeration, sure. Speaking facetiously, of course. But the real question is why you seem so compelled to focus on that and not the subject?
Your words said the top 1% all know each other. In the US that's over 3 million people.Do you want to back up your claim? Or admit it was idiotic?

It was an exaggeration, sure. Speaking facetiously, of course. But the real question is why you seem so compelled to focus on that and not the subject?

The subject is, some rich people know some rich people?
Very insightful.
You can get rid of republicans any time you want. Or, you can try.You get right on that.

So you're missing the big picture...or you're being wilfully blind to it. Trump got elected by colluding with foreign spies. Trump was on the Republican ticket. Are we to seriously believe that Russia colluded with only Trump and not the rest of the party that nominated him?

You're missing the big picture, Derp! Trump got elected because you progressives ran Hillary Clinton...a sleazy, dishonest and totally corrupt candidate with no new ideas and more baggage than a New York to London 747!

Are you REALLY that stupid that you can't see that the leaders of your political party are using "Russian collusion" as a diversion from being honest about WHY they just lost that election?
The subject is, some rich people know some rich people?
Very insightful.

No, the subject is that a small handful of rich people collude with one another to maintain the status quo that works for them. So they spend some of their tax cut money donating to politicians who pass more tax cuts, rinse and repeat.
You're missing the big picture, Derp! Trump got elected because you progressives ran Hillary Clinton...a sleazy, dishonest and totally corrupt candidate with no new ideas and more baggage than a New York to London 747!

I'm not a defender of Hillary Clinton. I voted for Bernie in the primaries and only voted for Hillary because I didn't want a fascist puppet to run the country. Furthermore, Clinton got about 3,000,000 more votes than Trump. So it's not like the electorate wanted him. FYI - Obama's margin of victory in 2012 was 5,000,000 votes.

Are you REALLY that stupid that you can't see that the leaders of your political party are using "Russian collusion" as a diversion from being honest about WHY they just lost that election?

I have nothing to do with the DNC. All I am doing is stating what the investigators have been able to discuss openly. There's no partisanship in my message. I am looking holistically at the whole thing. I could really care less what the DNC thinks or does. They have nothing to do with Conservatism's love affair with Russia.

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